The Wandering Wolf.

By The-Last-Wolf1998

277K 9.9K 1.2K

Erik Stark is the eldest son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. Heir To WinterFell, but Erik has followed his own p... More

Erik Stark.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 9.
Part 10.
Part 11.
Part 12.
Part 13.
Part 14.
Part 15.
Part 16.
Part 17.
Part 18.
Part 19.
Part 20.
Part 21.
Part 22.
Part 23.
Part 24.
Part 25.
Part 26.
Part 27.
Part 28.
Part 29,
Part 30.
Part 31.
Part 32.
Part 33.
Part 34.
Part 35
Part 36.
Part 37,
Part 38,
Part 39.
Part 40.
Part 41.
Part 42.
Part 44.
Part 45,
Part 46.
Part 47.
Part 48.
Part 49.
Part 50.
Part 51.
Part 52.
Part 53.
Part 54.
Part 55.
Part 56.
Part 57.
Part 58
Part 59.
Part 60.
Part 61.
Part 62.
Part 63.
Part 64.
Part 65.
Part 66.
Part 67
Part 68.
Part 69.
Part 70.
Part 71.
Part 72.
Part 73.

Part 43.

3K 112 13
By The-Last-Wolf1998

Erik's Pov,

"You don't have to go, Erik." Daenerys says as I stand next to my horse. While the men are already mounted up.

"But I do, Jon's been yelling about a Night King, so I will go see if the threat is real. I'll only be gone for some weeks." I say, and she takes my hands in hers.

"Months, I don't even want you gone for  an hour, and now you're talking about weeks." Dany says, and I give her my best smile.

"Yes, maybe months, but you'll have to lead WinterFell in my leave, so my queen, i hope you're ready to deal with a bunch of stubborn Northerners."I say and with my smile.

"If you don't come back Erik Stark I will drag you back before feeding your cock to the wolves." She says and I place a peck against her lips.

"You would miss it too much, but I promise you I will come back." I whisper as I lean my forehead against hers.

"Aye, we are ready." Corwyn says, making me kiss Dany's forehead before pulling away.

"I love you, my Dragon."

"I love you too, my wolf ." She counters, and I pull away from her before mounting my horse.

A Month  Later.

Reaching castle black with my men the gates soon open for us as we ride in, the journey was long! And I miss my wife so much like gods I just want to be in her arms the whole time but if it makes Jon shut up I'll see what's North of the Wall.

Looking around me I well, there indeed aren't many people here, but if the Night King is fake and Jon already led the wildlings south! There isn't much for them to do now is there?

"We will rest here for a night. Tomorrow, we ride out again." I say to my men who dismount their horses.

"Your grace." The probably lord commander says as he walks over as I dismount how my own horse.

"Lord commander, nice bunch you have here." I say as I motion around me.

"Did Jon send you? Your his brother, right?" He asks, and I give him a shrug.

"Yes, Jon is my brother who's been yelling about a Night King since we've seen each other again, so me and my men are riding north to see if the treat is real." 

"He is real, and so is his army, I've seen them with my own eyes, your grace." He says, and I give him a nod.

"And I will see that for myself before I send my armies more North instead of South. So me and my men will ride out tomorrow to see what lies north of the wall, and if it's true that he is behind it, we will marh Noth." I state, and he gives me a nod.

"He is out there, but if you want to see it with your own eyes, there's nothing i can do to stop you, but i hope you come back in one-piece without blue eyes. Your grace." He says as we walk into the hall together.

"I will otherwise my wife will chop my cock off. She can be scary when she wants to be, " I say with a chuckle he soon joins me in.


Standing on the wall, I overlook the snowy forest below us. It looks beautiful.  When I was younger, I always wished to go north of the wall and see what lies behind us, Ice spirders, giants, well, I saw one of those! But still Ice dragons!?!

I've heard the stories about them, but one hasn't been sighted in thousands of years. Maybe they were never real? It's just a story. But yet the dragons of Valyria are real, so who knows, maybe Ice Dragons are too?

Legends say they are much larger than the  dragon's of Valyria, that they are made out of living ice? So does that mean if they would go to Essos or somewhere hot, it would melt? Or does it  body continue to keep itself cold so it wouldn't be affected by it?  Like Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion don't like the cold, but they can live in it.

Their breath is supposed to look like blue flames, but it freezes anything it touches! Don't worry about getting your ass burned off. No, they'll just freeze it off!

So I don't know, probably they are a myth? Like the dragons of Valyria, there have been many sightings of them before the dance of dragons, mostly there where the dragons of the Targaryen's but there where also some wild onces. But when the last Dragon died everyone thought they where extinct untill my beautiful, beautiful wife hatched Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion.  

Maybe there's a Ice Dragon somewhere behind this wall flying around the frozen lands, or even the shivering sea. Maybe there are more than one? Who knows but It would be absolutely bad ass to sea one! Well, if I ever do, I hope it doesn't freeze me because I don't think my wife would really appreciate it.

"I'm not sure if I like this height." Corwyn mumbles as he walks next to me, and I can't hold back my chuckle.

"No, your Corwyn, master of the seas. But I wouldn't expect you to be scared of a little height." I say as my eyes continue to slowly look over the calm trees in the distance.

"This is not a little height." He states as he slowly moves his head to look down the wall.

"It's not, but if what Jon said is true, this wall has kept them out for thousands of years." I say, and he gives me a shrug.

"Aye, you believe him? Many wouldn't have lived after how he spoke and lied, saying he got your blessing." Corwyn says, and I release a sigh.

"He's my younger brother, I've lost Robb already, Arya is still missing, and Bran is dead. Jon  and I have had many moments in our past that weren't fun. But I don't think he would lie about the Night King, but still, I can't let my army march north instead of South on just his word. For how he spoke to me and lied, he has had his  warning. Indeed, many would have had his head. He still has his because we are brothers, but that won't save him every time ." I begin as I briefly look in Corwyn's direction.

"But it won't stay a excuse, if Jon Snow continues to push the wrong button, than I don't care if we are  brothers or not but he will get punished. Now let's get some rest we ride out tomorrow and the journey will be long. The Lord commander said the last time they saw him and his army was at Hardhome, we were going to ride in that direction." I continue with a sigh.

"Aye, a journey through even more snow. In search of a frozen bastard and his army. " Corwyn says, and I pat his shoulder.

"We will be fine, master of seas."

The Next Day.

"We should have brought those massive wolves of you." Corwyn mumbles as we sit on our horses and slowly move through the tunnel.

"Maybe but Nymeria just had pups, Shaggydog stayed to keep Rickon safe, and Shadow, well, he's a new father, plus he will stay with Mother, Sansa and Daenerys to keep them safe. It's just us Corwyn 25 riders. We move fast and see if the Night King is real, and if he is, we  turn around." I state as the gate goes up, and I give him a small smile.

"And if he's not real, how long do you wish to search?" Corwyn asks, and I give him a shrug.

"The ride to Hardhome is almost a fortnight. If we reach that and he's not there, we will ride more north for 1 week before turning around." I say as we step out of the tunnel, and I look around the place.

I've always wanted to go north of the wall and see if the myths are real, but now a part of me wishes I never had to.

If the Night King is real and he has a massive army of death behind him, it changes everything . We wouldn't be able to march s
South, but we would have to March North.

It is better to kill him when he's at the wall, not when he's breached if and marches south to the villages, towns, castles, and everything else.

Because the bigger he makes his army, the more impossible it will get to kill them. The Lord commander said they can be killed by fire, dragon glass, and Valyrian steel. So I have Ice on my back but well there's less than 200 swords in Westeros that are Valyrian steel, dragons glass nobody knows where we can get that, and well fire we have that sure but yeah I don't know we could use weapons that could kill them if they are real.

"We move fast and we stay together!" I yell before galloping away trough the snow with my men behind me.

Let's hope Jon snow hit his head and he made everything up about the Night King and his army of death.

Authors note.

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