Part 19.

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Erik's Pov.

We've been marching from some days, and it's still weird I've left WinterFell over  a year ago and so much has happened since then, maybe I should have stayed , I could have made a difference.

"Yes. And a man of honor keeps his vows, even if he's serving a drunk or a lunatic. Just once in my life before it's over, I want to know what it's like to serve with pride, to fight for someone I believe in. Do you believe in her?" I hear Ser Barristan ask Jorhan as they let their horses drink, and I dismount mine to let him do the same.

"With all my heart." Jorhan says, and I couldn't stop myself.

"Good, she'll have a traitor by her side who wants to get in her bed." I simply say as I look at him.

"I did what I needed to d-" He starts, but I quickly cut him off.

"Maybe, but when you were caught, you ran like a coward. You could have taken the black, but no, you ran to Essos. Watch my horse." I say to Jorhan before looking at Corwyn, who gives me a nod.

"You've ran, your brother could have used your help, and yet here you are with your army thousands of miles away." Jorhan bites after me, and I turn around before grabbing my sword out of my hilt. While the dire wolves stand next to me as they snarl in his direction.

"Do not speak  to me in that matter, I'm still your lord. And I'm here to see if your queen is worthy sending my men for into their Graves, if she's worthy to let me rally the banners of the North for her course. Do not play games with me, Jorhan Mormont, because the wolves will be the least of your problems. Unlike you, my father is proud of the man I've become." I bite back, and he also takes his sword out while I let a grin grow on my face.

Advancing to him, I throw a swing his way that he blocks while I let my anger fuel me right now as I continue to swing at him. 

"My lord!" Ser Barristan yells but it falls to deaf ears as I see a opening and send a hard punch against Jorhan's jaw and he stumbles back and I quickly put the tip of my sword against his troath.

"The next time, I'll have your head like my father ordered all those years ago." I say trough clenched jaw before walking away from him.

Walking over to Corwyn as I sheet my sword again, I mount my horse before nudging it forward. Jorah Mormont fucking dishonorable knight and saying I'm a coward?!

"Ai show that bastard!" Corwyn yells after me and I roll my eyes as I see Daenerys ride over to me. 

"If I want a lecture, I'll sail back to my mother." I mumble as she rides next to me. "I haven't even said a word." She states, and I turn my head in her direction.

"Let me guess it would have been somewhere down the line, Lord Stark. You can't pick a fight with my advisers, even if he's a stupid idiot." I say in a terrible Daenerys voice, and she raises her brow at me.

"Like I've said I didn't say a word." She says, and  Rickon gallops past us, making my eyes follow him. He's been getting better, but sometimes he still falls on his ass.

"Since my brother Robb is King, doesn't that make me and Rickon a prince." I tease her way, and I'm not sure if I'm enjoying the look  I'm getting right now.

"Your brother is in open rebellion against my throne." She counters, and I roll my eyes.

"Have you ever sat on your throne? My brother was named King because people wish to follow him, because he's a man worth following, you can have a claime but if the people don't wish to follow you then you'll never truly have the Iron Throne." I simply say as I move my horse closer next to hers.

"Now Daenerys Targaryen, hold on." I say with a smirk before slapping her horse on its behind, and it's sent in a gallop.

Nudging my own horse after hers, the dragons fly above us while the dire wolves run beside  me as we follow the path.

"Follow me." I say as I let my horse gallop through the small creek, and she soon joins me as I ignore the water that splashes on my clothes.   


Coming to a stop on a small cliff, I dismount my horse, and soon Daenerys catches up to me with her dragons and the dire wolves well minus Shaggydog who's with Rickon.

As she comes to a stop, I lift her off her horse and soflty place her down while my eyes search hers. She's so beautiful, I've never seen a woman so beautiful as her in all my travels.

"What do you want, Lord Stark." She soflty says, and it brings me out my thoughts as I lick my lips.

Letting my eyes dart from her eyes to her lips, I just want to kiss them so badly, and I slowly begin to lean down and just when our lips are about to meat.

"Erik!" Rickon yells as he gallops over, making me and Daenerys jump apart. The old gods must be playing tricks on me! So close, they were just about to touch. I was about to kiss Daenerys Targaryen.

A Stark kissing a Targaryen! Well, she's beautiful, I could never deny that.

"Yes, Rickon?"  I ask, and I see Corwyn and Rogar ride over, and I raise my brow.

"There was a man, he said he had something for you and then he left again.." Rickon says with wide eyes before Corwyn and Rogar quickly dismount their horses.

"What?" I ask with a small frown before Rogar takes that all to familiar  scabbard crafted from a wolves pelt comes into view.

"H-how did you get that." I ask with wide eyes as I walk over to him.

"This boy he rode in. He had it for you. He said that  Tywin Lanister wanted to reforge it. Said he stole it for you." Corwyn says, and I  place my hands on the handle before pulling the two-handed greatsword out of the black wolf scabbard.

"That's Father's sword." Rickon says as I hold it with two hands and look our ancestral sword over. 

"Now it's yours." Rogar says, and I take a few steps back from them before doing some practice swings, and my eyes slightly widen.

"I always thought it would be so heavy, it's barely heavier than my own sword." I say as I look at the sword  before Daenerys steps next to me.

"It's Valyrian steel." She says and I give her a nod. "It's our ancestral sword named Ice, but shouldn't this be with Robb since he's king of the North?" I ask and they give me a shrug.

"The boy handed the sword and said what we told you  before riding off again." Corwyn says, and I walk over to Rogar, who sill holds the scabbard, putting Ice back in it. I take it from him before walking over to my horse.

That boy must have been a mad man to break into King's Landing to steal this sword, but I can never repay this dept. Of Tywin Lanister would have smelted it down, I would have shoved his head up his own ass. 

"Ai he was from Blackcrown saved his life a couple years ago and his mother's. Maybe he wanted to repay it." Corwyn says, and I look at him with a small frown.

"And how do you know that we've been to many villages." I state, and he gives me a shrug.

"Because I was the one raiding that village."

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