Part 53.

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Erik's Pov.

Seeing Jon grab his sword, he does some swings with it while I briefly look in the direction of Dany.

"Some have called me the greatest swordsmen they've ever seen. Do you really think you can win this Erik." Jon states, and I let my hate filled eyes meet his arrogant ones.

"You were my brother, but now I will make sure both of your names will be erased from history. " I bite his way as I see Petyr grab a knife and point it at Dany's stomach.

"Funny, I was going to say the same about you. Now, put down your sword before I open her up and rip your child out." Petyr says, and Dany's teary eyes meet mine, making me throw my sword on the ground.

Releasing a snarl in his direction, Jon puts the tip of his sword against my chest with a smirk on his face.

"Kneel for the true king." Jon says, and  i slowly  l get down on my knees while my eyes move over to Dany, who's letting out silent sobs.

"P-please! I'll make you ill give you the Iron throne just do -" She pleads with him as his sword points at my chest.

"Silence! You'll marry me either way, I'll let your baby take one breath before I'll kill it, and after that, you'll produce my heirs." Jon cuts her off.

What have we ever done for him to go this mad?! Sure, Mother gave him a hard time, but this! This is just madness. He's talking about my wife like she's a cheap broodmare!

"You had everything I ever wanted, gods how he looked at you like you where his most prized possession. How many nights I wished he looked at me like that." Jon says, and I scoff at his words.

"My father would turn around in his grave if he knew all the thing -" I start before he throws a harp puch against my jaw, making my head wip to the side.

"Stop this!" Dany cries out as I spit the blood out on the ground. "My father was supposed to be a king, and now I will." Jon says as his sword slowly starts to dig into my chest, and I grind my teeth together to hold back the groan that tried to leave my lips.

"You're not a king. You'll always be a bastard. Your mother wasn't Lyanna Stark because you have no proof, your mother is a cheap whore." I say with a grin on my face and as I see anger cloud his eyes he brings his sword up.

As he brings it down, I  quickly roll to the side, making it fly into the wooden ceiling before a loud snarl is heard.

Seeing Shadow tackle Petyr Baelish into the ground as painend screams leave his lips, I kick Jon's foot from underneath him, making him fall over before jumping up.

"Now you're mine." I say as I grab Jon by his neck and slam my fist against his face, hearing the screams of Petyr die down I send a kick against Jon's chest before grabbing him by his hair and dragging him over to the spiral staircase.

"Ow, Jon Snow, I wish I  could be as honorable as my father right now, but I won't. I'll make sure you'll feel pain before you take your last breath." I say before trowing him down the stairs.

Quickly walking over to Daenerys, I grab her cheeks and look her face over with worried filled eyes.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you in any way?!" I frantically asks her as my eyes move over her face.

"I-im fine, just get me out of here, Erik." She says andni give her a nod before looking around for the key that belongs to the cuffs.

"Baelish had them." Dany says, and I quickly walk over to the body of Baelish, who has his troath completely ripped out.

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