Part 33.

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Erik's Pov,

1 Day Later,

Seeing WinterFell come into view at the distance, I clench my jaw at the Bolton banner hanging from its wall.

"Halt!" I yell as I  stop my horse, and soon the others also stop. Looking to my left, I grab the Stark Banner from the man next to me.

"10 men with me!" I yell before galloping away again, as anger starts to consume me the close I come I see Shaggydog and Shadow running next to me. 

Coming to a stop 200 yards away from  the gates, I stick the banner into the ground and see the men standing on top of the walls.

"My name is Erik Stark, first born son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark! King of The North and you will for your betrayal, come outside and fight me like a man fucking bastard!" I yell before riding back over to my men.

Waiting outside with my riders for what feels like hours I soon hear a loud horns behind me and I whip my head around. Absolutely fucking bastard coward that it is!

Riding to the back of the line I think my eyes just fell out as I see the banners of the Northern houses march our way.

It's the banners of Hornwood, Mazin, Mormont, Dustin, and many more of the small houses, but I think my heart just dropped at the Tully and Stark Banner at the front. 

Galloping over, I soon  see the auburn hair come into view and tears well in my eyes.

Reaching the like, I quickly dismount my horse before Mother does the same, and I practically crash my body into hers.

"I-i'm so sorry for leaving." I sob out as my arms wrap around her whole tears leave my eyes.

"Look at me, Erik." She says as she grabs my cheeks and I let's our eyes meet . "I never should have left. Maybe Robb would have still been alive, maybe father would have been alive if I didn't ." I say with a shake of my head.

"You would have joined them in their Graves Erik. Your here now, and now it's time to take back our home." She says and I give her a nod as I wipe my tears away.

"We've gathered everyman your grace, the Karstarks and Umbers have sided with the Bolton's." A girl says as I turn in her direction .

Looking her over I let the smallest of smiles grow on my face. "Lady Mormont, you have my gratitude." I say and she gives me a nod.

"We know no king but the King in the North, whose name is Stark." She says and I look towards my uncle.

"I think I own you a debt I can't repay for keeping my mother safe." I say, and he pats my shoulder.

"You've grown a lot since the last time I saw you Erik,  my men will fight for you, your father, and your brother." He says, and I give him a thankful nod.

"Where's Rickon?" Mother asks as she looks around. "He's safe with the rest of my army." I  my uncle raise his brow.

"And where is the rest of your army? Would be really helpful right now." He asks as he motions around him.

"Probably a day behind us, the boltons won't come out if they know they'll lose. Father always said 500 men in WinterFell can defeat 10000.

"I'm here to draw them out." I state and well now besides Daenerys looking at me as if I'm crazy they are doing the same.

"We have 3000 men  ready for battle, your grace." Lady Mormont says, and  I look back towards WinterFell. 

"I have more than just men by my side. Get the man ready. Let's see if the bastard comes out." I say as I walk back over to my horse and mount it.

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