Part 48.

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Erik's Pov,

8 Weeks Later.

Well I wanted to borrow a horse from the Night's Watch but it probably would have freaked out when it saw the 27 dire wolves and giant ice dragon with me, so I walked towards WinterFell with the wolves.

We have 9 pups, so yes, the journey took longer than expected, and my wife is probably freaking out right now.

Carrying one of the smaller pups in my jaws, we continue to walk through the snow, and well, it must be a scary sight seeing 27 dire wolves and one giant one while a ice dragon walks behind then.

This has been surprisingly calming. I'm not sure about eating raw meat, but it's better than changing back and having to start a fire with nothing butt ass naked.

So yeah, raw meat has been the only thing on the menu these last weeks, but at least I see the walls of WinterFell in the distance.

Seeing the fire dragons fly over they and about 50 years in front of us, making me carefully put the pup down before walking over to them.

Rubbing my head against Drogon's snout, he releases a low satisfied roar, and I'm well not burned to a crips right now. I've missed them, but I missed their mother much more.

As one of the pups runs over I pick it up before we continue to walk towards the gate while I think the whole of WinterFell just fell silent as they see the pack of Dire wolves arrive with a ice dragon!

Hey, but at least the gate is open!

Walking into the courtyard, I see Dany, Mother, Sansa, Rickon, and Bran?! He was alive, Uncle Benjen was telling the truth .

"It's been a long time, Erik." Bran says with no emotion in his face or voice, and mother looks between him and me.

"Erik?! That's a wolf!" She says in disbelief and I put the pup down before changing back , quickly putting my hands in front of my cock she looks at me with wide eyes and I give her a shy smile.

Feeling a body crash against mine, I wrap my arms around Dany as I inhale her scent.

"I've missed you so much." She whispers against my chest, and I nod my head. "I've missed you too, but we have many things to discuss." I softly say, and she gives me a smile as she looks up.

"Indeed we do. But not all is bad." She whispers before placing a kiss against my lips.

"Erik!" Rickon yells as he runs over and I pull away from Dany as I place my hands in front of my cock again .

"Hey, little warrior." I say with a soft smile as his eyes dart around me.

"W-wheres Corwyn?" He asks with a frown that I soon return. "He didn't make it, Rickon. I'm sorry." I softly says and his eyes widen before he runs away.

"They all died?" Dany asks me with a surprised look, and I give her a nod.

"I'll get dressed after that. we really need to talk."


"He's real, gods we went to Hardhome, and one of the White walkers trapped us with 500 men." I breathe out as we stand in the great hall looking at a map of the North.

"I killed the White Walker but then we got circled by ice spiders, here I'm thinking they where just a myth but there are very fucking real and big. There were too many, and we were with too few. We are marching North." I state as I move our pieces towards Castle Black.

"The Lanist-" Tyrion starts, but I quickly cut him off.

"No, we are not going to ask your sister for help because she won't help us anyway. We have the advantage of the wall, now we just need to find fucking dragon glass or a shit tone of Valyrian steel."

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