Part 7.

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Erik's Pov.

2 Month's Later.

It's been 2 months since we restocked in Volantis, and now we are just so close to Quarth.

I've shared the news about Bran with Rickon and he was happy about it, I did leave out the news about Father and out sisters being take, and the fact that Robb is at war right now. I would have expected the pull in my body to be towards Westeros again, but yet it remained pulling me East.

"You've heard any more word from your brother?" Corwyn asks, and I shake my head it's not as if a Raven could easily find us at sea. It's probably Mother's smart thinking that she had one being sent to Volantis. 

"No, I hope to receive word once we have reached Quarth. And we should he there soon, I hope." I say with  a heavy breath.

Robb is fighting a war because I let him, I'm first born, and I should have been Lord of WinterFell, but yet I chose to wander, I chose to let the pull in my body lead me East. 

"We will reach it tomorrow. " He says, and I give him a nod as Rickon is still practicing with Hassan. He's been getting really good in a small time.

And the dire wolves have been growing fast and big, but Shadow, he's reaching my abdomen already, and I'm 6,1 he'll be massive when he's done growing well they will all be in comparison to normal wolves but I think Shadow will be the biggest of the bunch.  

Sometimes, I even wonder how Jon is doing. we were never close, but he's still my brother. He always felt left out and hated by my mother, but unlike many bastards Father took him home with him and gave him a home, even if Jon was not loved by my Mother, or was allowed the things we where. He still had a good roof over his head. He was able to be trained with a sword. He was able to have a proper meal every evening and all the other things many bastards never had. And yet he felt sorry for himself, I always understood my mother.

Father left when I was just a little boy, not older than 2, and he came back with another woman's child, I never thought he would be unfaithful, and still, I can't believe he ever did. So I can understand Mother that she wants nothing to do with the son of her husband and another woman.

So yes, Jon and I have butted heads more than once, but he remains my brother, and I hold love for him in that way even if our relationship has been far  from easy.

Looking up at the sky, I see a red comet, and I let a frown appear on my face.

"Have you ever seen something like that?" I ask Corwyn, and he looks up as we all look at the red comet.

"Never, my lord." He awsers, and I place my hands on  the railing as my eyes continue fixated on  it.

"What does it mean?" I and and he pats my shoulder. "Dragons have returned." He says, and my eyes widen.

Dragons have returns? I know the stories of the ice dragons, but none have been seen in thousands of years, and for the fire dragons, the last one died over a hundred years ago. 

Now, if the Targaryen's have dragons that could change everything, Aegon The Conquer took the whole of Westeros with Balerion, his sister wives, and their dragons.

And I'm not sure if it would be good if Viserys Targaryen also know as the Beggar King would be best suited for a dragon. But once I reach him, I'll see for myself if he is a man worth following. If not, I'll kill his dragon and him if needed before sailing West again to help Robb in this war to get our family back.

Walking down next to Rickon, I squad down and place my hands on his shoulders.

"Tomorrow, we will dock at Quarth, but I need you to promise me you will always stay close to me, Corwyn or Hassan oke?" I ask, and he nods his head at me.

"I promise Erik." He says before wrapping his arms around me.

The Next Day.

Seeing the city of Qarth come into view, I let a small smile grow on  my face. We've been so long at sea, and now we can finally set proper foot on land again .

"Please dock this ship, Corwyn. I'm ready to get off." I loudly say to the man, and he nods his head at me.

"Get ready to dock, lads!" He yells as I start walking towards my chambers.

Opening the door I grab my sword and put it on before grabbing the bag of gold, I'll probably have to see on of the Thirteen to gain entry to the city but I need to get it. I also need to find the Targaryen. The sooner I do that, the better because then we can go home again if that's what the pull wishes to do.


Stepping of the ship with Shadow, Nymeria, Shaggydog, Corwyn, Hassan and 20 of my men I soon indeed see what I  think is one of the Thirteen walk our way and I hold the hilt of my sheeted sword.

"Welcome to Qarth, the greatest city that ever was or will be Lord Erik Stark, so tell me why have you sailed so far." He says, and I walk over to him with Shadow beside me.

"My heart has led me here, for reasons unknown. And also my men could use some food and supplies for wherever our journey leads us."  I awnser, and he looks at the ships who are getting ready to dock.

"I've heard about you and your Dark Knights, Lord Stark. And now you wish for me to let you and 15 000 of your men enter the city of Qarth." He states, and I give him a nod. 

"Indeed I do, my men won't do anything that would consider a crime or unjust. I am here for a reason, and well, we probably won't stay long in Qarth . Talking to you is me being nice. I have the men to take your city, but I have no desire for it." I simply say, and I see a smile appear on his face.

"Aaah, there is the North inside of you talking. Let your ships dock, Lord Stark."  He says, and I give him a nod before he turns around and walks away from me.

"Corwyn, get the ships to dock and ready 250 men and horses." I state, and he gives me a nod before walking away from me.

The pull has led me East but now it continues to pull me further, I thought what I was looking for here but right now it doesn't feel like it even if every fiber in my body feels as if it's in hands reach. 

I'll probably ride out for some days and see where it leads me while my men can take a rest and have some drinks. 


"With me, Rickon." I say as I lift him on my pitch black stallion it's not like I don't trust my men, sure the new onces still need to earn it but I promised mother to keep him safe and what better way that to keep him close to me. Also, I don't think he would appreciate staying behind.

"We've gathered enough food and water for a fortnight." Hassan says, and I give him a nod. "You and Corwyn will stay here. Make sure the men don't cause any problems. We are here as geuss and any one who does you both know what penalty lies on it." I state and they give me a nod.

The penalty on that is death, I may give them another chance but I'm not a following they won't get another.  

"We will keep  the peace my lord." Hassan says and I mount my horse as I grab the reigns while Rickon sits in front of me.

"Your leaving already lord Stark." The man from before says as he walks over with what I presume to be the rest of the Thirteen.

"I need to do something, my men have their orders and the penalty for causing problems is death. I'll be back in a fortnight at latest." I say and they begin to whisper between themselves.

"As you wish lord Stark, be safe on your travels trough the Red Waste." He says and I give him a nod.

"Let's go!" I order and we all start galloping away and thankfully the gates are already open as we ride out with Shadow, Nymeria and Shaggydog running besides me.

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