Part 60.

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Erik's Pov.

A fortnight later.

Riding through the snow, I'm already far over it. Where is he and his army?! I've been searching for days and still no sign of them. It's not like I hate the cold it's just one wish to hold my wife and my children.

And knowing my wife, she's probably worried sick, I just need to do this. I won't send other  men because why would they follow us if we sit somewhere safe?

Releasing a deep breath as I ride over this snow tundra, I'm just looking around for any sight of movement, but so far, nothing, absolutely nothing but snow!

"Probably one of theasy living things on this side of the wall, and I'm allowed to wander freely. " I mumble under my breath as the sun begins to set.

Good thing I took wood with me when we left the treeline, because gods, I haven't seen one in 2 days.

Daenerys Pov.

"Yes, you can have it one day. Just don't turn into your father." I say to Robb, who's one of my hip making grabby hands to a wooden  sword. Like gods, please have mercy on me.

"My queen let me go after my king. He can't be there alone." Greyworm says, and I release  a deep breath. He arrived last week with the last of the dragon glass they had mined, and ever since, he's been asking me to let him go after Erik. 

"I know you see him as a friend. He sees you as one too, but he didn't want anyone to follow him. Erik has always returned he will now also return." I say with a soft smile, and he gives me a nod.

"He looks like my king." Greyworm says as he motions at Robb, and indeed he does look like Erik, Rhaella looks more like me, Erik always says, but I guess we will see with time.

"Hold your prince, Greyworm." I say, and I think for the first time in all these years I saw shock run through the man's eyes.

"My queen, I can not. He is so small." Greyworm says, and I chuckle at his words. "Just stay calm." I say as I hand him Robb, and the look on his face is the best.

"Just relax, Greyworm." I say as Missandei walks over with Rhaella, and it brings me joy seeing them with my children.

I grew up with just Viserys, no friends, only people who eventually wanted something from him, then there was Doreah who betrayed me, but Missandei and Greyworm became my most trusted friends during these years.

Ser Barristan became like a father figure, and Rickon is like a little brother. I trust these people with my life and that of my children.

"When my prince is big enough, I will teach him the unsullied fighting style with the  spear ." Greyworm says as he looks at Robb with a smile.

"You and his father will train him well."


Erik's Pov,

Sitting by a small fire, I shake my head. It's pitch dark, and yet i don't really feel the cold. Dany, she's immune to heat. Maybe I'm more immune to the cold?  But I've heard that just like underneath WinterFell, here are also natural hotsprings underneath the ground.

Haven't found one yet, and well, since I don't really have trouble with the cold, there also isn't any use with it.

Hearing my horse start snorting as it moves around, I turn my head to the side, and I can't stop the almost yell that left my lips before Uncle Benjen puts his hand over my mouth.

"Sorry, I should have made my presence known." He says as he takes his hand away, and I look at him as if he's gone mad!

"Ow wow yeah you guess?!" I whisper yell as he takes a seat next to me.

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