Part 3.

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Erik's Pov.

Walking into the Great Hall, I see the feast already going in full motion, as music is playing while people drink and talk together.

I know why the king is here, Jon Arryn is dead, and he was the hand of the King. Now Robert Baratheon is here to offer it to my father.  It never ends well when a Stark heads to King's Landing. He shouldn't go his place is here in WinterFell.

My place is well? I don't know, to be honest, I always wished to change this world for the better. I have no desire to become lord of WinterFell it should go to Robb, and I've told Father that more than once, and yet he continues to ask. 

Looking at Father, he stands in a corner, and something more is troubling his mind. Walking over to him, he seems to be pulled out of thoughts, and I raise my brow.

"What's troubling your mind, father?" I more state then asks, and he leads us a little further away from the crowd.

"The king has asked me to become his hand." He says, and I nod my head as I lean against a stone pillar.

"I knew that, but something else is troubling your mind." I state, and he releaes a deep breath as he grabs my shoulders.

"He wishes to join houses." He breaths out, and a frown makes its way in my face as my eyes move towards Sansa. Please don't tell me he wants my sister to marry that little blonde shit.

"And you're not considering this, are you?" I ask him, and he closes his eyes for a second. "I'll marry the girl once she becomes of age. Don't let that blonde shit marry her." I state, and he shakes his head.

"I haven't given a awser yet Erik." He breaths out, and I scoff at his words. "We both know you won't say no to him just like I know whatever any of us will say you'll go to Kings landing, but one hair harmed on her or your head and I'll rally the banners." I say before walking away from him .

"Erik, my boy!" The king yells as he raises his cup, and I put a fake small before walking over to him.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself your grace." I say, and he hands me a full cup. "Tell us about your stories! This man I knew him since he was a boy! A boy! And now he leads his own army !" He yells before the people start cheering while I keep the fake smile on my face.

"Everything has been well, rovers still roam around the lands, pirates still try to raid the villages, and well, we can't be everywhere at the same time, but we try." I say before downing my cup. 

"This dammed land could use more men like you, Erik." He says, and I give him a nod. "Maybe, maybe not that's a quistion that probably will be unawnserd your grace." I say before I see Arya throw some food as Sansa's face, and I shake my head.

"If you'd excuse me your grace." I say before quickly walking away from him, reaching Arya. I lift her over my shoulder and give others an apologetic smile.

"Alright, little one time for bed." I  say before walking away from the feast and towards her chambers. This girl can be so much trouble when she wants to, and well her and Sansa always but heads. 

"But the feast?!" Arya almost whines out, and I couldn't stop the laugh that left my lips.  "Then you should have behaved." I awnser as I open  the door of her chambers and throw her down on her bed.

"Tell me a story, Erik." Arya asks with big eyes as Nymeria and  Shadow quickly run into the chamber, and I close the door behind them.

"Doesn't Old Nan tell you stories?" I ask her with a raised brow as I walk over to her bed and plop down next  to her.

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