Part 47.

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Erik's Pov,

"I'm not sure if I like this." I almost yell as the ice dragon starts to bend down in front of the tunnel  of Castle Black while I'm still holding on for dear life.

Once her feet hit the ground, she bends down, and I slide of her with a shaky breath.

Hearing the gate open behind me, I see Edd run out with 20  men while they look at me and the dragon with wide eyes.

"Your grace!" Edd says with wide eyes as I walk over to him. "It's been a long couple of weeks, and I could really use some clothes and some food." I say and nod his head.

"You've heard him! Get him some clothes and food!" Edd yells before 2 men run back through the tunnel.

"I don't even wanna ask how you got a dragon, I've seen too many weird things for the resy of my life. Your grace." He says, and I give him a nod.

"I'll stay here for a couple of days, the direwolves that still remain are traveling south with me, so please send a Raven to my wife that I'm alive and at castle Black and I'll be at WinterFell in a month at best." I say with a heavy breath .

We have 2 years at best, is what Uncle Benjen said. I have so many questions right now, and Bran holds the answers?  We need to stop him at the wall. We can't let him pass it.

Dragon glass kills then, but where the hells do we even find that fire kills them sure, but still, what if they are able to breach the wall or climb it! Valyrian steel is even worse because it can't be made anymore!

Hearing a howl, I whip my head towards the trees and see two dire wolves walk out of the line, and I slowly walk over. Please don't eat me.

"My name is Erik, I know what's coming. You guys know what is coming. We need to be a pack now to survive, I wish to take you all with me south of the wall until we fight against the Night King and his army. If you don't wish to join me, you can go but there are more dire wolves south, they are my friends my pack, and I would love it if you guys would give me the honor of expanding that." I soflty say as I stand 10 yards away from them.

"I know you've lived as wild dire wolves since you've taken your first breath, but I need you guys to trust me. If you stay here, there's a big chance you will all die and become part of his army." I continue as I squad down and hold my hand out.

Seeing one of them step forward, it sniffs my hand before it starts to lick it while I let a small smile grow on my face.

"Now we need to wait for the rest of your kind before we go to WinterFell, just please no fighting under each other."

The Next Day.

Releasing a groan as  I stretch my body out, i feel more than one wet thing rub over my body, and I shoot up.

Looking at the 5 dire wolf pups on top of me, I can't  stop the laugh that left my lips as I pick one up.

"Hey, little one, I'm gonna get you somewhere safe." I say as it continues the attack on my face.

I've slept on this side of the wall. The cold I don't know it didn't really bother me. But clearly, a momma with her pups showed up during the night. 

"Alright,alright."I say with a chuckle as I place the pup down and get up. Looking around me, I see the 3 grown dire wolves and well the 5 pups. So, 8 down and well, 20+ to go?

Let's just hope they can get here soon so I can go back to my wife and we can start making our plan.  My body is still sore from those fucing spiders, and the wounds will probably scar so yeah goodbye my cock.  But I've missed her so much, I just can't wait to have my lips on hers, or her in my hands, even hearing her laugh it's like a gift from the gods.

She's just a gift from the gods, and I'm the luckiest man  on this world to call her my wife .

Daenerys Pov.

"He's been gone for almost 2 months. We need to send more men." Sansa says as she looks at the map from North of the Wall.

"Erik didn't want to listen, so if his own stupidity got him killed, we can't send more men after him!" Jon snow says and before I can speak Lady Stark does.

"His stupidity? Have you forgotten your talking about your king. You led an army of Wildlings past the wall, and you lied to their faces saying Erik gave his blessing when that wasn't true. If somebody here has had actions we can call stupid it's been you Jon snow."  She says and soon the door slams open.

"A Raven from Castle Black arrived, Erik will be back in a month." Rickon breaths out and I couldn't stop the smile that grew on my face.

He's coming back and when he does I can share with him I'm carrying his child. Maester Woldan assured me that I am with child.  A mix between Fire and Ice.

"You should leave Jon Snow." Lady Stark says, making him scoff before he barges out the room.

"Did the note say anything else?" Lady Stark asks and Rickon shakes his head.

"Knowing Erik that isn't a good sign, if he didn't find the Night King and his army he would have put that in their, if he did find something North of the wall he will want to discuss it in person." Sansa breaths out as she looks at the map.

And she's right. If Erik found something North of the wall, he will wish to discuss that in person.

"Lady Sansa, Rickon please send Ravens to Lady Olenna and Ellaria Sand tell them I summon them to WinterFell with their army's we are marching Noth."


I've always believed in the new gods, but being in the godswood is so calming. It's like you're completely in tune with the nature around you. I come here often to clear my mind.

"Jon could become a problem." Lady Stark says as she walks over while I run my hand through the fur off Skye, I've decided to name the pup that Nymeria put by me that. She's been stuck to me ever since, and I do feel honored by it.

"Jon Snow wants what Erik has." I breathe out as I look down at the sleeping Skye.

"You?" Lady Stark asks with disbelief, and I don't know,he's been giving me looks that couple imply that, but I love Erik and no other man. But I think he wants more than that.

"Erik is a true born son of Eddard Stark, I think Jon Snow wants that including everything that comes with it, WinterFell, The North." I say with sigh.

"When Erik comes back, he will have to handle Jon because if you do, it may not sit well with the Northern Lords because Jon Snow is still the son of my husband." Lady Stark says, and she has a point. The Northern lords and ladies have been more welcoming, but they are still skeptical.

"True, sometimes I think I just should have let drogon loft him up, and we could have run far away from all of us this. When my brother Viserys died, I thought the Iron Throne was now my birth right, and I'll do anything to get back what was stolen from me and my family. But then I met Erik, I fell in love with him and now I just want him and our child. No wars, no troubles about who will try to go behind your back, to run away from duty." I begin as I look down at Skye.

"He once told me love is the death of duty, and duty is the death of love. We both have a duty to Westeros, but I'm happy it never forced us to choose between our love and our duty." I finish with a sigh.

"Eventually, it will all be worth it once you've taken the Iron Throne and see him running around with your children through the Red Keep. Erik used to steal out horses, but I'm your case. I would make sure the dragons are out of reach." She says, and I couldn't stop the laugh that left my lips.

"God's please spare me. He would probably go with them during the night on their adventures." I say with a chuckle that Lady Stark soon joins me in.

"Indeed he would."

Authors note,

Just a little filler chapter, also Dany and Catelyn ♡♡ and FY Jon 😂😂 leave a comment and vote.

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