Part 25.

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Erik's Pov.

We've reached the city of Meereen and gods its like nothing I've ever seen before, I would say beautiful if it wasn't for the slavemasters and how the city was build on the backs of slaves. But still, it's an impressive city.

Daenerys has been distant in a way, I want to give her time to think about my offer. It's a lot to take in, and well, to be honest, I would have thought she immediately would have said yes, but I also get that she wants to save these people.  I wanted to give people a better life and I still do but I need to go home and get my lands back, my remaining family back, and vengeance for what has been done to those who aren't with us anymore.

Walking next to Ser Barristan, we soon catch up with the rest, and I have Ice strapped on my back, I got Rogar to make it able to put on my back while we still kept the original scabbard.

Looking at the hundreds, if not thousands of people on  the wall, I soon  see the massive gates open, and I raise my brow.

"Are they surrendering?" Daenerys asks andni shake my head.

"If they do, I'll eat my boots." I state, and soon a single rider comes out.

"A single rider. A champion of Meereen. They want you to send your own champion against him." Jorhan says, and I hear the people on the wall start cheering.

As the champion dismounts his horse, he yells God's knows what.

"What is he doing?" Daenerys asks as the champion takes his cock out and I shake my head.

"I believe he means to.." Ser Barristan says before the champion pisses in our direction and the people on  the walls start cheering, fucking idiots won't laugh for long.

"He says that we're an army of men without man parts. He claims you are no woman at all, but a man who... hides his cock in his own asshole." Missandei says and I take ice of my back before handing it to Ser Barristan.

" Ignore him, Your Grace. These are meaningless words, " Ser Barristan says, as I pull my boots of.  While the champion continues to yell our way.

"They're not meaningless if half the city you intend to take is listening to them." Jorhan says, and he has a point. Never thought I would agree on something with Jorhan Mormont.

" I have something to say to the people of Meereen. First, I will need this one to be quiet. Do I have a champion?" Daenerys asks as she turns in our direction, and I take my leather vest off before taking my black long sleeved shirt off and letting it drop to the ground.

"Not a time to get out of clothes." Corwyn says, and I roll my eyes before stepping forward.

"I'm in the mood to rip his troath out, so that's what I'm going to do." I simply say while Daenerys raises her brow at me.

Walking forward, I stretch my body out, making a satisfied growl leave my lips.

"Without a sword or a horse?" Daenerys asks as she walks next to me. While the champion mounts his horse.

"Ow that horse will be scared and buck him off, and why would I use a sword when I'm going to rip his troath off." I say with a small grin.

"Be safe, Lord Stark." She says before walking away, and I turn to look after her. "Some may call me king!" I yell after her, and I see her shake her head before I turn back around in the direction of the champion who's galloping my way.

Raising my brow as the cheers from the people of Meereen fill my ears, I keep my eyes on the champion that continues to come closer and closer.

Fucking idiot the second I change that horse will buck him off, well he can't know I can turn into a giant wolf! But still.

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