Erik Stark.

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Erik Stark is the eldest son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. Heir To WinterFell, but Erik has followed his own path. Some call him the Wandering wolf.

But in  his wanders trough the lands he has gained much support from people, many who wished to join him on his travels, some who where given the choice by Erik, pay for your crimes or join him.

And  now he has a following of 15,000 men strong, who follow his command, who help him protect the  North or even other Realms from bandits, pirates, and all the scum in between. Now he and his men are so far known they have gotten the name The Dark Knights

Erik is an honorable man like his father, but he will not be blinded by that. He knows what is just and unjust. And he will fight for his beliefs. But his greatest pride and joy is his family. Even if he is gone for long periods of time, a smile always appears in his face when he sees the gate of WinterFell. 

Erik Stark: age 20.

Erik Stark: age 20

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