Part 64.

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Erik's Pov,

Some Days Later.

My fucking face hurts well what do you expect when you get your face sliced open by your sister. But I have more important things to do right now than worry about my cheek.

We've put the black egg with Robb in his crib and the white one with Rhaella, and now we can only hope that they will hatch. But I know they will and then gods. I don't have to be worried  about them stealing my horse or even the dragons. No, they'll take their own ones.

"He's getting closer and closer." Edd says as we stand on the wall, and I give him a nod.

"Indeed he is, but we've been preparing. We have hundreds of barrels with oil and thousands of archers on top of that. We also have the dragons. The only thing he will get here is fire and dragon glass."  I state as the men ate still getting everything ready.

"And a giant, your grace." Edd says, and it pulls a chuckle from my lips. "And a giant indeed. If his army travels at the same speed I was, it will take him at least 2 months to get here." I say as I look down and see men dig a large trench. We will fill it with oil and well set the bastards on fire. 

"They don't need rest. We do so cut that time in half because they'll  march through the nights. Your grace." Edd says, and I didn't even think about that.

"You're right. I need to find wait what's his name Gendry? Because either my idea will be stupid or it will be smart." I say before walking away from him. 


Walking through the courtyard towards where the Smits have been working, I soon raise my brow as Arya is standing next to one.

"He's back! Who marches so far North when the dead are there, this man!" Tormund yells as he walks over, and I can't stop the chuckle that leaves my lips.

"At least you became prettier." He continues as he motions at my cheek. "Thank you, Tormund." I state with a roll of my eyes as we walk over to Arya and who I hope of Gendry.

"All I'm saying is now you have battle scars." Tormund says, and I roll my eyes.

Reaching Arya, she gives me a smile before I look to the now nervous Smith.

"Are you Gendry?" I ask, and he hesitantly nods his head. "Yes, your grace."

"No need to be nervous, but I've heard working with the dragon glas isn't that easy?" I  ask, and he nods his head.

"Indeed, it's not many shards come off, your grace." He awnsers as he motions as a large bucket by his side with small shards.

"We have about 200 more of those buckets, if not more. Your grace." He continues.

Picking some up, I look them over before letting a grin form on my face.

"We have over 25 000 horses here. We can fit everyone on the wall. But we could use these shards to cut through his army." I say as I look at Tormund, who looks at me like I'm crazy.

"You gonna trow shards at rhem?" He asks, and I roll my eyes.

"Stannis and his cavalry cut through the free folk army. We have at least 5 times that amount of horses. Dragon glass kills those things these shards are too small to make weapons from, but we can stick them to the harnesses of the horses, let them cut through his army." I state as I put them back in the large bucket .

"That's actually pretty smart." Arya says as she looks at me with a raised brow.

"Thank you, Arya. I try. Now Tormund you can start carrying the buckets towards the horses while I'm going to go search for Lord Royce to debate about my plan."

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