What is this Feeling?

By DisasterVille

20.3K 582 1.3K

Credit to cover goes to ☀️soldraws☀️ on Twitter! All rights and respect to them :) Heyyyy sooo funny story, a... More

Thrown to the Unknown
First Day of Odd Things
Get out
Where are we?
Lunch is Served
Where are They?!
Dont Get Caught
What He's Done
Intermission of the Path
The Truth in Binds
Friends Through Combat
I'm Myself
They Are Home!!!
Human school?
Is This Filler?
Update! Not a chapter, sorry
All in Your Head
It's a Zoo Thing
Here we go Again
Revenge of the Sash
Just Breathe
I'm Here. I Promise.
I Already Know

Time's Death March

152 6 22
By DisasterVille

Art by Jane on Instagram! (All rights and respect to them :])

Yo! Ik ikkkkk, I said I'll be more active, but life happened. I got a partner! I loaf them so much! I gots a mustache! So that's cool! Work has been kicking my ass, and family is harder to live with than ever before, but I'm hanging in there, I will slowly but surely finish this fanfic if it's the last thing I do!

Word count: 3560


Hunter heard the ticking of a clock. He looked at the ceiling. A week. A week since that dream. It didn't feel like a week. He kept forgetting things. All he felt like doing was laying down. He was hungry, but eating made him feel nauseous. He was thirsty but drinking was so taxing, and it burned his throat. It was better to just lay there. He closed his eyes and all he saw was ooze, growing like vines. In his memories. In the very walls that defined his mind. He opened his eyes. That was all he saw anymore. All he felt was something crawling in his bloodstream. If you ever held a worm in your hand as it struggled to be free, that's what it felt like... but slowly inching all over his body. He should just lay there and waste away. Getting up would be too hard anyway.

Tick, tick, tick...

"Hunter?" Luz asked... wait. Hunter looked around. He was at the breakfast table. How did he get here? He was just in the basement? Wasn't he?

"Hey buddy... you aren't eating again" Gus said all of them being extra kind, they looked worried. Hunter was not doing good. He looked run down, his eye bags worse than ever, he needed a shower but everything was so cold. He was bundled up, he hadn't showered in a couple of days, he needed to. He hadn't brushed his hair since they came home a week ago. A week right? He looked at the calendar. Halloween was in two days, it had been a week. Wait. He was just thinking about his looks, not time. He was sleeping less. His eyes were so tired looking. He wasn't eating as much, nearly stopping all together, it hurt to do so anyways. What was the point in changing out of the layers of clothes he was wearing? He stopped going to human school. Mrs. Noceda didn't make him, she saw the state he was in, and thought it was best to keep him where he couldn't get hurt... or hurt others, but he missed being with his friends. However, he knew being with them would only risk them finding out what was happening. He couldn't risk that. He had a job to do. He had to keep them safe.

Tick, tick, tick...

He felt the breeze of the crisp autumn air. He instinctively took a deep breath, opening his eyes. He was outside. It was the middle of the day. The others were at school. He rocked in the rocking chair and he smiled. These things were so fun. He would bring one back to the demon realm, and sit outside and enjoy moments like these. He began to cough badly. He thought it would stop but the coughing continued, and it was painful "Hunter!" Willow's voice called from inside and she ran out and patted his back. She had a glass of water "are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

He took the water and began to drink but immediately stopped, it burned his throat, and he hated the feeling of it, he could feel it wash a thick, sludge like substance be washed down with the water, it was like swallowing mucus. "Yeah" he eventually said, teary eyed from the coughing "I am good" he smiled. He put the water down. "Why aren't you at school?" He asked with a confused tilt of his head.

Willow sat in another chair "I stayed home. No reason, didn't feel like going" that was not true. She stayed home to watch Hunter. Mrs. Noceda had work, and she was not about to leave him. There was silence, only the sound of creaking chairs from rocking and wind blowing through leafs and wind chimes could be heard. They were quiet. He smiled, watching people walk by. He looked at Willow. She was such a good friend. He finished the stuffed bee he made for her. He should give it to her, tell her all these emotions he felt when around her... after all it felt like he had less and less time to do so. 'Disgusting' he looked around, did he hear someone call that thought disgusting? It sounded like his uncle? But that couldn't be right, he wasn't asleep so there was no way he could have heard his uncle. He shrugged it off, hopefully it was just a fluke. He didn't know what was going to happen when Belos was strong again, but he knew one thing, he would never let him hurt Willow or the others. He thought he heard his uncle chuckle when he thought that... was that really him? "Hunter? Did you hear what I said?" Willow asked, bringing Hunter back.

"Oh- sorry, no. I got distracted" he said truthfully.

"I said you haven't seemed okay ever since you woke up from that dream, and in the past week... it has gotten worse and worse. Please Hunter. Tell me what is wrong" She practically begged.

Hunter wanted to tell her. Should he? Maybe- at the mere thought he began to cough and choke into his gloves. He stopped after a few seconds, but when he glanced at the glove there was green sludge on it. He quickly sat on his hand so Willow wouldn't see "everything is fine Willow" he said. Short and sweet. Nothing to question.

"Hunter. I didn't want to say this. But you are lying. I know something is wrong" she said and sighed "please tell me" she begged.

Hunter looked at her. He wanted to tell her, so bad. More than anyone could want anything "Willow- I-"

Tick, tick, tick...

He was in the house sewing, sitting at the dining room table to do his craft. He heard arguing in the living room. He stood up and walked closer to hear "There is something wrong with Hunter! It's like he keeps zoning out!" Amity whisper-shouted.

"Oh you don't think I know!? We literally had a conversation about the flowers I planted, but in the next hour he couldn't even remember being outside with me!" Willow used the same tone of voice back.

"I think we should let him process this. It must have been a very bad memory he dreamed about. Maybe all he needs is time." Gus said calmly.

"We don't have time Gus! He snapped at flapjack earlier! He never snaps at any of his friends. He nearly swatted Flap from the air. That is not our Hunter" Luz said.

Hunter backed up and leaned on the table, he was breathing fast. What was going to happen? What were they going to do to him? Toss him out- just like his uncle did- was he not worth keeping around? Was he just a monster- he hurt flap! He didn't remember doing it but he did... he deserved whatever they did to him at this point. He should be punished for this. His uncle would have... sometimes he thinks his friends should to. What were they going to do?

Tick, tick, tick...

"Isn't obvious"

Hunter opened his eyes. He was in a dark forest. How did he get here? What day was it? Was that his uncle's voice? "They will turn on you." He heard Belos say. Hunter didn't try to run. His uncle would find him anyway. He stood there still as a soldier, as the emperor walked into view in front of him. "You should have never betrayed me. Now look at what's happening. Your so-called "friends" will turn on you. And you will have no one. You will be alone. Forgotten. You should have never left. I'm the only one that has ever cared about you." He said.

"You are right" Hunter said. He didn't want to believe what Belos was saying. He knew his friends cared about him... but he did just hear an argument about how they thought he wasn't the real Hunter... and he was so tired. Did his uncle actually make sense? Everything was so confusing. He wanted to sleep, but was he already? He was talking to Belos. So he had to be asleep right,

"It doesn't have to be that way. Leave them. Restore me. Join my side. And I will welcome you back with open arms" he said, looming over Hunter. "I was... harsh when I saw you in your dream. I needed to punish you since you went against what you have been told. Now I'm willing to give you one last chance... your only chance" he said. Putting his hand under Hunter's chin and lifting his head up so he would be looking directly in his eyes. "Think about it"

Tick, tick, tick...

Hunter was in the basement at his sewing machine "Ahhhhh I'm so excited! Halloween is tomorrow! Yesssss!" Gus shouted as he punched the air.

Hunter looked down and saw he was working on his costume "oh yeah! It's going to be exciting" he said with a grin.

"And afterwards we will break the news to Luz about the paper we found in the shack, and all that jazz" Gus said.

"Oh right... I forgot about that" Hunter said. He forgot the excitement they felt when they learned they might actually get to go home... but now. Hunter wasn't ready. He didn't want to go home. Not with Belos there. Wait... that probably isn't true is it? Did he want to stay? Should he go home and return to Belos? Would it end all of this- this pain he felt both in his mind and under his skin? Ever since he left Belos, there was nothing but hurt for him. Sure he was constantly on edge, but at least he had direction with Belos. 'Wait- stop thinking that. He would have killed you eventually. Who is to say that he is not doing just that, right at this very moment.' He thought to himself .

"You don't look as excited as you should be," Gus said. That sentence echoed as the ticking kicked in again.

Tick, tick, tick...

"Tomorrow is the big day..."

Hunter took a deep breath. It was dinner, it smelled so good. He looked around and he felt... normal. Nothing. He felt nothing squirming in his body. He closed his eyes and nothing. No sludge growing. No voice he could have sworn he heard. It was peaceful. He stood up and walked up the steps. Maybe he could give Willow the bee stuffed animal he made for her after all. Maybe all of it was just a bad trip caused by a highly realistic dream. He went into the dining room "hey guys" Hunter said a bit sheepishly.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Hunter. All of them looked worried and cautious, as if they wanted to go and hug him and ask him what was happening, yet were too on edge to do so. "Hunter! You want to eat bro?" Luz asked calmly. Her tone sounded like she was expecting him to turn down the offer like he did yesterday... wait, how many days has he not eaten?

"Yes!" Hunter said almost too excited, he could say yes to food! He was so hungry! Wow- "I am starving" he said and everyone seemed to relax instantly. Willow smiled and pulled out a seat for him next to her and he sat down with a wide grin. He felt... good? He should feel sleep deprived, and hungry beyond all means, but he shockingly just felt good. Dinner was served and everyone began to eat. He really wanted to scarf down all his food, but he didn't. He took his time eating, he didn't know why but he just felt like he should. He took his dishes to the sink and rinsed them off. He listened to the water running and smiled as he felt flapjack land on his head and snuggle into his hair like a nest. He sighed in a calm and almost relieved way. There was a tap on his shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his socks, he turned behind him and saw Willow. "Oh- hi! Sorry you spooked me there" he said with a smile.

Willow returned the smile but it was shadowed by worry "you never answered me" she said walking next to Hunter, helping him wash the dishes.

"What question?" Hunter asked with a tilted head.

"What is wrong? You seem okay now... but for the past week, it's like you were not here. Like you were a shell. You kept blanking and forgetting things and like just being really weird. I want to know what is wrong. You can tell me" she said then sighed, grabbing his shoulders to make him look at her "I don't want you to lie about it either. I know when you are lying. I just want to keep you safe. I can't do that if I don't know what is happening" her beautiful olive green gaze pierced Hunter's crimson eyes. He hated the color of his eyes, he felt like they looked evil whenever he looked in the mirror, but Willow said she loved them. That look was heartbreaking... he sighed and relented.

"Okay. I'll tell you. Not here though. Let's go to the basement" he led the way to the room that was completely empty and he sat on the couch and Willow followed his lead. He sat there and fidgeted with his thumbs . Willow looked at him, with wide and concerned eyes. He internally debated while she watched. His uncle said not to tell anyone. He thought and thought. Okay. He knew what to do.

"You good? You have that look on your face when you are thinking really hard" she said with a smile 'he is so cute when he has that face. WAIT! Nope, thoughts be gone! Now is not the time to think of that' she thought and shook her head

Hunter took in a deep breath "okay. The truth is... I feel guilty" he said. Willow tilted her head, encouraging him to keep going. "I keep getting lost in my own thoughts and I just keep seeing... him" he said and ran his hand through his hair. Flapjack sat on his lap and he began to pet the little bird. "He is everywhere it feels like, and I know it's wrong but sometimes I think... I could have done better. And lately, all I've been thinking is how I could have made things different, made things where I helped him better and helped him be a good person. It's like I failed and everyone is suffering because I wasn't good enough. He always said I was the most like his brother. I was supposed to be the best in a way. It's like I've let everyone that has come before me down... I survived... but they didn't. None of it is fair" he said. All of this was true. He was not lying. However, he wouldn't tell her the full truth. It would risk hurting everyone around him... it would risk Willow getting hurt. He wouldn't be able to live if that happened. The guilt would eat him alive.

Willow just looked at him and scooted closer. Without hesitation she pulled him into a hug "oh Hunter. You are such a feather head" she squeezed him tightly and he felt tears building up in his eyes as he hugged her back.

'Good boy... you actually didn't tell her...' Hunter heard a sigh in his mind, it caused him to have a sharp pain in his head, not enough to pull away from the hug in pain but enough for his grip to tighten slightly 'If only you had something sharp in your hand... we could have gotten started on getting rid of what is brainwashing you' with that thought Hunter took in a quick breath and pulled away from Willow, holding his hands, why did he hear those words- those awful words- no- he wouldn't. He could never... right?

"Hunter? What's wrong? You never pull away from hugs?" Willow asked.

Hunter stood up still nervous "oh- uhm- it's because I remembered something" he said and quickly went to the box he had hid the bee plushie in. "Erm- it's really bad... it was one of the first things I made... but I noticed that the earth bees look a lot like clover, so I made you an earth bee stuffed creature" he said and pulled out a pretty badly made bee. The stripes were not even and the wings were not entirely the same size, one eye was a button but since he couldn't find another button like it he just put an X there with the threading. He would joke with Gus about how it lost an eye during the great honey wars.

Willow's eyes widened and she quickly went to the bee "oh my TITAN! It's so cuteeeee" she said taking it and squeezing it "you made this?! It is one of the cutest things ever, I love it. One of the best gifts anyone has gotten me." She said looking at the bee. Hunter grinned widely at the reaction and turned a deep shade of red when she looked at him with the biggest smile "don't think this avoids the conversation about your feelings towards your guilt, we got a lot to talk about feather head" she said with a softer smile hugging the bee now.

Hunter let out a soft chuckle "yeah, yeah, nothing gets past you captain." He said with a smile they stood there looking at each other for what felt like forever. Willow admiring Hunter's strength to carry all he has and still having enough room in his heart for love and kindness. While Hunter admired Willow's abilities to break down his walls and see that he was in dire need of help, and the kindness she showed to everyone she met. Willow and Hunter both took a step forward. Neither of them knew what the force was that drew each other closer. Willow hugged Hunter and he just followed the captain's lead. He let out a breath he felt like he had been holding in. Completely forgetting about the thoughts that weren't his. The feeling of not being alone in his own body, all of it melting away as he looked into Willow's eyes. Willow didn't know why, but she wanted Hunter to just be here. Like this. She felt his heart, calmer than it had ever been as they looked into each other's completely different colored eyes. Just standing there close.

Hunter felt something. A need he had never felt towards anyone. He always had the need to help others. He always had a need to satisfy those he cares about. This need... was different. He closed his eyes and leaned forward. His forehead touched Willow's and he let the tip of his nose brush her small button nose. Willow was a tad shocked at that, they were so close. He was so close. He never liked to be this close to someone, she knew he didn't like anything in his face, it put him on edge. Yet, he was here, with their foreheads and noses touching one another's. She closed her eyes, and listened as Hunter whispered "I need you" he breathed out. It was desperate. Willow felt the pain with those three words, but also the love that came with it. He never admitted he needed something, he always was independent, wanting to carry everything on his own. Yet despite that, he needed her. He admitted he wanted her to be with him. She smiled. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to tell her she loved him and that she needed him too. She had passed the point of simply desiring to be in his presence. She wanted him to be her's and her to be his. She was so close. She leaned in a bit closer, but she stopped.

She decided not to... she couldn't do that to him. How could she be so selfish... he just said that he felt guilty, for her to add into the melting pot of emotions he had that basically made him a shell for a week. Well, she would be a horrible person. She wanted to, but she wouldn't. Not yet, for his sake. She would whenever it was all done. She would tell him she loved him, but now was not the time. "I need you too," she eventually said. After a while, they started talking about Halloween and all they would do, moving to the ground to talk. Eventually, Willow went upstairs with her bee to sleep and Hunter laid down and drifted off to sleep.

"What. Were. You. Thinking" a voice hissed in the darkness of his mind. "Never before have I witnessed something so. Vile. So devoid of morality. It makes me sick." Hunter heard the voice echo. He tossed and turned, goo, sludge, bones, eyes, it was everywhere, there was nothing else. He was drowning in it- he couldn't breathe- laughing, cold, sinister, laughing was all he could hear "no matter, we will deal with these... feelings you have developed for that witch. For now though, sleep" the voice echoed. "It is almost time"

Tick, tick, tick,


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