By -FakeLove-Yoongi

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Tilbede - Worship in Danish - "I've waited a long time for this" - (Chamber Of Secrets - Deathly Hallows Pa... More

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By -FakeLove-Yoongi

Year: 1977-1978
Age: 11 years old

Askel was sitting with Jay in the great hall playing wizards chess. Christmas was nearing and the halls were decorated with thousands of bright lights. Jay was giggling as his players kept getting smashed.

They were mostly ignored by everyone in their year.  They liked to keep to themselves. It was better that way.

"Losers," Askel's sister muttered

Askel shot her a nasty glare but dismissed her for the most part. They continued playing and eating Christmas food that magically appeared on the table.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of them. They both looked up to see Dumbledore with his twinkling eyes staring down at them.

"And what are you two up to?" He teased

"W-we where j-just playing s-sir..." Askel stuttered

Dumbledore chuckled.

"I can see that," he said, "you're not going home for Christmas?"

Askel took a second and Jay nodded, encouraging him.

"M-my mom d-doesn't want m-me there," he mumbled, "and I don't want to be there either."

Dumbledore frowned.

"I see," he said, "well just know that Hogwarts will always be here for you. No matter what."

Askel gave a small smile and looked down.

Dumbledore knew Askel's parents, particularly his mom had dark and prejudiced beliefs against muggles and muggle-borns. Charlie on the other hand didn't care as much, he would prefer his kids not to interact with anyone not pure but he didn't dare say anything rude in public. He thought everyone could have their own opinion and leave it at that.

"And I'm staying here with him," Jay smiled

Dumbledore smiled at Jay.

"How nice of you Jay," he said, "I hope you two will be joking us teachers in the great hall for a small feast later on today."

"You can count on us, sir!" Jay said enthusiastically

Dumbledore chuckled.

"I'll see you then,"

Dumbledore walked off and the two stared after him.

"He's a bit strange don't you think?" Jay said

"Yes..." Askel said, "he's very strange."

Year: 1978-1979
Age: 12

Askel had fallen asleep in Transfiguration class. McGonagall had yelled at him and threatened him with detention. Already a week in and he was already on her shit list.

Jay was worried about his best friend. Ever since he came back from the summer holiday he could see how depressed he was getting. He knew it probably had something to do with his parents. There were rumors that they were death eaters, and there were rumors that Askel's older sister who was in her last year of Hogwarts had even joined the ranks.

People now stayed away from him. Whispered in the halls. Usually, it didn't get to him but he was losing weight rapidly, and not sleeping, waking up from nightmares.

Jay went to try and find Askel in the library. Curled up in a ball, with a letter in his hand, Askel was sitting there.

"What's wrong my friend?" Jay asked as he sat next to him.

Askel looked at him.

"Letter from my mum," he said blandly

Jay knew that was enough. He always got depressed when his mother wrote. Askel silently passed it to him.


I can't say I'm not disappointed in you. While your grades are more than appropriate I expect more from someone who comes from our family. If I get one more letter from that mudblood-loving headmaster of yours explaining that you have been having a hard time in school I will punish you severely.

It's time for you to join the ranks and take your rightful place in this family. Your sister has and I expect you to. I have spoken to those who matter and they have all agreed to let you join. When you come home you will finally become one of us.

This is a privilege so many children wish to have. Be grateful.


Jay looked up from the letter.

"What am I supposed to do?" Askel whispered

"Come live with us!" Jay blurted out

Askel scoffed.

"My mom would never let me," he explained, "she already despises the fact that I hang out with you."

"Who cares? She can't make you become a death eater!" Jay hissed 

Askel felt a lone tear fall down his face.

"We need to tell Dumbledore," Jay suggested

"No," Askel said rubbing his eyes, "he's the reason I'm in this mess. I'll figure it out, Jay."

He gave a wary smile.

"As long as I have you by my side..." he said, "I can do anything."

Year: 1979-1980
Age: 13

Askel rubbed his arm. The dark mark that had been burned there over the summer holiday had been bothersome. More than bothersome, it had been horrible.

"I wish I could understand why we have to do this potions essay," Jay complained

They were sitting in the library attempting to finish homework. If only Askel could concentrate, on anything but his arm.

"Um Jay," a small voice mumbled

They all looked up to see Jay's youngest brother, Chul, standing there looking terrified.

"What?" Jay asked

"I... n-needed help w-with my history of m-magic homework," he stuttered

Jay sighed.

"You can work with Askel then. He knows more than me,"

Chul began blushing widely and took a glance at Askel who stared back with a blank expression. Finally, Askel sighed and closed his potions back.

"Let's go kid," he mumbled and led him to an empty table in the back.

Chul trembled a bit and Askel couldn't blame him. The kid looked like a sick puppy. They worked on the history of the magic essay together. Sometimes he would squeak, sometimes he would blush. Askel just rolled his eyes and tried to do his best to get this over with.

"Thanks, Askel," Chul mumbled when they finished.

"No problem," Askel ruffled the boy's hair.

Chul blushed widely and touched the top of his head. Askel chuckled and walked back to Jay.

"You tease him too much," Jay said, "you know he's got a crush on you."

"I know," Askel chuckled, "but it's fun to make him nervous."

Jay just chuckled and went back to his homework.

As Askel made his way to grab a book from the potions section he noticed two third-year Gryffindor's.

"Look... It's Askel Bakker," one whispered, "I heard his family is filled with filthy death eaters."

Askel flinched.

"Wouldn't be surprised if he was one too," the other said, "just look at him. Exactly like his mother and sister."

"HEY!" Screamed Jay

The girls gasped.

"Who are you to talk about Askel like that you stupid assholes!" He practically screamed

"What is this loud noise?" Madam Pince said  shocked


"Jay it's ok," whispered Askel, "let's just go."

"No these two brats need to learn a lesson," he growled

"I suggest you ladies leave," a voice said

They all turned to see a stern-looking Dumbledore behind them. The Gryffindors nodded and scurried out.

"I'll deal with you both later," he said

They put their heads down glumly. Jay was still fuming and being held back.

"Mr. Lee come with me. Now." Dumbledore said sternly

Jay huffed and followed behind Dumbledore stomping. Askel watched his best friend go.

"If only you knew..." he mumbled

"Quiet," Madam Pince hissed

Askel rolled his eyes.

"Keep your hair on lady,"

Year: 1980-1981
Age: 14

Askel's whole body hurt. He had been practicing dueling with his sister for hours. She was one of the best. Askel's mother wanted him to be as skilled as her. So they practiced for hours, every day.

"You're getting better. Much better," his mother said after one session, "almost as good as your sister."

He remembers his sister's furious face at the compliment but Askel didn't know how to take it. His mother had never complimented him before. He nodded at her.

"That's enough for today. Go to your room and wash up. We're expecting company tonight," she said

Askel took the chance and practically ran out of there. He went up to his room to strip himself of his dirty clothes and replace them with fresh ones.

"Don't think you're ever going to beat me," Leah said from his door

Askel pulled a fresh shirt over his head and turned to his sister. She had that glare on her face that Askel believed was permanently marked.

"I don't need to think that Leah. I know," he sneered

A furious look passed on her face.

"You insolent little brat!" She snapped, "You only joined the death eaters because Mother convinced the dark lord. That doesn't mean you deserve it."

Askel stood up from his bed.

"You hang out with those blood traitors! The Lees!" She screeched, "That little boy. What's his name again... Jay?"

"Don't speak of him!" Screamed Askel

"Or what?" Leah challenged with a smirk

Askel was now fuming and his anger was out of control. He knew he shouldn't have but his wand was already in his hand.

"When the dark lord makes his move..." she started, "I'll make sure he's the first one I'll kill."

Without thinking he fired a spell at his sister and before she could react she went flying against the wall.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" She screamed as she got back up

Leah pulled out her wand and prepared to duel her younger brother. Askel began blocking her spells, indeed his sister was more advanced than he was. But he wasn't going to lose this time. He dived for cover and in instinct threw a book at her face.

"ARGH!" She yelled

Askel took his chance and began attacking her. Leah attempted to defend herself as the room began spinning with objects as the duel ranged on.

But before either could admit defeat they were separated with a large bang.

Askel flew against the wall and groaned. He looked up to see his father looking furious but calm.

"Enough," he said

"Dad," Askel attempted, "she started it. She said she was going-"

"Enough!" He snapped

Askel flinched and withdrew himself. A flash of guilt crossed his dad's face but it disappeared quickly. Leah got up quickly.

"We have a guest..." he said in a solemn tone

Charlie turned to the door to see his wife standing there looking angry and embarrassed. Leah and Askel followed his eyesight. Askel gulped.

"My lord I apologize this wasn't how I wanted you to greet our children," Anne said

She shot them a nasty glare. Voldemort paused.

"Not at all," he hissed, "I now have seen the strength of both of them in a duel. I know which one is powerful and which one has potential."

Askel got up from the floor. Anne cleared her throat.

"Well that's wonderful my lord..." she said in a surprised tone, "might I suggest we go downstairs."

Askel finally let out a breath when they left his room. His sister follows.

He looked up at his father.

"I expect more from you Askel..." he murmured, "you embarrassed your mother today."

"I'm sorry..." Askel whispered. He looked down at his feet.

His father sighed.

"Clean up this mess," he turned away and started to head towards the door.

Askel looked at him.

"Why did you have to drag me into this Dad?" He asked

Charlie froze at the doorway. He heard the brokenness in his son's voice. He wasn't sure if he should answer the question but against his better judgment he did.

"Sometimes I wish you weren't in this life son. But one day you'll understand," he said

"I doubt that..." Askel responded

And with that, the conversation was over.

Year: 1981-1982
Age: 15

"You have a visitor," a voice said

Askel looked up from his cell in Azkaban to see a young look auror staring back at him. In the 5 months, he had been here since he had been captured in November.

It was a battle to remember, 7 of the most powerful Aurors were dispatched to where he was staying. At the time he wasn't hiding, he didn't care. He had lost Jay, his master was gone. His parents were captured. His sister, dead. What else did he have?

So when he heard the crack of apparition he knew he had two choices. Either come quietly or battle to the end and he chose the latter.

Of course, he lost. In the end, it was him against Remus Lupin, the other aurors had been blasted back. They had destroyed almost everything around them. But Askel was too weak.

"Askel," a voice said, interrupting his thoughts.

He looked up to see a tired and depressed-looking Opi standing in front of him. Askel stood up abruptly.

"What are you doing here?"

Askel heard more footsteps and saw the familiar twinkling eyes of Dumbledore.

"What is he doing here?" He asked scandalized

"I'm here to help you before your trial," Opi sighed as he opened his cell and let himself and Dumbledore in.

"I don't need any help," he said sitting back on his bed

"You might be sentenced to life in Azkaban. Do you understand that?" Opi sighed, "Maybe even the dementors kiss. I need something... Anything!"

Askel shook his head.

"I know they say things. They say you were you-know-who's most trusted follower. They say you
murdered people. But... but I know you couldn't. I know you," he said

"Do you?" Askel challenged

"I do," he said firmly, "you couldn't have done those things."

Opi knelt in front of Askel. He took his hands.

"Give me something. Anything," he whispered again

"It wouldn't matter," he whispered, "what do I have to live for?"

Opi stared at him.

"Jay... look what I did to him..." he brokenly said

Opi flinched. The Lees still hadn't recovered.

"That wasn't your fault," Opi said

"You don't believe that,"

"Don't tell me what I believe in," he snapped, "You loved my brother and you protected him."

"Look where my love got him..." he said

Askel wiped his tears.

"Just leave me here," he whispered, "leave me here to repent for my sins. It's what I deserve."

Opi stared at the young boy.

"I can't..." he said, "I won't. Jay wouldn't have wanted me to..."

And with that, he stood up and stormed out. Askel stared after him for a brief second and then looked at Dumbledore.

"Anything to say, headmaster?" He said

Dumbledore stared at the broken boy.

"You can't give up on yourself Askel," he told him, "there's so much more to live for."

Dumbledore reached into his coat and pulled out a small picture. He passed it to Askel. Askel took it with trembling hands.

It was him and Jay. In their first year. Standing side by side. Smiling, with their arms around each other. Askel broke down crying.

"How can I? He's not even there. He can't even remember me,"

"You'll always be in his heart Askel," Dumbledore said, "just like he'll always be in yours."

Dumbledore gave him one last look and left the cell, leaving a sobbing Askel, all by himself.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. It was a little insight into Askel's old life. I kind of realized I've never mentioned what Askel's Hogwarts house was. Any guesses?

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