Todoroki One Shots

Bởi frederikkemariefonne

52.9K 1.1K 330

(Not my art) This will be a one shot book, mainly about Todoroki and class 1-A. This story contains: -Angst ... Xem Thêm

Returning Memories
Expected or Unexpected?
Present- or past memories
Is it worth it?
Real or fake?
Pity- or not?
Secrets and despise
Secrets and despise II
Brothers or not?
It's alright
Freezing impact
How It Is
It's alright II
Games or determination?
Games or determination? II
Best bet
Best bet II
Right answers?
Un-usual behavior
Un-usual behavior II
Chosen or not?
Fun events
Sorry's II
Unreversable? II
Way of play
Airing emotions
Flaming trouble
Unreversable? II(I)
Another's troubles
Panic and nightmares
Uncurable II
Different comfort
Endings and beginnings
True self?
True self? II
Unplanned trip
Undeniable changes
Returning light
Opposites attract
Unwanted Flashbacks

Blooming friendship

501 15 3
Bởi frederikkemariefonne


When class A suddenly gets tasked with taking care of Eri, while Aizawa is anticipating to an important mission, it doesn't take long for the class to discover that she may have more in common with one of their friends, than they had thought to begin with.

But when some grows closer, it tends to drift others apart. Will that be the case here?


"So.. uhm" Kirishima said a bit unsure, as he spoke to the little girl sitting infront of him on the couch. "Eri, what do you want to do?"

Aizawa had left the class in charge of the little girl, which in most peoples opinions, probably wouldn't of been such a great idea. And how could it ever be? The class was chaotic and hyper, they were almost all over the place all of the time, so how would they ever be able to take care of another living figure, that wasn't themselves, with a quirk that they couldn't use to protect themselves?

The class had been opposed to it too in the beginning- fearing that they'd make the girls' life more terrifying than it already were. But when Aizawa told them about how it would benefit their future careers, atleast half of the class changed their opinions.

"Taking care of another life, will only add other experiences under your belts for the future. Use this opportunity to become better heros"

That's what Aizawa had said. They understood very well the benefits on their part, with the experience about taking care of kids and scared ones at that, but just the thought of making Eri more scared than she already were, was just enough to make the class hold back from jumping at the opportunity.

What if they scared her? Or worse.. hurt her?

The class knew each other well, and therefor knew all of each other's weakness' and limits, but with another soul living under the same roof as them, they'll have to adjust to them too, without crossing boundaries that they'd usually never even think about with each other.

It'll be one hell of a challenge but are they willing to take it?

Eri just looked at Kirishima- seemingly confused about what he had meant. 

She probably wasn't used to people asking her that...

"Do you like board games? Maybe we could play one of those?" Mina asked, looking around the class for some sort of responds, as Eri just looked back at her too- her head slightly tilted to the side in confusion.

She probably didn't know what that was... the board games..

He couldn't really blame her... he didn't know what it was either, at that age. Hell, he only got to play some, when he entered this class..

"What about-" 

He could hear Kaminari talk in the background, but his own thoughts was more overwhelming.

What did he like to do at that age? When he was isolated from everyone and everything...

"Or we could-" 

"What about drawing?" He felt bad for cutting Minas sentence off, but the way Eri's eyes lit up was just so much more worth it.

He remember drawing when he had nothing else to do... when he couldn't be with anyone... He remembers drawing and just forgetting about others expectations for him, the way that they would constantly wear him down, was something he couldn't feel when drawing, especially when he was in his own world.

A smile appeared on the little girls face, before she turned to him- "Yes please. I like drawing"

For a moment, he considered smiling back at her, but he didn't want to scare her either. Maybe keeping his distance from her would be best...atleast that's what he's heard that he should do-

Abused victims often become the abuser.

That was a sentence he strived to get around. To not be bound by his past and to not be bound by other peoples thoughts and expectations. He didn't want to be like that, he didn't want to hurt anyone and much less a child.

He could see his own reflection in Eri, and maybe that was what made him keep his distance... the thought that they may be more alike than he had thought, was almost more terrifying than what he used to face every day of his life...


He thought he could keep his distance... but apparently his classmates had other plans-

"Come on Shoto, you need to help us out a bit here" Mina whined from the other side of his door, as he had locked himself in his dorm, merely an hour ago. "You're the only one that she will communicate with, we need you"

Apparently his classmates was very convinced that he were the only one who could speak with Eri freely... well except for Midoriya that is, who had been the one to keep her occupied while Shoto wasn't there. The only problem was though, that she apparently wanted something, that Midoriya couldn't put his finger on, and much less understand the things she wanted to show him.

This was where Shoto came into the picture, as they had this feeling that he'd be able to understand her... how they got to that conclusion though, he has no idea..

"Please dude, we really need some more help here. Even Iida and Yaoyorozu has tried, but they have absolutely no idea of what they're doing right now" Kirishima then said from the outside too- making Shoto feel that much more pressured into helping them out.. even as it was the last thing he wanted right now...

A sigh was the only thing that left his throat, as he gently creaked the door open- "Where is she?"

His classmates faces lit up, though he didn't understand why. What if he couldn't get through to her? Would he of failed them then? If you asked him, his classmates shouldn't rely on him that much, especially as they can't predict the future.

When they finally reached the common area, the first thing Shoto's eyes fell on was the little girl currently sitting in the corner of the room, with Yaoyorozu seemingly trying to lighten her mood with different things laying around her like; crayons, toys and even a few teddys. 

That isn't something that would of helped him back then... Nothing helped on him, except..


The calling of her name seemed to catch her off guard, as she turned her head, only to instantly stand up- "You came" She seemed relieved, but he didn't know why.

He succeeded once, and suddenly everything he does is the right thing?

He just shook the thought from his mind, as Yaoyorozu walked towards the group standing a few feet behind him- letting him have Eri's full attention, without feeling pressure from anyone else.

"Hey" He tried to call out to the girl, but she didn't budge much, besides lifting her head slightly from her knees to look at him. "What.." 

Would he of wanted that question back then? Would he of wanted to tell a stranger about what is bothering him?

"Would you like to draw for a bit?" The words came out softer than he thought them to be- letting Eri hear the sincereness in his tone. 

And he thought it worked, until the little girl just answered by shaking her head slightly- "I don't really want to draw anymore.." Her voice was very quiet and small. Maybe she just felt unsafe? 

This led to Shoto trying to figure out what could make her feel safer, but nothing seemed to come to mind. What made him feel safe?

He couldn't find an answer, and luckily he didn't have to either, as Eri answered the question for herself- "Do you ever feel pressured to hide a certain part of yourself? Uhm.."

Her question caught him off guard, but maybe just figuring out what she had to say, would be enough for her to feel a little safer? 

"Shoto" It was obvious that she didn't know his name, and if giving his first name to a little scared girl was what it took, than that be it. "And to answer your question, yes I have"

He wanted to be genuine with her, just like he wanted her to be genuine with him. If this girl needs answers to the mess inside her head, than let his own be her way to get those answers.


She seemed genuinely shocked by his answer, which actually shocked him too. Wasn't that much obvious? That he had a certain part that he'd like to hide... "Mhm" Was all he managed to get out. He had a part of himself that he wanted to hide, but what did she feel the need to hide?

"Can I... Can I ask which part it is?" She stammered a bit, but it was clear to Shoto just how long she had been thinking about that question.

"Sure. If you tell me which part of yourself that you want to hide by asking me this question?"

He needed to get answers out of her too, it wouldn't help if it was only him after all...

Eri seemed unsure of his request, until she glanced behind him and saw all the people still standing there. That's right. She wouldn't be the only one exposing something... he'd be exposing himself to his classmates too...


He managed to get a smile spread across his face, before he lifted his left hand to hold over his scar. If there's anything he'd like to hide more than anything... it'd be that... "If you understand?" he said- occupied by a sad smile right after.

She seemed shocked for a moment, before she leaned a bit forward, pulling her knees under herself instead of hugging them to her chest, before raising herself slightly, till her hands landed on his left wrist- pulling it away from his scar. "Why would you hide that? I think you're beautiful"

The shock he felt at that moment must of been obvious in his expression, but he couldn't care less. He knew that she probably didn't think much about her choice of words... but beautiful? He doesn't think anyone has said that word to him since... since when?

Not a sound left the group of students standing behind him, not even when a single tear slipped from his eye and tangled itself in his eyelash. "Don't cry Mr. Shoto, I don't want you to be sad" 

Eri's tone of voice held no sort of anger nor sadness, yet it contained a strange tone of comfort that Shoto hadn't heard in a very long time. Maybe this girl was just as broken as him? Her hand never left his cheek, which led him to laying his own on top of the smaller ones'.

"I'm not sad" A smile slipped on his face, and he actually found it surprising to himself. When was the last time he had been smiling this brightly? And this many times at once? "Thank you"

His words seemingly surprised Eri, as he felt her hand flinch underneath his own. She weren't used to hearing those words either... he could tell..

He wanted to make her smile too, but he also needs to know what could of possibly be wrong enough for her to wish to hide a part of herself. 

"But, now it's your turn" He wanted to keep his voice soft and comforting, but he also needed it to get more serious. "I've told you mine"

The realization seemed to catch her off guard, as she gently pulled her hand down to her lap- now sitting on her knees. "I- I want you to be honest though" Her tone of voice didn't match her expression at all- her voice soft yet her expression contained nothing but seriousness and patience.

How a girl her age could even wear an expression like that actually surprised him..


Was the only words he said- which seemed to make Eri that much more inclined to believe him. "You promise?"

Both of her hands reached the sleeves of her shirt- one sleeve in each hand as she crossed her arms infront of her chest in order to reach. What were she doing though? She were just about to pull up her sleeves when she faltered- looking directly at him as if waiting for something.

What could she be- oh. 

"I promise"

The words barely left his throat, before a heaving breath could be heard leaving the little girls' throat. This must of been weighing her down quite a lot, huh? It wasn't until she began slowly pulling up both of her sleeves, that he realised what she had been so insecure about this whole time..

How did she even get those scars?

Both of her arms were littered in all from small dots, to long lines going across her arms. To someone who weren't familiar with this kind of scarring, it could seem like scars caused by self-harm, but Shoto knew better. They seemed faded, but he could tell... he could always tell..

When you have them almost all over your body, you quickly recognize which scars are actually caused by yourself and what must of been something else. And these didn't even look close to something she could of produced by herself.. the depth, the lines, the dots. Nothing matched... maybe a needle?

He'd heard very few details of where Eri came from and what she had been through, and the only things he remembers being mentioned was that her quirk had led others to experiment on her... so maybe needle wasn't that far away... maybe even a knife wouldn't be far away either...

He didn't even realise his own actions, until he had gently taken ahold of both of her wrists- pulling her arms just a tiny bit closer as he looked her straight in the eye. Those eyes... they seemed to hold far more emotions, than she seemed to show..

"I don't see what there is to be insecure about" He said truthfully, "I think they're just a reminder of what you've overcome and survived. It's something that you should reflect upon and learn from.." He had to stop for a moment, as she seemed to tear up.

Did he use the wrong words?

"I have a lot of scars too you know? All of them are reminders of what we've overcome, see?"

He punctuated the last of his sentence, by letting go of Eri's left wrist, in order to pull the hem of his pants just a tiny bit under his hipbone- in order to show her the canvas that was littered all over with scars.

Hopefully she doesn't understand what had caused those..

"You really think so?" Her voice broke as those words left her throat- followed by a few silent tears falling down her cheeks.

Normally he would of felt bad for making someone cry, but it really seemed like Eri had needed this..

"Ofcouse, I think you're the strongest person I've met-" His words were soft and comforting, which was probably also the reason why Eri suddenly caught him off, by jumping into his arms and hugging her arms around his neck.

The action made him gasp in surprise. When was the last time he'd hugged someone like this? Or someone hugged him...

He didn't really know what to do as she held on to him- his hands didn't seem to want to move at all, as they just hovered over the little girls back- still not entirely sure that she would appreciate being hugged back at all.

But the next words leaving her mouth, was just enough for all of his tension to leave and for his arms to finally embrace her back-

"Thank you, Mr. Shoto"


"Oh my god, that's just the cutest thing ever" Mina silently squealed- followed by a lot of shushing coming from their other classmates. "I know, I know... But just look at them" He knew that she were trying to be quiet, but somehow he still managed to sent her a very dissatisfied glare- making her instantly shut up.

He were currently sitting on the ground- Eri in his lap, as she were sound asleep. She had been crying for about an hour, before the exhaustion took over- leaving Shoto to take care of the now unconscious girl. Though he had absolutely no idea of what he were doing...

It's not like he hadn't tried to pry her off, but her grip were just too tight around his neck. How a girl that size and age had that much strength... he had no idea...

"Maybe we should put her to bed?" Midoriya then suggested to the other classmates still standing around him, as they tried to be as quiet as possible, in order not to wake the sleeping girl.

"That'll probably be a good idea-" Iida then said, glancing over his shoulder while sending a sympathetic glance to the two toned boy sitting on the ground. "- I think Todoroki would appreciate that too"

Even as he said that, it was clear to Shoto that a smile appeared on his lips- followed by a few chuckles from some of his friends.

Couldn't they just get to it and help him up?

When nobody moved, Shoto decided to take matters into his own hands- sending glare after glare towards his classmates, who didn't waste a second before they silently came to help him up, without making him shift the girl in his lap too much, before he were able to get a hand under her legs and around her back in order to keep her in place.

"Finally..." He mumbled, as he shifted his arms, which were around Eri, into a more comfortable position. "Where is she sleeping anyway?" 

He didn't even know where she were going to sleep... How would he ever be able to walk her to bed then?


That didn't sound good... Iida were just rubbing at his neck, while the others seemed to avoid eye contact. They knew something he didn't... what was it? He wanted to ask them, but the only thing that managed to reach his features, was a simple raise of his left eyebrow.

"Well you see.." Midoriya then said, while twiddling his fingers. Why did he seem so nervous? "There is something that you should probably know.."

The green haired boy kept trailing off- pulling Shoto closer and closer to snapping. If it hadn't been for Eri, he probably would of already snapped at them by now.. "What is it? Just say it now"

He really didn't have the energi nor the patience to wait much longer for the greenette to speak up. Why couldn't he just get it over with? 

"She doesn't really have a place to sleep.. and well..." Midoriya kept rambling, until he suddenly mumbled the last bit, in which Shoto could only wish he hadn't heard correctly- ".. Maybe she can just sleep with you?.. It wouldn't be very good to wake her now anyway..."

Shoto could only stare back in shock. He might be able to get some emotions out of her that she didn't need, but how would he ever be able to take care of her? And alone at that?

He just gently shook his head from side to side- until he finally managed to get his voice to follow, "I can't"

"Please Shoto, I'l make everything you'll need" Yaoyorozu suddenly said from besides Midoriya- seemingly eyeing the girl in Shoto's arms.

"Yeah, and we'll help you alright?" Sero then said, as he gestured to the entire class- in which they all nodded back.

He knew that it was for the best and that he should just do it, but when has it ever been a good idea to have someone, who's not used to children, take care of one that may be even more traumatized then themselves?

"Please?" Midoriya then said- seemingly begging, as he waited for Shoto's responds, alongside their other classmates.

Could he though? He wanted to help.. but would he be able to?

One glance down at Eri after that, was just enough for all of his thoughts to be erased.. atleast for that moment...


The words left his throat before he were able to object.

"Thanks, it means a lot"


About half an hour later, and he were now placed on his bed- Eri still asleep half in his lap, though he finally managed to get them both laid down without waking the girl in his arms.

How she were even still asleep seemed like a miracle to Shoto...


A mumble coming from the small figure, made Shoto jump slightly, though not enough to actually move him from his spot on the bed. Why were she mumbling though?

He couldn't even remember the last time he had slept alongside someone.. it seemed weird and unnatural... especially when that person is mumbling and trashing in their sleep...

It wasn't anything mayor, and diffinetely not something that Shoto wouldn't be able to tune out- but the fact that she kept mumbling just gave him an unsettling feeling in his stomach. He usually trash and mumble in his sleep when... when he's about to have a terrifying nightmare-

"Eri?" He tried asking in the quietest tone he could muster, trying to wake her without affecting her nightmare... he knows what effect others voices can have on them..

When the girl didn't wake up, Shoto simply wrapped both of his arms tighter around her- keeping her head to his chest, until she suddenly calmed down, laying stiller than ever as she returned to a peaceful slumber.

He wonders what she dreamt about, but he also knows that it isn't his place to ask...

The others had left his room about twenty minutes ago, which meant he hadn't been here alone for more than about Fifteen minutes by now, but he already felt like he wouldn't be able to sleep at all.

He couldn't see a thing in the darkness of his room, yet it felt like he couldn't close his eyelids. What was wrong with him?

In a final attempt to try and get some sleep, he closed his eyes, and tried to relax- even with the little girl wrapped up in his embrace, which made it more difficult than usual. He just has to sleep.. he could do that, right?

He thinks about five minutes passed with him just laying there, until he finally found his mind being close to dozing off. About time... Was the only thing he could think, as he were relieved by the way his eyes closed tighter and drooped.

Atleast he'd be able to get some sleep-

A scream coming from just infront of him suddenly woke him again- making him jump into a sitting position in pure shock, as he hadn't expected the noise so suddenly. What was going on?

It took his eyes a few seconds before they had finally adjusted to the lighting- and he were able to make out the little girl, who were now laying, while propping her body up on her elbows, as she breathed heavily- obviously just as effected as Shoto was by the scream and surprise.

"Eri..?" He mumbled, though he doubted the girl had heard it- no reaction coming from her not so ever. "Are you alright?" He then asked, a bit louder than he had before, this time actually trying to get the girls attention without just talking to himself.

It seemed like she hadn't expected him to be awake, as her eyes flew straight towards him, before she finally began calming down after being able to make out his face in the darkness.

"M-Mr. Shoto?" Her voice shook as she spoke, and Shoto suddenly realised the clear liquid welling up in her eyes. Were she crying?

"Yeah I'm here" He said, as he laid back down only to open his arms to the girl. Maybe it was just what she needed? To be held like this?

It seemed to work, as she didn't waste a second, before instantly snuggling up to Shoto. "I'm scared" She suddenly whispered, which only made Shoto rock her slightly in his arms, as he caressed her back aswell- trying to make her calm down with simple gestures that he remembers his mother doing to him. 

He always calmed down after some small pads from his mother..

"Why are you scared?" He then asked, trying to do something, anything that would help the girl calm down. She were shaking... he could feel it... 

His question seemed to make her flinch for a moment, before she whispered into his chest- barely loud enough for Shoto to hear- "That they'll come back for me.." And that was the last straw. The last thing keeping him from embracing this girl with everything in his might, which was exactly what he did- though not before whispering back to Eri, in the most protective voice he thinks he can muster-

"I wont let that happen"


The next morning was awfully quiet- no unusual, or more like usual noises, coming from the common area, as Shoto and Eri slowly made their way there. Their morning had been pretty decent, and Shoto will even think of it as great. He had no problem with helping Eri with everything she asked, and he didn't feel like he needed to do anything for her- as she almost did it all by herself.

He were pretty scared that he'd have to help brush her hair, and then accidentally hurt her, but to his luck, she knew just how to do it herself so that he wouldn't have to.

Over all, it was going pretty well, and Shoto didn't feel as out of place as he did the night before. She's actually a really caring and sweet girl..

She had surprised him plenty of times with her way of doing things, and the way she were acting to different situations. This didn't bother him though, as it just made him want to protect her even more.

He had always been used to being the youngest in his family, but for once he actually found himself in a big-brother like role, when it came to Eri... atleast that's what he thinks this is. He didn't know how it would feel exactly, but he remembers Natsuo trying to explain it to Shoto somehow, as he talked about his big-brother instincts.

He wouldn't really mind if it was the case...

"Hey Eri and Todoroki, how are you?"

Midoriya suddenly asked from the kitchen area, ripping Shoto from his thoughts. He hadn't even realised that he were there.. or any of the others for that matter..

It wasn't until he looked around, that he realised how almost the entire class was gathered in the common area. How they managed to stay this quiet still remained a mystery to him..

"Good. Mr. Shoto was very nice"

He almost couldn't contain his smile by that. She thought he were nice?

"That's good to hear" Midoriya then said, as Shoto just barely held back a snicker by the way Eri nodded with a smile on her face.

"Mhmm" She then said, letting her voice follow her actions throughout her nodding. 

He wonders if he were like this too when he were little..

The thought made him go blank for a moment, before Eri's next words quickly pulled him back-

"Mr. Shoto is my new friend"

He froze by that. Friend? And she sounded so confident too.. Would he even be able to be her friend?

Looking at Eri's expression, he didn't even let the thought linger for more than a few seconds, as he instantly let out the smile he had been trying to contain-

"Ofcouse Eri"


I'm running short on ideas again, so if you have any suggestions I'm free to listen.

Hope you liked this one though.

13/09/23 - 22/09/23

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