The Wandering Wolf.

By The-Last-Wolf1998

224K 8.2K 1.1K

Erik Stark is the eldest son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. Heir To WinterFell, but Erik has followed his own p... More

Erik Stark.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 10.
Part 11.
Part 12.
Part 13.
Part 14.
Part 15.
Part 16.
Part 17.
Part 18.
Part 19.
Part 20.
Part 21.
Part 22.
Part 23.
Part 24.
Part 25.
Part 26.
Part 27.
Part 28.
Part 29,
Part 30.
Part 31.
Part 32.
Part 33.
Part 34.
Part 35
Part 36.
Part 37,
Part 38,
Part 39.
Part 40.
Part 41.
Part 42.
Part 43.
Part 44.
Part 45,
Part 46.
Part 47.
Part 48.
Part 49.
Part 50.
Part 51.
Part 52.
Part 53.
Part 54.
Part 55.
Part 56.
Part 57.
Part 58
Part 59.
Part 60.
Part 61.
Part 62.
Part 63.
Part 64.
Part 65.
Part 66.
Part 67
Part 68.
Part 69.
Part 70.
Part 71.
Part 72.
Part 73.

Part 9.

3.9K 132 12
By The-Last-Wolf1998

Erik's Pov,

"Your wolves, they were at our camp last night." Daenerys says, and my head whips in her direction. Wait, what?!

"With a giant one bigger than a horse, so tell me lord Stark where are you hiding that one?" She continues, and she's saying the wolf that I'm dreaming off, it's real?

"I have no giant wolf, only the ones you see here and the one who's with my brother." I state, and not long after, I see the carts ride our way with Rickon and the men who stayed with him.

As Rickon sends his pony into a gallop, he flies past us before he falls off and crashes into the sand.

Quickly dismounting my horse, I run over to him while cries leave his lips, and I pick him up.

"Hey, it's alright, little warrior. We all fall off sometimes." I soflty say as he wraps her arms around my neck while I rub his back.

Seeing one of the Dothraki laughs, I raise my brow at him. Before walking over to Daenerys.

"I don't speak the language of savages but tell them that if they ever dare to laugh at my brother again, I'll cut his troath before I let our wolves feast on his body." I state, and she translates. I hope that for me.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" I soflty ask Rickon, and he shakes his head as sniffles still leave him.

"It doesn't matter that you fell Rickon, but never stop getting up. Now go get your horse and get back on." I state as I place him down, and he wipes his tears away.

"B-but what if I fall again?" He asks me, and I squad down before placing my hands on his shoulders.

"No body is perfect at the beginning you'll have to fall to learn, you'll have to miss your arrow to learn how to shoot, learning comes with failing but if you stop doing something because it goes wrong you'll never learn. So go get your horse and get on." I say before ruffling his hair, and he gives me a nod before running off to the pony while Shaggydog follows him.

Getting up, I walk over to my horse again before mounting it and holding my hand out for Daenerys. Well, she's beautiful, and I think she has walked in this dessert long enough.

"We need to talk , and by the looks of it, you've walked through this hellhole long enough, so please join me." I say, and she takes my hand before I pull her up in front of me while Jorhan. Well, I can see the dislike on his face, but I don't care.

"Tell your people they can ride on the carts, and we even have some extra horses with us. Your journey must have been long." I say, and I think she translated it for me because it sounded like a lot of grunting?

Seeing Rickon ride over, I give him a smile. "See, now when we arrive at Qarth I'll take you to buy your own horse." I say, and he gives me a nod before wiping the last of his tears away.

As the  Dothraki gets on the extra horses and carts, I start riding away from the group with Daenerys in front of me and Shadow and Nymeria on either side of us. And again, the pull is just completely gone. It's just weird. Clearly, it was leading me towards her, but why?

"Your father rebelled against mine." She states, and I hum at her words. "And yours brutally murderd my grandfather and uncle. We can bring up the past for the next year's, or we can talk about the future." I simply state as the men ride about 50 yards behind us.

"Then tell me, Lord Stark, why are you here?" She asks as she sits sideways on my horse.

"I came for your brother, to see if he was worthy to let my men die for, to see if he was worth letting the men of the North die for but I already should have known my awnsers I've heard stories about the Beggar King. But now I wish to see if you are worthy of those things, I do not care if a woman or man sits on the throne so I'm here to see if your worthy for me and my brother to aid you in helping you take the Iron Throne." I simply say, and she turns her head in my direction.

"To see if I'm worthy? I'm the last Targaryen. The Iron Throne is mine by birthright." She states, and I raise my brow.

"As far as I see, you were stuck in the Red Waste with no water, no food, and a 3 day walk to the closest city. If I hadn't come along there, probably wouldn't have been a Targaryen anymore. I don't care about who your father is, I care about the people of the Realms and to see someone who's fit to rule take the throne." I say as I look at those beautiful violet eyes and get lost in them once again. 

"Tell me, Lord Stark, why support me now?" She asks, and I take a deep breath. "The realms are at war, my younger brother Robb has gathered his banners and is marching south as we speak, but he asked me to search  the Targaryen's and see if they where fit to rule. He can't fight the war alone, and last I heard, your husband had 40 000 mounted men." I state, and well, clearly she doesn't anymore as she's traveling with a group of 30 max.

"Khal Drogo is dead. These people and my children are all I have left." She states and children? Wait, the comet?! It was true that dragons have returned.

"The dragons have returned?" I ask, and she gives me a nod. A Targaryen and dragons what could possibly go wrong.

"We will ride for Qarth there. we will talk more and see if I think you're worthy enough to follow."

3 Days Later.

Seeing the closed gates of Qarth come into view, we stop about 100 yards outside of it, and I dismount my horse before the Thirteen, and some gaurds walk out.

"Lord Stark." The man says and I give him a nod. "I am Daene-" She starts before he cuts her off.

"Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen. "

"You know me, my Lord?" She asks him in slight disbelief while I stretch my body out.

"Only by reputation, Khaleesi. And I'm no lord, merely a humble merchant. They call you the Mother of Dragons. " He awnsers and I run my hand trough Shadow's fur as he stands next to me.

"And what should I call you?" Daenerys asks and can we go inside I would like to check on my men and sleep in a proper bed.

"Oh, my name is quite long and quite impossible for foreigners to pronounce." He awnsers, and I take some steps forward.

"Can we skip all the pleasantries and just go inside? I've had some long months, and by looking at the company with me, they would also appreciate a bath and some proper sleep." I simply say with a raised brow.

"Even so far east the north still shows in you, Lord Stark. But when you left, we didn't expect for you to return with a Dothraki horde." He says, and I look behind me to see the 30 men and women strong horde.

"If that's a horde I'm a fucking giant, let these people in or well deal with the consequences." I state as i turn back in his direction.

"Where I come from, guests are treated with respect, not insulted at the gates." Daenerys says as she stands beside me, and I raise my brow at the Thirteen.

"Then perhaps you should return to where you come from. We wish you well." He says before turning away and I walk over to one of my men before grabbing his spear and trowing it a foot next to the man.

"Maybe you've forgotten that my army is inside your walls, now your city is one of trader's tell me what will happend if I let them loose?" I simply say before Daenerys speaks.

"Thirteen! When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who have wronged me. We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground. Turn us away, and we will burn you first." She bites their way as she takes some steps forward, making the gaurds point their spears in her direction.

"Ah you are a true Targaryen, and you a Stark." He says before a dark skinned man steps forward.

Retreating in fear from a little girl is unbecoming of the greatest city that ever was or will be. And lord Stark would like to return to his men tell me don't you think he'll hold word if we keep the gates closed?" He says as he looks at the man.

"The discussion is over, Xaro Xhoan Daxos. The Thirteen have spoken." The man says while I grab another spear from my men next time I'll trow I'll hit him. Who does he think he is casting us out only because he has a few Dothraki with her?!

"I am one of the Thirteen, and I am still speaking." Xaro, something something says like, what's it with that long weird name?

The girl threatens to burn our city to the ground and you would invite her in for a cup of wine? The boy threatens to let his army loose and yet you wish him to join his men again?" He counters and I give them a smirk.

"She is the Mother of Dragons.Do you expect her to watch her people starve without breathing fire? I believe we can allow a few Dothraki through our gates without dooming our city.And he is the Wandering Wolf you should know they'll show their teeth when being wronged.After all, here I am, a savage from the Summer Isles, and Qarth still stands."Xiao says.

"Our decision is final." The fat man says and I get ready to trow my spear before Xiao speaks.

"Very well. I invoke Soumai. I will vouch for her, her people, and her dragons in accordance with the law." Xia says as he takes a knife and cuts the palm of his hand before showing it to the fat man.

"Be it on your head." The fat man  says before he walks towars the others.

"Welcome to Qarth my lady, and welcome back my  Lord ." Xia says before the gates open and I walk back to my horse before mounting it while the others slowly start walking in.

"Next time you make a threat to me better make sure you kill me before I end your life." I say to the Thirteen before riding in with my men and the wolves.

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