The Wildcard - Katsuki Bakugou

By daydreamingtwizzler

290K 11.1K 6.2K

"You're giving me the look." "What look?" He asked in confusion. "Your 'I really wanna kiss you' look." ~ Gr... More

~The Wildcard~
Art break!
Thirty-Nine Bonus
Q&A + New Art!
The Epilogue
Author's Note
I'm back!
.Extra One.
.Extra Two.
.Extra Three.

.Extra Four.

1.2K 23 4
By daydreamingtwizzler

Switching up arcs for this one! Taking it back to the beginning of the "after."




Word Count: 7425

It'd been a week since the dance and Costa had spent days internally battling herself.

The school competition for the NWHC was complete, something she'd checked off on her directory of tasks to accomplish in the near future. Post-near death and then certain- yet temporary- death had caught up to her, on top of the restless preparation for the ultimate battle.

She'd nearly been killed by the fire-fucker, Dabi, one too many times, and yet still, the competition was at the height of her mind. How could it not have been? It'd been what fueled her, all this time.

Her grief had wrapped its skinny arms around the hope that she'd make it this far. Although, after being drained of everything she had to give for so long, now that she was here, life felt... still.

She'd been sprinting, pushing her limits of muscular strain for years now. Except those muscles possessed ligaments that intertwined with her heart and soul. Loss had infiltrated her goals and ambitions, planting tiny little roots into the soil of what she had to do to move on.

The past several months hit her at full blast, after the high of the dance and the win and the boy she loved. After she grasped that goal she'd been hanging on to since her mother's death.

And so now she thought, well what now?

What now?

Well, for starters, she had an invader she had to deal with first.

Another goal bubbled up inside her, during the days following the competition, when her head was a bit too quiet. The thing inside her, Tesha, she'd decided to call it was tired, given it fed off of Costa's energy. Costa hadn't possessed any energy to provide it since, given she'd spent three days after the competition lazying around.

She was on the news everywhere. It was insane how often she'd heard the public discuss her in the past couple of months. First, there was the incident with the league, or more specifically, Dabi, who'd adopted his own sick agenda with Costa. Which was what? Giving her a quirk of darkness to turn her into a proper villain??

She often found herself clenching her fists or her jaw just from thinking about him. He'd gone out of his way, stepped out of the authority of his leader, just to make her turn to the dark side? Costa had spent minutes, hours, and days, pondering over the question,


She knew why he thought she'd be the perfect candidate to recruit to his little squad, based on her past and blood relation to a dangerous, highly convicted criminal. She just didn't understand why he felt the need to recruit her?

He was trying to "save" me as he called it.

The only answer she could really come up with was that the man was totally batshit. Otherwise, she'd drive herself insane trying to figure him out, as well as his intentions.

Costa had a difficult time sleeping after the first few days, as her post-competition haze came to an end. She'd had spent most of her time napping or watching television, reading manga, and treating her studies like a second priority. She got away with it too, given Aizawa knew just how hard she'd fought and had been fighting all this time.

The girl needed a break.

He knew she'd had nearly no time to recover after the kidnapping and near-death circumstance before sprinting head-first into the NWHC without hesitation. She hadn't let up on that competition, not even a little, despite her injuries and new... parasite.

Costa had her first-night terror on the Friday of her off-week, when she'd fallen asleep in her dorm room watching old reruns of 1980s animes with her hand sitting in a bag of chips. She was originally very drowsy and sleep overcame her with ease, but it didn't take long before she found herself in a familiar place.

It was dark and wet here, Costa noted as she opened her eyes into the void. Her pupils focused as a hum filled the air, causing her right ear to twitch slightly. It smelt damp and a tad sour, as if a dark, stormy aura hung in the dense air.

Her bare feet were submerged in shiny black water. It swished around the skin of her ankles and she finally rose to her feet. She was not naked this time, at least, instead clothed in shadow from her neck to her knees. It was airy and cool. Costa found herself attempting to run her fingers through it but her hands only phased through, as if her body weren't even there.

She let out a long breath when she sensed the shift in the air.

It was like going over a bump in the road, or skydiving, or the drop of a very tall rollercoaster. Her stomach rolled and terror struck her as she felt its hands on her. Costa was falling, the ground slipping out from under her as hands reached out from all sides, grabbing her, clawing at her.

She yelled out into the void, fighting with all her might, her body thrashing and jerking and shouldering and--

"Get over here right now, Costa."

A familiar, gruff voice echoed in her brain and she immediately tensed in response.

Costa gasped for breath before she was yanked underwater. It was as cold as ice, slicing through her senses with razor-sharp teeth and she was screaming into the water as it filled her lungs and froze her solid. Her eyes burned, so she blinked.

Except, she was no longer in the water.

Air found her lungs and an awkward sputtering of breath escaped her mouth. She clutched her throat, inhaling and exhaling intensely. She was no longer in the void, but she'd stepped back into the memory of her childhood home.

Costa shook her head when she saw the image of her father once more and turned away.

The strong, "No," that escaped her lips was final, definite, nonnegotiable. With a guttural tone, she clenched her fist so tightly, that her nails pierced her skin. She was shaking her head, shaking away all of this, this dream that she'd had over and over when Tesha had been put into her.

She heard the smack and a higher, younger scream that mirrored her own when she'd barked out, "Enough."

It paused, the memory, as if it was buffering for a split second and Costa jumped at the seams of this illusion. As if it were a drape in front of her eyes, she reached out and yanked it out from under its ,feet and suddenly, her hands were around a body.

She pinned Tesha to the ground of her mind, eyes glaring harshly at its body of nothing. Like this, in this form, it reminded Costa that it was in no way human. It was like a silhouette, filled with nothing but shadow and blackness. It looked like the void but it was solid under Costa's hold as she choked it, digging her fingers into the neck she'd captured.

"Your tricks won't work on me this time." Costa breathed out a rugged huff, annoyed that she couldn't catch a break, even in her sleep. Especially in her sleep.

It laughed and an inhumane echo was laced in its vowels and consonants as it responded, "At last, she catches me."

"Why do you do that to me?" Costa looked at it sharply, as if it had eyes to look into. If it did, she'd be locked on them. "What do you get from my fear and suffering?"

Tesha had no expression. Costa did not know what it was thinking or even planning.

As if it could read her thoughts, which it probably could, Tesha morphed back into that black-eyed version of Costa. She furrowed her brows, disturbed. It pushed against her grasp and she let out a grunt of frustration as she slammed it back into the ground. She had a solid, tight grasp on her mental will, something she hadn't possessed any of the other times she'd visited this place. Perhaps it was because it'd caught her in her sleep, when her brain activity was the most reactive.

Either way, she had the upper hand this go around. Or so she assumed.

It scoffed at her and her smug confidence, "You heroes..."

Costa thought it was odd to be addressed as a hero, especially by this thing, as if it had a mind of its own, and with that came the opinion of heroes. She tilted her head at this response, curiosity catching and sparking on the way her dark-eyed doppelganger pulled their lip back in distaste.

"You see me as a villain, a villain invading your home," Tesha hissed and Costa narrowed her eyes, "You think you can just control me? You think understanding me will be the key to obtaining my power? I did not choose to be in you, the same way you did not choose to have me, Costa Miriara."

Costa blinked at it in surprise, as if she hadn't expected it to resent her for this shared consciousness, just as she resented it. She knew this was all Dabi's doing but she at least she was a human being and this thing was a...

...she didn't even know. Whatever it was, she still didn't fully understand any of it.

"Well boo fucking hoo, we're forced roommates. Guess we'll have to work around it," She said, tilting its chin back with an adjustment of her grip. "We can keep doing this, clashing with each other in my mind or you can be a good little parasitic-quirk-thing-whatever and work with me."

It snarled and Costa realized how her lack of a filter could interfere with her relationship here.

It headbutted her, actually headbutted her, and Costa was stunned. Her moment of recovery left an opening that the quirk took and ran with. Costa was thrown back and suddenly she was flying through time and space, her stomach sank and sank and sank and suddenly she couldn't breathe. She lost sight of her body and her mind was scrambling and scratching at the fraying edges of her mental will.

It was humbling really, how fast that rope of control had been yanked out of her grasp.

She heard Tesha's voice in her head, loud and echoing, "I will never let you harness me. If you attempt to use my power, I'll just destroy that pretty, broken mind of yours."

Costa experienced a series of torturous fits. She was stretched inside out, and thrown against the walls of her own brain. She was sent images after images of unwanted memories, torturing her with her past, just as it liked to do and Costa felt herself slipping back into the darkness that she'd tried so desperately to escape.


No, she had come too far to be dragged back down into her past. She made the decision that day with her father, in the prison. She'd burned it all down to the ground and let it catch in the breeze, taking form of the ashes she'd dragged herself out of to be here, and alive.

Costa woke up in a sweat, after an hour of torturous nightmares. She was wide-eyed and panting as she stared up at her ceiling, taking in the fact that she was no longer dreaming, no longer trapped inside her own head. It'd only been an hour but it'd felt like several. She immediately shot up into a seated position.

Her lamp was on and the room was lit in a dim, warm light that radiated from her desk. She pressed a hand to her heart, focusing on the harsh beat that it pounded to. The relief of reality welcomed her with open arms and Costa inhaled sharply. She let the breath out slowly, waiting four seconds before she inhaled again.

That was punishment, she realized as she sat at the edge of her bed, rubbing the exhaustion from her eyes, and going over what just went down inside her dreams. Tesha rarely let her into that part of her mind that it existed in, but this time it treated her as if she were the one trespassing. She'd only been sleeping. If anything, it had beckoned her, as if on accident, and she wondered how it truly felt about her under all that darkness.

Costa sat there for ten minutes, processing everything, until she'd finally let out a defeated sigh and looked at the clock.

3:57 am, it read and Costa groaned. She slid out of bed lazily and ran a hand through her hair, fingers catching on the knots. Her feet padded across the floor boards as she made her way to the door and slipped out into the hallway. All the lights were off and it was dead silent, so silent that Costa could hear her own breath.

She hesitated on her way to the stairs, eyeing the door right across the hall from hers. She brought a hand back to her heart and sighed. Although she'd love to crawl into bed with him, she didn't really want to wake him, so she made her way downstairs to whip up a cup of warm milk.

When Costa was halfway down the stairs, she heard a faint clunk and rustle coming from the ground floor. Then, the soft glow of the kitchen light came into view as she stepped off the last landing and made her way into the common area.

She hadn't realized she was holding her breath until she saw a spikey head of blonde hair poking around in the kitchen.

"What the hell?" She asked, her shoulders slumping in relief.

Costa realized he most likely hadn't heard her approach as he jumped in his skin and whipped around to look at a tired Costa. His red eyes flared with shock before they narrowed at her on instinct, his mouth curling into an angry frown.

"You look like a fucking wreck."

Costa tried not to laugh. As offensive as it was, she knew her hair was sticking up in all directions. She was sure the heaviness in her eyes showed through the bags that lay under them. She was also wearing the baggiest sweatpants she owned and an over-sized sweatshirt.

"You are truly a delight." Costa's lips flattened into a line and Katsuki clicked his tongue.

"You have dried drool on your chin, glowstick," He shook his head, turning back to the counter, where he'd been making something, "Now, why is your dumbass awake?

She quickly wiped the dried drool from her chin with her sleeve, suppressing the embarrassment that wanted to creep up the back of her neck. She shouldered it off, approaching the kitchen. "Why are you up?" She countered, opening a cabinet and swiping a mug from one of the shelves.

She leaned over to see Katsuki making himself soup, in a boiling pot, on the stove. She raised a brow, "Soup? Good soup?"

He rolled his eyes at the tone in her voice, "It's warm and I can't sleep."

"You realize eating keeps you awake," She had to say it, she just couldn't help it, so she blurted it out quickly before asking, "And why can't Mr.In-Bed-By-Eight-O'Clock sleep now?"

He was stirring the broth around as he side-glared at Costa, who was bringing her own pot to the stove. She turned the heat on before slipping right behind him, on the way to the fridge. For a moment, she placed her hands on his shoulders.

He relaxed into her touch and Costa smiled, tucking her face into the back crook of his neck, "What's wrong, hotshot?"

The way she said it was so gentle, unlike how the nickname originated. She originally would say it like it were an insult, not a term of endearment, but a way to rub his ego in his face. Now though, it wasn't that at all but instead, it was the way she branded him as hers. She thought he was a hotshot and she even meant it.

Her hands slid down his shoulders, biceps, and forearms before her fingers looped into the lining of his pajama pants. He blushed almost immediately as Costa let out a snort and slipped away, opening the fridge door. She plucked a carton of milk out of the door before she tip-toed past him again, running one hand down his spine.

She knew what she was doing, which was trying to get him to talk by assuring him with physical affection. He gritted his teeth because he wasn't sure what to say because, well, technically it had to be a secret and she wasn't supposed to be in the know.

He'd known for a while now, about One for All, but he'd kept it from Costa. It hadn't truly caught up to him, the secrets, but now he couldn't stand the idea of Deku surpassing him. It bothered him to his core and Costa didn't know any of it.

A part of him felt like he was betraying her by not saying anything, but he would feel like he committed the biggest betrayal by telling her as well.

So, he tried to tell a minimal truth, "Just... Deku's been getting in my head recently."

Costa furrowed her brows at him, pouring the milk into her pot and placing a cover over it. When she waited five beats without saying a word, he knew she didn't believe him. Instead, she was pursing her lips together and squinting down into the milk as she stirred it.

"Hm," was the only thing that left her lips and Katsuki wanted to smack himself in the face.

"Yeah..." He said to really solidify the fact that she totally knew he was being shady about whatever had been keeping him up.

What relieved him was the way Costa quickly brushed it off by changing the subject, "Tesha is invading my dreams now."

Costa let him lie. She totally did, probably because she'd done it to him so many times at the beginning that she thought she owed him. However, he was sure she just understood the urge to not talk about certain things. She would listen if he wanted to speak, but she'd only push so far to get him to be vulnerable with her.

"I guess I stumbled into it in my sleep and I- well... for a while I had complete and utter control over what was going on but then of course I pissed it off and it just... punished me." She pulled her lips to one side, worry wracking her eyes.

"Punished you?" Katsuki asked with a harsh glint in his gaze. He'd paused, mid-transferring the broth into his bowl. Costa nodded, leaning her hip against the counter with a small frown etched across her lips. "Like what I told you about... when they did the procedure."

Katsuki knew they'd tortured her mind by planting that quirk inside of her and he was very aware of the fact that it still lay deep inside of Costa, with the ability to do it again. And, it appeared in her sleep too.

"Fuck..." Katsuki blew out a breath and Costa hummed in agreement.

"I..." She shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. There was a wrinkle in her brow and in that expression, Katsuki saw just how fucking tired she was. She'd gained back a bit of her energy for the competition, but even he knew it was just as much as she could manage to muster. After all, she'd been carrying herself like a boulder for over a month.

After the competition, she dropped the boulder and collapsed. He could see it in the way she pulled at her hair, the harsh lines of her face, the dull gold in her eyes. Her expressions were slacker, more sullen.

"I know." He found himself saying before his feet took him a stride forward and suddenly he had Costa's face in his hands. It was intrinsic, the way he gravitated towards her, as if he were always meant to. As if they had each other's perfect opposite charge, Costa was pulled into him just as sharply.

She placed her hands over his and looked into his eyes, her tiredness becoming so obvious, Katsuki cursed under his breath.

"You'll figure this thing out. I know..." that you have been fighting for so long, but it's okay, I'm here now, he wanted to tell her, "One day at a time. Don't focus on it all right now. And as for tonight..."

He moved her hands so that they lay on his shoulders and her lips parted as he continued, "Just focus on me for right now, got it?"

She blinked at him. Once, then twice, before she smiled. It wasn't broad, only a soft little grin that curled at the corners of her mouth. She dropped one of her hands and let the other settle over his heartbeat. He placed his hand over hers again and their fingers intertwined.

"Fine, but only because I want to." She said defiantly and he rolled his eyes. Before his eyes could manage to return to hers, she'd lept forward and captured his lips with her own.

His eyebrows shot up from the swiftness of the kiss and the way her hands found either side of his face. The pads of her fingers warmed his cheeks and he knew they immediately turned pink under her touch. When the shock wore off, he was once again pulled- no, yanked into her.

His arms snaked around her back, palms resting warmly on her shoulder blades as Costa sighed into his lips. He kissed her back fervently because kissing her had always been something he relished in... thoroughly. Among other things.

Focus on me tonight, he'd said, and how else would that be interpreted?

Costa found herself melting into the way Katsuki intoxicated her whenever she felt at her most vulnerable. The physical response wasn't ever a regret, but rather a safe haven she grasped for. He was a safe home with a warm fireplace and a soft bed to sleep on.

Costa's fingers ran down Katsuki's neck and he suddenly remembered his soup bowl. He paused the kiss, wracking his brain, considering whether he'd really pull away and interrupt this hot kiss for a bowl of soup. He almost laughed against her lips at how ridiculous that sounded, leaving the soup to cool on the counter as he pushed Costa up against the island.

She hummed against him and his hands massaged her waist, slipping under the hoodie she was wearing to brush her soft skin. The milk boiled over behind them and yet Costa found that Katsuki's kiss was the most interesting thing in the world, as all thoughts eddied out of her head.

His lips were on her neck all of a sudden and Costa's eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Katsuki, the... stove."

Katsuki groaned in frustration, pausing with his lips on her neck. She felt his breath on her sensitive skin, sending goosebumps skittering. He grazed his teeth across her neck before he pulled away and she couldn't help the shiver that left her entire body buzzing.

Costa immediately felt cold when he pushed away from her and began to turn the stoves off. She let out a low breath, watching him pour her milk into the mug and place the pots in the sink. Costa cleared her throat, grasping at her composure as he placed her mug and his bowl on the island.

"C'mon, drink your damn milk," He nodded at her, slipping into one of the stools. She rolled her eyes but complied, because he'd already started eating his soup and the milk would get cold the longer she stood there.

She settled in next to Katsuki, wrapping her fingers around the mug and peering down at the steam wafting into her face. She blew on it a few times before bringing it to her lips and taking a tiny, little, burning sip.

"Tell me about the dream," Katsuki commanded with his groggy voice and blew on his spoon before jabbing it into his mouth. Although he had that hard look on his face, she could see his concern etched in the lines of his expression.

Costa took another slow sip, her mind backtracking to the torturous unconsciousness she'd been pulled into moments ago. She remembered how she could feel everything as if it were a part of the physical world, Tesha too, and how all of her senses were invaded- violated- in the process.

Costa told him about the void, staring down into her glass of milk. She spoke of her senses during those moments, how it was cold and wet and she could feel all of it, even the pain from Tesha's tandrum. She explained the way Tesha took her back through her memories as if a film was screening inside her head and she'd stepped into it.

Katsuki's eyebrows furrowed deeply when she revealed her confrontation with the quirk, as well as what it'd said to her, before pulling her into a terrifying cyclone of nightmares.

"That's so strange, how it has its own thoughts and feelings... but it's a quirk... right?" Katsuki had finished his soup, facing her fully now, attempting to wrap his brain around Costa's situation.

Costa nodded in agreement because she didn't fully understand it either. It was an unknown, something out of their grasp of knowledge and yet, it was here to stay, living inside of her. For a moment, she only thought of how much of a fool she was for thinking she could control or even reason with it.

It was alive and unnatural and even worse, a villain had given it to her.

"Why am I doing this?" Costa said aloud, lifting her hands to clench the roots of her hair and Katsuki didn't hesitate to put his hands over hers and guide her them away from her head. He held them firmly in his own, secure and safe, just like he was to her. His eyes narrowed in on hers, forcing her to look at him, "Hey."

"I can't fight those memories anymore. No more. I've had enough." She admitted, letting her vulnerability pass through her hard-shelled exterior that she always seemed to forget about when it came to him. Then, her eyes shifted, steely now as she acknowledged Katsuki, "Hey- you're supposed to be upset too. Tell me about Dek-"

"Doesn't matter, forget about Deku and stop changing the subject," He brushed her off and swiped his thumb over the back of her hand, "I think you need to talk to Mr.Aizawa about this."

"Yeah." She responded, slightly deflated and he sighed.

Without another word, he planted a kiss on her forehead and took their empty dishes to the sink. She watched him, the corners of her lips twitching with a small smile. He began washing the dishes and Costa zoned in on the muscles of his shoulders and back. She eyed the way his neck stretched when he tilted his head and how long his hair had gotten.

Costa slipped out of the stool and slinked her way over to him, wrapping her hands over the back of his biceps as she leaned her chin against his spine. He kept washing the dishes but shivered when Costa nuzzled her cold nose into his neck. Then her fingers found themselves in his hair and he clicked his tongue.

"Stop distracting me, I'm cleaning up your shit." He said it with annoyance in his tone and she couldn't help the smile that graced her lips. He liked her even when she annoyed him and that made her happy. He shook his head and she let her fingers fall, grazing over his shoulder.

"Your hair has gotten really long," she sighed, wrapping her arms around his waist. He tensed from the position and Costa knew a light dusting of pink spread across his cute ass cheeks. He relaxed after a long second, as Costa melted into him and his warmth and his sweet smell. She took a whiff while she had the chance, causing him to flinch in surprise, "And you always smell so good. Like caramel. I love caramel."

He was shaking his head at her but Costa couldn't see his expression. She knew it'd probably be an embarrassed one and she thought that was cute.

After a minute of silence, Katsuki turned the facet off and placed his hands on the counter. He just stood there, as Costa laid her head against his back and closed her eyes, soaking up this moment. Moonlight streamed in from the window in front of the sink and Costa could see that tonight, the moon was full.

Katsuki slowly shifted, causing Costa to pull back, until he was facing her once again. There was this soft, innocent look in his eyes that Costa rarely caught from him and she tried not to grin from ear to ear. If she reacted, he'd change his expression, and she did not want him to.

He pushed a strand of black hair behind her ear and she sucked in a breath. His fingers clasped that front strand. He stared intensely at it while his mouth quirked. Costa blinked up at him, "What?"

"I didn't really like it at first, honestly. I thought it'd left a physical reminder of what you'd been through, like a scar of some sort, and I hated that for you," He was shaking his head and his mouth wilted into a frown, "But then I saw you get back up like you did with all of your other scars. I've always thought the others were beautiful, why should this one be any different?"

Her lips parted, "Katsuki."

His fingers brushed her cheekbone and her chest fluttered. She still got butterflies when he touched her, she didn't know if it was something that'd ever stop occurring when he was this close and looking at her like that.

Attentive, focused, concerned, yet fascinated, nonetheless.

She leaned into his touch, a loving look taking over her face. His fingers drifted down to her jaw and then her chin before he let out a low breath, "Plus you look pretty fucking cool."

"Do I now?" Her mouth broke into that jaw-dropping smile of hers, the kind that was meant for a hero. He lightly thumbed her bottom lip and she had the urge to clasp her teeth over the tip of his finger. "It's edgy. Not something I would have ever done to my hair, but it is pretty badass. Definitely could've been worse."

His lip twitched with a hint of a smile before he leaned forward, took her head in his hands and kissed her forehead. Then, he kissed her brow, her nose, both of her cheeks and she was laughing, swatting him away, and then... he kissed her.

And it was as if he hadn't just done it moments ago, or dozens of times before that. It was as if he'd never touched her before, the way his lips beckoned her with such need. She answered, parting them and humming into his mouth. His hands found her back, then her waist, her hips, and then finally, her ass.

She laughed in the kiss, causing him to pull away. Barely, his lips and nose were still brushing hers but she could see the specks of darker red in his crimson irises. She bit her lip, her hands sliding from his shoulders and up to his head where her fingers plunged into his hair. Then, she grabbed onto his roots and pulled him toward her.

He melted into her, his hands still firmly fondling her backside. It tickled slightly and she found herself laughing again on his lips. He pulled away again, glaring down at her, "Why are you laughing?"

"Just tickles." She admitted, licking her swollen lips, "But I don't mind it."

He narrowed his eyes at her for two beats before he suddenly reached for her sides, attempting to tickle her. Her jaw dropped as she yelped and leaped away from his grasp, "Don't you fucking dare."

"Is that a threat or a challenge?" He had that dark look in his eyes and Costa pointed a finger in his face, telling him to quit it. They were going to get in trouble again for causing a ruckus in the middle of the night. Katsuki was just about to pounce on her when she pushed a hand out and let out a big yawn. He froze mid-grab.

"Tsk, no fun," He complained and Costa rolled her eyes in response.

She rubbed at her sleepy eyes before she sent him a look. He knew that look, with her twinkling eyes and slightly pouty face. That's why he wasn't at all surprised when she said,

"Sleepover? Or... half sleepover?"

"Fine, but we're in my room," He answered, flicking her nose with his finger as he passed her and she gasped.

"Whatever," She said, even though she was smiling and happily trailing after him.


All nasties, please continue onward...

. sexual content warning .

"Stop fucking moving," Katsuki barked as Costa tossed and turned for the millionth time. It had to be like five or six in the morning, given they'd only stumbled into his room an hour or two ago, stripping their clothes off and throwing themselves into his sheets.

Despite the fact that Costa looked about ready to fall back asleep, she most definitely was not physically or mentally compelled to.

"I can't fucking sleep, Katsuki," Costa groaned into his pillow, throwing her hands over her face. He let out a long sigh, rubbing at his eyes. He'd been going in and out of sleep for as long as they laid there since Costa had woken him up every time she adjusted to toss around or shift or even let out a little breath of frustration at her lack of comfort.

He turned around so they were facing each other and noted the defeated look in her eyes. The sun was beginning to stream through his blinds and he thanked God it was Saturday or he'd be running on no fuel all day.

"Is it about the... thing?"

"Tesha?" she snorted and he rolled his eyes, "Sure, whatever you call it."

She bit her lip, zoning out as she stared at his wall, "Yeah, I think so."

She didn't want to admit how badly those dreams affected her but she knew how much they'd mentally damaged and traumatized her. She was only a little girl, and those were the moments her innocence was stripped away, shoved back into her face.

It made her sick to her stomach.

"What can I do?" He asked, reaching out to place a hand on her bare hip. She was only in her underwear, having taken off the rest of her clothes when she'd come into his room. It'd taken everything inside of him to let her try and go back to sleep when he'd immediately hardened down below at the sight of her bare chest and stomach.

She hummed as he began massaging her hip, his thick fingers kneading into her skin. "That."

Ah, a distraction, touch. He knew how to distract her with his touch. In fact, he considered himself a master at it.

"This?" He smirked, shifting closer to her as she let her eyes flutter closed. He was pleased by her relaxed reaction but he found more amusement in the way it staggered when he brushed his thumb under the strap of her underwear. Her lips twitched into a smile and her eyes snapped open, golden irises flashing at him with intrigue.

He locked eyes with her as he trailed his hand up and down her bare side, calluses scraping along her smooth, delicate skin. His fingers found the line of her scar, the one that wrapped around her ribcage and he traced it with his pointer finger, as light as a feather.

Her lips parted but she was gritting her front teeth together. Katsuki slowly propped an elbow up on his pillow so he could rest his head against his hand while his other hand explored her skin, circling and traveling down to her stomach.

She tensed, pursing her lips together and he could imagine the way her toes curled at the touch.

"Let me see that gorgeous body of yours..." He couldn't help but say with a gruff, gravelly tone. She watched him intently as he pushed the comforter back, exposing her nakedness. She sighed in contentment, rolling onto her back but continued to peer up at him with that heated, excited gaze of hers. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly and he could tell she was enjoying his touch by the way her eyes lulled slightly, "Katsuki..." Her voice was full of need and want.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked knowingly and she didn't hesitate to shake her head in response, excitement skittering up her body.

His hand flattened over her stomach and he shifted his body even closer to her so that he was nearly pushed right up against her side. The tent in his boxers laid against her hip and she immediately grinned at the feel of it.

"You sneaky little..." She laughed before he shut her up with his kiss. In response, she whimpered into his mouth and reached to wrap her hand around the back of his neck. His hand massaged her stomach, shifting lower and lower until his pinky finger was grazing the hem of her underwear. She sucked in a breath, her fingers digging into the skin of his neck deliciously.

He then pulled his hand all the way up to palm her breast and a needy groan slipped out of his mouth at the fullness in his hand. Costa responded by parting her lips and his tongue eagerly entered her mouth, meeting her own with even, incredibly sensual strokes. He thumbed her nipple, pinching it gently between his fingertips, and relished in the way Costa mewled into his mouth.

"Good fucking girl..." He muttered against her lips before his hand traveled up to grab her hair and kiss her with everything he had. She was winded, breathless, and drinking in the taste of Katsuki and the way his hand was now pinning her neck to the mattress. It wasn't a choke but a firm hold, keeping her in place, and her occasional sense of submission hit her suddenly at full force.

She was a puddle in his sheets, slick with arousal between her legs, and she couldn't stop reaching for him desperately, "God, Katsuki."

His smirk on her lips was the sexiest thing she'd ever seen. He'd suddenly turned on his ruggedly dominant persona that made her pool into her panties. She loved every second of it.

"Hm.. you're all mine Cos, all of you..." He cocked his head to the side, eyes glued on his hand as it unclasped her neck and trailed down past her breasts, her torso, her stomach, and then even lower. She bit her lip when his fingers met the lining of her panties and suddenly his eyes darkened, "Aren't you?"

"Are you trying to embarrass me or put me to sleep?" She raised an eyebrow and he smirked, shaking his head. His fingers slipped past the lining but lingered away from the place that was aching for him to touch her. She looked at him with a glare on her face, blushing profusely, "You do this every time."

"I like making you squirm under my fingertips and beggging for me to keep touching you," He was still smirking wolfishly and he looked so fucking good doing it, his naked torso on full display beside her, "It's so rare. It's something you wouldn't be caught dead doing for anyone else but me."

"And you love that, don't you?" She scoffed at him but a playful smile teased her lips. He rubbed circles where his hand rested and Costa let out an annoyed 'hmph'.

He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her lips before whispering, "I fucking love it almost as much as I love doing this."

His hand submerged deeper into her underwear and Costa balked at the electricity in his fingertips as they slid down her slit. She immediately threw her head back against the pillow, reveling in the gentle, feather-light strokes of his fingers against her throbbing bundle of nerves.

She sucked a breath in between her teeth as he circled two fingers around that special spot, putting a little more pressure on it. A moan escaped her lips naturally, a low, soft one that was so fucking pretty, Katsuki shook his head, "Such a pretty noise. Give me more."

He focused on her expression as he cupped his hand between her legs and let the flatness of his fingers vibrate against her. She nearly cried out, just about to arch her back off the mattress when she clamped her teeth over her bottom lip. Her beautiful chest rose and fell fast as he rubbed her slowly, lazily, this time, as if he had all the time in the world to make her come.

She hummed out a sweet tune, letting her legs fully drop open, toes curling into his sheets. "Mmm," she let out as his pointer finger toyed with her entrance. She was drenched, liquid dripping onto his sheet, most likely leaving a wet spot. The thought of seeing that later, after he was done with her, branded on his mattress, was thrilling.

"You're drenched this morning, getting yourself all over my sheet," He said in her ear, grazing his canines against her lobe. Her breath caught. He pushed the pad of his fingertip into her and her mouth dropped open. He growled, "That's right baby."

There it was again, him calling her 'baby' in bed, but she barely registered it as his entire finger slipped into her with ease and began pushing up against her g-spot.

"Fu-huh-ck," she breathed out, eyes screwed shut as he began fingering her fast, relishing in the tight warmth clamped over his finger. The sound of her wetness echoed in his room, matching his rhythm. His cock pulsated against her hip and he pushed it into her side desperately, for some sense of relief. He grunted softly.

"Oh god," Costa called out as his thumb found its way back to her clit and he began playing with it slowly. She wasn't sure how he could do that, move different fingers on the same hand at drastically opposite speeds, but he was doing it incredibly well. She was melting in the hot pleasure and when his second finger slipped in, she was curling her nails into his sheets.

His fingers were fluid and held a steady rhythm as they pulsated inside of her, deliciously pushing against her walls with thick heat.

"That's a good girl..." He said into her ear, rocking his erection into her hip with ragged breaths. She could hear his breath hitch as his cock throbbed against her and she nearly came just from that.

The edge of ecstasy was right there, on Katsuki's fingertips and Costa let out a strangled cry, "I'm so close... Katsuki fuck."

She could feel him smile against her ear as she croaked. He then collapsed against her, sliding an arm under her back so he could wrap his hand around her torso and play with her nipple. Then, he brought his lips to her other breast, circling his tongue along its peak slowly.

His fingers kept that same agonizing pace, but his thumb circled her clit a little faster. It began to build fast, the pleasure, right where Katsuki's fingers met her insides, and it tore its way up her slit, her stomach, abdomen, her breasts where he sucked and pinched. It sent shockwaves all the way down her legs and to her toes. Her mouth was open and spewing uncontrollable moans as she arched off the bed, her head thrown back against the pillow.

"Oh my god," She was glowing again, like she'd done the first time he made her come and suddenly she was shaking and Katsuki was groaning, so fucking hard now that she was clenching around his fingertips.

She rode out her orgasm in a string of curse words and quiet, breathy moans. Katsuki watched her come undone, kissing her cheek and jaw until her noises faded into a series of heavy, ragged breaths. Katsuki was slow to take his fingers out of her and her legs twitched as he did so.

"Wow," She said in exasperation before letting out a gorgeous laugh, "Thanks... yeah that'll definitely do it. I'm wiped now..."

She didn't waste a second letting her eyes droop closed, a dazed smile glued to her face. Katsuki smiled too, happy she couldn't see him doing it, and trailed his hand back up her body. He admired the way her hair was strewn against his pillow. He enjoyed her content expression and the way she tucked her head into the crook of his neck. She parted her lips and he leaned his forehead against hers.

"You're welcome," He chuckled before kissing her forehead and pulling the comforter back over their bare bodies.

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