If Only You Remember | Zayn M...

By Itskennedy112233

245K 6.5K 505

*Slowly being revised* All it took was for him to become famous and forget. For him to go on x factor and lea... More

~If Only You Remember Prolouge~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 1~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 2~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 3~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 4~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 5~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 7~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 8~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 9~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 10~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 11~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 12~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 13~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 14~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 15~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 16~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 17~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 18~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 19~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 20~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 21~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 22~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 23~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 24~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 25~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 26~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 27~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 28~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 29~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 30~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 31~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 32~
~if Only You Remember Chapter 33~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 34~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 35~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 36~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 37~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 38~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 39~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 40~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 41~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 42~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 43~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 44~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 45~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 46~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 47~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 48~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 49~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 50~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 51~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 52~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 53~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 54~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 55~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 56~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 57~
~If Only You Rememeber Chapter 58~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 59~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 60~
~If Only You Remember Epilogue~
~Author's Note~

~If Only You Remember Chapter 6~

6.9K 151 7
By Itskennedy112233

If Only You Remember Chapter 6

Jasmine's Pov:

Zayn was lightly snoring next to me. I sat up and smacked him awake. No movement at all. I can't believe he remembers me. How do I know? Well he used to call me that when we dated, Jaz. It was a nickname he used.

Your probably thinking that's good that he remember me right? Well no it's not good! Why? Well because he lied to me and kept it from me and not tell me he remembers. I wonder how long he remembered, the whole time?

I stood out of bed and walked to the bathroom down the hall. I opened the bathroom door and found a bucket under neath the sink. I turned on the cold water and filled the bucket with it. I waited till it was full. I turned off the water and light. I walked back in Zayn's room.

I walked to his side of the bed and dumped the icy water on him. He jolted awake and seemed pissed. "What the hell was that for!?" He yelled. "Oh like you don't know!" I yelled. "Not a clue!" He yelled. "You fucking remember me don't you!" I yelled. He seemed surprise by my outburst. "I don't know what your talking about," he said. "Bull shit," I bitterly laughed.

Everyone came running in with confusion written all over their face.

"What's going on?" Makayla asked. "Zayn over here," I said pointing to Zayn. "Remembers me!" I exclaimed. Makayla's face turned to shock, the others are still confused. "I remember you," Louis said confused. "Yeah all of us do," Eleanor said. "Not like that," Makayla said.

"Come on Zayn why don't you tell them the past," I said. Zayn looked nervous. "Zayn what is she talking about?" Liam asked. "Yeah Zayn come on tell them or I will," I said. Zayn was still quiet. I rolled my eyes and faced the lads and girls.

"Before X Factor," I began. "Me and Zayn used to date," I said. Everyone was now shocked, besides Makayla, she knew the story.

"Zayn never mentioned about dating you. He said he barely had a few girl friends and they all turned him down or dumped him. Did you dump him?" Niall asked.

I laughed and pointed at Zayn. "He dumped me," I said. "After he audition, I said congratulation and he said not so fast we're through and at first I thought he was kidding but then he said, I'm going to become famous and I will get the girls so I won't need you anymore," I said. Liam looked upset and the others were shocked.

"Well congratulation Zayn you can get every girl besides me," I said. "That's not a good way to treat a girl Zayn," Harry said. "I was young and stupid!" Zayn defended. "Stupid that's for sure," I said. Zayn had a hint of hurt in his eyes. "How long have you remember?" Makayla asked. "I only found out yesterday I swear," Zayn said. "How did you find out?" Danielle asked.

"After Jasmine left the bathroom I gave up to talking to her so I went in my room when I grabbed a phone charger a picture fell and I picked it up and it was a picture of me and Jasmine on her birthday. It was me kissing her cheek," Zayn confessed. "And how come you didn't tell me?" I asked. "I want to show you I changed and a new person," he said. "Even ask the lads I'm a different person," he said. "To be honest he is different," Niall said.

"See I really am Jaz," Zayn said. He held my hands. "Don't call me that. I don't even know who the real Zayn is anymore," I snapped. "Lying to the world you barely had a few girl friends and they will dump you. Lying to your own friends about how you treated me. How you forgot how you treated me. Forgot who I was. Kept that you remembered who I was," I said.

A tear slipped from my eye. "Jasmine don't cry please," he begged. I pulled my hands away from his hands. I wiped the tear away.

"I'm not going to cry over a jerk who broke my heart," I said. "Jasmine I'm not the same guy who I was before X Factor. I changed I promise you I did," he said. He cupped my face in his hands. I looked him in the eyes.

"You're the first person who broke my heart. For the rest of my life, you will always be the one who hurt me the most. Don't forget that," I said walking away. "I will show you I changed. I will prove you wrong," he said. "I will like to see that happen," I said walking out the bedroom.

I walked to the room the others were in before. I grabbed my duffle bag and walked down stairs where everyone is at. I don't want to be here right now. "Makayla if you like you can stay here but I'm going back home," I said. She nodded and gave me a light smile.

"Thank you for having me," I said. "Come back anytime," Liam smiled. "I will thanks you," I said walking out the door. I walked to my car. I opened the back door and threw my duffle bag in. I shut the door and opened the drivers door.

I was about to get in till someone grabbed my wrist. I was turned around my Zayn. He put his lips up to my ear. "I will show you I've changed. I'm not going to let you get away again," he whispered. He let go of my wrist and walked back in the flat. I stood there shocked. What just happened?

I shook my head and got in the car. I put the keys in the ignition and backed out of the drive way. I stepped on the pedal and drove home faster. I arrived home quickly. I took the key out and got out of the car. I shut the door and opened the back door.

I grabbed my duffle bag and closed the door. I locked the car and walked up the drive way but stopped mid tracks when I saw a random car parked in front of the house. What the? Who is here? It better not be Zayn. I will have to kick some- I saw someone sitting on the porch asleep. I walked closer very confused. Who will be asleep on someone's porch?

Maybe it's a Zac Efron! Nah probably not. He is to famous and I will never see him, then again One Direction are to and I see them. Anyways! Back to the situation. I walked to the figure who is asleep on the porch. I still couldn't see his face. Stupid darkness. I lightly shook the person with my foot.

The person groaned and cuddled up with the themselves. It sounded like a guy. I got annoyed and turned on the porch light. It's Zachary! "Zachary!" I shouted. He jolted up and looked at me confused. He rubbed his eyes and squinted his eyes. His eyes lit up. "Jasmine!" He shouted.

He stood up and pulled me in a hug. "What are you doing here?" I said hugging him back. "Came to see you duh," he laughed. I laughed and let go. "Why were you sleeping on the porch?" I asked. "No one was home so I decided to wait out here but I guess I fell asleep," he said scratching the back of his neck. "Silly Zachary," I laughed. I took the house key out and opened the door.

We walked in and Zachary closed the door behind us. I turned on the light and walked over to the couch. I sat down and kicked my feet up on the coffee table. Zachary walked over and sat down next to me. "So what's up?" I asked. "Nothing really besides mom and dad basically kicked me out," he said. I raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled. "What did you do this time?" I asked. "Nothing bad as the last time," he said. "Oh god," I laughed while shaking my head. "So why are you here?" I asked.

"SobasicallyIwaswonderingifIcanmoveinwithyouandMakayla," he quickly said. "Come again?" I said. He groaned and said, "Will is be ok if I move in with you and Makayla?"

"Are you kidding me? You know I love you but me and Makayla moved out here for a reason and that reason was to get away from everyone," I said. "Please! I promise no parties here, I will clean my mess up, I will have no girls without your permission over, and I will make my special brownies you love," he begged.

I crossed my arms and a smile tugged at the ends of my mouth. "Oh alright why not?" I said. He picked me up and swung me around. "Thank you thank you thank you!" He said. He started kissing my cheek. "Yuck Zachary come on," I said wiping my cheek while laughing.

He set me down and he had the biggest grin on his face. "What about your stuff?" I asked. "That's already taken care of," he smiled. I looked at him confused. He rolled his eyes and said, "I brought all my stuff." "What? How?" I asked. "I knew you would agree to my famous brownies," he said. "Ah you know me so well brother," I laughed.

"I'll move all my stuff in tomorrow it's late," he said. I nodded and walked to my bedroom. I turned around and saw Zachary laying on the couch. "Why are you sleeping on the couch?" I asked. "Well my bedroom has no bed in it and Makayla is in her room probably asleep," he said. "Makayla isn't here she is- at a party," I caught my self.

He raised and eyebrow. I began to bite my lip. "Your lying," he said. "What?" I asked. "Your lying. It's obvious. You always bite your lip when you are lying, nervous, or shy," he said. "And your not shy nor nervous," he said. "Where is she at?" He asked.

"Don't be mad," I said. He walked over and pushed me back on the couch. He sat on the couch and I sat down next to him. "Why would I?" He asked. "Because she is hanging out with friends," I said. "So?" He said. "They are um, let's just say I hate one of her friends very much and you know them," I said. "Lilly and Bridget?" He asked. "Besides them," I said. Lilly and Bridget were "the populars" as you would say it.

"Then who?" He asked. "One direction?" I said more like a question. "Who the hell is that?" He asked. Wow is he that stupid... I rolled my eyes and said, "That Irish/British boy band everyone talks about that I hate and especially one of them." "No clue," he said.

"Zayn is in that boy band! The one who broke my heart!" I said. "That group! Why the hell is she hanging out with them!?" He asked. "We all were and its kind of a long story which I really don't want to explain but short story Zayn remembered me so I left," I explained. He pulled me in a hug. "I'm so sorry your going through this. I swear I thought you would never see him again," he said. "It's fine," I said. "It's not your fault," I said.

"Good thing I moved in here with you then," he chuckled. I laughed and nodded. We let go and he stood up. "Well good night," he smiled. "Night," I said. "Love you!" He cooed. I laughed and said, "Love you to now bye.' I lightly shoved him to Makayla's room. He laughed and waved me off. He walked down to Makayla's room. I sighed and walked to my room. I got into bed and turned off my light on the bed side table. I laid down and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

Zayn's Pov:

"Love you," the guy cooed. My heart crushed when he said that. Maybe she doesn't have the same feelings for this guy. "Love you to now bye," she laughed and lightly shoved him out. He laughed and waved her off. Now my heart is officially crushed but why?

All I did was hurt her back at the X factor and I moved on but why is it that I'm feeling different towards this girl? All I am trying to do is show her I'm a different person right? Nothing more. Then again when Louis dared her to kiss me, I felt a little happy.

She was nervous and so was I. I didn't know why though. I remember I couldn't wait any longer so I just smashed my lips onto hers. Those memories we had shared came back to me. I sighed and shook my head.

I walked away from her front door. I'm going to show her I changed. I'm not going to give up on her. I walked back to my car and got in. I turned on the ignition and started driving away. I cant have feelings for her, no way. I groaned in annoyance. Im so confused right now. What has Jasmine done to me?

A/n: Chapter 6 everyone! I would like to say, I am thinking about taking down Love Never Fails but right now its on hold. Also! I have got my new story all planned out! I just need to start writing the prolouge and chapter 1! So stay tuned for that! I will update soon for you guys! Vote? Comment? CHECK OUT NEW STORY FIGHT FOR YOU! JUST POSTED IT!

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