Reaction to Tensura

By armaghan_ror

228K 5.3K 1.6K

Hey everyone, this will be quite a typical Tensura reaction. In which a supernatural entity kidnaps the chara... More

Special: Top 20 (Part 1)
Special: Top 20 (Part 2)
Special: Top 20 (Part 3)
Special: Top 20 (Part 4)
Prologue: Death and Reincarnation
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 6 to 8.5
Chapter 8.6 to 12
Chapter 13 to 17
Chapter 18 to 22
Chapter 23 and 24
Chapter 25 to 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter No. 40
Chapter 41
Chapter # 42 (Preparation for Charybdis)
Chapter # 43
Break: New Guests
Chapter # 44
Chapter # 45
Chapter # 46
Chapter # 47
Break: Slime Stroke
Chapter # 48
Chapter # 49 (Butterflies of the Night)
Chapter # 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter # 51
Chapter # 52 (Part 1)
Chapter # 52 (Part 2)
Chapter # 53 (Part 1)
Chapter 53 (Part 2)

Chapter 34

4.3K 111 54
By armaghan_ror

When the battle had ended Rimuru was wondering what he should about this situation, fortunately for him at that point Treyni came to the rescue and announced that the next day they will be deciding the next course of actions for the forest, So, any race that wishes to attend the conference should send their representative. But then Treyni said something that was terrifying for Rimuru.

Treyni= I am sure no one will disagree with this. But Rimuru Tempest will be the Chairman.

Hinata= So now that the whole fighting is over, now it is time for discussions.

Kenya= You mean the boring part after every war?

Ryota= Yup that one.

Carrera= I hate that part.

Diablo= You just love blowing things up.

Carrera= Of course. I do. What is the fun in talking around?

Guy= Well it looks like Rimuru you did not like the fact that she made you into the chairman of the conference.

Rimuru= Of course I didn't like it because I had thought that she would be the one to decide. And I had no plan of becoming the leader.

So, the next day the conference started, the participants were me and the Oni's representing our village, Lizardmen and his daughter representing the lizardmen, a few goblins from the goblin villages that were with Gabiru representing their respective villages, Orc Lord's son and a few orcs representing the orcs and Treyni. However, Rimuru was not happy with being the Chairman but now there was nothing he could do. So, the conference began.

Dino= I think that has been a trend by now that. You pretty much never want to be the leader and you just become reluctantly, because you have no other choice.

Rimuru= Becoming a leader and especially a chairman of the conference of this scale is way too much work and responsibility. I was only a manager in my past life, not a president of the whole company. So, I can handle things short scale but if they become too large for example going from a village to whole damn forest that is too much.

Luminous= But you were able to handle it considering where you are now.

Rimuru= Well I can but only because I have some of the best managers in the forest. Like Shuna, Treyni, Kaijin, Rigurd and Benimaru.

Carrion= That is how management works. One man can't really take on everything at once.

Rimuru= Even still in those starting days. It was really difficult to manage all those races even with the help of my best managers.

Kenya= Just how much difficult?

Rimuru= You don't want to know.

Shuna= No need to worry about that Rimuru-sama. Those difficult times are over and even if they return. Under your command we can deal with them.

Veldora= Yeah you don't need to worry about it. Everything will be fine.

Rimuru= (Yeah, I know. As long as I have everyone with me. Everything will be fine.)

Rimuru= So, first of all, I would like to say that I don't think the orcs have committed any crimes.

At this many in the conference were surprised.

Rimuru= I know the lizardmen who suffered by far the most causalities won't like this but hear me out. There was a reason behind this entire orc invasion and that was the famine. It forced them to do these things and they were also manipulated by Gelmud. However, even still these things can't be tolerated, and the orcs are supposed to pay reparations. However, they can't pay reparations right now. That is how it normally will be.

Chief= Normally? Then would you tell me, what are you thinking?

Rimuru= I will take on all of the orcs' sins. If anyone has any complains ask me.

At this the orcs became surprised and immediately tried to stop him.

Orcs= Please wait!!! That isn't logical...

Rimuru= That is the promise I made with Demon Lord Geld.

Dagruel= So, you pretty much tried to forgive all of them.

Rimuru= Not really, Um... I guess you can say that I forgave all of them.

Gazel= I can see your reasoning behind all of this. But I don't think the races that have lost a lot of their people would agree to this.

Rimuru= Yep, I knew that someone would object to this. But I was also ready to answer.

Shizu= So, you had already thought of the answers to their potential questions.

Rimuru= ...Yeah, I had.

Ciel= <Did you really had them?>

Rimuru= <Yes, I did. Why would you think that I won't have those answers.>

Ciel= <Well at that time. Your answers really weren't that great. If Benimaru hadn't helped you, then force would had been your last option.>

Rimuru= <Well it did worked out in the end and that is all that matters.>

Ciel= <I guess you are right.>

Rimuru (quietly) = <I guess her mood has finally gotten good again.>

Ciel= <What did you say?>

Rimuru= <Nothing.>

Ciel= <You did say something.>

Rimuru= <It was just your imagination.>

Ciel= <You dare use my own line against me.>

Ciel (quietly) = <That line means only one thing. That there is something he is hiding, and he is not going to tell me.>

Rimuru (quietly) = <Hehe.>

Ciel (quietly) = <Well let's see how long you can hide it from me.>

Chief= I know where you are coming from here. But isn't this a bit unfair?

Rimuru knew this question was coming but before he could answer. Benimaru stepped forward.

Benimaru= There is a rule in the forest. Survival of the fittest. The moment you decided to fight you should have that resolution.

Chief= Survival of the fittest is indeed as it is as you say. Then let us ignore the lizardmen's pride.

Rimuru= So you have no problem with it.

Chief= The winner of this war is Rimuru-sama. I have no objections to your decisions.

But by not charging them. Do you intend on welcoming the surviving orcs into the forest.

Rimuru= (That is a good question? A hundred and fifty thousand is a very big number.)

You might think I'm out of my mind but... why don't we form an alliance.

Everyone= Alliance?

Rimuru= For now all the orcs will be spread around the forest and will help with manual labor.

Chief= And we will support with food and shelter.

Rimuru= Yup.

Orcs= Would it be fine for us to take part in it?

Rimuru= I will work you to death you know. No slacking.

Orcs= O-Of course.

And they all bowed to him.

Chief= I don't have any problems with this either.

Frey= They agreed to his terms quite easily, that really is surprising.

Ramiris= Well Rimuru was the winner of the war. And the strongest in the room. So, they kind of had to agree with him.

Testarossa= Yeah all of them had gotten annihilated by the orc army. And Rimuru and his army were still around.

Rimuru= But I was not trying to force them with mine and my subordinates' power.

Velzard= Even if you didn't wanted to force them, there was still pressure on them.

Fuze= Well 'I will work you to death' that was a joke right, Right?

Rimuru= Not really, no one has died so far.

Gale= So sensei does not go easy on them.

Rimuru= Sometimes, but most of the time. It is them who don't take a break, they are very diligent.

Geld= We are just doing our duty.

And after this everyone bowed to Rimuru. Rimuru was perplexed by this. And didn't knew what he should do.

Treyni= As the manager of the forest. I recognize Rimuru-sama as the new master of the Jura Forest. And the Great Jura Forest Alliance has been established.

Rimuru= (Master? I thought Treyni-san would become the master. But I guess I have no choice.)

So Rimuru accepted this new role. However, he was still very much. Not okay.

Gabiru= And that is how, Rimuru-sama became the ruler of the entire forest.

Souka= Exactly, this was one of the most events that took place in the forest's history.

Veldora= Even though Rimuru didn't wanted the role of being the ruler of the forest.

Rimuru= Of course I didn't. It is a lot of work and responsibility. And I had never thought I would be able manage all that.

Shuna= That and you also had thought that Treyni-san would take charge.

Rimuru= Yeah that was a little subversion of expectations.

After that the conference had ended, Rimuru went to name the orcs, while that was happening the son of the Orc lord went to visit the Kijins. He asked them to forgive his entire race in exchange for his life.

Orc Lord's Son= Even now I know you want revenge against orcs which attacked your village. So, I know I am being extremely selfish, but could you please forgive my comrades in exchange for my life.

Kenya= Why is he talking like that? Rimuru-sensei has already forgiven him and his race.

Veldora= Because he doesn't think that he deserves it.

Dagruel= He knows just how much damage they have caused. Even though they weren't in control at the time they still did all that and that is the fact, it can't be changed.

Shizu= So that is why he is giving his life in return for his comrades.

After some time Benimaru answered.

Benimaru= Before the start of the conference, Rimuru-sama summoned us to ask us what our next plan will be. We don't really have a homeland to return so we have decided to be his subordinates.

So, he gave us titles and jobs. Shion is the personal guard of Rimuru-sama. Hakorou is the instructor, Souei is the spy, the others also received titles and jobs. For me, my job is to command and take care of the soldiers and letting a capable soldier like you die would be a waste.

Diablo= That means the only job Shion actually got from Rimuru-sama was of personal guard.

Benimaru= Yeah that is true.

Shion= Why are you asking this?

Diablo= No reason...

Rimuru= (This Diablo. He just wants to annoy her.)

Shuna= Besides that brother handled this situation quite well.

Rimuru= Yes and he was also able to give a good reason on why he wasn't taking revenge.

Benimaru= Thanks Rimuru-sama.

At this the Orc Lord's son was shocked.

Benimaru told him that if he became an enemy of Rimuru-sama then he won't forgive him but if he served and respected Rimuru-sama then they are not enemies.

Orc Lord's son= Enemy? That man is our savior it would be only right for us to obey him and respect him.

Benimaru= Then we are comrades under the same master. Do your best to be of use to his majesty.




After that Rimuru named all the Orcs, all hundred and fifty thousand of them. Most of the names were just flat out basic but the leader of the orcs, the son of the Orc Lord did get a unique name, the same as his father. His name was Geld.

Dino= You really named a hundred and fifty thousand orcs, but you don't have magicules sufficient enough to name all of them.

Gabiru= He does that is why he was able to name all of them.

Testarossa= No he really doesn't. I'm actually surprised how he was able to do it.

Shion= Simple because he is Rimuru-sama.

Rimuru= That and also umm......

He was now looking at Veldora. Veldora crossed his arms and made an unpleasant face.

Veldora= *cough sounds*

Rigurd= I don't get it. What do you mean?

Guy= Because Veldora was inside Rimuru that is why he was able to give Rimuru his magicules. Am I right, Veldora?

Veldora= Yes that is absolutely right.

Benimaru= Is that true, Rimuru-sama?

Rimuru= Yes that is true.

Veldora= If I wouldn't had been with him and giving him my magicules. He would had died when he named the goblins and the wolves in the start.

Alice= Really? But then why would Rimuru-sensei go into his sleep mode if he was getting magicules from you.

Veldora= Because at that time I would stop giving him my own magicules. Also why do you think he would go to sleep only when he has named everyone already.

Benimaru= Did you knew about this Rimuru-sama?

Rimuru= No I didn't. Veldora told me when he got released, he was very angry with me.

Veldora= Of course I was angry with you on just how reckless you were with naming everyone you would had died numerous times already. When you named the goblins and wolves, then when you named the ogres, then when you named the orcs and also when you named Diablo.

Shion= But Diablo is just one person how could he take so many magicules.

Velzard= Because he is someone who is stronger than Rimuru. Rimuru wouldn't had been able to name him even as a demon lord.

Hakorou= So all of this Rimuru-sama were able to name anyone without worry because Veldora-sama were watching his back.

Veldora= You have no idea. In what conditions did you leave me so many times.

Rimuru= I am sorry I didn't know.

Veldora= Didn't know? At least you could had been a bit more careful. It is not that I am worried about myself I can take care of a few hundred thousand names I have the most magicules in the true dragons after big brother. What I am worried about is what if you would have died then what. Then what would had I done.

Rimuru= I am sorry. I will be careful from here on out.

Veldora= You better be.

Guy= It looks like the evil dragon is being quite soft.

Veldora= Mind your own business.

Guy= Hahaha.

Luminous= Rimuru you should had named a lot more monsters.

Rimuru= Why don't you do that? It can get you quite powerful subordinates.

Luminous= I don't have a true dragon with me.

Rimuru= And I am not using Veldora's magicules anymore.

Luminous= Ok whatever you do.

Veldora= (Nice.)

Total word Count = (2112)

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