Mess of a life [remake]

By Blxnkvic

136 24 11

One day, a portal appears and he got out of the hell. He doesn't know how he got out. He's in a city and a dr... More

Chapter One: Awakening
Chapter Two: Job hunting
Chapter Three: Old friends
Chapter Four: Help & Thoughts
Chapter Five: Harsh
Chapter Six: Memories
Chapter Seven: Chill Day
Chapter Nine: Ideals
Chapter 10: Changes
Chapter Eleven: Quiet
Chapter Twelve: The snow
Chapter Thirteen: Destined
Chapter Fourteen: Water Pt. 1
Chapter Fifteen: Water Pt. 2
Chapter 16: The lies
Chapter Seventeen: Is this the truth?
Chapter Eighteen: Father Pt. 1
Chapter Nineteen: Terms Pt.2
Chapter Twenty: Enter Earth

Chapter Eight: Wannabes

4 1 1
By Blxnkvic

It was a nice day in the afternoon, Jay and Rose were hanging in the plaza to see a fair. Rose wanted to see the fair but didn't want to go alone and she begged the grumpy demon over and over. Until he finally gave in and here they are. There was a crowd of people, wearing silly costumes. The two demons in the room with horns and tails blended right in as costume goers thought it was costumes. Rose was jumping everywhere in excitement, there were so many things she wanted to get and she could get it.

Jay was sitting at a table in silence. He was still thinking about the news segment yesterday, it was bothering him a little but he didn't know why. Was it the small glimpse of the red head he saw? Nah that would be crazy. There was no reason he should care about that, it isn't important. It shouldn't be for him. But it was bothering him and he didn't like it one bit. He wanted to hit his head against the table.

Rose was acting like a child at a fair or carnival. Just running around and pointing at games or items she wanted to win. She was really excited. It was good to see her this happy. The small demon squealed when she saw this huge bear plushie at a booth which was 5 booths away. It had horns, gray fur and it looked really cute and the small demon really wanted it. She was really eager to get it or at least make Jay win it for her. He just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Fine, fuck you!". She said.

"Not wasting 30 bucks on a rigged game". He responded.

"Not wasting 30 bucks on a rigged game,". She mocked him. "It's just fun you killjoy, and besides it's my money not yours which you don't have". Jay rolled his eyes.

"Cmon!". She said as he grabbed his hand and dragged him. There were crowds of people, some of them were at the games which had long lines. Jay was being pouty while walking with the small eager demon. She was so excited to the point you could tell there were stars in her eyes. There were so many things she wanted, she could steal if she wanted. Which she could. Rose dragged Jay to the booth where she saw the teddy bear.

"The eyesight you have,". Jay commented.

"Shut up emo,". Rose retorted.

"I'm not emo,". He said. She waved him away and ran to the booth, Jay followed behind. There was already a crowd of people, they were sounding like they were cheering for someone. When Jay got a closer look, there was a dude who was on his last shot with the balloon darts. Jay didn't understand the hype nor cared about it. He found it stupid. It wasn't really a big deal. The guy missed, a huge groan came from the audience.

"My turn!". Rose said as she shoved the guy. He looked at her with an annoyed look, her golden tail swayed back and forth as she was really eager. The person at the booth looked at the small demon.

"Ya got money kiddo?". They asked.

"Tons! How much for the bear?". She responded as her hand rummaged through her pocket. She grabbed her wallet and took out some money and slammed it on the counter.

"Pop the balloons and you get a prize, for the big ones you have to win 3 rounds,". The person said.

"3 rounds!". She yelled and she got handed 3 darts for each round. Everyone was watching as Rose threw the darts at the balloon, 2 were popped and she had one more dart in her hand. She took a moment to analyze and perfect the throw for the final balloon. She felt nervous though, the pressure of all the eyes looking at her were getting to her. Rose didn't want to fuck up. Jay looked around the fair some more, he at least wanted something to interest him. But it was too boring for him, there wasn't even an ax throwing competition or a game. Would that interest him? He didn't even know. Rose threw the dart at the balloon and it popped, the crowd cheered and she jumped happily. Now it was time for round 2 of the balloon dart game. Rose was really excited, she was on a roll or that is what she felt like. Maybe it was her ego.


Minutes passed of playing games at the fair and winning prizes plus looking around for something amusing mostly for Jay as he didn't find any of the games amusing or to his liking. Rose on the other hand finally won her demon looking teddy bear. She was really happy holding the bear. The two were walking around looking for something else to play, the two spotted a crowd of people gathering around for something. There was a stage set up with some decorations and a speaker podium. Rose was curious about it so she grabbed the demon's hand and dragged him to the crowd to see what's going on. People were talking, curious to see what's gone. Some people were getting impatient as was Rose. She really wanted whoever it was that was starting this meeting or whatever it was to get it over with.
"Yo! Can we get this over with please? Don't have all day!". Someone in the crowd yelled.

"Yea! Hurry it up!". Another person yelled. An old man in a suit around his 40s-50s. It was a navy suit, a typical politician man suit. His hair had white streaks and so did his beard; he had some wrinkles. He was holding a packet or a few pages of papers. The old man walked to the podium and tapped on the mic to grab everyone's attention. The crowd looked at him.

"Uh hello, thank you for coming to this short intermission. I want to talk about the recent uproar in creature attacks and more and more of these beings becoming more revealed everyday. About every creature that has been revealed is currently in containment,". He explained. "But now we have a team to up the containment, introducing Delta!". 7 members started walking on the stage and stood up straight, they wore white suits with black lining and different color designs. Everyone was in awe. Curiosity struck the crowd, they really wanted to know already.

"This is Delta, the suits are made from the same material as the scales from dragons and the strongest items. As are the weapons". He added more. "It was hard getting the materials but we made this work as this was in the makings but we made it work". During this whole discussion a few people were falling asleep or slowly leaving, Rose was one of those people who was falling asleep, she let out a yawn.

"Oh my god, no one gives a fuck!". All eyes looked at her as she blurted that out. Jay facepalmed. She gave a shy smile then looked away though she wasn't ashamed as she never felt it. The man gave an awkward look then cleared his throat as an attempt to grab the crowd's attention which was received. He started talking again, he tried to promote the idea. Trying to get people to accept the idea and not start hating it. Murmuring filled the area, they were unsure. Was this a good idea? Well Jay didn't think so, he found it stupid.

He looked at the 7 members on stage, just analyzing each and everyone of them. As he was looking at each of them, he recognized one of them. A red head girl which was Kristen. His eyes widened, he didn't expect to see her out of all people but he did. She helped him after he got attacked by Alakai. She gave him bandages then went on her way. Not much is known about Alakai though besides the attack. On the other hand, Kristen was wearing a white armored suit with black lining and red designs, she was holding the helmet in her arms. A serious look was plastered on her face as was the other members. The old man started talking more about the team.

Rose was about to fall asleep standing up and at the same time she wanted to go home or do something else. She really didn't expect some random dude to be talking and wasting her time. She at least wanted to get more prizes by playing games and having fun. Rose looked around some more just to see if anyone else was planning to leave while this speech was still going. Which a few people were, not much but in slow amounts, 1 or 2 people at a time.

"Why the fuck is this taking to long!!!". She thought, she looked up at Jay hoping he thought the same as her. So she tugged on sweater and he looked at her.

"What?". He asked.

"I'm bored,". She responded.

"The fuck you want me to do about it?". He asked.

"Be a good friend and figure it out,". She said and he rolled his eyes.

"Ice cream then?". He suggested.

"I'm down!". She yelled then dragged him by the eye to look for an ice cream stand. Jay said nothing. Might as well let Rose have some ice cream even though it'll make her more hyper than usual. Was he really gonna let her get more hyper? He grabbed Rose by the hoodie and lifted her up, she looked at him in confusion.

"What?". She asked.

"Give me one reason why I should let you have some ice cream knowing how crazy you are daily?". He asked.

"Uh I'm hungry,". She suggested and crossed her arms.

"There are food trucks dumbass,". He said. "You could get burgers or other foods". Rose rolled her eyes and pouted.

"I'm in the mood for ice cream, is that wrong!". She exclaimed.

"In your case it is,". Jay responded.

"We'll tough shit!". Rose yelled. "Now put me down!". He dropped her on her but and she looked at him in anger.

"Alright alright,". He said and sighed. "Fine, let's get some ice cream". Rose perked up and she ran off to find the ice cream truck leaving Jay standing there. It's better if he stayed where he was, it'd be easier for Rose to find him when she returns. He leaned against a photo booth watching people go by. The meeting ended minutes later and the crowd dispersed. There was nothing important to pay attention or stay longer for so he didn't feel bad for missing the rest of the meeting.

"I didn't expect a demon to enjoy a fair?". A voice said. Jay turned to see who it was and it was Kristen.

"Didn't expect you to join a hero team,". He responded.

"Oh c'mon! It's free money". She said in a joking manner.

"Money my ass,". He said.

"Oh what? Do you care about me?". She smirked as she said

"You're the one who walked up to me,". He scoffed. Kristen let out a laugh.

"You're not happy to see me?". She asked in a smug manner. "Geez when the books said demons are killjoys, didn't expect them to mean it". She smacked Jay's back and laughed some more. He sighed as he was getting annoyed.

"I'm just here because my friend wanted to see the fair and get stuff,". He said.

"You have friends? Is it your girlfriend?". She asked and wiggled her eyebrows. Jay rolled his eyes again.

"I don't have a fucking girlfriend,". He responded.

"I wonder why, with that personality and outfit,". Kristen commented.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?". He asked.

"Well it's the fluffy hair and the bangs. Personally I don't like guys with fluffy hair". She said calmly. "The bangs make you look emo,". She reached out to touch his hair. He grabbed her wrist.

"Don't fucking touch me,". He said in an angry tone.

"You're the one holding my wrist,". She said. Jay lets go of Kristen's wrist and puts his hands in his hoodie pockets Kristen rolled her eyes and smiled.

"You should cheer up,". She said. He said nothing, he didn't have a good response. He was waiting for Rose to come back from wherever she went so badly, this was maybe the only time he wanted her to be here so they can both leave and as a way to avoid Kristen, but he was stuck here. He looked around to see if he could spot Rose. All there was to see was a huge crowd of costumes or make up. Just anything to stand out from the people who aren't in costumes. It was weird though, the people in the costumes made jabs or insulted the ones who weren't cosplaying or dressing up, calling them "normies". Jay found this confusing.

"Oh those guys,". Kristen said in a very unamusing tone. "They are very annoying as you would say". He looked at her.

"How annoying?". He asked.

"Oh now you wanna talk? Just kidding. Very annoying, they're at the head of every protest against Delta. Begging for the creatures to be freed even though they deserved to be in those cells! The amount of damage they do!". She explained.

"Do I deserve to be in those cells?". He asked.

"N-no! I didn't-".

"I'm like those creatures aren't I? Just different". He spoke. The words Kristen wanted to say didn't wanna come out of her mouth, she was fumbling. She looked in his eyes, it was probably the fear getting to her. But there was no reason to be afraid of him so she composed herself.

"Look, those things that are in the cells deserve that treatment because they are criminals. You haven't done anything criminal worthy, just a victim of a dragon attack". She explained.

"And what if I committed crimes like them?". He asked. Silence was all that Kristen could do as she didn't know what to answer.

"A job is a job,". Was all she could muster up for an answer. Jay looked at her, he was in thought just in deep thought.

"So you'd put innocent creatures in cells, containment whatever the hell you call it?". He asked. "Your suits are made of the same energy they use and the armor is made of the toughest skin". She started bursting out laughing, she was laughing so hard that her stomach was hurting. It took her a minute to stop laughing. When she stopped laughing she looked at the demon who was already glaring at him. The face he was making would've made her start laughing.

"Ya done? I have a friend to look for". Jay said.

"Yeah yeah,". Kristen answered. He was about to start the search for the small demon that ran off, the search was cut short anyways.

The small demon ran up to Jay and Kristen looking all excited and wearing a shirt that says "I <3 hot moms". Rose's tail wagged back and forth, she was even holding the plushie she won at one of the games. She looked like a child who just got tons of gifts from a party or one of those sign up conventions with the little goodies on the table to entice you. You wouldn't be surprised if those items are stolen.

"What is that shirt?". Jay asked.

"I like milfs, fuck off". She responded.

"Omgg!!". Kristen squealed. "She's so cute!!!". She grabbed the small and lifted her up. Confusion was plastered on Rose's face.

"Who's this?". She asked.

"Someone annoying, and the tiny one isn't my sister". Jay responds.

"I thought I was the annoying one?". She asked. The grumpy demon wanted to go home already, he felt like he was dealing with 2 versions of Rose, though Kristen was the one making the flirty comments. It was something. The small demon struggled to get out of the red head's grip which was very tight. Jay found this funny and tried his best not to laugh. It was like watching a little kid escape from their grandma's hugs and kisses during fun family events. There was a lot of pushing on Rose's part and pulling on Kristen's part.

"Will you finally let go!". The small demon yelled. It took a second for the red head to drop her. The two looked at each other.

"Weirdo,". The small one said.

"Not my fault you're cute and adorable,". Kristen said proudly.

"Can we go now?". Jay asked. Rose nodded and started walking and he started following behind when he felt his arm being grabbed almost like it's being pulled. He turned around.

"What do you want?". He asked.

"You should consider joining the team, could use a guy li-".

"I don't do orders,". He cut Kristen off.

"Hey, think about it,". She said and he pulled his arm away and followed Rose behind. He stayed close to her so he wouldn't lose her in the huge crowd of cosplayers and non-cosplayers.


Kristen watched as Jay and Rose disappeared into the crowd, she hoped he thought about the offer. Someone walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder, she instantly turned around.

"Who was that you were talking to?". They asked.

"No one, Dalton". She replied.

"No one? Seems like someone if it's no one. A new recruit?". He asked. Dalton was a very tall guy, he had blonde hair that was slicked back, a cut along his left eyebrow, light blue eyes. He was wearing a black suit with armor white armor plate that had green designs and lighting, his weapon of his choice attached to his belt. Even combat boots. He was holding his helmet to his waist. A serious expression was plastered on his face.

"You need to relax! Sir! Leader! Sir!". She laughed.

"My position isn't a joke,". He said. "Those two you interacted with, I want you to keep a close eye on them, also you should join us for photos. Don't want the media thinking you're camera shy". Dalton left and made his way to where the rest of the squad was surrounded by fans and taking photos. Kristen didn't wanna take part in any photos, or be seen by the media. It was something she preferred. She found it fun watching them grab one another into photos and sooner or later she was dragged into a photo too.

The protestors came and started yelling what was on their sign which was "free the imprisoned creatures". It started off peaceful at first which was a good thing. The security guards slowly started to surround them as fear of them starting a riot or worse, not all of the guards were surrounding the protesters as they were with Delta who were taking photos. Though their fears were soon to be answered when someone got the idea to throw a fruit at one of the members. It hit the chestplate, slid off and hit on the floor. The guards immediately surrounded the whole team. That small fruit caused a whole uproar with protesters striking the guards, innocent people instantly scared and the news reporters getting it on camera.

"Breaking news! A fight broke out during the introduction of the new government issued team Delta"... 


Hey guys! Its Blank! I'm finally back and finally finished chapter 8 since it has plagued me so much and the struggle was real. I hope you enjoy! I tried my best even though I'm slowly running out of ideas!

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