Our Story • glee

By TrueAlpha11x

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Blake Henley tries to navigate her way through high school. All she knows is that one day she wants to be on... More

Pilot 1x01
Showmance 1x02
Acafellas 1x03
Preggers 1x04
The Rhodes Not Taken 1x05
Vitamin D 1x06
Throwdown 1x07
Mash-up 1x08
Wheels 1x09
Ballad 1x10
Hairography 1x11
Mattress 1x12
Sectionals 1x13
Hell-O 1x14
The Power Of Madonna 1x15
Home 1x16
Bad Reputation 1x17
Laryngitis 1x18
Dream On 1x19
Theatricality 1x20
Funk 1x21
Journey to Regionals 1x22
Season 2
Audition 2x01
Britney/Brittany 2x02
Grilled Cheesus 2x03
Duets 2x04
The Rocky Horror Glee Show 2x05
Never Been Kissed 2x06
The Substitute 2x07
Furt 2x08
Special Education 2x09
A Very Glee Christmas 2x10
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle 2x11
Silly Love Songs 2x12
Blame It On The Alcohol 2x14
Sexy 2x15
Original Song 2x16
Night Of Neglect 2x17
Born This Way 2x18
Rumours 2x19
Prom Queen 2x20
Funeral 2x21
New York 2x22
Season 3
The Purple Piano Project 3x01
I Am Unicorn 3x02
Asian F 3x03
Pot O' Gold 3x04
The First Time 3x05
Mash-Off 3x06
I Kissed A Girl 3x07
Hold On To Sixteen 3x08
Extraordinary Merry Christmas 3x09
Yes/No 3x10
Michael 3x11
The Spanish Teacher 3x12
Heart 3x13
On My Way 3x14
Big Brother 3x15
Saturday Night Glee-Ver 3x16
Dance With Somebody 3x17
Choke 3x18
Prom-Asaurus 3x19
Props 3x20
Nationals 3x21
Goodbye 3x22
Season 4
The New Blake 4x01
Britney 2.0 4x02
Makeover 4x03
The Break-Up 4x04
The Role You Were Born To Play 4x05
Glease 4x06
Dynamic Duets 4x07
Thanksgiving 4x08
Swan Song 4x09
Glee, Actually 4x10
Sadie Hawkins 4x11
Naked 4x12
Diva 4x13
I Do 4x14
Girls (And Boys) On Film 4x15
Feud 4x16
Guilty Pleasures 4x17
Shooting Star 4x18
Sweet Dreams 4x19
Lights Out 4x20
Wonder-Ful 4x21
All or Nothing 4x22
Season 5
Love, Love, Love 5x01

Comeback 2x13

690 25 48
By TrueAlpha11x

     "So, did you ever respond to the message Jesse sent you?" Mercedes asks.

Blake scoffs, "Absolutely not. I deleted the number and cleansed myself with holy water the second I got home."

Mercedes laughs, "You did not."

"Well, I wanted to, but I didn't." She admits, "I'm just done with boys as of right now. I'm gonna focus on my songwriting and regionals."

Mercedes nods, "Good call."

Blake puts a hand on Mercedes arm, stopping her from walking any further. Sue Sylvester is completely terrorizing the glee kids. She shoves Tina into a locker and hits Lauren's book out of her hand. She notices Sue coming towards her and Mercedes, "Run!" Blake yells.

"What?" Mercedes looks confused until she notices the charging cheerleading coach, "Oh hell no!"

The two girls run away as they hear Sue yell, "I'll find you! You can't run forever!"

The two girls pant as they hide in an empty classroom. "That was close." Blake breathes out.

"That woman is gonna get a lawsuit one of these days."

"She tried to fire Brittany from a canon, and the worst thing that happened was losing her budget." Blake points out, "Everyone's too scared to sue Sue. No pun intended."

"She needs to find a new outlet." Mercedes says.

"She did." Blake nods, "Shoving kids."

          ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake stares in shock at the sight of Sue Sylvester sitting in the choir room. She never thought she would see the day where the woman would sit peacefully in the choir room without a hidden agenda.

"This can't be happening." Tina shakes her head.

Artie nods in agreement, "Yeah, this does seem like a terrible idea."

"Guys," Mr. Schue stops them, "It's not up for discussion, okay?"

Blake crosses her arms, feeling bad for Sue but at the same time not really caring. Mr. Schue continues, "Now it's no secret that Coach Sylvester has taken her licks."

Santana smirks, shaking her head. "I mean... just wanky."

Blake chuckles and lightly smacks Santana's arm. The girl shrugs and laughs with Blake. "And I believe she could use a little sympathy from us." Their teacher explains.

Blake sits up, "Sympathy? From us?"  She asks in disbelief.

Quinn nods, "Yeah, all she's ever done is make our lives miserable."

Blake rolls her eyes at the sound of Quinn's voice. She tries not to be mad at her, but man is it hard.

"She got exactly what she deserved." Santana points out.

"You're lucky I left my blow-gun at home Air-bags cause I got a clear shot at your nonnies." Sue snaps.

Blake puts a hand over her mouth, stopping herself from laughing. She loves Santana but Sue is hilarious. "Guys...! Coach Sylvester has had her recent setbacks but she is a proven champion. We could do worse than to have that winning record in our midst." Mr. Schue explains.

"Let me break it down for you." Sue looks at the glee kids, "I am no longer a threat to you people, alright. I'm just hoping that your singing and dancing around will pull me out of my doldrums and give me a reason to live... Is that too much to ask?"

Blake gives the woman a sympathetic look. While she was against giving that woman any sort of sympathy, she can't help but feel bad. It must be awful to have what you love to do taken from you.

"Guys, it's settled. Sue's going to be with us for the week." Mr. Schue confirms, "Now, I received an envelope in the mail today."

Mr. Schue walks back to the piano, picking up the letter that sits on top of it. The students murmur and make comments of approval, excited to learn who the other team they're competing against at regionals.

"I know that we're facing Kurt and the Warblers at Regionals."

"Sweet porcelain." Sue mumbles, making Blake look at her oddly.

"And it looks like this year, we face Aural Intensity again." Mr. Schue reveals.

Mercedes sighs, "They cleaned our clock last year."

"It seems that the governing board has assigned a theme to this year's Regionals and part of our score will be based on how we interpret it." Mr. Schue explains, "This year's theme: anthem.
Now who can tell us what an anthem is?"

Rachel and Blake raise their hands, Rachel the more desperate to be called on out of the two. "It's the bottom of an Ant's pants." Brittany answers matter-of-factly.

Blake nods, "She's not wrong."

"No, an anthem is an epic song." He continues.

"Why ask a question if you're just gonna answer it?" Blake grumbles.

"Filled with a-a ground-swell of emotion, that seems bigger than itself – even bigger than the person performing it." He says, passionately.

"Mr. Schue?" Sam raises his hand, walking up to the teacher.

"Oh, hey Sam. I didn't even notice your new haircut..." Mr. Schue looks at him awkwardly.

"Yeah," He nods, "I've been looking at a new image for my one-man band, The Justin Bieber Experience."

Blake chuckles slightly, while Sam does look very adorable in his Justin Bieber get up, the kid is like twelve.

"You've got to be kidding me." Quinn says, clearly not enthralled by Sam's new one man band.

"Dude," Puck stares at the boy, "that haircut makes your mouth look... even ... bigger."

Everyone laughs at what Puck said, making Sue put up her hand, "Let her speak."

"Laugh all you want, but that kid's an epic talent. And there's a number that I've been working on that I've been meaning to show off." Sam admits, "And I think it qualifies as an anthem because... it's just hugely emotional and... sums up our generation."

Mr. Schue pats Sam on the chest, "Alright, let's hear it buddy."

Sam walks up to the band and grabs a guitar that was sitting near them. He strums a few chords as he centers himself in front of Quinn.


You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, and I'll be there
You are my love, you are my heart
And we will never, ever, ever be apart

Blake smiles at Sam, "This is actually a really good song." She says.

Finn looks at the girl oddly, not understanding why she's finding this song interesting. She looks at him and shrugs, not feeling the need to explain herself.

Are we an item?
Girl, quit playin'
"We're just friends," what are you sayin'?
Said, "There's another," and looked right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time

The girls all start whooping and cheering for Sam. Blake cheers for the blonde boy, loving the confidence he's radiating. He might be singing a twelve year olds song, but he's doing a hell of a good job at it.

And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

For you, I would have done whatever
And I just can't believe we're here together
And I wanna play it cool,  but I'm losin' you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring

"Whoo!" Blake cheers, waving her hand in the air. She laughs as Mercedes and her start dancing with each other in their chairs.

And I'm in pieces
Baby, fix me
And just shake me 'til you wake me from this bad dream
I'm goin' down, down, down, down
And I just can't believe my first love won't be around

And I'm like baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine

Blake has always thought Sam was cute, but this is like a whole other level. Quinn's lucky to have a guy like him. Blake hopes Sam finds out about what Quinn and Finn did soon. He doesn't deserve to be in a relationship where he isn't the priority.

I'm gone (yeah, yeah, yeah)  (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone (yeah, yeah, yeah)  (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now, I'm all gone (Yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Now, I'm all gone, gone, gone, gone I'm gone

"Go Sam!" Blake laughs.

"That was so hot." Santana smirks, fanning herself.

Blake laughs, "He definitely knows how to work the Justin Bieber look."

Blake looks over to Santana and notices the smirk on her face, "San," Blake starts, "I know that face. What are you planning?"

Santana shrugs innocently, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Blake sighs, "Just don't get in trouble okay?"

"No promises." The Latina smiles, walking away.

           ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake stands at her locker as she slowly goes through her study guide for her English test. She scrunches her eyebrows together, not understanding what any of this has to do with what the test is going to be about. She rolls her eyes and crumples up the study guide, "I'll wing it." She mumbles to herself.

"Hey Blake!" Sam calls out as he approaches her locker.

Blake looks at the boy, her stomach forming knots. "Hey Sam." She smiles.

"Look, you're one of the only people I actually trust in this school." He looks into her eyes, "You're honest and I know you won't lie to me." He takes her hand so she can't walk away, "Do you believe Quinn's story about her and Finn?"

Blake's breath hitches in her throat. The last thing she wants to do is break his heart. Why is she always the one put in these positions? I mean, was it really even her place to tell Sam?

She sighs, "I don't know Sam."

"Blake, please." He begs, "Just tell me what you think. I don't want to lose her."

Blake looks into the boy's eyes and sees how desperate he is. "Look, I think you know the truth deep down." She answers, "You're not dumb Sam."

He looks at her hopefully, "You don't think I'm dumb?"

She laughs, shaking her head. "No, I think you're extremely smart. You just have a big heart that blocks you from the truth."

He sighs, leaning up against the lockers, "I don't want to lose her Blake."

"I know." Blake nods, "But you deserve better, okay?" She rubs his shoulder.

Sam looks at her, suddenly getting an idea. "I need your help with something."

"What's up?"

"The other guys besides Finn asked to join The Justin Bieber Experience. I was thinking we could perform in glee club tomorrow. Will you help me pick a song?" He asks.

"I don't really listen to Bieber." She points out, but when she sees him deflate, she gives in. "But I'll help you." She smiles.

He grins at her widely, "Meet me after school?"

"Of course." She nods.

He pulls her in for a tight hug and runs off. Blake chuckles at the blonde boy. How could Quinn cheat on such a beautiful soul?

The brunette closes her locker and gets ready to leave when a curious looking Finn Hudson comes up to her. "What was that about?" He asks, adjusting his backpack strap.

"What do you mean?"

"What did Sam want?" He asks, "And why did he hug you?"

"Why does it matter?" She shoots back.

"You guys just seem oddly close for him to be dating Quinn."

"And you seem to kiss Quinn too much for her to be dating Sam." Blake shrugs. "Nice lie by the way." She says, sarcastically, "Choking on a gumball? Really?" She raises an eyebrow.

He shrugs, "He believed it."

"Cause he's in love with her." Blake says, defending Sam. "It's really messed up what you're doing. I mean, you broke up with Quinn and Rachel before for cheating, and now you're doing it to somebody else."

"It's different though." He sighs, "She doesn't love him."

"How do you know that?" Blake crosses her arms.

"She wouldn't have kissed me if she did."

"Finn," Blake starts, "You know I want you to be happy. But please, for the love of everything, don't ruin someone else's happiness just so you can get yours."

Before Finn can respond, Blake walks off, not really interested in what he has to say. While she would genuinely do anything for the boy, he needs to realize his actions have consequences.

           ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "Alright." Blake smiles, sitting down on the grass at the park a couple streets down from her house. "What kind of song were you thinking?"

"Something upbeat." Sam nods, "Easy to dance to."

"Okay." Blake nods, going through some of Justin Bieber's songs.

"Oh, and make sure it's about love." He adds, "I want her to see how serious I am about her."

Blake nods and continues to look and listen to clips of Justin's songs. She's pretty much gone through his whole album until she plays one song called "Somebody To Love."

The two listen to the song, and Blake won't lie, she did jam out to it. It's actually kind of catchy. Sam smiles in excitement as the song ends, "That's it!" He exclaims, "That's the song!"

"Are you sure?" Blake asks.

"Yes." He nods, "That's the perfect song for The Justin Bieber Experience."

"Okay." Blake smiles, "Is that all you needed help with?"

"Yeah." He nods, "Now I gotta head over to Mike's to show everyone the song."

Blake laughs, "Okay, I'm glad I could help."

Sam looks at the brunette girl and pulls her in for another hug, "You are seriously the best friend any guy could ask for."

Blake grins, "Evans, you're gonna make me blush."

He pulls away, still holding onto her shoulders, "I genuinely don't know what I'd do without you."

Blake brushes it off, "You'd be just fine without me."

"No," He shakes his head, "I wouldn't. I really appreciate you Blake."

Blake feels her heart warm, "I appreciate you too Sammy."

"Oh, do me a favor." He smiles, "Don't forget how amazing you are."

Blake tilts her head, "Uh, okay?"

He grabs all of his stuff, "Bye, Blake."

"Bye Sam." She waves, not truly knowing why the boy said that.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     The next day in the choir room Blake stares at the five boys in front of her in complete shock. Sam, Puck, Mike, Artie and Ace are all dressed like Justin Bieber. While she was aware this was going to happen, it still didn't make looking at them any easier.

"Sweet Jesus, who bought tickets to crazy town?" Mercedes says with wide eyes.

Blake chuckles as she looks at Puck, "Noah," She snorts, "What the hell happened to your hair?"

He flips his wig at her, "Don't act like you don't love it."

Blake shakes her head, smiling at the boys. While she's never specifically found any of them attractive, she finds this new trend kind of hot.

"Alright, so the guys here are ready to give us their anthem." Mr. Schue smiles.

"Hey everybody." Sam smiles at Blake, "We are the new and improved The Justin Bieber Experience. And we think that this song is an anthem because everything Bieber does is epic." Sam adds.


"Anyway, this song, like all the songs I sing, are for my girlfriend Quinn." He says, pointing to the girl who smiles at his sweetness.

"Hit it." Sam says.

The glee boys, minus Finn of course, perform "Somebody To Love" and Blake can't help but feel proud of her song choice. The glee girls smile as the boys perform their song, all of them clearly catching Bieber Fever. Blake never would have thought she'd be the kind of girl to find this attractive. She smiles as Puck sends her a friendly wink.

Blake notices Rachel and Ace stealing glances while he's on stage singing. Blake raises an amused eyebrow, not expecting that whatsoever. Maybe she's the one he had his eyes on at Burt and Carol's wedding.

Finn stares at Blake, not understanding why she finds this so entertaining. It makes him irritated at the thought of her finding what Sam's doing attractive. He contemplates that maybe dressing like Justin Bieber would be in his best interest.

The song ends and Blake runs up on stage, hugging Ace. "That was ridiculously stupid."

He laughs, "You seemed to enjoy it."

"I did." She nods, "But, I think someone else enjoyed it too." She wiggles her eyebrows, motioning her head towards Rachel who is waiting at the bottom of the stage for Ace.

His face flushes, "How did you-"

"I suspected something on Valentine's Day." She shrugs, "But hey, I'm happy for you. It's nice to see you getting over Quinn."

He nods, "I'm trying."

"Well, I'll talk to you later okay? And please, don't wear your hair like that again." She begs.

He laughs, "I hate it as much as you do."

           ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "So, you really found that Justin Bieber thing entertaining didn't you?" Finn asks Blake as they walk to Spanish class together.

Blake giggles, "Yeah. Now I don't find Artie, Mike, Ace, Sam or Puck attractive but that entire performance was probably one of the hottest things I've ever seen."

"I really don't get it." He shakes his head.

"It's just their confidence." Blake shrugs, "It's really sexy." She smiles.

Finn looks at the girl with wide eyes, he's not really used to her using words like that. This stupid Bieber thing really has her under its spell.

"Hey," He starts, "I was wondering if you were busy this afternoon?" He asks her.

She shakes her head, "No, why?"

"Did you maybe wanna come and hang out?" He raises an eyebrow, "I know Kurt would be excited to see you."

"Won't you be too busy with Quinn?" She teases.

"Ha Ha." He rolls his eyes, "Very funny."

"I know." She flips her hair, "I'm hilarious."

"Alright, so do you wanna come or not?" He looks at her hopefully.

She pretends to think about it, "Hm..." She smiles, "Sure."

"Cool." He nods.

The two walk into Mr. Schue's Spanish class and Blake takes a seat next to Puck. The two intermittently drawing on each others papers, not really caring if Mr. Schue gives them a good grade.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake flops down onto Finn's bed, rolling herself up in a blanket as the two watch "Shrek", which happened to be Blake's choice. It's one of her guilty pleasure movies. But sadly, she doesn't really get to watch it because Finn is too busy complaining about Justin Bieber.

"It makes no sense!" He exclaims, "I don't get how every girl, including you, is going bananas over the stupid Justin Bieber Experience."

Blake chuckles, "If it makes you feel any better, I don't really think the songs they chose qualify for the assignment this week."

He groans in annoyance, "It doesn't matter if they qualify for the assignment. What matters is that Quinn is suddenly into Sam again just because of the stupid band."

"It's not really my business to be meddling in their relationship." Blake looks at the boy, throwing his pillow at him. "And it's not yours either." She points out.

He throws his pillow back at her, "It's not meddling."

"Right," She nods, "It's cheating."

"Look, are you ever gonna let that go?" He asks.

"I just don't think it's fair to Sam." She shrugs, "That's all."

"Why do you care?" He clenches his jaw, "Do you like him or something?"

Blake laughs, "No. Not in the slightest."

"Could've fooled me with how touchy you two have been."

"Finn," Blake rolls her eyes at his dramaticness, "You saw us hug once." She says, holding up one finger. "I don't like Sam like that." She shakes her head. What does she have to do to prove to him he's the one she wants to be with?

Finn sighs, looking at the girl. She's just as beautiful as always. His eyes flicker down to her lips, reminding him of the kiss they shared on Valentine's Day. The two haven't talked about it since, but it hasn't truly left his mind.

Finn's eyes travel down to the empty popcorn bowl and gummy bear bag. He gets up, "I'm gonna need more food if I'm gonna get through the rest of this movie." He jokes.

Blake gasps, "You don't like Shrek?"

"It's not exactly the most educated movie."

"Since when do movies have to be educational?" Blake quips back.

He bonks the side of her head with the popcorn bowl, "It's childish is what I'm trying to say."

Blake looks at him, mock offense on her face. Finn sees her grabbing a pillow, knowing what follows he immediately runs out the door and shuts it before the pillow could collide with his face.

Blake chuckles softly at the terrified look on the boy's face. She glances around his room and notices a board on his wall covered in photos. She walks over to it and she laughs looking at some of the crazy moments he has caught in glee club. She cringes slightly at herself when she sees the photo of where she laughed so hard that water came out of her nose.

"How did he even get that?" She murmurs.

As she goes through the photos one sticks out more than the rest. Simply because it's smack dab in the middle of the board, and it's the biggest photo. She grins as she looks at it. It's a photo of her and him in Rocky Horror. She's clearly laughing about something he said while he's just staring admiringly at her.

Blake suddenly gets an idea. She jumps back onto his bed and reaches over the side to grab her backpack, pulling her songbook out. She gently places it on his bed, wanting to write her lyrics down before she forgot.

She quickly scribbles the lyrics down as she hears the door creak open. She feels the other side of the bed dip as Finn lays down next to her, "What are you doing?" He asks, curiously.

"Song lyrics." She replies simply.

He nods in silence, knowing not to disturb her when she's in the zone. He quietly watches the girl write her lyrics which just seem to flow out of her. Finn stares at the girl, impressed by how amazing she is. He reaches forward and moves a loose piece of hair out of her face.

The girl then shuts her book, "All done." She smiles happily. She goes to put her book back and when she turns around she sees Finn just staring at her. "What?" She asks, "Do I got something on my face?"

He shakes his head, "No. I just like watching you write." He admits, "It's cool how focused you get."

Blake smiles, "Really?"

"Yeah." He nods, "I'd love to hear one of your songs."

She chuckles, flopping back down next to him, "Maybe another time."

He smiles and readjusts himself. He moves in between her legs and lays on her stomach. Blake simply grins at the action and just moves her fingers through his hair. "This is nice." He comments, closing his eyes.

"Yeah." She nods, "It is."

           ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     The next day Blake walks into the choir room, feeling a little more forgiving since hanging out with Finn. She sighs and takes a seat next to Quinn. The blonde girl looks at her slightly shocked.

Blake half smiles, "Hey."

Quinn looks at her lost for a second, "Hey." She says, softly.

Blake sighs, "Look, I'm sorry." She laughs slightly, "I really don't like being mad at you."

Quinn smiles sadly, "I don't like you being mad at me either."

"Will you forgive me?" Blake grabs her hands.

"For what?" Quinn asks in disbelief.

"Being so cold towards you." Blake looks into her eyes, "You're my best friend. And while I don't agree with how you handled that situation, I still love you."

Quinn can't help but pull the girl into a hug, "I forgive you as long as you forgive me."

"I do." Blake nods, "I love you Q."

"I love you too B."

The two girls pull apart and without even looking Blake points to Finn, "Now what the hell is up with that?" She whispers.

Quinn shrugs, "I don't know, he came in with all the Justin Bieber get up. I was confused too."

Both girls giggle and turn their attention to Mr. Schue, "Okay guys and gals... and Sue. It's the moment we've all been waiting for- our next diva-off." He announces, "So here they are, sure to give us a fantastic anthem, Mercedes and Rachel! Let's give it up!"

The club cheers for the two girls as Rachel stands in front of Mercedes, "After much argument, I finally convinced Mercedes that in order to do a proper diva-off, it has to come from the Broadway catalogue." She smiles smugly, "Which, I think, is safe to say that that gives me home field advantage."

"Oh well, you're about to get beat on your own turf." Mercedes claps back.

"Hit it!" Rachel yells to the band.

The two girls start to sing "Take Me Or Leave Me" and the tension is very palpable. Blake leans over to Quinn, "I thought they were friends." She whispers.

Quinn shrugs, shaking her head. "I don't know."

Blake sits back and continues to watch the performance. The two girls sound phenomenal. Blake can't help but enjoy the show. She throws her hands up in the air as Mercedes hits a high note, chills running up and down her body. She smiles as the two girls seemingly made up by the end of the song.

Everyone begins to clap for Mercedes and Rachel as they wrap their arms around each other, "Oh my God, that was so great!" Mercedes exclaims.

The two girls look into the audience, smiling. "No." Rachel points to Mercedes, "What about her, what about her?"

"Awesome!" Mr. Schue laughs.

Sue looks out at everyone, confused, "Hey, where's the hate?"

Blake sighs, "That explains the tension". She murmurs, making Artie laugh.

Mr. Schue rolls his eyes, "Not the point of glee club Sue."

The bell rings and the kids walk out of the classroom. Blake throws her backpack over her shoulder and makes her way into the hallway. Finn smoothly slides up next to her, "Hey." He smiles.

"Hey Biebs." She teases, "Change of heart?" She quirks an eyebrow.

He nods, "Yeah. I guess after seeing you go so crazy over it, I thought if you can't beat 'em join 'em." He shrugs.

"The hoodie's cute." She nods, "I don't know about the hair though." She tilts her head.

"What's wrong with my hair?" He says, touching it.

She shrugs, "I like your normal hair. It's less... flat." She laughs.

He nods, "Noted." He smiles and nudges the girl, "I saw you and Quinn talking again. That's good right?"

Blake nods, "I realized if I can hangout and be okay with you, it was about time I forgave her." She sighs, "Plus, I missed her."

"I could tell." Finn nods, "I'm glad you two made up."

"Me too." Blake smiles.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "Q," Blake shakes her head, "I am not wearing this." She says, looking appalled at the sweater with a carousel horse on it.

"Please." Quinn begs, "It's a new trend."

"Dressing like Rachel is the new trend?" Blake asks in disbelief.

"Well, Brittany is the one who started wearing it, so it's not really Rachel." She reasons.

"I don't want to dress like a toddler." Blake crosses her arms, "While I will admit I am getting along with Rachel, I refuse to dress like her."

"Everyone else is gonna be wearing it."

"I don't want to dress like everyone else." Blake counters, "I like my style."

"Just this once." Quinn holds up the outfit, "So we can match? It'll be like the first thing we do to celebrate being best friends again." She smiles.

Blake groans, but eventually caves in. "Fine." She mumbles.

"Yay!" Quinn claps, "Go put it on."

Blake rolls her eyes and makes her way to Quinn's bathroom, "You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too." Quinn smiles sweetly.

Blake puts on the outfit and immediately starts scratching her neck. She walks out of the bathroom and over to Quinn, "This is the most uncomfortable thing I've ever worn in my life."

"You get used to it." Quinn brushes it off, "Now come here so I can give you bangs."

"What?!" Blake exclaims, "Hell no." She shakes her head, "I'll wear the stupid horse sweater but I absolutely will not do bangs."

Quinn huffs, setting down her scissors, "Fine." She gives in, "At least wear this headband." She hands her an emerald green headband to match her sweater.

Blake grimaces, "Really?"

"Yes." Quinn nods adamantly.

"But it's gonna mess up my curls." Blake whines.

"Blake." Quinn says, sternly.

"Fine!" Blake throws her hands up. "Fine."

"Thank you." Quinn smiles, kissing her cheek.

Blake smoothes down her skirt, "Yeah, Yeah. Whatever." She playfully rolls her eyes.

         ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

    Blake mumbles profanities under her breath as she, for the thousandth time, scratches her neck. She may look fabulous in the new look, but it is so itchy that she might actually grab a shirt from the lost and found to change.

She walks over to Santana, Quinn and Tina who all stare at her in awe. Santana whistles, "Damn Blake," She checks her out, "You look totally hot."

Blake smiles awkwardly, "Thank you."

"I told you people would think you look good." Quinn smiles.

"This new trend is literally the best." Santana admits.

"Seriously, she's a genius and an icon." Tina points out.

Before Blake can protest about her uncomfortability, Rachel comes up to the group, "Who is?"

Quinn turns towards the girl, "Brittany, who do you think?"

"Who knew that taking off that Cheerios uniform would turn her into a fashion institution?" Santana says.

"Is this a joke?" Rachel asks, her smile fading from her face.

Santana shakes her head, "No, that sweater is." She scrunches her eyebrows, "Who wears a reindeer sweater?"

Rachel looks at them in disbelief, "Uh, a-all four of you."

Blake looks down at her sweater, "Actually, it's a carousel horse." She points out, not trying to be mean.

"If you want to know what to wear, just look to Brittany." Quinn says, trying to be helpful.

"Look, she took the look from me, okay. I paid her." Rachel tells them.

Tina shakes her head, "You're a terrible liar, Rachel."

"I can't believe that you would take this away from poor Brittany." Quinn looks at the girl disappointed.

"It's sad." Santana tilts her head, "You're just sad." She says, shutting her locker.

The group of girls walk away, leaving Rachel to go talk to Brittany. Blake looks at them, "We all know that this is Rachel's style right?"

Santana nods, "We know. It's just funny making her squirm."

The four of them walk to the choir room, all of them wearing confident smiles. Even though Blake absolutely hates it, she loves the attention she's getting in the outfit. Finn couldn't take his eyes off the girl, she looks absolutely stunning in her green sweater. He notices her heading to sit next to Mike and Tina but he quickly gets her attention.

"Blake!" He calls out.

She looks towards him and he gestures to the chair next to him. Blake smiles and walks over to Finn, sitting next to him.

"New look?" He asks.

She nods awkwardly, "Yeah, I guess."

"I like it." He says, trying his hardest not to check her out.

"Thanks." She smiles.

"All right." Mr. Schuester claps, "Let's get right down to it. Starting us off and making her New Directions solo debut, Miss Lauren Zizes."

"Go Lauren!" Blake cheers as everyone claps for the girl.

"So, uh, what are you gonna sing for us, Lauren?" Mr. Schue asks, curiously.

Lauren smiles cockily, "Here's how I see it. I know I'm the hottest bitch in this joint. If I was a country, my flag would be a big fist giving the world a finger. And this would be my national anthem." She nods.

"O-kay." Mr. Schue says, walking off to sit in the audience.

Lauren looks over at Puck, "Puckerman. Grab your guitar." She commands.

Puck immediately does as he's told, making Blake chuckle. That girl has him wrapped around her finger and it cracks Blake up.

"Tina, Brittany... ready?" The two girls nod and get up to stand behind the girl, "Great, awesome, super cool." She says, getting slightly nervous.

Blake notices Puck give her a nod of encouragement, making Blake smile. She's never seen Puck be this emotionally vulnerable with a girl before. It's nice.

The song starts and she begins to sing "I Know What Boys Like." From the very beginning Blake jams out. She loves Lauren and how confident she is. Blake's eyes widen for a moment when she motorboats Artie, but then proceeds to laugh at everyone's shocked faces.

When the song reaches an end, Lauren pushes Tina and Brittany to the floor and twirls around. The club then applauds for the girl, most of them running up to hug her.

"You did so good!" Blake smiles, hugging her.

"Thank you." She laughs.

"How freakin' hot is she?" Puck says, checking her out.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake stands at her locker, fixing her headband in the small mirror she has placed in there. They glee club just got done singing "SING" by My Chemical Romance, and while it was fun, Blake doesn't think it will win them regionals.

"Hey." Sam says, walking up to the girl.

"Hey Sammy." She smiles until she sees the sad look on his face, "What's wrong?" She pouts slightly.

"I dumped Quinn."

Blake looks at him shocked, "You did?"

He nods, "Yeah. Turns out you were right, I did know the truth."

Blake sighs, "I'm sorry Sam."

"It's fine." He shrugs, "Just watch your back okay?" He says genuinely concerned, "I know how you feel about Finn, and she's clearly after him so." He gives her a sad look, "Just be careful with her."

Blake nods, "I trust Quinn. And I want both of them to be happy, so if that's with each other, I can accept that."

Sam looks at her, "You're a really good person, you know that?"

"I try to be." She smiles sadly.

"And I know you're still friends with her." He admits, "I'm okay with it. I still want to be friends with you either way."

Blake lets out a breath of relief, "Thank God. I was worried you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore."

He chuckles lightly, "No, we're still gonna be best friends." He nudges her shoulder.

"Good." Blake smiles.

           ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake walks into the choir room, stopping in her tracks at the sight of Santana and Sam cuddled up next to each other. He didn't tell her about... that earlier when they talked.

Blake walks over and sits next to Mercedes, "When did that happen?"

Mercedes shrugs, indicating she has no idea. Mr. Schue tilts his head, "Alright. I hate to say it. But we all owe Sue a big thank you. She may hate us but she did give us a kick butt song for Regionals."

Everyone claps except Blake, Quinn and Rachel. Rachel then raises her hand and stands up, "Mister Schuester, I think our admiration for Coach Sylvester might just be a little premature." She admits, "While I love My Chemical Romance and I think we all kicked butt on that number, as our team leader and arbiter of all that is good, I-I have to say that I don't think that song is good enough for Regionals."

Blake can't help but nod in agreement. She loves MCR and listens to a lot of their songs, the performance will not be enough to win regionals.

"As our team leader and arbiter of all that is good, I-I have to say that I don't think that song is good enough for Regionals."

Blake smiles at the Berry girl. She never thought the day would come where the two girls would agree on something, but here we are.

Rachel continues, "The Warblers have Kurt and Blaine as their, like, one-two punch, and Aural Intensity kicked our butt last year." She explains, "We can't just do any song to beat either of those teams."

Mercedes looks back at the girl annoyed, "You mean a number where you don't get to sing the entire song."

"Guys..." She shakes her head,  "this, this isn't about me.

Mr. Schue looks at her expectantly, "What do you suggest Rachel?"

"We need to be bold and-and epic." She nods, "We need to write our own original music for Regionals. We need an indisputable advantage."

Blake's excitement level peaks at the idea. She would absolutely love to write a song for Regionals. All she's ever wanted is for people to hear her music and be able to relate to it. Blake gives Rachel a nod of encouragement, seeing how strongly the girl feels about this topic.

Santana rolls her eyes, "Ugh, check out dwarf Diane Warren."

Rachel's shoulders drop, "We can't lose Regionals again this year, you guys. You have to trust me. I feel really, really strongly about this."

"Let's put it to a vote, okay Rachel?" Mr. Schue nods. "All those in favor of doing an original song..."

Rachel immediately raises her hand and Blake sighs, raising her hand as well. Everyone begins to murmur and whisper at the brunette. Mr. Schue looks at her, "You'd like to do an original song Blake?"

She nods, "I think it would give us the upper hand in the competition. Rachel's right, we need to be unique to win. If we perform the My Chemical Romance song we're gonna lose. It's just a fact."

Mr. Schue sighs, "Alright, all those in favor of My Chemical Romance?"

Everyone but Rachel and Blake raise their hands. Blake sighs and sinks into her chair. Mr. Schue claps his hands together and shrugs towards Blake and Rachel.

Blake rolls her eyes, "The one time he makes it a group decision." She grumbles to herself.

Blake makes her way to her locker, trying to find her science book so she can complete her project over the weekend. Once she found it she slams it shut, disappointed she won't have the chance to show off her songs.

Blake goes to walk to the parking lot but notices Finn standing in the middle of the hallway. Blake walks over to him, "You must be happy." She says, looking down to the floor.

"And why's that?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Quinn's back on the market." Blake shrugs, "You won." She nods, "It shouldn't be too difficult to get her to date you again after what happened between her and Sam."

He shakes his head, "I don't want to talk about Quinn. I want to talk about you." He half smiles, "You backing up Rachel like that was really cool."

Blake shrugs, "She's right. We're not gonna win off that song. We need to be different." Blake explains.

"I agree." He nods.

Blake squints her eyes, "And why didn't you say that when we were voting?"

He sighs, "It wouldn't have made a difference." He looks in her eyes, "The only way to prove it to those guys is to write a great song and shove it down their throats."

Blake tilts her head in confusion, "You want to write a song together?"

"No." He shakes his head, "I think you should do it yourself." He smiles down at her, "Let's face it Blake, you're the most talented one in there. If someone was going to write us a song to win Regionals, it would be you."

Blake blushes, "You really believe in me that much?"

He nods, "More."

Blake smiles at the ground and Finn can't help but find her adorable. He lifts her head up, "You're beautiful."

"Thank you." She stares in his eyes.

He leans in closer to her but stops himself. He moves his head to the side and softly kisses her cheek. The two gaze at each other for a moment longer before Finn lets go over her face and walks away. Blake smiles after him and she sighs, "Alright, let's write a song."

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