Unholy (Jenlisa AU)

By vnothappyv011125

361K 7.7K 1.2K

"Lust and adultery are sins driven by the devil inside you. To engage in premarital or extramarital sex, befo... More

Chapter 1 (M)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (M)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (M)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (M)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (M)
Story Time (Not an Update)
Chapter 14 (M)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (M)
Chapter 19 (M)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (M)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (M)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (M)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (M)
Birthday (M) ?

Chapter 32

3.9K 142 84
By vnothappyv011125

Come on, let me hear your thoughts, guys. Please don't hesitate to comment and share your opinion. I'm really curious about what you feel 🥹.

Chaeng's POV

I was panicking and crying while Lisa drove the car so fast. Her eyes were bloodshot while she kept looking at our daughters condition.

My heart was pounding so loud. I can't think straight, I was supposed to tell Lisa about Chealse's sickeness, and then this happened. We just got back together, after years of being apart, and now, my daughter -

"Chaeng!! Please tell me what is happening?!" She shouted. There was irritation in her tone, but I couldn't really blame her. She's worried for our daughter and didn't even know that she's not alright.

"She's sick, Lisa. And I will tell you more about it later just please drive!!" I cried out.

I'm scared.

I'm so scared for our daughter. I've been warned by her doctors before. Her medication is not responding well with her body. She's getting thiner, and her health was dropping, and it feels like I've been in a nightmare when I'm in a coma, and when I woke up, it's much worse. My daughter has cancer, and my wife thought we were dead.


If it weren't for my parents. We wouldn't have been suffering like this. We could have done something to make Chealse's condition better.


"Help!! Please help!" I cried together with Lisa while she carried our daughter in her arms. Thankfully, the staff immediately took care of our child and settled her in the emergency room.

We were about to get inside, but they stopped us before we could enter.

"Ahhhh!!!" I flinched when Lisa shouted and punched the wall with frustration. She was full-blown crying, wheeping in such distress as she continued to hit the wall near us.

I walked closer towards her and hugged my wife tightly. She's shaking, scared, frightened, maybe because of the trauma of the accident years ago.

"Lisa, babe. She's going to be alright. I'm here. Please calm down. " I gently said while I rubbed her back, hoping it could ease her pain and make her calm.

She struggled at first, but after a moment, I felt her hand hugging me back tightly while she cried in my arms.

"I- I'm scared. Babe, I'm scared that both of you will leave me again. "

I tried my best not to cry to what she called me. It was the first time I heard it again, and it felt like we were back like before. Before all of this happened.

I pulled away and kissed her lips, unable to contain my happiness, and it doubled when she held me tighter and kissed me back with so much passion.

She kissed me like she's scared that I'll be gone again. She kissed me with so much emotion while her hand was holding my waist carefully.

"Listen to me, I won't be gone. Chealse will be alright, okay? Everything will be alright, " I mumbled while my forehead rested against hers while I gently massaged her nape.

I remembered it clearly. How doing this to her could make her calm despite how angry she was.

I'm just looking at Lisa. She's clenching her eyes tightly while she continues to hold me and cry silently until the doctor comes out.

She quickly pulled away from me but not before holding my hand.

"How is my daughter?" She worriedly asked. Her tears were building up again, so I gently tugged her hand and held it tightly. Making her feel that she's not alone, that I'm with her to fight for all of these.

Lisa looked at me before she focused back on the doctor.

"The patients condition is stable, for now. However, her condition and symptoms are found to be severe. If I may ask, what's the patients medical history?"

I gulped hard and looked at Lisa. My chest tightened, scared and worried for our daughter's condition.

"She's diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anaemia back in Australia," After I told the doctor the truth, Lisa's hand slowly swift off from mine. Her tears fell again, and she shouted her pain and agony for our daughter's condition. She was crying so hard , gasping for air, and that she ended up kneeling down on the floor. I quickly went to Lisa and hugged her tightly, saying how sorry I was, how stupid I was as a mother to let our daughter suffer all of this.

The doctor looks at us with sympathy before he continues to say something regarding Chealse's health. I tried to help Lisa to stand up, and she quickly held the doctor's hand.

"Please, save her. There are measures, I'm a doctor myself I know the procedure. I can help, " she rumbled.

As a parent, I know how the hurt Lisa is right now. I'm not different when the first time I knew about Chealse's condition. I was devastated, in pain. I even felt stupid for making my daughter suffer.

"Our daughter needs a donor. A bone marrow transplant to produce blood cells for her, and I already got examined to be one, but I'm not capable. The doctors tried to match mine with hers , but it's ou-" I stopped when Lisa hugged me tightly. I could hear how sorry she was for not looking for us. For not identifying the corpse before, and just giving up without her doing anything.

"I'm here. I could be her donor. I could be a match. She's my daughter Chaeng. And I can't be a useless parent for her. You've done everything you could, and it's now my turn to save her. " I just keep on nodding my head while hearing Lisa talk. I know how our situation is just so hard, but at least right now, I have her. I have her to fight with me for our daughter's sake.

"I suggest you should contact the patients doctor and schedule for the examination to be her donor and proceed with the operation ASAP. Let me be honest, her condition is getting worse from the physical exam we performed. She's a possible candidate for comatose patients and will eventually lead to her death if not treated eventually. "


Jennie's POV

1 week.

It's been 1 week since I last saw Lisa. It's been 1 week since I ever heard her voice, and in those 1 weeks, she never replied to any of my messages.

I don't know what happened. We were so happy just before she left my house. We were even talking and planning about our decision to move out and live in the States, but now. Even just a glimpse of her, she's nowhere to be found.

My mother said that even the old Manoban couple quickly left since they were not seen roaming around in Busan. I'm actually worried for them because something seems so different, it's like they are fleeing for an emergency that I don't know about.

"Hey, your ice cream is melting." I quickly rolled my eyes when my childhood friend interrupted my thoughts. He said he just came home from abroad after finishing his freshmen year in college.

But what bothers me was that he always keeps on following me around. Whenever I go, he's behind me, just like now.

I'm not really like this, but I'm already outside Lisa's house. I am waiting for someone to come out or get inside the place unexpectedly because I know something is wrong, and I'm so worried that maybe something bad had happened to my girlfriend and they are just hiding it from me.

I didn't answer him and just put the ice cream away. That made him frown.

"I bought it for you," he complained, and tightly held my arm that made me groan in pain, and I looked at him confusedly.

I groaned and pulled my hand back from him.

"What's with you? Since you came back here. You kept on getting close to me. You keep on asking my hand for marriage, and I kept on telling you that I have a girlfriend, and we are not staying here anymore. So, please, Tae, get the hell off of me!!"

What I said stunned him. His brows furrowed, and he held my arm again. It was getting tighter , his nose was flaring while the veins on his neck were so evident.

"Who do you think you are?! If it weren't for my family, you are all begg-"

I gasped loudly when someone punched him. Then, when I looked up, Lisa was already looking at me worriedly.

"Lis," I called her name, and I immediately hugged her tightly, expressing how much I missed her. I felt her hugging me back, smelling my scent before she pulled away.

"Why are you here? And who's this? Is he harassing you? Are you alright? " I smiled when she asked me all of those questions, and I was about to answer her, but Tae stood up and was about to attack Lisa

So, I quickly held Lisa's hand and ran towards her house. The security opened the gate for us, and I was laughing when we were finally left alone.

But I stopped when she suddenly took her hand away, and seriously looked at me. I felt my heart skip a beat for not a good reason when she did that.

"I-is there something wrong?" I stuttered, feeling nervous because of what she's acting.

I'm confused. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? She didn't contact me for a week, and now she has the guts to act to like this with me?

She looked down, fidgeting before she looked back at me, and I saw how her eyes watered, and I got shocked when she hugged me suddenly and cried while she buried her head on my neck.

I don't know what was happening, nor I don't know what I was supposed to do. But there is a feeling inside me that she's not okay, that we are not okay.

Did she do something wrong? Did she have sex with other girls while we were in a relationship? Or did she have problems with her father or anyone?

Seriously, I'm so blank and puzzled to why she's acting like this.

"I'm - I am so sorry, baby. Yo- yo don't deserve me." She mumbled, repeating that she's sorry that she don't know what to do, that I don't deserve her.

I held my breath and looked up to stop myself from crying. While my hands gently wrapped around her waist, I tapped her back to comfort her.

"C-can you tell me what's going on?" My voice broke when I finally asked that. I felt her stop, and we both pulled from our hug.

She was crying while she held my face. Her eyes screamed sorry and pained the way she stared at me.

"You're scaring me," I honestly told her, and I tried to smile slightly to at least make the atmosphere light, but she only shook her head.

"I didn't mean to hide this from you, but the situation was just so complicated, and I- I really don't know what I'm going to do -"

"Just please tell me Lisa!!" I shouted. The tension and the nervousness I'm feeling were making the situation worse, and I wanted to know the truth.

"My family. Chaeng and Chealse are alive. "

I froze, and my body felt cold literally when I heard that from her. My hands are shaking, surprised to what she confess.

"What?" I asked

"The-they are back. They are alive. It's a miracle that they are alive and Jennie. I wanted my family back,"

I immediately slap her face when she said those to me. I can't believe it. I can't

"Oh my God," I cried, and I was about to walk off, but she had already held my hand and forced me to look at her.

"Let go of me!!" I shouted and tried to take my hand away, but she's so much stronger.

"You want your family, right?!! Then I'm letting you go!!!" I told her, even though I know to myself that I wanted her despite her family coming back, but what can I do? It's her choice, her decision, and as much as possible, I don't want to be a hindrance towards her family.

"Please!! Please Lisa, let go, " I begged because if she keeps on holding me, I know any moment from now. I will be kneeling down before her, begging her to just choose me instead of them.

"Plea -" I froze when I felt her soft lips against mine. Both our tears fell down, and we ended up tasting the salty substance in between our kisses. I tried to fight, and I tried to hesitate, but I already got lost when she held my waist tightly, and I ended up kissing her back.

I surrender myself towards her. I felt weak just by the thought of her losing and letting me go. She's mine. Lisa is mine, and if being a mistress could make her stay with me, I will be willing to be anything just for her.

It's a sin to God's sight. It's a crime in the law. No matter how we thought about it. It's wrong, despite the love we have for each other. We know we can't be together legally.

"I love you. I love you so much to just let you go, Jennie." I remained silent while I rested my head on her chest.
Her heartbeat was so loud and rapidly beating together with mine while we held each other tightly.

"I chose you. I promised that I'll choose you despite everything, but Jennie -"

I pulled away, and she held my hand. Her eyes were begging to let me listen to her, to understand her.

And even how tight my chest is. On how hurt I am to the situation we are facing. I nodded my head, and I gently held her face.

"Chealse, my daughter. She's sick, and she's diagnosed with anaemia, and the reason I didn't contact you for the whole week is because of her treatment and the results found that I'm not compatible to be a donor, nor was Chaeng"

When she mentioned her wife's name, it felt like my heart was stabbed many times, but I just kept silent and eagerly waited for her to finish.

"Please understand the situation, baby. You know I chose you, and I will choose you over and over again, but. My daughters transplant needed a close family to be a donor, and" she stopped and tightly held my hand. She closed her eyes tightly, clenching it before she stared back at me. Her bloodshot eyes and dark eyebags are making me worry and nervous about what she will tell me.

"And what, Lisa?" My anxiety was growing that I ended up asking her what she wanted to tell me. My chest slowly tightens that it feels like I'm unable to breathe, and just -

"We needed to have a sibling for Chealse. Chaeng and I needed to m-make an‐other child to be our daughter's bone marrow donor."

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