Reaction to Tensura

By armaghan_ror

228K 5.3K 1.6K

Hey everyone, this will be quite a typical Tensura reaction. In which a supernatural entity kidnaps the chara... More

Special: Top 20 (Part 1)
Special: Top 20 (Part 2)
Special: Top 20 (Part 3)
Special: Top 20 (Part 4)
Prologue: Death and Reincarnation
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 6 to 8.5
Chapter 8.6 to 12
Chapter 13 to 17
Chapter 18 to 22
Chapter 23 and 24
Chapter 25 to 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter No. 40
Chapter 41
Chapter # 42 (Preparation for Charybdis)
Chapter # 43
Break: New Guests
Chapter # 44
Chapter # 45
Chapter # 46
Chapter # 47
Break: Slime Stroke
Chapter # 48
Chapter # 49 (Butterflies of the Night)
Chapter # 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter # 51
Chapter # 52 (Part 1)
Chapter # 52 (Part 2)
Chapter # 53 (Part 1)
Chapter 53 (Part 2)

Chapter 32

3.8K 115 31
By armaghan_ror

Their fight started and for the most part. Gabiru was handling the situation quite well. Rimuru who was watching from above was also quite impressed.

Rimuru= (Looks like he isn't all talk. Not only can he fight quite well but he is also really brave as well).

However, when the orc general started using his skill [Chaos eater] on Gabiru, he was pushed back.

Gazel= Hmm not bad I have never seen you fight before. But you held better than I expected you to.

Ultima= I guess your sister wasn't lying when she said that. You are a great warrior.

Shion= He even got praise from Rimuru-sama that shows that, he really is quite something.

Shizu= But what was that skill that, the orc tried to use on Gabiru.

Frey= [Chaos Eater] it allows for anything that it touches to be affected by corrosion.

Fuze= That would be a painful way to go.

As soon as Gabiru was about to be cut down by the orc general. Suddenly his axe was stopped by someone, that someone was Gobta.

Gabiru= Who are you?

Ranga= He is Gobta. Captain of the Goblin Riders. My name is Ranga. We are here on the orders of Rimuru-sama to help you.

Orc General= Rimuru? Never heard of him. But it doesn't matter as anyone who will stand in our path will be slaughtered.

However, as soon as he said that a giant dome of black flames erupted behind him. Incinerating a large number of orcs.

Milim= Woo... now the fun part will start.

Rigur= Wow Ranga-dono you sounded really cool there.

Ranga= Thanks Rigur-kun.

Ryota= Yeah and Gobta as well. Like how he blocked that giant axe with his blade.

Shion= He was saying that we all will be slaughtered. What a joke!

Rimuru= He kind of jinxed himself there. Because as soon as he said that. So many of his orc comrades were slaughtered.

Kenya= But Rimuru-sensei was that you who made that giant dome of black flames.

Chloe= Rimuru-sensei is the only one who has that ability. So of course, it would be him.

Rimuru= Well no it wasn't me.

Alice= Then who was it.

Rimuru= You will see in a second.

Gobta= Oh it looks like it has started already.

Orc General= What has started already?

As soon as he says that. Multiple of those fire domes appear on the battlefield. Killing tens of thousands of orcs. When smoke clears, it reveals the cause of this level of destruction. Benimaru, Hakorou and Shion.

As the Orc general looks back towards Gobta more Goblin Riders have appeared by now. So, he gets really angry. Gobta and Gabiru make a defensive line so that they won't get destroyed by the orcs.

At this time Benimaru makes another giant dome of black flames with his skill [Hell Flare], again incinerating a large number of orcs.

Kenya= Oh so it was Benimaru-san who was wreaking havoc in the orcs.

Gale= But when did he even get this ability.

Rimuru= I can give any of my ability to any of my subordinates who are capable of using them.

Carrera= Oh! so that is how, I was wondering that how he got it.

Dagruel= So you can give your subordinates your own abilities to make them stronger.

Dino= That is quite a handy ability.

Velzard= So can you give any of your ability to any of your subordinates.

Rimuru= No the only abilities my subordinates can have, are those they are compatible with.

Jeff= This way it looks like that Benimaru-san can alone take down the entire orc army.

Rigurd= He might have been but as you know Rimuru-sama and by extension we didn't wanted to take the risk.

Benimaru= That is why we only went with our best fighters.

Ryota= How did all of those Goblin Riders just appeared out of nowhere?

Ranga= We used [Shadow Step].

Orc general= Oh so you guys are here to help the lizardmen. But it doesn't matter how much fodder you throw at us. You will be the one to taste defeat.

Alice= Fodder he is calling them fodder while his own forces are getting obliterated.

Milim= Yeah who does he think he is.

Diablo= He is just way too prideful to accept defeat.

Ranga= He soon will realize just how outclassed he is.

Ranga= Fodder huh? Then let us show you...

After saying this the weather begins to change and tornadoes and lightning fills the battlefield killing thousands of orcs in the process. One such lightning strikes the orc general completely incinerating him in the process.

Rimuru who was watching this from the sky. Gets really surprised by this.

Rimuru= <What is this?>

Great Sage= <This is Ranga's wide range attack [Death Storm].>

Rimuru= <I...see.>

At this Ranga evolved into a Tempest Star Wolf.

Ranga= You see this, orcs, this the power of those you see as fodder.

Shizu= Is this really the same Ranga from before I never would have thought that he would become this strong this quickly.

Rimuru= Well I was also quite surprised by this.

Kenya= Death Storm sounds so cool.

Ryota= Yeah it really does.

Ultima= Ok yup I am telling you all this already, this is going to be another easy victory for Rimuru.
Testarossa= Don't you remember, he said that this battle was difficult for him to deal with.

Ultima= Well I am not seeing any difficulty.

Rimuru= Hahaha yeah, I guess you are right.

At this time, On Benimaru's command, Gobta, the Goblin Riders and the lizardmen all charge towards the orcs to take advantage of the chaos the [Death Storm] had created.

Meanwhile Benimaru continues to destroy large amounts of orcs, but not just him as Hakorou also joins in alongside Shion. Hakorou who with his blades cuts down hundreds of orcs in seconds. And Shion who with the one swing of her giant blade cuts the ground in half. When he sees the damage that was caused by the single strike of the blade of Shion.

Rimuru= (Remind me not to make her angry.)

Fuze= Yeah, I would agree, the fact that she literally split the ground open. I think not pissing her off is the logical response.

Dino= I guess this is why Rimuru was so afraid in telling her that her cooking is bad.

Veldora= Yup you got that right.

Shion= ...

Luminous= However, it looks like what Ultima had said is actually true. That this is going to be another easy victory for Rimuru.

Veldora= It would be, but you are forgetting one thing right now?

Luminous= What do you mean?

Veldora= You will soon see.

Rimuru (T-C to Veldora) = (Wow Veldora you didn't tell them about the Orc lord.)

Veldora (T-C to Rimuru) = (I am not going to spoil it for them.)

Rimuru= (Things are going great so far. Especially with Benimaru as the one in command. He is handling the situation flawlessly.)

Gazel= I guess that is why you put him as the commander-in-chief of all of your forces, right?

Rimuru= Yes, I couldn't really think of anyone other than him, who could fit this role and his performance during this battle was a big deciding factor.

Rimuru= (I hope after all of this, they still want to work with me.)

Shion= Of course we would work with you. Why were you thinking that, like we were going to leave you after that?

Rimuru= That is because at the time I didn't know if you guys actually would stay with me or not.

Benimaru= Yes, the deal was until the end of the orc invasion. After that it was our decision on which direction will we go next.

Shuna= And you thought that we might leave you.

Rimuru= ...yeah...

Shion while shaking Rimuru violently.

Shion= Why did you even think of something like that you know that we are always going to be by your side.

Diablo= Shion wait you are shaking Rimuru-sama way too violently.

Veldora= Hahaha.

At this whole thing all the subordinates, associates of the freedom academy, Gazel, Fuze, Milim and Ramiris were just smiling. Milim was about to join in but Frey was miraculously able to stop her.

Velzard (quietly) = They all are like children.

Guy (quietly) = But this is the quality of Rimuru that had allowed him to come so far and most likely this is the one. That will allow him and his country to become the strongest in the world.

Dagruel (quietly) = Most definitely.

Meanwhile at the lizardmen base, Souei had freed the chief and his loyal lizardmen and was taking care of any orcs that were able to make their way to that place. As he was easily dicing the orcs into pieces. The chief and the loyalists couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Daughter = That is the reaction that everyone has when they see it for the first time.

Ramiris= I completely forgot that Rimuru had sent Souei to free the chief and his loyal retainers.

Velzard= I had also forgotten that.

Guy= Just how bad is your memory especially you Velzard you never seemed to forget things.

Velzard= Whatever, I only forgot it because this part wasn't that important.

Souka= (So Souei-sama's achievements are not important.)

Dagruel= So I guess he got [Steel threads] from Rimuru.

Rimuru= [Steel Threads] and [Body Double] and he got quite proficient in using both of them quite quickly.

Shuna= Yes, he was the fastest to adjust to his new skills.

Souei= I did my best so that I could be of use to Rimuru-sama.

Souka= (He is so cool he didn't even take credit.)

At seeing all carnage and all of his plans getting foiled, Gelmud becomes furious. And decides to himself enter the battlefield. Because he knows that if he failed then that man will not forgive him. Then we shift towards the man that he was referring to Demon Lord Clayman, who was now sitting across Laplace watching the situation unfold on a crystal.

Rimuru= So that guy really was your subordinate.

Milim= Didn't you knew already?

Rimuru= I did know I just wanted to confirm it.

Zegion= And now Gelmud is losing his mind.

Adalman= Well that is predictable as any subordinate of Clayman who doesn't complete his tasks gets brutal punishments.

Shuna= Yes, I know that is exactly how Myuran described it.

When Rimuru gets ready to face the Orc Lord, Gelmud suddenly drops from the heavens.

Gelmud= What do you think you are doing? Runing the plans of the great lord Gelmud.

Rimuru= Gelmud? I think I have heard that name before.

Great Sage= <Gelmud is...>

Rimuru= <The individual to name Rigur's older brother?>

Great Sage= <Y-Yes.>

Carrera= He is going to die and very quickly at that.

Shizu= Who will kill him?

Hinata= Is that even a question of course Rimuru or his Subordinates.

Veldora= Rimuru now that I think about it isn't this the first time when you knew the answer before Great Sage could answer it.

Rimuru= Yeah, I guess you are right.

Milim= Which means Rimuru is becoming smart enough to rival Great Sage.

Shion= Yeah!

Guy= (That is just once, and they are cheering like it's a big deal.)

Diablo= ... (I hope she won't be angry at Rimuru-sama because of this.)

Ciel (T-C to both Veldora and Rimuru) = Aren't you two being a bit too happy at the fact that Rimuru was able to surpass me once.

Rimuru & Veldora= (Oh no.)

Ciel (T-C to both Veldora and Rimuru) = I am going to forgive you two this time but next time you won't be lucky.

Rimuru & Veldora= (Thank goodness.)

Ciel= <Don't you know dear that I can still hear you.>

Rimuru= <Oh Crap.>

Ciel= <I am happy that you weren't all that stupid that time and were able to actually remember something without my help. But just make sure that you don't think that you are better than me in this field. You have still a long way to go.>

Rimuru= (Dammit Veldora and Milim, did you guys had to say something like that.)

Diablo= (Did Rimuru-sama get out of that problem scot-free?)

Sees Rimuru's face.

Diablo= (No he didn't.)

Gelmud= A new demon lord would had been born.

Benimaru= Demon lord?

Rimuru= (I guess this is the guy, who is behind all of this.)

When Gabiru sees Gelmud he thinks that Gelmud had come to save them. But this all shatters when Gelmud orders the Orc Lord to eat all of them and shoots an attack towards Gabiru and his lizardmen. However, before this attack can kill them. Someone stops it, that someone being Rimuru himself.

Milim= Woho looks like Rimuru is about to join the fight.

Chloe= Yeah now sensei will now show him who is the stronger one.

Leon= Rimuru had said that this fight was a difficult one for him. Is it because he fights both Gelmud and the Orc Lord at the same time.

Luminous= Maybe...

Rimuru= Yeah you can say it like that.

Carrion= What do you mean?

Rimuru= You will see...

Rimuru promptly tied him up with his Steel threads. And punched him several times. Each punch sending him across the field. He kept spouting that he is a "superior Majin" but Rimuru didn't really think of it that much.

Rimuru= You are constantly saying that you are some big shot, but you are nothing special.

Gelmud tried to give him the offer to join him, but he just kicked him again sending him straight to the feet of the Orc Lord.

Diablo= He really thought that someone as great as Rimuru-sama would join him. Just how delusional can he be.

Shion= Yes, I agree with you. Everything that happened to him, he deserved it.

Rimuru= (These guys.)

Luminous= Aside from that point, he is again defeating him without any difficulty.

Ultima= See? I had told you this fight would also be easy.

Shuna= That is because the actual fight hadn't started yet.

Carrera= What do you mean by the actual fight?

Benimaru= Rimuru-sama vs the Orc Lord.

Alice= You mean that lazy giant orc that hasn't moved a muscle will be the actual challenge.

Geld= ...

Hakorou= Yes, he is the actual challenge.

Kenya= Really Sensei?

Rimuru= Really.

Total Word Count = (2162)




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