Why Even Try (Book 1 of 4)

By 5654wdh

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Loki, Thor, Sif, the warriors and ... you! How did the Odinson's and the warriors become friends? And what i... More

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - Thor's Heart
Chapter 3 - Not So Fast
Chapter 5 - The Day has Come
Chapter 6 - I Made It
Chapter 7 - Feeling more Aware
Chapter 8 - Reunion of Sorts
Chapter 9 - I Need to Wrap this up
Chapter 10 - Trying Something New
Chapter 11 - A Tragedy at the Palace
Chapter 12 - Waiting on Word
Chapter 13 - Beginning To Heal
Chapter 14 - Getting Better
Chapter 15 - Jolly Good
Chapter 16 - This Feeling is Disgusting
Chapter 17 - I Am Your Prince Too
Chapter 18 - Loki's Poems
Chapter 19 - The Prince's Dance
Chapter 20 - I Will See You Tomorrow
Chapter 21 - Finding Out Something Interesting
Chapter 22 - I am Going to Take Care of You
Chapter 23 - I Know You Care, But...
Chapter 24 - Taking A Day Off from Practice
Chapter 25 - What Could Have Happened to Him?
Chapter 26 - Will You Help Me?
Chapter 27 - Nothing But Trouble
Chapter 28 - A Strange Way to Return
Chapter 29 - Needing More Time
Chapter 30 - Someone New
Chapter 31 - I Can't Believe That Happened
Chapter 32 - Waiting For the Next Time
Chapter 33 - Trying to Figure Out What to do Next
Chapter 34 - What Does This Mean?
Chapter 35 - It Means Everything
Chapter 36 - But Why Not?
Chapter 37 - Not the Best Idea
Chapter 38 - What Do We Do Now?
Chapter 39 - I Will Always Be Here For You
Chapter 40 - The Next Morning
Chapter 41 - The Nightmares Continue
Chapter 42 - Needing to Show Him
Chapter 43 - Feeling Safe At Last
Chapter 43 - One More Dance
Chapter 44 - So Much To Say
Chapter 45 - How Could So Much Have Gone So Wrong, So Quickly?

Chapter 4 - This Can't Be Happening

62 4 0
By 5654wdh


He has changed into pajamas, and has brought me flowers and chocolate too. He sweeps me into a hug and twirls me in the air.

"Remind me never to make you angry or force you into anything against your will" he says, and continues to hug me, "I am so happy that I am on your good side, I am on your good side right? I mean I know I didn't help you, but..."

"Yes Loki" I say through giggles as he continues to swing me through the air, "I was mad at you, but..." He doesn't let me finish my sentence, because he is so relieved that I am not angry at him any longer.

"I couldn't bear you being angry or cross with me, especially if what you did to Thor would be my punishment."

Laughing we pull back awkwardly and stare into each other's eyes, and then back away completely from each other. Something odd was in our eyes, like we wanted to kiss, but that didn't seem right, or it did seem right but not really. This is odd, why are we so excited that I am not courting Thor?

"Would you like to join me for the evening, your Highness?" I ask and he quickly agrees and sits with me by the fireplace, "I plan to spend a quiet evening enjoying some tea, chocolate, the fire, and possibly some poetry."

"How are you?" he asks with concern noticing my lip, cheek, eye, and my hand, "can I help you with anything?"

Before I can answer, Loki makes a move to touch my face, but reaches over and turns one of his hands blue to soothe my hand instead. Soon my mother and Frigga join us, they are not surprised to see that we are together since they are the ones who brought us together as friends in the first place. But they seem a little surprised that we are holding hands; yet they seem ok with the fact that it is because Loki is soothing my injured hand.

"So how much trouble am I facing tomorrow?" I ask Frigga after the ladies help themselves to some tea and get comfortable.

"Oh my dear, you will not be in any trouble," she begins and Loki and I look at her with shocked in our eyes, "I do think that Bard may want to speak with you though, if not about the gem possibly about your intent to speak with the Norns. But I suspect you will be sore from your injuries so I do suggest you stay home and rest."

"As you wish your majesty" I say and she smiles at me before continuing with her story.

"I merely pointed out to Odin how silly his contest was, and to force someone into a courtship blindly was not fair." She pulls me to a hug a then backs away from me, "I told him that it would have been a wasted year of courtship with you and Thor because you do not love him...and he does not love you. We would have ended up having to find yet another suitable maiden for Thor in a year's time anyway so why not just move on. I also told him, or at least echoed your sentiment about the Norns. They do not care for Odin in the first place, and if you were to speak with them, they most certainly would find a way to oust him."

"Though I know you are angry," she continues, "I ask that you think before taking actions with the Norns..."

She pauses and gives me an all-knowing look, and then glances to Loki who turns about seven shades of red.

"Tell me dear, how this transpired?" my mom asks in an attempt to change to subject, "how did you end up finding the stone if you weren't looking? Sif mentioned that you were not paying attention or even interested in the hunt or search, so I am confused as to how you ended up with the gem."

The four of us settle in to have tea and I explain how Sif was looking and I wasn't, I how I sat on the pink bench and when I got up I tripped over a rock. When I picked it up to throw into the lake, it transformed to the gem. I tried to give it to Sif and when she went to take it from me; I was transported to the doors outside of the great hall in a champagne colored dress.

"Hmmm" Frigga says, "it's pretty much as I suspected, and I will share my suspicions with you both, but please do not get angry...Loki? You will not get angry, do you understand?"

"Yes Mother" Loki responds and places an arm around my shoulders giving them a little squeeze.

We all laugh because we know how volatile Loki can be. He nods and agrees then turns to me and raises his eyebrows in question. As if he is asking if it is ok for his arm to be around me and I nod subtly. I am not going to admit right now that I like having his arm around me, but I definitely like having his arm around me. We both look to our mothers who are smiling at his action, and then we look down at our laps in embarrassment. Frigga begins her story.

"My Dear, you were the only one who was able to win..." she says, and my mouth drops open as she continues, "it didn't matter who you tried to give the gem too, it would have not worked. And if anyone else would have picked up that rock, it would have remained a rock. It was enchanted to respond to your touch, and only your touch."

She continues, even though the three of us are getting nauseated at the story.

"Thor has always been a little jealous of the relationship that you and Loki have, and this was a way of dividing you, as well as ensuring Thor's marriage." She is embarrassed to continue, "Odin is concerned that Thor will not settle down, so he was willing to force him into a relationship and Thor was going to allow it. Odin is trying to get Thor interested in matters of the crown as well as the heart. Thor is immature and barbaric, and unfortunately, it was a way to hurt you Loki...I am so sorry they did this to you."

Loki's hands open and close in frustration, as Frigga continues. He places his cold hand back on my knuckles as a means to keep calm.

"My dear, you have to know what a spectacular match you are for either of the Princes, or any gentleman in Asgard...for that matter" she trails off as she sees Loki's anger and his understanding of how desirable of a mate I would be.

"I...Don't ..." I stammer then collect myself, "thank you your majesty. Your compliment is too kind and I am not deserving of it"

Hmmm, I might have to take some action to keep her as mine. But what? I do not want a relationship, but I don't want her to have a relationship with anyone else. Could she want a relationship with someone else, because I am not loveable I could not stand to see her with someone else.

Loki knows that Frigga hears his thoughts because she gives him a look.

We will talk later my son...

Loki looks to his mother and nods. The four of us spend the rest of the night talking, laughing, and sharing. It is not long until I find myself drifting to sleep with my head on Loki's shoulder. My mom gets up and touches the side of my face.

"She had such a busy day," she says, "Emotional and long, Loki? Would you mind carrying her to her room please? I hate to wake her to go to her room."

"Would you not have her continue her rest here?" Loki asks nervously, "moving her might disturb her, and I ...."

"It's ok Loki" Frigga says, "I will wait for you and we will walk home together."

Loki obliges and carefully picks me up and takes me to my room. Both mothers follow and my mom covers me after Loki has placed me on my bed.

"Oh Kathalia!" Frigga asks, "I forgot to ask you about what Bard wanted to speak with you. What happened?"

Kathalia ushers both Loki and Frigga into the sitting room.

"What I am about to tell you both, she is not aware of yet..." she begins, and turns serious.

Loki reaches over and takes his mother's hand, dreading the next words that Kathalia could speak.

"She has been chosen to...." Kathalia stops and looks at Loki, "to train with the Elite guard..."

"Oh my!" Frigga says, and feels Loki's hand clench around hers, "that's quite the... the uh...."

"Honor..." Loki finishes tensely, his voice devoid of emotion, and turning to his mother asks her dismissively, "shall we go mother? I too feel as though I have had a long day, and would like to sleep."

He doesn't wait for Frigga's answer as he hastens from our quarters, his long legs carrying him swiftly to his rooms. Frigga excuses herself, and doesn't catch up with Loki until she finds him in his room, his face buried into his pillow. He has showered and changed into another pair of pajamas. She reaches over and gently runs her hand over his hair and down his back.

"Loki..." she begins, "my son,"

"Leave me alone!" he yells, "I want everyone to leave me alone".

"My son, I will not..." she says, "you need to talk with me, I know you are upset"

"That's brilliant mother! Anyone could see that I am upset. Besides, what is there to talk about?" he mumbles into his pillow, "she's leaving, and I ... I will never see her again."

"Loki," Frigga says gently and gets him to roll over onto his side while keeping his head on the pillow. Gently she rubs his back.

His face is stained with tears, and Frigga is amazed that he is having such an emotional response to what Kathalia said. He hasn't opened his eyes and Frigga swoons when she sees this soft side of her son. She knows how much he cares about me, friendship or otherwise, he needs me. He's overwhelmed with his emotions, and never really had to deal with such strong feelings.

"She does not know about this opportunity, so she may decide to turn it down and stay,"

"Mother, both you and I know that few woman are chosen to do this training, and so few of them who do the training rarely survive to return home to their loved ones" he says, "she would be a fool to turn it down. And I am being a fool with this reaction."

Loki thinks and then begins to speak, out loud but mostly to himself.

"I will have to enroll in the training" he says, "that's the only way to protect her and ensure that she returns to me...and keep watch over her."

"Loki, you know that...." Frigga stops when she sees the pleading and the desperation in Loki's eyes, "let's talk about this tomorrow. You need to rest, good night my son."

She gives him a hug and kiss turns out his light and leaves his room. Walking down the hall to her chambers she wanders to the terrace and can see that the celebration did continue without the anticipated and expected result from the hunt for Thor's heart. She loves Thor and Odin, but sometimes their desire to party can be annoying, and she rolls her eyes.

I will have to talk with Loki about his reaction, he can't know what this means. He's too young to realize it, but he is in love with her. And there is no way that the prince of Asgard is allowed to enroll in that training. It has never been allowed because of the imbalance of power it could create on a ruler. Odin would never allow Loki enroll anyway, he never lets him do anything he wants...how can I get Odin to see that Loki should be the future king of Asgard, and not Thor?

Frigga returns to her chambers and tries to figure out something to do that will soothe Loki's feelings. She knows that he will spend every waking moment with F/n until she leave. He is right though, she would be foolish to turn down such training. But her power today, that fireball...there's something there, something that must be gently coddled and nurtured or it could get out of control.

Asgard awakens the next day, and as usual it's going to be glorious. I stretch and groan slightly when I think of what is in store for me today. I had to go see Bard, I need to meet with Frigga and some others to remove the enchantment on the gem, but I don't have to attend any classes or practice any spellwork since Loki and I passed our exams. Most of our classmates are probably going to be recovering from the party last night, and will find ways to continue that celebration.

My mom knocks on my door and come into my room and opens my drapes. The sunlight shines in and it immediately warms my face as I scoot to edge of the bed.

"Good morning dear," she says, "get ready and then we will be off to see Bard"

My mom is acting a little nervous when she mentions Bard, and part of me wants to ask, but part of me does not. I will find out soon enough so I should just keep my nerves under control until then. To get my day started, I shower and dress in a simple yellow casual dress. The color is beautiful and fits with my mood and the weather. My mom had gotten a green wrap out for me, and then seems slightly disappointed that it will not match my outfit.

"Oh, I don't why I thought you would wear green today" she smiles and puts the wrap back, choosing another with multiple colors.

Taking my wrap from my mom, I drape it around my shoulders and we leave our residence to head to a café in the village for some breakfast. My meeting with Bard isn't until later so we decided to head out of the palace and the ground for a little bit. Once we arrive at the café, we sit and order our food.

"Mom?" I ask, "Do you know why I need to speak with Bard today? I don't know of anyone else who is meeting with him, so did I do something?"

"Oh honey," she says, "did you ask anyone else about meetings? I am sure others have meetings regarding opportunities and their skills..."

"Opportunities and their skills?" I mumble, "mom, what do you know?"

But she does not respond since our food has arrived. We both dig in a little, but I can't let this go.

"Mom, if you know something would you please tell me?" I implore,

"Darling, I would like you to be surprised" she responds, "since when are you afraid of surprises?"

"I am not afraid of surprises," I chuckle, "but when it's something in front of Bard, I would like to be prepared, and there exists the possibility of it not being a pleasant surprise."

She sighs, put her utensils down, and takes a quick drink of her tea.

"You will be presented with an opportunity" she continues, "you have been selected to train with the Elite guard..."

My eyes are wide in disbelief as I play her words over and over in my head. 'Elite Guard.... Elite Guard....

"Are you sure?" I ask quietly, she nods, "that can't be true mom!"

"Oh darling it is..." she says, "while you and Loki were waiting for Frigga and I to share your scores, Bard asked me to speak with him the next day. I did while the rest of the ladies were out for the Thor's Heart hunt."

She's talking, and I swear my hearing is fading in and out; I know she is talking but I can't focus on her words. It's too much, the thought of what that training involves, what might happen to me if I don't succeed, or survive. Some people have failed the training and have been permanently marred for life...with injuries, or something that they will have to tend to for the remainder of their days. Slowly I bring my eyes to her face and see that she is still talking, but I have no idea what she said, and then suddenly my gaze slides to the ceiling and I faint. 

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