Chapter 3 - Not So Fast

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"My dear, please there will be time for chit chat and games after the ceremony, kindly give Thor your hand..."

"No" I say and Odin asks me to repeat what I said.

My mom and Frigga look to me, and Loki finally gets a smirk on his face that I love so much.

"Dear girl, you cannot be serious... you won Thor's heart fair and square, now give the boy your hand so you can begin courting and we can get to celebrating." Odin says as he loses patience with me and reaches to place my hand in Thor's.

"No, I don't want Thor's heart, and I am not giving him my hand or any part of me, ever" I say with fierce determination.

"You're just nervous," Thor says to me and reaches for my hand, "Trust me, in a few brief moments your nerves will be for nothing, and everything will be fine. You will be happier than you ever thought possible. I will make sure of it. Our private celebration tonight in my chambers will be epic."

He makes another move to grab my right hand and I pull it back again. His comment about being in his chambers with him makes me want to vomit. Once again my hand clutches around the gem.

"Thor, if you attempt to touch me again, I will punch you..." I threaten him, and those in the crowd gasp.

I can see Loki pursing and moistening his lips in excitement and anticipation. His eyes are alight with mischief; he would love to see nothing more than for me to punch Thor. Of course he would delight in his brother getting punched by anyone, but he thinks that this would be even more delicious especially under the circumstances.

"Lady F/n, I will not be asking again..." Thor says in an attempt to make it seem like he is in control of the situation. He moves toward me again, reaching for my hand.

"No you won't, and I warned you..." I tell Thor and punch him as he loses his balance staggering backwards and I punch him again. I sweep his feet from under him and ends up on the floor with a thud.

The hall is filled with more gasps; and I look over to Loki who is grinning from ear to ear while he gazes at his brother on the floor. Odin looks shocked and surprised as I turn to him I open my hand and reveal the gemstone in my hand. Having that in my hand is one of the reasons that my punch was forceful as it hit Thor's face.

"I said no, I meant no..." I say as I hold the gem for them to seen. Turning I descend the steps from the dais, with the gem still in my hand.

"Guards!" Odin yells and points at me, "Cease her, and take her to the dungeons at once."

"NO!" Loki yells, and attempts to rush to my side, but is stopped when Odin gives him a withering look.

"You can't be serious!" Frigga states and there are murmuring is in the crowd.

I stop and turn to Odin, and give the guards a withering look, and make a ball of fire appear in my other hand. I hold it threateningly and the guards back away. Then I turn to Odin and address him directly.

"You might want to think twice about putting me in the dungeon, Your Majesty" I say.

"How dare you attempt to tell me, your King, what to do!" He motions for the guards to move towards me, and once they back away when I move the fire ball towards them and I slowly make it grow larger.

"Well, let's see," I begin "how do you think the Norns would react and respond to you, knowing that you used this..." I hold up the gem, "your power as the king in an unsavory way to force a lady into marrying your son?"

"You wouldn't" Odin begins,

"Oh she would, and can...." Loki says

"SILENCE!" Odin yells to Loki, as looks as Thor remains on the ground holding his bloodied and bruised eye.

"No, Odin you should listen to him," Frigga says, after giving the situation some thought, "her scores on the masters exam... She is more powerful than you or anyone knows. And you know that the Norns do not talk with you, they don't even like you."

Loki tries to stifle a giggle, but it comes out as a snort. He refuses to look anyone in the eye, and continues to smirk as he his focused on the floor.

"All the more reason to lock her up" he says, "she seems to be a threat to Asgard as well as the royal family. She is using Loki against us, he is her way to take over. They are to be separated at once, never to speak to each other again."

At his statement, some guards move to Loki's side, but do not seize him. Loki quickly looks from guard to guard as he begins to plan how he is going to get out of this situation. Odin has not dismissed the crowd, he loves to have an audience when he can show off his power; and if he can do it to someone like me, a close friend of the royal family, he is going to have his moment. But this time he seems even matched.

"Your Majesty," I begin, "I will most certainly speak to the Norns about this, especially if you intend to imprison me, and keep me separated from my friend, for no reason other than cruelty and to satisfy your ego."

Odin nods, knowing that he really can't do much since Frigga mentioned that the Norns don't like him or speak to him. I turn and head towards the doors, but pause and turn back to speak with Odin.

"But I am keeping the head band" I say and point to it, using my magic I change the gemstones to encompass all the colors of the spectrum, "and assured it will be disenchanted or destroyed, you cannot use it for anything like this again."

As I touch the head band, I straighten it and turn to walk down the aisle and out of the hall. There is a smattering of slow applause from some as I walk by, but more people seem to be astonished that I, a girl landed such a solid and forceful punch on Thor, and in front of a hall full of Asgardians. Of course, they might also be a bit frightened at my show of power with the fire ball and the threat of talking with the Norns about Odin. Frigga, Loki and my mom are bound by their duties and cannot follow me. Halfway down the aisle, I use my telepathy to change into a multi-colored gown to further drive home the fact that I am I not bound to Thor or anyone. I turn back to my mom and the others standing with the Royal family and raise my eyebrows to say 'see I told you I would figure something out'. They all nod to me, in slight approval of my actions, and I continue walking out of the hall and turn to head to my rooms.

Embarrassed, Odin finds a way to tactfully dismiss the crowd and attends to Thor's injuries as well as find a way to soothe his ego. I wouldn't put it past him to find a way to alter the memory of this event, so those that were present don't remember it. Quickly I make my way back to my rooms, via the teleportation I have been practicing lately. I clean my cuts on my face, and leave them to heal on their own for now and change into my pajamas, conjure some tea and sit by the fireplace, placing the gem on the mantle. I have cast a small protection spell on it, so it cannot do any harm to anything if it was enchanted to do so. I have some ice on my hand to heal the bruises and cuts that have started to form from hitting Thor. Smiling and laughing to myself, I have to wonder how ridiculous that looked and how shocked Odin and Thor must be. I am sure I will be summoned tomorrow to see Odin, but whatever the punishment, it will be worth it. I am free, not bound to anyone, and made it known to all that I will not be controlled by Odin and his wishes for Thor.

Deciding to indulge in some chocolate I conjure some as well as more tea, a blanket, and a book of poetry to relax. It's kind of a nice feeling that no one is really around, I wonder where everyone is? Did they continue with the celebration after I left? What kind of celebration could it be, but knowing how much both Odin and Thor like to party, I am certain that the party went on. I guess I will find out tomorrow. This is unusual feeling for me because I usually feel left out when there is a party and I am not attending, but this is different. There is part of me that wishes I would have stayed, just to see the reactions from others and how Thor would have responded when Loki and I would have danced.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door, and I think about not answering it; who could want to talk to me?. And even more, who is available to talk to me if everyone went to celebration. I sit and do not make a move to answer the door. The knocking continues, with a bit more desperation and volume. I wonder if it is my mom, but she would have come in; what if she is with guards and that's why she knocking, to let me know that something is out of the ordinary? Oh well, nothing I can do but face the music now. Taking a deep breath, I exhale and turn the knob. Opening the door, I am greeted by one of the best sights ever before my eyes.

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