Chapter 8 - Reunion of Sorts

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We arrive at the palace and head inside to meet with the other guard and the mages. We get our instructions and how we are to walk out on the stage...and on and on. We stay in this secluded area until we are called out to receive our sash and our swords that got us through to the final task. Those of us waiting mingling with each other talk about our experience and our quests. Slowly as we talk, I realize that...I am the only one who completed the entire circuit. I try not to let my shock show that people stepped out of the training early because I didn't realize it was an option. I thought it was all or nothing, and for a moment, I feel foolish.

"Lady F/N?" someone starts to ask me, "when did you step out of the training?"

"Step out?" I ask, "I don't know what you mean..."

"Step out, like quit, removed yourself from going any further?" he continues. 

I look into the eyes of the young man and before I can answer, the first group of guards are ushered through the curtain to be presented with their items. The group waiting with me dwindles until I am the only one left. Squaring my shoulders, and smoothing my lighter and shorter hair in to place, I take a deep breath to focus, and step out to thunderous applause. Quickly I scan the crowd and do not see any sign of Thor or Loki, but I can see Fandral and his current lady friend right in the front, cheering me on. I cannot help but smile as the tri-color sash is place around my torso over my right shoulder. My mom presents me with the sword, and the crowd cheers. I take my place with the rest of the guards before we descend to join the rest of the crowd to continue the party.

"So, " the say young man who spoke to me earlier slides up next to me, "you are the one..."

"One?" I ask. I am not fond of this gentleman, and I don't really like how he has approached me and continues to talk to me, almost like he is belittling me for being better at this than he was. 

"The one who completed the training, the only one who completed it" he hands me a glass of champagne, and clinks his glass with mine, "I also hear you are the one who finished first too. But really there is no way of knowing when anyone really finished unless you talked with the mages. Did you do that? Actually talk with the mages? Did you truly finish first?"

He continues to drone on and I am less than impressed with him. Smiling, I politely excuse myself and leave the untouched glass of champagne on a table nearby. I glance around at the ballroom which looks spectacular as usual, and see everyone I smiling and having a great time. Sif is enjoying some attention from gentlemen, Fandral is fawning over his lady, and I realize that I would probably be dancing with Loki if he was here. Grabbing another glass of champagne from a waiter who is passing by, I walk around and head outside to stand on the terrace. Asgard I beautiful, and I feel the same about myself. My ivory dress, with the red, blue, and gold striped sash as the only accessory, I cannot help but realize how lucky I was to go through this training, and how much luckier I am to be standing here with a few bruises and cuts that are healing. Leaning over the rail, I gaze out over the realm, and feel a calm and peace envelope me. I feel some warm tears in my eyes and giggle to myself. After all I have been through, I can still be brought to tears from the beauty of this place.

Meanwhile, Loki and Thor have returned, and Thor immediately heads to the bar and to find the rest of the warriors to begin celebrating.

"Come on Loki" Thor pulls on the collar of Loki's shirt, "we have friends to celebrate with."

"in a moment Thor..." Loki responds dismissively and heads in the opposite direction of Thor.

Thor is still dressed in his armor, but Loki took a moment to change and put on a simple white shirt and black pants. He is not thinking of dancing tonight, or anything other than finding me and catching up. Loki searches the room, his eyes darting everywhere but does not see me. Frigga waves to him, and he responds; he loves his mother, but right now he needs to see someone else first.

She has to be here He thinks to himself, she has too. All those who trained have returned...I cannot, and will not think of the alternative if she did not return. And how we might not have said ...good- NO! She is here, she survived, but why can I not feel her with our link?

He wanders through the crowd with purpose, but is trying to appear nonchalant. He sees Sif and heads to ask her if she knows where I might be, but he can see that Thor has already grabbed her attention. Joining them is the only way he will be able to find anything out, but that also means that Thor will shove a drink in his hands.

"Sif!" Loki yells, and she turns to see him, Sif sighs and paints a smile on her face as Loki approaches her.

"What can I do for you Loki?" Sif asks with exasperation.

"Sif," Loki begins, "I know you hate me for whatever reason, and you hate mine and F/n's friendship, however I would like to know if you know where she is tonight? I would like to see.... I mean congratulate her on completion of her training.... She my best friend, and I have not seen her in quite awhile as you well know..."

Sif eyes him suspiciously, and enjoys that she has information he wants. Loki has never been one of her favorite people and she always felt that I needed to get away from him. There is a part of her that considers telling him the wrong places just to play a trick on him; as way of getting back at him for all the pranks he played on her. But she knows how much he and I have in common and how much we really do like one another. Plus she can see the pleading look in his eyes, and she knows that I would be upset that she didn't help him.

"I am not certain Loki," Sif says and sees his disappointment even though she is telling the truth, "you know how she likes the gardens, she may have snuck out there for a get away from all of this. You know that she isn't really a big fan of all this pomp and circumstance..."

"Yes, yes... she does do that doesn't she? Thank you Sif" Loki says, and hugs her quickly before turning on his heel and heading off to continue his search.

Loki walks around the ballroom hastily, and is growing frustrated as it has been a few minutes since he spoke with Sif and he has not found me. He decides to stop for a moment, and head to get a drink, but gets a pain in his chest that causes him to stop right in his tracks. He brings his hands up and places them against his chest. His heart feels full, and like it's going to explode. This feeling is different, and he knows, or suspects he knows what it is...the link is back.

"Your highness, are you alright?" Gorm asks, "Your highness?"

Loki turns to Gorm, and for some reason can feel warm tears in his eyes. He nods silently to Gorm and manages to find his voice.

"Y-yes Gorm" he responds, and conjures a glass of water from thin air, gulping it down quickly, there is a part of him that feels as though he can't catch his breath from both the feelings, as well as his excitement and happiness that the link is back-and stronger than ever. "I am fine...I just need a moment, but thank you for asking..."

Loki turns and sees that he is near the terrace doors and steps through. Night has fallen, but the lights in the distant are still visible. Loki steps through the doors and out to the terrace, he feels better once the cool night air hits his face. He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths.

I just need a moment before I continue to search for her...

Loki stops for a moment and looks to his left and sees a figure in white and knows... he just knows. He knows that he pulled out to the terrace, and was lead to look in that direction.

"F/n?" Loki says softly for fear out of being wrong. It looks like her, he thinks to himself, but there's something different that makes me think it might not be her. Either way, this is a beautiful creature standing before him.

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