Chapter 37 - Not the Best Idea

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Waking up and getting dressed, I feel wonderful today. I decide that I am going to go to the hall for breakfast this morning. I am humming as I shower and get ready and I just feel wonderful. I think it has to do with my mom being back, and not feeling the pressure of anything with the guys. I should thank Loki for what he said last night; that he would give me the time away from him I need. Of course I cannot remember why I am angry with him anymore. Leaving my rooms, I see another bouquet of flowers at my door; it's a bouquet of multicolored roses with a note from Valdemar. I place them inside my room and close the door...I will deal with that later.

Determined to have a fantastic day, and not let the things from the past few days bother me, especially the thing with Loki, I breeze down the hall with a smile on my face.

Entering the great hall I scan to see where I should sit, and Fandral, Sif, and Hogan wave me over to their table. As I approach the table, I slow when I see another huge bouquet of purple flowers. There is no note, but I know that Loki has enchanted it in some way that a note will appear.

"We do not know who they are from, but Ingrid brought them over and sat them on your chair, she said they were for you" Sif said, "We told her to leave them here so you would have to join us."

We laugh and have a good time catching up, and when I finally reach up and touch the flowers, a note appears.

"Love, Loki"

His simplicity with the note makes me smile, even though he said he would give whatever time I need away from him, he will still make sure he is always on my mind and vice versa. Not missing a beat Sif sees that I have the note, and asks who they are from.

"It's a blank piece of parchment dear, how do you know who they are from...." Fandral asks, and Hogan gives him a look.

"Fandral... who do you know could enchant a note to only be visible to the person it is addressed too? As well as sending flowers to our lovely F/n?" Hogan asks him in a sarcastic tone.

Finally it dawns on the rest of them at the table that the flowers must be from Loki. With a pink tinge to my cheeks, I confirm with them that they are from Loki. They all ask what this must mean, and I assure them that it doesn't mean anything more than a simple apology as he and I had a bit of a disagreement last night after everyone returned home.

"Rumor has it that a certain head chef has also decided to see about courting you?" Sif asks.

"Sif you are getting as bad as Fandral with knowing all the court gossip." I joke with her, and the others laugh too.

I nod and tell her that Skarde had sent me some flowers too, but he and I just talked in the kitchen yesterday while having cake and wine.

"So, I want to tell you guys first, and please do not be mad at me, but for a brief amount of time I am going to be training with Brynjar." I tell them and can see the disappointment in their eyes, but they understand.

"I just need to be away from ... Loki for a little while" I say, and as if on cue, Loki enters the Hall and makes his way to the head table, he either really has not seen us, or is pretending not to see me.

"Speak of the devil," Fandral says, "perhaps we should have him join us?"

"Not unless you would like have a black eye, Fandral" I say, "We are not exactly getting along at the moment. Anyway, I have to be going....see you later." I leave the hall, and have the flowers sent back to my room.

Wandering down to the sparring courts I meet up with Brynjar, the head of the army, and the lead warrior. He is quite a bit older than I am, married with children. He is one of Odin's most trusted. We quickly work through some drills and he is impressed with my skills. At the completion of my session we change out of our armor and chat for a bit.

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