Chapter 24 - Taking A Day Off from Practice

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"So tell me what happened?" she asks. "Did you see how ridiculous the guys look with all those girls following them?"

With a sigh I tell her everything since I was presented with my healer's cloak. She's good friend and listens intently, allowing me to finish the story.

"Sif, am I overreacting?" I say

"Nines no!" she exclaims, "he basically kidnapped you and held you hostage. I would hate to think that if you hadn't started that fight with him you would still be locked in his rooms."

"Well, I wasn't really locked in his rooms..." Sif sighs in disgust at my statement.

"There you go again! You always defend him, even when he does stupid stuff like this. I don't care his reason, you don't belong to him, and I think if he is out of your life forever then you will be much happier."

"Sif, I can't get him out of my life completely, we're friends"

"Ok, just take a break from him, you need it" Sif says, "besides Cedrin is cute, is he nice?"

Sif and I continue to talk until we realize that it is too late for me to make it back in time to meet Cedrin. We send a messenger to tell him to meet us in the Crown Jewel, a local place that we have spent a lot of time celebrating victories, or just celebrating ourselves. Tonight we will be celebrating a new friend in Cedrin as well as I know Sif will be celebrating Loki's absence. It's not long that we are all joined by the Warriors and Cedrin. We end up having a great time, and spend far too much time reveling that we don't return back to our rooms until just before the sun is about to rise. Not feeling like I am hungry, I go to my rooms change my clothes and go see my mom who is in the grand hall with Frigga. I bow to the Queen, and she hugs me; which surprises me, because I figured she was angry with me after having the fight with Loki-they talk about everything. Saying good bye to each one, I leave them to finish whatever they were doing.

"We need to find a way to get those two speaking with each other again," my mother says to Frigga who nods.

"Loki is positively miserable, angry, and destroying everything when he works on spells." Frigga says. "I don't know how to get him to calm down and focus better."

Just then Loki walks in and sees Frigga speaking with my mom. He hesitates as he isn't sure that he should approach. He decides to see them both and he is surprised to get a hug from my mother. After speaking with his mother briefly Loki heads off to the library. It's not until he is out of the grand hall that both Frigga and Kathalia realize that is where I am.

"Oh dear, isn't that where F/n said she was going?" Frigga asks and my mom nods.

Both women talk a bit and decide that they will head to library and make sure Loki and I do not kill each other.

I have been in one of the private areas working on some spells. One of them that is causing me the most difficulty is some mind control and telepathy. The blocking is usually not this hard; taking a small cushion, I sit and decide to meditate, theirs is no better way to block thoughts than mediation. I change into some short leggings and tunic, and remove my shoes so I am comfortable. Taking a deep breath in, and slowly letting it out, I begin to feel better almost immediately.

This is perfect, then I can focus on clearing my mind, and maybe getting rid of some of the negativity I have been feeling.

It's long before I get completely engrossed in my thoughts, I feel the bad leaving me, when suddenly...

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you..." says Loki sheepishly.

Opening my eyes, I can see him standing and examining books while glancing in my direction every so often. I nod at him, and then resume my meditation. Not getting a verbal response from is not what Loki wanted. So he continues to make noise; knocking things over, dropping books, talking loudly to himself. Not being able to take anymore of his behavior, I stand up, stretch and make a move to leave.

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