Chapter 28 - A Strange Way to Return

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Thor and Sif arrive through the Bifrost and immediately head to the Healer's ward. Sif tries to ask questions of Thor, but he pulls her along without a word. Eventually she gives up and once inside the Healing Room, one of Eira's assistants tends to her cuts and scratches. It is not long before Hogan enters the room, followed by Odin and Frigga. Hogan receives some treatments, and like Thor and Sif, is given the instructions to stay in this room for a bit to rest. They sit on the couches and enjoy the warmth of the fire. Thor begins to tell the story of the battle they were just helping with on Muspelheim when Loki saunters in casually.  He did not join us in this battle, but no one really knows why. Loki looks around and sees that some of their friends are missing, and as he opens his mouth to inquire, the doors open.

"Ah my friends!" Thor exclaims to us with arms outstretched and stands.

"YOU!" I yell, and limp over to Thor quickly punching him square in the jaw.

Fandral and Volstagg follow looking as though they just escaped death. My foot is a mangled mess and how I am managing to walk on it is a mystery. Sif runs to hug us all. Loki is shocked to see me because it has been a few days since I left and we haven't really kept in touch.

"What happened? How are you arriving now? Did the bifrost misdirect you?" she asks.

"Perhaps you should ask Thor." I say to her, and Fandral moves over and touches my arm in an attempt to get me to calm down.

"What is she talking about Thor?" Frigga asks.

"Nothing that I would know of mother..." Thor responds nervously and looks away.

Loki stands quietly, watching and listening while fidgeting with his hands. Sometimes he drives me crazy; he wants to be seen as a leader, but when an opportunity arises for him to lead, or set an example he shies from it. It's like he is afraid to take a side because he doesn't want Thor and Odin mad at him, but he doesn't want me mad at him either. He and I have been friends for a long time, ever since our mothers introduced us.  There is not a time that I don't remember him not in my life. He makes eye contact with me and can tell that I am upset.

"Maybe we should let Lady F/n, Fandral and Volstagg offer their sides of the story before judgment is passed" Loki offers meekly as a way to pacify me.

Odin glares at him as if to suggest how he could dare insinuate that there is another side of the story other than Thor's. Frigga motions for the rest of us to sit down, and sends one of the maids to get my mom.

"I was so worried for all of you," Thor says.

"No you weren't, " I say flippantly, "you left us..."

There is an audible gasp and Odin immediately defends any action that Thor had made, stating that he most certainly did not leave us. Fandral and Volstagg share their parts of the story, which corroborate mine.  Just before we continue, my mother walks in and has me sit down on one of the couches so she can examine my foot.

"You told me that they had left before us..." Sif says, "That you had just completed the last look around, everything was secure and we were heading home. You said that you had sent them home ahead because their part was done..."

"Sif," Fandral begins, "as we were in the cave, F/n had gotten her foot stuck in one of the fire traps. It was only a matter of moments that the rest of the Fire Giants would have been upon us even though we were fighting with them. Every time she struggled to get free, the trapped clamped further around her foot. We were lucky that it was not actively on fire, but as soon as the Fire Giants were near us, the fire began..."

He swallows hard as he remembers the moments of not long ago, and how close we had all come to dying.

"Volstagg had turned to help and his hand and arm were burned." He continues, "I turned to yell for you to help Thor, you turned around and looked me square in the eyes, then turned away and fled..."

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