Chapter 43 - One More Dance

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I wake the next morning from my bed, with Loki next to me, snoring ever so slightly. It makes me giggle, which wakes him. He rolls over and faces me and smiles. I cannot help but smile back.

"Good morning Darling, how are you feeling today?" he asks with that silky smooth voice of his.

I feel great, and will be glad when we can talk. Thank the Norns we got so good at our telepathy.

"How are you feeling, really Love?" he probes.

I am nervous about the ball tonight, Loki. I am nervous about my bruises being seen, and I am nervous about going with you...

"Why? Because I am the Prince... "he concludes. I nod.

Yes, Sorry.

"No need to apologize, Love... I promise you have nothing to worry about, and I will keep you safe. I would never put you in a position that makes you uncomfortable. If you do not want to go with me, I understand..."

I know, it's just a little scary after everything that has happened, and it's not a matter of going with you, it's a matter of being so prominently seen in this condition.

Panic begins to set in, and Loki can see it in my eyes. He springs into action and sits me up, gives me some water and holds me. He pats my hair and tells me that I am safe, and everything will be fine. My mom comes in and sees us, and Loki tells her that I had a little panic attack, but will be fine. She sits down with me and rubs my arms too.

"You both need to get up... Loki you have things to take care of this morning, and f/n, I have breakfast for you and then the Prince has lined up some things from you before you need to get ready." She says and Loki smiles, satisfied that he got away with something.

Loki, what did you do?

"Nothing you need to worry about love, except to relax and enjoy yourself." Loki says, "See you at 6 in the Family's chambers for dinner". He confirms that my mom will walk me there and then she will be off to the great hall to give everything the once over before the guests begin to arrive.

Loki gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, but looks into my eyes, enough to let me know that he really wants to give me more than just a peck on the cheek, but he will refrain until later.

Maids arrive to take me to the Royal Family's private spa and dressing area. Loki has scheduled a massage for me, but one that must be guided by Eira due to my injuries. Once the massage is complete, I have a quick tea and lunch with my mom, and then some additional treatments for my skin, hair, nails, make up etc. Soon it is time for me to put on the dress that Loki had designed for me. It's a beautiful black ball gown with a full skirt, off the shoulder sleeves with some beading on the sleeves and strategically placed on the gown. The sweetheart-ish style neckline does not plunge as low as some of them do, that's because Loki knows exactly how I was feeling, and didn't want to have more of my bruises show. I choose to not wear any jewelry as I do not want to draw any more attention to the condition of my skin or body. The ladies have done my hair up so unfortunately the marks on my neck are quite prevalent, but what did Loki say, not to hide from what happened, I have nothing to be ashamed of. They have even created a sequined gauntlet to place over my arms, to hide the cast.

My mom comes to get me, and scolds me slightly because I am already a little later than what was planned, and I will probably be a little late for the quick dinner with the Royal Family. She says that they will understand especially after what I have been through. We walk the short distance and I stop for brief moment in front of the doors, where I know that on the other side is Loki, and the rest of the Royal Family....

Why Even Try (Book 1 of 4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon