Chapter 29 - Needing More Time

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Climbing out of the secret passage, my mom helps me to my bathroom so I can get ready for bed. I walk slowly to my bed once I have bathed and crawl in. Even though I have enjoyed my time away from everything I missed my bed, my rooms, my mom, and I really want to say my friends but I am not sure I can. My mom knocks on the door and comes in with some tea and cookies; and Fandral is with her. Loki has managed to teleport to my terrace and watches through the windows as my mom and I chat. He is concealed in the corner and has found a way shield our link.

I just need to see her, to see that she is ok, I have missed her so. But why is he with her?

"How are you feeling?" she says and moves over to open my terrace doors, "there is a wonderful breeze tonight."

Just as Kathalia approaches to open the doors, Loki backs into a dark corner.

Please do not let her see me....

"Tired, but relieved to be back in my own room" I say, "thank you understanding that I needed to have some time away."

"No worries at all..." she says, "Your foot should be much better tomorrow."

"I am so sorry for what happened to you my friend," Fandral says.

"It's ok, I am going to fine" I say, "I am just glad you were not hurt"

"Does Cedrin know you are back?" she asks and I shake my head.

"No, I just went right to muspelheim, and then the dungeons," I cannot help but laugh

"What is going on with you and our new friend," Fandral asks.

I never should have let her leave, I feel so responsible. If I wouldn't have come to her after Thor attacked me. She needs to be away from me...maybe she is better off with Cedrin

We sit and have some cookies and tea and laugh for a bit. My mom and I have always been close and it feels so good to be back with her. Fandral has always been such a good friend. We talk about what happened on Muspelheim, what happened with Sif and Loki basically betraying me. Fandral is on Loki's side thinking that he did what he did for a reason. My mom thinks he had a reason for doing that, but she sees that I am tired and want to sleep. After a bit, I lay down and she covers me, I roll over to my side, and fall asleep. She turns the lights off, and closes the door. Fandral had fallen asleep on the couch in my room

Loki continues to watch me as I sleep in my bed, I am curled up on my right side facing the windows and feeling the beautiful breeze of Asgard on my face.

We have training tomorrow, I wonder if she will be there...But I cannot ask her about anuthing with Fandral, then she would know I was here.

Loki makes a move to enter my room, but he can sense the spells present so he backs away. From where he is on my terrace he makes a gesture to spread my hair out on my pillow, and to flatten my ear that got bent once I laid my head down.

I need to let her go, but how? And Can I really do that?

Loki leaves but not before taking one more look at my sleeping at my figure.

The next morning I dress simply in a long cotton green dress with gold sandals and a black wrap. My foot feels brand new, like I could dance for hours. Which is probably good because I think a dance is coming up soon. My mom and I walk to the grand hall for breakfast, and then she will be heading to Alfheim for a little bit. I hate it when she is gone.

"So, I have arranged for Frigga to check in on you every so often until I return," she begins, "and there is always Asmund and Heimdall"

"I know mom..."

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