Chapter 18 - Loki's Poems

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Groaning with pain I move as the sunlight streams in my window. I feel terrible because of the dance, leaving with Loki, and how he and my mom got in a fight. My mom moves over to my side and helps me sit up while giving me some water. We talk for a moment or two and she fills me in with happened with Loki yesterday. Moving to the restroom to take a shower and get dressed in loose fitting clothes. After getting some more treatments and another exam by Eira, she mentions that I should be able to go for a walk in the gardens for a bit. My mom helps me get dressed and we are met in the hallway by Cedrin.

"Dear, I wanted someone to come along who could help us if you needed some additional assistance." She tells me, "and I did not want it to be the Prince. He and I had a disagreement yesterday. I have asked him to stay away from you for a while Cedrin has recently been cleared of all allegations regarding the bombing."

"But Mom..." I begin and she raises her hand, indicating that the subject is closed for now.

We set off on a slow walk, and spend the late morning hours chatting amicably, and getting to know Cedrin a little better. His parents have always been friends with my parents, but he and I never really ran in the same circles as we grew up.

What do you think you are doing walking around with that incompetent fool?

I hear Loki in my thoughts, and the force and anger he is feeling has caused me to drop to my knees. Both my mom and Cedrin run to help me stand and I wave them off telling them that I just had a brief twinge of pain in my side. I try to smile a little to reassure them that I am alright, but also I am happy to hear from Loki.

Loki! Where are you?

I am watching from my terrace; I have been confined to my rooms for the moment. Both of our mothers are very angry with me for what I did yesterday...for you.

I am not able to respond as my mom and Cedrin began speaking with me too. He offers me his arm and we continue to walk through the gardens until I am too tired to continue. We walked back to the ward so I can eat and rest.

"I am not able to treat you, by order of the Prince, but I would like to be able to visit you, if that is ok with you?" he asks

"That would be nice," I smile at him and he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

He leaves the room just as Eira comes in to give me my next round of balms. This one feels different though, stronger and more effective.

"Eira are those balms different?" I ask sleepily, she nods "They smell like.... Lavender, which is one of my favorite scents. I don't remember the other ones smelling of lavender. Thank you."

She nods, and as my eyes grow heavier. I swear that before me Eira shifts into Loki with a mysterious grin, and then I fall asleep.

Not knowing how long I had been asleep I marvel at how much better my side feels. My mom is reading in the corner and moves over to give me so water when she sees that I am awake. She reaches up to touch my face, and I quickly grab her arm and perform a quick spell.

"What's wrong dear?" she asks as she remains the same.

"I swear, before I fell asleep that... that Eira was... Loki..." I say.

Kathalia thinks for a moment, before responding.

"I think it was just a dream my dear." She says, "are you hungry? I had some food brought for you."

She gives me a light lunch of soup and tea and I do begin to feel better. We talk that I might be able to get out of here by tomorrow since the wound looks like it is healing a lot quicker since treatments were increased. Eira comes in and looks at the wound and agrees with my mom.

Why Even Try (Book 1 of 4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon