Neutral Line

By VioletYbrehl

8.7K 301 4.8K

For years, people tended to believe the world is all about good and bad people, that it's entirely separate a... More

Author's Note
1: Origin
2: Izuku
3: Little Genius
4: UA's Gremlin
5: Set up
6: Disappointment
7: Stupidity
8: Details
9: Recruitment
10: Ominous
11: Tragedy
12: Pointing Direction
13: Behind The Scene
14: Operation: The Fall
15: Deal
16: Incident
17: Connection
18: The Day
19: Confrontation
21: Trial
22: Table Turn
23: Realm of User

20: Interlude

120 5 204
By VioletYbrehl


After the class, Izuku check his phone and saw that Aizawa had a text to him. Upon looking at the text, he frown.


Is Bakugou's quirk had some lighting effect

No why?

I saw some orange lighting around his body when he use his explosion. And his arm was injured after using it.

Izuku was slightly taken a back. He immediately thought that All Might gave him the OFA. Which is really stupid. He would literally kill Katsuki because of this.

I'll go there. Wait for me. I had a hunch why


"Iku! Where are you going?" Tatami ask curiously.

"In UA, there's an issue about something there. And later I'll go to a trial," Izuku responded.

"Trial?" Yo ask because Mikumo never told them about it.

"Remember when I told you, my twin brother what killed? Today is the trial of his murderer," The two of them got shock but they understand Izuku.

"Contact us if you need some company okay?" Tatami said. Izuku just nodded and went out.

He just teleport immediately nearby the school and registered to the gate. Upon walking, someone call him that he didn't expect to see in Japan.

"Mikumo!" a feminine voice shouted. He look at his back and saw Pony Tsunotori. Of course it slightly shock him as the last time he saw him is in US. One of the training he did is constantly using his quirk so he could have a good control to his Overpowered Quirk.

One of the training he did is to sending a clone in US with some of his consciousness. It is to ensure that Akatani Mikumo had a tight background. Half of his consciousness is in US while the other half is in Japan.

Of course at first its hard to maintain his clone in US. Sometimes he'll faint which he add to his background that he is a bit weak and often been in one of the hospital of their family. But he slowly manage to control more and more that "Mikumo" slowly heals to his "illness".

"Pony?" He ask and look to her. A bright smile appear in her mouth. She was with Kendo and Tokage who look to him curiously.

"How are you? I didn't expect to see you here! What a coincidence, did you move back here? Are you studying here in UA too? Where do you live? Oh my god! Its been a while! I just talk to Mel yesterday and she felt sad that you move out!" Pony ask. Bombering him with a lot of question in English. The two didn't even understand half of what she said.

"Tsunotori-san, I think you're overwhelming him," Kendo awkwardly said.

"Its fine, I knew Pony. I'm fine, Pony and yes, I move back here in Japan. I'm studying in Shiketsu. I'll just contact you to give you my address. And yes, its been a while that I didn't expect that you are studying here in UA," Mikumo perfectly answered. Pony giddily clap.

"Well thats good! By the way this is Itsuka Kendo and Setsuna Tokage. Uhm, I mean Kendo Itsuka and Tokage Setsuna! Sorry! I forgot its the other way around. Kendo-san, Tokage-san, this is Akatani Mikumo," Pony said ans blush. Still she manage to introduce them to each other. They shake their hands and bow as thet greet each other.

"Its good that you keep on practicing your Japanese. But lets chat later, I need to talk to one of the teacher here," Izuku said apologetically. Pony just smile and nodded.

"Alright! See you later!" Pony said and wave to "Mikumo". Izuku could hear their whisper on who was the "Handsome" species they talk.

Pony is one of the people that decided to stick to "Mikumo" with the daughter of David Shield, Melissa Shield. You could say, Pony and Melissa is Mikumo's childhood friends. Its just a layer of security just in case something uncontrollable that happen.

He just sigh yhen just casually walk towards Aizawa's office. To be honest, Izuku's heart it beating so fast as there might be a chance to see Hitoshi inside.

This wasn't the first time they will meet each other. But this would be the first time they will interact. Hitoshi wasn't on his right mind in the funeral so he didn't process the fact that Izuku had a twin which is his disguise right now.

"Aizawa?" Izuku ask in low tone. Aizawa immediately open and saw Izuku.

"Come in, my son is here by the way," Aizawa said.

He take a deep breath before opening the door.


The moment Mikumo went inside, Hitoshi is just staring at him. His heart beat so fast as soon as he saw him.

His face looks familiar yet unfamiliar. From his symmetrical freckles, his messy curly hair, his big doe eyes and even his complexion is exactly as he remember. He looks like Izuku.

Hitoshi's heart ache as soon as he could see the difference they had. His eyes might be like Izuku but it devoids emotion. Its dull, neutral unlike Izuku's eyes that full of life and shine. It wasn't completelt open too, like his rest face make him seem serious.

The color of his eyes and his hair didn't match at all. As this person's hair is white and his eyes is blue. But it hurts...

It hurts to see his face, as it reminded him of Izuku. And the face that his murderer is still here in this school feels unfair.

Why people like him deserve second chance? Was it because of quirk privilege? People like Katsuki should rot in jail. But why does Izuku still want him to be a hero?

He is a villain, someone who hurt his beloved Izuku. His light, his savior, his life. It feels dull and empty without his smile that brighten his day.

"Hitoshi... This is Mikumo Midoriya-Akatani. He is Izuku's twin. He just came back here last two months ago from states," Aizawa introduce.

"Hitoshi? Are you YamaZawa Hitoshi?" Mikumo ask.

"Y-yeah," Hitoshi felt as if he can't breath. Even his voice is similar yet unfamiliar to Hitoshi. Its low and soothing. Hitoshi felt like his is in race the moment he heard his voice.

"I wanted to personally thank you for being my Twin's best friend. Especially after what happen, it might be hard for you. My family felt grateful that Izuku had a friend like you," Mikumo sincerely said. Hitoshi blush and look away.

"I was the lucky one. If not for Izuku who knows what would happen to me? He gave me this good life and I'm glad to be his friend," Hitoshi murmur.

Mikumo sat beside Hitosho which makes his heart erupted. Its like a raging fire inside, he feels awkward and uncomfortable yet comfortable too. It feels weird and he felt a lot of contrast in just a matter of minute after he met his best friend's twin.

"So... You're studying in Shiketsu? Why not here in UA? Wasn't your family who owns this school?" Hitoshi ask. Trying to calm himself by making some topics.

"UA would only reminds me of Izu... He grows up here. After all this is his playground... I wasn't... I wasn't ready to be here," Mikumo solemnly said. Hitoshi didn't reply and just stay quiet, because he was right.

Even him had a lot of nostalgia in each corner of this school. He always see Izuku everywhere.

Whats more his twin who practically someone who he grows up with? They are the other half of each other.

"Its not the same without him. I can't help but to feel angry to all the people eho hurt him. And becomes the reason of his death. But... Even if I wanted to take revenge, I know Izuki wouldn't want me to. He'a far too soft for a lot of people including him," Mikumo said with seriousness. Hitoshi could see that Mikumo is clenching his fist. Aizawa sigh looking at these two. They are right, he also felt the same.

Aizawa vow to himself that he really would make sure that Katsuki's stay here would be hell.

"Mikumo... I call you here because of this," Aizawa let Mikumo watch the quirk Apprehension Test. As he saw Katsuki having some orange lighting. His eyes dilated as he look to Katsuki with hatred. Still he was focus on watching Katsuki.

"I had a hunch why this happens. And honestly, I just feel disappointed," Mikumo said and sigh.

"So... What is it?" Aizawa ask.

"Well, I have Katsuki's analysis here. Lets wait for him so I could confirmed it," Mikumo said.

Aizawa nodded and check the analysis. He was shock to see it. Its far detailed than Izuku's analysis. And Aizawa could see the difference how Izuku and Mikumo analyze someone.

"This was actually one of our bond. To analyze someone's quirk," Mikumo said with a sad smile.

Its terrifying how these pair of twin's had a really high intellect even without a boast of quirk. Mikumo's analysis is more organize than the scribble of Izuku, even his penmanship is far better.

Hitoshi and Mikumo gradually become comfortable and could see that they had a lot of common to each other. Because Izuku and Hitoshi is the opposite of each other but Mikumo and Hitoshi is like a two puzzle piece that had been connected.

It also ease Hitoshi because Mikumo is related to Izuku. It might become the foundation of their friendship. Aizawa just hope that these two could comfort each other as they both lost a person that dears to them.

After a while, Katsuki went inside. Hitoshi could see some jealousy to Katsuki's eyes and suddenly realize that Katsuki seems to like Mikumo.

A glint of mischeavous appear to Hitoshi's eyes and purposely talk more casual to Mikumo. And it seems like Mikumo also knew why Hitoshi did that and go along with him.

"Sit down Bakugou," Aizawa said. The atmosphere suddenly had a high tension the moment they see him. Hitoshi look to Katsuki with smirk and hatred to his eyes further making the tension high.

"Akatani here had a full analysis of your quirk. How it works and how's your over all statistic. Which didn't match out to your performance a while ago. Now, tell me what happen?" Aizawa said with serious tone. Katsuki hesitate first but Mikumo didn't let hom

"I actually have a theory..." Mikumo suddenly said. Just like what he said a while ago.

"What is it?" Aizawa ask.

"He might have the One For All," Mikumo casually said. Katsuki widen his eyes in shock. Of course Hitoshi frown, that seems to be familiar to Hitoshi.

Suddenly he remember his conversation with Izuku 10 Months ago. How he complain about how he doesn'y like All Might for 8 hours while they are in Cat Cafe. He remembers that Izuku did mention something about that One For All.

"Wait One For All? Isn't that the quirk that could be passed using DNA? I'm not sure if I remember it correctly," Hitoshi said and frown. Mikumo look to Aizawa who was shock and look to Hitoshim

"How the fuck you knew that?" Aizawa ask with suspicion.

"Well, Izuku told me about that Quirk. Apparently All Might offer him to train and become his successor of his quirk. He didn't agree because he wanted to prove himself that he could he a hero without a quirk. That was also the time when Izuku started to sell his All Might merch and remove All Might in his favorite hero list. From what I remember All Might told him he couldn't be a hero without a quirk and left him in rooftop," Hitoshi explain. Aizawa suddenly felt like he wanted to kill someone.

Hitoshi felt smug remembering how manipulative All Might to his perspective when Izuku told him that. Hitoshi actually wanted to prank All Might but Izuku didn't let him. This was a golden opportunity for him. Its All Might's fault anyway, he could only blame himself.

"Sounds manipulative as fuck," Mikumo commented he look grim and rolles his eyes. Hitosh just agree because that was what he also think.

"I mean it really looks like that. Especially he didn't told him the purpose of the quirk, Izuku did research to that quirk immediately and found out that the quirk would be use against All For One. You know? The merchant if quirks," Hitoshi added. He was thirsty for revenge. Both to All Might and Katsuki. And the fact that All Might seems to fancy Katsuki, it only gave him more reason to take revenge.

"This..." Katsuki was lost. Hitoshi could see how overwhelm Katsuki is. Of course All Might definitely told Katsuki not to tell others. But the fact that thry know and both of them casually told him the entire situation, it could potentionally break the relationship with this two idiots.

How good the how would be?

"It really sounds dangerous," Mikumo said.

"Its really nice to talk to you, Akatani," Hitoshi sincerely said.

"You are my Brother's best friend. I'm just glad that Izuku had a lot of fun with you especially when he told us the stories of his day during our dinner," Mikumo said and pat Hitoshi's shoulder.

Hitoshi could see that Katsuki clench his fist and his jaw is tightening. He just smugly look at just saw that Katsuki just shook his head.

"Tell us how this happen," Aizawa said. Katsuki immediately nodded.


Few days ago...

Katsuki just finished taking a bath after being allowed to trained. Mostly a rare opportunity so he really use it wisely. When he saw a sickly old man in a suit roaming around.

"Young man, what are you doing here? This area is suppose to be restricted," The old man said.

"Exactly the reason why I am here. I am a ward of UA, Old Man," Katsuki replied.

"I see... Forgive me for my assumption then. Why are you a ward then?" The old man ask.

"I signed an NDA and can't tell anyone," Katsuki replied and walk out.

"Young man, are you here to become a hero?" The old man ask. He really look weird and creepy shit.

"What else I'm doing here? Play around?" Katsuki really felt uncomfortable to how the old man is following him.

While Katsuki is being creep out of All Might, all might is already making ab assumption.

UA is a school that wards a lot of students particularly those who will be in Heroics. Most of them had a lot of potential to become a great hero. As Katsuki told him that he is a ward, then it only means that UA is seeing Katsuki as a potential good hero.

All Might felt that this might be a fate and approach Katsuki. He might be the right successor of OFA. Not only he is deemed heroic by the UA, he is also seems fitting.

"Young man wait!" All Might shouted and offer his calling card.

"Since you are going to heroics, I'm going to introduce myself. I'm Yagi Toshinori, and I'm working as personal secretary of All Might. Would you mind a conversation with All Might? He would offer something that you can't miss and I'm sure you'll be elated. He'll be here later in his private office as he will teach the heroic foundation," All Might offers. He saw the excitement to Katsuki's eyes but also it was suddenly change into neutral face.

Katsuki went to All Might and talk to him about the quirk. He was shock at first when it was offered to him. At first he declined. But in the end, he accept because All Might is really good a persuasion.


"Th-that was what happen," Katsuki said.

There is a long silence between them and it was only break when Mikumo sigh.

"I'll talk to Gran Torino and Principal Nezu later. See you at the court," Mikumo smile to Hitoshi which Hitoshi reply with a smile too. Katsuki is just full of jealousy but can't do anything at all.

Izuku offers Hitoshi to go to the Court but told him that he'll go with Aizawa. So he just left.


After talking to Katsuki, Izuku chuckle on how funny the situation is. One was hypocrite and another is narcissist. What a perfect combination. And honestly? He pity his uncle as his legacy was given to someone like them.

Izuku admit that All Might deserves his glory in the past. But now? He was just only holding an empty title that he can't back up anymore.

And the fact that he gave the OFA to someone like Katsuki, Izuku didn't know that his disappointment to All Might would still grow to its alreadt high bar. He stood so low and look so desperate. He didn't even check the information of Katsuki before he decided to give the OFA.

Izuku is now questioning the world how he was still alive right now on how stupid All Might is. He is making a lot of casual decision without even thinking of its consequence. He needs to really change.

While he was scolding All Might to his mind, he went out and teleport to his room first and change his clothes to suit then teleport to where Inko is. She was wearing business clothes. Looks formal but Izuku felt she was wearing a battle armor.

"You're in time sweetie," Inko said. Izuku nodded and both of them went out of the car.

"Iku-chan," Mitsuki and Masaru both went to the trial even if they look nervous after all this is the trial of their son.

"Auntie..." Izuku greeted.

"Iku-chan... Inko-chan... What ever the verdict is, we'll accept it. But... I hope this wouldn't change our relationship to each other... I'm truly sorry to what happen to Izu-chan.. But.." Inko smile and hugs Mitsuki. She seems to lost a lot of weight and looks haggard. Even Masaru looks different.

"Mitsuki-chan, please take care of yourself. Don't punished yourself because of what happen. Izuku might visit you and scold you for doing this. Please?" Inko said. Mitsuki nodded and smile.

"Thank you," Mitsuki mutter. All of them went inside and ready to go to a battle.

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