Reaction to Tensura

By armaghan_ror

180K 4.6K 1.4K

Hey everyone, this will be quite a typical Tensura reaction. In which a supernatural entity kidnaps the chara... More

Special: Top 20 (Part 1)
Special: Top 20 (Part 2)
Special: Top 20 (Part 3)
Special: Top 20 (Part 4)
Prologue: Death and Reincarnation
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 6 to 8.5
Chapter 8.6 to 12
Chapter 13 to 17
Chapter 18 to 22
Chapter 23 and 24
Chapter 25 to 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter No. 40
Chapter 41
Chapter # 42 (Preparation for Charybdis)
Chapter # 43
Break: New Guests
Chapter # 44
Chapter # 45
Chapter # 46
Chapter # 47
Break: Slime Stroke
Chapter # 48
Chapter # 49 (Butterflies of the Night)
Chapter # 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter # 51
Chapter # 52 (Part 1)

Chapter 29

3.5K 106 36
By armaghan_ror

From there Shion took Rimuru to a room where Benimaru, Hakorou and Souei were drinking tea. When Rimuru told them that Shion is going to cook for them. As soon as they listened to this, they all tensed up Souei left saying that he is going to scout the surrounding area. While Benimaru and Hakorou said that they are not hungry. Rimuru didn't know why they were talking like this.

Rimuru= (Oh no!)

Benimaru= (I am so dead.)

Souei= (Truth is about to be revealed.)

Hakorou= (I guess it needed to be revealed one time or another.)

Shion= Oh so this is when Rimuru-sama tasted my wonderful cooking for the first time.

Shizu= (The way they are responding. Why do I feel like the cooking is not going to be good.)

Then the food arrived and Rimuru realized why the reactions were like that. The 'food' was more like poison that she was giving him to eat.

Everyone who didn't know about the cooking of Shion was now horrified to see the deadly scene.

Even Primordials like Guy and Ultima were horrified. Because they could feel just how deadly this concoction was.

Shizu= (Not good. That looks like poison. I hope it is not in actuality poison otherwise I don't know how Rimuru-san would survive this.)

Almost everyone remained quiet at this. Except some who can't remain quiet.

Kenya= Sensei are you going to eat that, is that even edible.

Alice= Yeah.

Chloe= That looks like poison.

Shion= What did you say?

Diablo= (The adults may not tell the truth, but children always do.)

Chloe= So you have been feeding Rimuru-sama poison.

Now Shion was getting angry.

(Author's note: T-C = Thought Communication)

Rimuru (T-C to Diablo) = Diablo it looks like Shion is about go haywire on the students. It is your job keep her under control. However, don't use force if necessary.

Diablo (T-C to Diablo) = Don't worry Rimuru-sama. I have it under control.

Shion(angrily) = How dare you call my food poison, Rimuru-sama loves it.

Alice= Oh really. But seeing his expression. It looks like sensei is suffering.

Shion= What did you say?

Tiss= Ok Alice, Chloe I think that is enough.

However, by now Shion's anger was now clearly visible. But before she could do anything. Diablo stopped her.

Shion= You are interfering again.

Diablo= What do you think you are doing? You are going attack the students of Rimuru-sama.

Shion= But...

Diablo= No buts, you know just angry Rimuru-sama would be, if you hurt his students.

At this Shion forcibly calmed herself down. And again, stood right behind the left shoulder of Rimuru. While Diablo stood right behind the right shoulder.

Rimuru= (Good work, Diablo. I knew I could count on you.)

Veldora= (This guy again showed his intelligence.)

Shuna= (Thank goodness.)

Benimaru= (Even though the disaster has been delayed. It does not mean it had been eradicated.)

The demon lords and the demoness trio thought that this might be a regular occasion as well. And this thought was solidified when they saw Milim's reaction.

Rimuru= (So this is why those bastards ran away or said that they aren't hungry. This food, can it even be called food. Help me Great Sage.)

Great Sage= <Close your eyes and insert the spoon from an angle to the right. You will not die.>

Shion= What Rimuru-sama you didn't like my food? But I thought you really liked it.

Rimuru= ...

Veldora= He didn't want ...... to make you feel bad. So that is why he never told you.

Shion= Is that true, Rimuru-sama?

Rimuru= ......... Yes Shion ............ This is true.

Shion= I see .......

Now Shion was feeling very sad and guilty thinking that she had been feeding Rimuru-sama bad food that he didn't even like.

Shion= I-I am sorry, Rimuru-sama. I had been giving you garbage to eat. I am truly sorry.

Seeing at how quickly the expression of Shion had changed almost everyone was surprised especially the students who had thought that Shion was a prideful person. Who wouldn't accept that her cooking could be bad. However, here she was apologizing to their sensei for giving him as she called it 'garbage'. Seeing just how sad Shion had gotten. Rimuru said.

Rimuru= You don't need to apologize about it. That was the past. And it is not like your food tastes bad now. You just need to make it look good and it will be perfect.

Ultima= So, her food doesn't taste like poison anymore.

Diablo= You seem to be disappointed.

Ultima= Of course I wanted to compare if here poison was the potent.

Veldora= You can still check that because she can still make poison.

Ultima= Oh then it would be fun.

Dagruel= (What can I expect she is a demon.)

Milim= (Is she crazy?)

Then Rimuru did exactly as Great Sage had told him to do. And spoon went into someone's mouth and that someone was Gobta who immediately saw the most difficult last seconds of his life as he screamed in agony with his mouth shut. And sometime later his pulse stopped. Everyone was shocked to see this and Rimuru told Shion that the next time she makes any food get the approval of Benimaru first. Benimaru was feeling betrayed by Rimuru.

Rimuru= (Don't look at me like that. This is now your problem.)

Ramiris= Again Great Sage coming in clutch.

Leon= Did you have poison resistance at this time?

Rimuru= I don't know but I didn't want to test that.

Shuna= However, big brother would get poison resistance.

Hinata= What do you mean?

Veldora= You saw that Rimuru said that Shion needs to get the approval of Benimaru which means Benimaru had to eat the cooking many times.

Kenya= Oh that would have been painful.

Benimaru= You have no idea.

Luminous= However, it doesn't look like that, that goblin is going to survive.

Diablo= Well he got the punishment he deserved.

Fuze= What do you mean?

Diablo= Remember when he insulted Rimuru-sama, when Rimuru-sama was sending Rigur's hunting team. And Rimuru-sama kicked him.

Shion= And I said that, that kick was not enough, and you said that soon he will get a much worse punishment, so ...... wait a minute.

Diablo= Yes this was the punishment I was talking about.

Shizu= Did Rimuru-san knew about this?

Rimuru= Yes. I did.

On Gabiru's side they had recruited almost seven thousand goblins and now were making there way, towards the goblin village of Rimuru. Of course, Gabiru couldn't believe that a slime can subjugate Goblins and Direwolves. However, if he can subjugate the slime then the direwolves will be on his side too. At this his men began to cheer him up.

Guy= Did you not think that if a slime was able to subjugate goblins and dire wolves. It might not be a normal slime.

Souka= Thinking like this requires brain cells which he doesn't have.

Gabiru= At that time didn't have.

Milim= No you are still stupid. You haven't changed much.

Back at the village in the blacksmith shop, Kurobe and Kaijin got along quite well as blacksmith brothers. They were talking about blacksmith things, but they were too difficult to understand, that is why Rimuru, who was also right there, began to feel his head hurt. Fortunately, Rigurd came in at that time and Rimuru was extremely happy.

Milim= Haha Rimuru you were just praying to have an excuse to get out of there.

Rimuru= Of course that would be the case, I don't understand anything about smithing, nor do I have any interest in it. So, I wanted to get out of there.

Dagruel= That really explains why you were so happy when Rigurd came.

Rigurds tells him that the envoy of lizardmen has arrived. So Rimuru leaves with Rigurd. However, he is quickly joined by Benimaru, Shion and Hakorou. And Shion takes back the job of holding Rimuru. When they went to outskirts of the village, they were met by a group of lizardmen who were lined to give their leader a dramatic entry. Which he very much did. After the entry, he loudly proclaimed, that he is Gabiru of the lizardmen and they will all serve him. Needless to say, no one on Rimuru's was impressed. But Shion was definitely really angry which was evident when she squeezed Rimuru.

Testarossa= The idiot is really proving to all of them just how big of an idiot he is.

Hinata= Could he not see those three ogres right there.

Jeff= In his stupidity he has forgotten everything, he doesn't even know his surroundings.

Gazel= Rimuru are you sure this is the same guy who works with Vesta. And is actually smart.

Rimuru= Yes that is the same guy. I know that is surprising too.

Hakorou= In the starting days he was still an idiot but slowly he improved.

Gabiru= Thanks Old man.

Hakorou= What did you say?

Gabiru= Oh sorry sorry. That would never happen.

Then Gabiru proclaimed that he would save these weaklings from the Orc invasion. However, when he noticed that there were three ogres and a creature which looked like goblin but definitely wasn't. He discussed with his comrades that this was supposed to be goblin village. But he can't see any goblins anywhere. Meanwhile Rimuru thought that if orcs are invading then making an alliance with the lizardmen won't be bad idea. However, he didn't want to work with this Gabiru. Because just how stupid he was. As Napolean has said: 'what one should really fear is not a competent enemy but an incompetent ally'.

Velzard= Well at least this idiot finally realized. That this village is not a weak one.

Alice= Haha sensei also doesn't want to work with him.

Ryota= Of course why would he, we have already seen just how stupid he is.

Hinata= Oh so you are knowledgeable one that you know that quote or did you hear it in some game.

Rimuru= Of course. I knew that much I am not some stupid person who doesn't know anything.

Gazel= Who is Napoleon?

Rimuru= One of the renowned General in our world.

Leon= From which country?

Rimuru= France.

Leon= Oh so from the same country as me and Chloe.

Shizu= So you two are from France.

Chloe= Yes.

Testarossa= Is that general any good or not?

Rimuru= Yeah in fact one of the best.

Then Gabiru after conversing with his comrades.

Gabiru= I have heard that some of you have tamed dire wolves. I would make them into officers. So, bring them to me.

At this Rigurd, Shion, Benimaru and Hakorou were now getting extremely angry.

Benimaru asked Rimuru that if he can kill that idiot. Rimuru at first gave him permission but then stopped him.

When Rimuru told Gabiru that he was the one to tame the dire wolves. He didn't believe it. And mocked Rimuru. At this Rimuru called Ranga who jumped out of his shadow and was ready to hear whatever Gabiru had to say. Ranga's presence was terrifying. But Gabiru didn't got scared.

Dino= This idiot was so close to dying I am surprised that he is even alive.

Hakorou= He wouldn't have been alive if a certain someone hadn't shown up at that exact moment.

Dagruel= Someone? Who?

Rimuru= You will see.

Guy= I have to say even when seeing that giant wolf in front of him. He didn't get scared. That is impressive.

Velzard= That is because the idiot has no idea just how much in danger he truly is.

At this everyone in the room began to laugh and Gabiru was now really embarrassed.

Ranga= My Master wanted me to listen to you. Now speak up.

Gabiru= So, you are the leader of the dire wolves. Your presence is indeed majestic. But I am disappointed to see that your master is a slime.

At this everyone on Rimuru's side was extremely angry especially Ranga, who was thinking of killing this lizard, who was disrespecting his master, however, before Ranga could kill him. Gobta came to see what was going on. Everyone was surprised to see that Gobta was still alive.

Rimuru= (But how is this possible? How is he alive?)

Great Sage= <Gobta seemed have developed poison resistance.>

Rimuru= <Really Even I don't have poison resistance yet. I am impressed.>

At this time Ranga came took Gobta, handed him a spear and told him to fight against that lizard.

Gobta of course had no idea what was going on.

Dagruel= Oh so Gobta was the one who came because of which Gabiru survived.

Ranga= If Gobta hadn't arrived at that time. I really would have killed him.

Hinata= Can't really say that he wouldn't had deserved that death.

Carrera= Yeah like which idiot disrespects someone's master. When that someone is much stronger than you.

Shizu= Also the fact that Gobta survived I really had thought that he had died.

Rimuru= Yeah, we also thought that. That is why we were so surprised to see him.

Testarossa= So, he developed poison resistance.

Ultima= But poison resistance is not some easy skill to acquire. How did he just acquire it.

Ramiris= I guess when Rimuru said that Gobta might be a prodigy that theory was correct. He really is a prodigy.

Carrion= Yeah, during the war against Clayman he was able stop one of the strongest attacks of Clayman's middle finger 'Yamza'.

Clayman= How do you know about this?

Carrion= Albis told the same who defeated your Yamza without any difficulty.

Kenya= Well let's see the fight between Gobta and Gabiru.

Alice= I know Gobta would win.

Benimaru= Yes that is pretty much obvious.

Ranga= If you defeat him, I will consider your offer.

Rimuru= (Wow Ranga is being so calm about this. But if he would have been the one to fight him. Gabiru would have died instantly.)

Gabiru= So, you will be my opponent. What slime you don't have the guts to face me that you are sending your subordinates.

At this Rimuru got angry.

Rimuru= Gobta don't hold back destroy him.

Gobta= But why am I fighting him?

Rimuru= If you won, then I will have Kurobe make a brand-new weapon for you.

Gobta= Oh that motivates me a little.

Rimuru= If you lost you would have to eat Shion's cooking.

Gobta (getting hyped) = Anything but that.

Kenya= That would get anyone hyped.

Gale= Indeed it would.

Shion= It still doesn't sit right that just how many times my cooking was told that it is bad, but I never realized.

Shuna= You don't need to worry about it anymore.

Shion= Ok.

Guy= That is actually a very clever method. By making Gabiru who they consider their strongest. Fight one of your weaker subordinates.

Velzard= You are showing him the difference of power between you and them.

Rimuru= Well it wasn't my idea. Ranga was the one who thought of that.

Ranga= Thanks for your gratitude master.

The fight between Gabiru and Gobta started. Gobta threw his spear at Gabiru who dodged it. But when he looked again where Gobta was before. Now there was nobody. Gabiru just stood there dumbfounded when suddenly Gobta jumped out of the shadow and kicked him in the back of his head, knocking Gabiru out and wining the fight. At this everyone was shocked, the lizardmen were obviously shocked that Gabiru had lost. But Rimuru was also shocked. Because he thought Gobta wont even be able to win. But here he won so easily.

Tiss= Wait a minute what happened?

Jeff= Yeah, I didn't understand a thing how he did that.

Leon= So you guys didn't notice what he did.

Guy= Of course they wouldn't.

Tiss= What do you mean?

Dagruel= He used [Shadow Step] to teleport from his own shadow to Gabiru's and jumped from there taking Gabiru completely by surprise.

Shizu= Oh so that is what happened.

Benimaru= Rimuru-sama the way you are talking did you really thought that Gobta would lose?

Rimuru= Yes, I did. I didn't think that he would be strong enough to accomplish this task.

Gazel= But you weren't worried about him getting defeated.

Rimuru= I thought if he defeated him. It would give us the reason to retaliate.

Fuze= Oh so you were thinking like that.

Veldora= Yeah, he can be very cunning. You have no idea.

Rimuru= Well I do need to be.

Subordinates= Indeed!!!

Word Count = (2550)




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