Reaction to Tensura

By armaghan_ror

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Hey everyone, this will be quite a typical Tensura reaction. In which a supernatural entity kidnaps the chara... More

Special: Top 20 (Part 1)
Special: Top 20 (Part 2)
Special: Top 20 (Part 3)
Special: Top 20 (Part 4)
Prologue: Death and Reincarnation
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 6 to 8.5
Chapter 8.6 to 12
Chapter 13 to 17
Chapter 18 to 22
Chapter 25 to 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter No. 40
Chapter 41
Chapter # 42 (Preparation for Charybdis)
Chapter # 43
Break: New Guests
Chapter # 44
Chapter # 45
Chapter # 46
Chapter # 47
Break: Slime Stroke
Chapter # 48
Chapter # 49 (Butterflies of the Night)
Chapter # 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter # 51
Chapter # 52 (Part 1)
Chapter # 52 (Part 2)
Chapter # 53 (Part 1)
Chapter 53 (Part 2)

Chapter 23 and 24

4.7K 118 22
By armaghan_ror

However, after telling him that she is going after the demonlord Leon. She was visibly sad. Rimuru asked her what it was but she didn't answered so Rimuru thought that he shouldn't push any further. After that Shizu was waiting for Ellen to get ready. She asked her to come with them to bulmund. However, Shizu refused as she had a different goal, and she needed to accomplish her goal as this was her last mission. At this ellen got scared and asked her what does she mean.

Shizu= I don't have much time to live, I am not as young as you think I am.

Ellen= O-Oh you are joking right? Don't scare me like that.

Velzard= So knew that you didn't had much time left.

Shizu= Yes so that is why I wanted to find Leon and find out how can I save my students.

Shuna= So that is why you were so sad because you knew you were about to die.

Shizu= No I was sad because I thought I wouldn't be able to see my students anymore.

Benimaru= I see, that is what I thought.

Gale= By the way if you don't mind how old are you, Sensei?

Shizu= I think I am 70 to 80 years old.

Tiss= Ok you were not joking when you said that you are old.

When Shizu and the trio were about to leave the village. Shizu stopped and Suddenly She again felt the pain across her body and held her mid-section. Others tried to ask her what happened but the only thing she was saying was 'not again'. And then her mask began to crack and glow. And she was screaming in agony. She erupted into a tower of flames and then the mask fell down revealing her tear-filled face. Tears, which were quickly evaporating because of the flames and soon she got engulfed by the flames revealing the Fire spirit Ifrit. At this all the adventurers realized who she really was 'Shizue Izawa the Conqueror of Flames'.

Kaval= Haha never thought I would be dying so quickly.

Rimuru told Rigurd to take everyone to safety. Meanwhile Rimuru and Ranga prepared to fight against the fire spirit.

Shion= What happened right there?

Alice= What happened to Shizu-sensei?

Guy= Looks like Ifrit finally escaped.

Shuna= So, this is the fire spirit Ifrit.

Fuze= It is difficult to imagine how much pain she was in.

Shizu= It really is impossible to imagine that until you experience it yourself.

Milim= Those idiots have already accepted their death.

Testarossa= Makes sense why would they do that. As they don't stand a chance against Ifrit.

Then Ifrit starts to destroy everything. He creates a few fire beasts which burn down everything in the village. Fortunately, everyone had evacuated by now. However, the trio was still there, and they were trying deal with the fire beasts. Rimuru shot a [Water Blade] at Ifrit but it vaporized before even touching him.

Dagruel= Did you really thought a water blade would work on a Fire Spirit.

Rimuru= That was my favorite attack at the time so of course. I used it first.

Shion= If this attack is Rimuru-sama's favourite. Then why doesn't he use it often?

Veldora= You saw it right there. Just how weak it was against Ifrit.

Rimuru= Yeah this was the last day for [Water Blade].

Rimuru= < [Water Blade] isn't working. What if I use a big amount of water in an attack.>

Great sage= <It could work in defeating, and it will also destroy a huge area around.>

Rimuru (Angrily)= Then why would I use it.

Meanwhile the trio is using an ice type spell which is able to damage the fire beasts. So, Rimuru tells them to shoot it at him. They are hesitant at first but then do it reluctantly. And he is able to copy it and shoot multiple of icicle lances at the beasts killing all of them leaving only him and Ifrit.

Leon= If you had released all of that water at him the steam would had cooked everything.

Rimuru= I know that there is no need to remind me.

Kenya= How are those icicles able to damage them then.

Shizu= I guess because they are magic attacks which can affect the spirits.

Dino= And again Rimuru shows just how OP his ability is as he was able to copy the technique and rain it down like hell.

Ifrit tries to attack Rimuru. However, Rimuru who is riding Ranga is able to dodge the attacks because of Ranga. However, the trio are not able to dodge the attacks and they are knocked out. So, Rimuru tells Ranga to take them to safety. And he himself prepares to square up against Ifrit One on One. So, Ifrit tries encircling him by making clones. But Rimuru uses an [Icicle Shotgun] and defeats all the clones. However, before Rimuru can do anything else. Ifrit uses a strong fire spell which causes a pillar of fire to rise from the ground and completely engulfs Rimuru in it.

Ultima= Oh looks like this would actually be a battle other then a one hit kill, like all the battles have been by now.

Shuna= Rimuru-sama did you had fire resistance at this time.

Leon= Of course he has. Did you forget at the start when the [Great Sage] told him all his skills.

Rimuru= Yeah, I also forgot at that time.

Benimaru= Really Rimuru-sama.

Rimuru= Really, until that time I hadn't dealt with any fire type attack.

At seeing himself get engulfed by flames. Rimuru began to panic.

Rimuru (Panicked)= AAAaaAAAaa I fell into his trap. What do I do. I am going to die. Seriously I am going to die this quickly. It was a short life.

However, after some time nothing happened.

Rimuru= Hmm I don't seem to be taking damage. Why is that?

Great Sage= <As mentioned before, because you have the "Thermal Fluctuation Resistance". Fire attacks are being nullified automatically.>

Rimuru= <Oh.>

Great Sage= <*Sigh*>

Rimuru= What was that? Anyway, that means he is not a problem.

Rimuru= <Why did you sighed there after answering me?>

Ciel= <I was basically disappointed in you that you didn't remember about your own powers.>

Rimuru= <Oh sorry about that.>

Ciel= <You are still not much different you still don't remember many crucial details.>

Rimuru= <C'mon don't say it like that. You are too harsh.>

Ciel= <I know I am and you need to hear it.>

Luminous= You really were thinking that you are about to die.

Rimuru= Well yeah because I didn't knew that I have fire resistance.

Shizu= So that is how you were able to defeat him so easily.

Jeff= Well yeah if Ifrit can't damage him. Then it really is no problem.

Shuna= Rimuru-sama why did Great Sage sighed at you after answering you.

Rimuru= Oh that. She was basically disappointed in me for not being able to remember my own powers.

Benimaru= What do you mean she was disappointed in Rimuru-sama.

Veldora= What Rimuru is saying is true. She was quite angry at him too. But just sighed.

Shion= How can she be disappointed in Rimuru-sama? It is her duty to tell him. Anything he needs to know.

Diablo= Don't say that. She was just doing this so that Rimuru-sama is aware of his powers.

Shion= You don't need to talk right now.

Rimuru uses [Steel Threads] on Ifrit binding him and making him so that he can't free himself. Ifrit still shoots large amounts of fire but to no avail and then Rimuru absorbs Ifrit using [Predator] defeating him finally.

Gabiru= Another flawless victory for Rimuru-sama.

Dagruel= And like always in the end he absorbed his enemy.

Leon= However, this is the first time when he actually ended the fight with [Predator].

Guy= Yeah by now he has been killing and then absorbing them this is the first he absorbed them alive.

Shizu= This is the end for Ifrit.

Velzard= Well yeah until in the future when he will be your spirit again.

Kenya= Don't worry sensei. I am pretty sure Rimuru-sensei won't let him hurt you.

Veldora= You don't need to worry about it. He has changed, I am pretty sure you will see that in this reaction.

Shizu= I hope so.

After being absorbed Ifrit found himself in a dark place where he couldn't see anything so he fired a fire blast in one side. However, the blast disappeared into the abyss and then a voice came.

Veldora= It is useless Ifrit. You can't escape from here.

Then Ifrit saw and he was terrified to see the giant and powerful Storm Dragon Veldora.

Veldora= You are no match for Rimuru. He is my sworn brother. I am Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest. I would be my pleasure to face you. Hahaha hahaha HAHAHA!!

Fuze= Now that looks terrifying.

Gazel= You can clearly see the terror in Ifrit's eyes.

Velzard= What do you mean he looks terrifying. He looks quite cute trying to intimidate that fire spirit.

Guy= Velzard to you he might not be terrifying but to weaker people he is.

Veldora= As I should be.

Luminous= You are not really terrifying stupid.

Veldora= Yeah Yeah you are definitely not scared of me.

Luminous= You......

Shizu= So, Veldora-san what happened after that. What did Ifrit do.

Veldora= I think it will be shown in reaction. So, don't worry about it.

Author= Yeah about that I won't be showing any parts with Veldora inside Rimuru.

Kenya= Oh so we won't be able to see what Veldora-san did.

Veldora= So you won't be telling ok. Then so obviously Ifrit quickly surrendered to me as he knew he was no match for me. I did needed someone to talk to. So, it was a golden opportunity for me. So, we just had fun together.

Shizu= Oh.

Veldora= Don't worry about it. He really has changed so you will be fine.

After the battle Shizu's body could be seen lying on the ground. On Rimuru's orders she was carried to a nearby established tent. She was given some basic medicine however she knew that she won't survive. At that time  Rimuru came to visit her and only two of them were there.

Shuna= (It is just two of them.)

Chloe= (So, this is where shizu-sensei die.)

Shizu then told Rimuru everything that had happened in her life. From being summoned to this world, leaving the territory of Demon Lord Leon, learning to use the power of Ifrit, helping and fighting for people's safety for decades, thus earning the title of "Conqueror of Flames". However, as she aged it was difficult for her to control the power of Ifrit. So, she retired from hero work and became an instructor in an institution in the Kingdom of Ingracia, there she was the instructor of kids who were from the same world as her. For her it was the best time of her life. However, those kids were also dying because of how they were brought into this world. So, she had set out so that she could find a way to save them.

All the people who didn't knew about all this were either intrigued or felt sorry for all the hardships Shizu went through.

Hinata= (They are laughing and joking. And Rimuru truly looks worried for Shizu-sensei if that was the case then why did he ate her.)

When the talk between Shizu and Rimuru continued she asked him an unexpected question.

Shizu= Slime-san what is your name?

Rimuru= I had told you its Rimuru.

Shizu= No I mean your real name.

Rimuru= Oh it is Satoru. Mikami Satoru.

Shizu= I am Shizue. Izawa Shizue.

Rimuru= Shizue-san you should rest now.

Shizu= Satoru-san I would like to ask you a favour.

Rimuru & Veldora= (Here it comes.)

Shuna= I don't think Rimuru-sama has ever told anyone else his real name.

Hakorou= Yes, he only told us when before our counterattack. Did Rimuru-sama tell you about this, Rigurd-san?

Rigurd= No, well but we never asked him in the first place.

Benimaru= Yes that is true. He only told Shizu-san because she asked him in the first place.

Rimuru= I was also much more comfortable telling her about this. Because she was also a human from my previous world.

Veldora= He was worried that you might not accept him if you knew that he was originally a human.

Testarossa= But that didn't happen.

Guy= Why did you told them the truth Rimuru?

Rimuru= Because I felt responsible for the deaths of my people as it was because of my order that they died. So, I wanted to tell them why I made that rule. As the biggest reason I made that rule was because I wanted to get along with humans at all costs as I was a human myself.

Velzard= I guess you aren't naïve anymore.

Leon= You have gotten ready for this world much faster than others as some take many years. To understand the reality.

Gazel= However, he still has much to learn as he is still way too soft for a king.

Rimuru= Cut me slack I have been a king for only two years, and I wasn't even some big CEO in my past life.

Shion= What is that?

Rimuru= Sort of like a leader.

Shion= Oh Ok.

Rimuru= Of course ask me anything.

Shizu= Please .................. Eat me.

At this Rimuru was startled he couldn't believe what Shizu had just asked.

Hinata= What!!!

Hinata was surprised. And Tiss and Jeff-sensei also couldn't believe they just heard.

Shion= Why did she ask something like that?

Alice= Shizu-sensei why did you ask Rimuru-sensei to eat you?

Shizu= You would most likely see it very soon.

Shizu= When you ate that curse inside me it made me so happy. I dislike this world. But I can't hate it. Just like that man. I don't want to be absorbed into this world. This is my last request.

After saying this she placed her hand on Rimuru.

Shizu= Would you please let me rest inside you?

Rimuru didn't knew what he should do but after some time he replied.

Rimuru= Okay.

At this Shizu smiled. However, Rimuru was clearly not okay with this.

Shizu= I am sorry Rimuru-san. I basically forced you to accept my selfish wish.

Rimuru= You don't need to apologize for anything. It is okay. I am happy I was at least able to give you what you wanted.

Rimuru= What is the name of that man?

Shizu= Leon Cromwell.

Rimuru= What did you want to find out from him?

Shizu= I wanted him to acknowledge that I, this human existed and perhaps if those kids could be saved and returned to their world.

Shizu said this while stopping which showed that she was having difficulty speaking.

Rimuru= I swear to you on the name of Mikami Satoru, no, Rimuru Tempest. That Leon Cromwell listens to your wishes.

Shizu= Thank ...... You.

Rimuru= So, Leon you had just heard her wishes what would you had answered to her.

Leon= I always knew that she existed that she was powerful and strong willed individual. Most of it I have already told you. I didn't hold any enmity towards her. And didn't want her to suffer.

Rimuru= You are still right where you were.

By now she had died her hair had turned white and her body had gotten wrinkled.

Rimuru= Rest in peace Shizue-san. Rest in peace with in me.

Great Sage= <Use Unique skill [Predator]?>

Rimuru= Yes.

With that Rimuru slowly absorbed her body giving her the final burial. That he could give.

After all this everyone except the demon lords and the demons were clearly affected by this.

Hinata= Many things make sense now.

Benimaru= I guess it also explains why Rimuru-sama's looks like Shizu-san's.

Shion= So that means this is the start of Rimuru-sama's Human form.

Rimuru= Yes .................. it is.





Author= It looks like you guys should get a break how about it.

Veldora= I think yeah we should we have been reacting for quite a while so it would be good if we get a break.

Author's note: (Sorry for the late chapter my Wattpad was out for four days. It didn't open anything. Even the only reason it opened was because I had downloaded a VPN. I hope it wouldn't happen from now on. I would try my best to upload as fast as possible. However, if I am not able to upload in three days that means I can't access Wattpad. And It might take time.)

Total Word Count: ( 2520 Words)

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