Reaction to Tensura

By armaghan_ror

228K 5.3K 1.6K

Hey everyone, this will be quite a typical Tensura reaction. In which a supernatural entity kidnaps the chara... More

Special: Top 20 (Part 1)
Special: Top 20 (Part 2)
Special: Top 20 (Part 3)
Special: Top 20 (Part 4)
Prologue: Death and Reincarnation
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 6 to 8.5
Chapter 8.6 to 12
Chapter 13 to 17
Chapter 23 and 24
Chapter 25 to 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter No. 40
Chapter 41
Chapter # 42 (Preparation for Charybdis)
Chapter # 43
Break: New Guests
Chapter # 44
Chapter # 45
Chapter # 46
Chapter # 47
Break: Slime Stroke
Chapter # 48
Chapter # 49 (Butterflies of the Night)
Chapter # 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter # 51
Chapter # 52 (Part 1)
Chapter # 52 (Part 2)
Chapter # 53 (Part 1)
Chapter 53 (Part 2)

Chapter 18 to 22

4.9K 137 21
By armaghan_ror

Rimuru was angry at him but he needs to keep his calm. This guy is a minister. However, Kaijin was not going to keep calm as he punched Vesta in the face and Un-surprisingly, we were in trouble. Some time later guards showed up.

Kaidou= Brother what have you done?

Kaijin= I just gave him a light beating for being rude to my guests.

Kaidou= 'light beating' you do know that who is he, right?

Shion= If I was there, I would had broken that man's jaw wide open.

Rimuru= Shion it's okay. He isn't like that anymore, so you don't have to be angry at him.

Gale= Sensei do you mean he has changed.

Rimuru= Yeah, he actually works for me and is amazing.

Kenya= Crazy to think someone like him can be redeemed.

After that Rimuru and the dwarves were locked up in jail. Waiting for the trial to happen.

There Kaijin and the three brothers decided to work for Rimuru. Permanently. Once this trial was over. Needless to say Rimuru was very happy with this.

Rimuru P.O.V

 We arrive in the room in which the trial would take place in. We see a giant man sitting on the throne. The king Gazel Dwargo. After that the trial starts and we start to see 'the brilliance' of this country's justice system. As our representative begins to put all the blame from Vesta on us and put us as the instigator of the incident.

Kenya= Wait a minute what he is saying is completely wrong. None of this happened.

Tiss= Yes that is right. Isn't he supposed to be their representative.

Dagruel= King Gazel you need to work on your justice system. Otherwise, your image of the great Hero King would be completely tarnished.

Gazel= I knew about who was guilty and who was not. I was just listening to how many lies will he throw out of his mouth.

Testarossa= But how did you know were you spying on them all this time.

Gazel= Did you really thought, I would just ignore the existence of a slime that was able to transform into a giant wolf, can talk and have healing potions with 99 percent purity.

Carrion= Exactly if you know you know all these things you would know that this slime is not normal.

Frey= Far from normal.

Vesta= Your Majesty! Have you heard enough? Please bestow a harsh punishment on them!

Because of the testimony given by the representative our verdict was announced.

Judge= Assailant, Kaijin! You are sentenced to 20 years of forced labour in the mines.

The rest, accomplices! You are sentenced to 10 years of forced labour in the mines.

That, concludes this...

Rimuru= Wait...

At me speaking the whole room went silent and guards began to question us on how dare i spoke during the trial. However, the king silenced them.

Gazel= It's been a long time. Kaijin do you have any interest in returning to me?

Kaijin= I fear, your Majesty, I already have a master!

At this the King went silent and then said.

Gazel= Is that so? I'll declared the verdict. Steel your hearts!!!

Kaijin and company, I deport you from the kingdom.

You shall not be permitted to remain here even a single night longer.

That is all. Now, begone from my sight...

Luminous= I guess the famous justice of the hero king is no joke.

Dagruel= But you really need to work on your justice system. Because if you wouldn't had been there then they would had gotten a very harsh punishment for a crime. They didn't even commit.

Gazel= Oh I worked on that. That representative got a good punishment from me and Vesta got fired from his post.

Rimuru= What was the punishment you gave him?

Gazel= You don't need to know.

After the trial Rimuru and Dwarves packed their stuff up and started their journey where they again met up with Rigur, Ranga and the others. And they left starting their journey back to the Goblin Village.

Meanwhile, Gazel= Spies! Keep watch over the slime! Never let him leave your sight! EVER!!!

The usual composed king had just raised his voice. Everyone tensed at the gravity of the order.

Spies= Even at the cost of our lives!

Rimuru= So, you started to send spies the moment I left.

Gazel= I didn't know at the time what your intentions were.

Testarossa= Makes sense if I saw something so unusual, I would also not let that thing get away from my eyes.

Ramiris= When did you found about that Gazel was spying on you?

Rimuru= Oh around the time Charybdis attacked.

After returning to the Village the goblins were amazed to see the famous kaijin and the three brothers. They quickly started the work and started to teach them about their respective fields.

Kaijin as the blacksmith, Garm the armourer, Dord the craftsman and Myrd the Architect.

With there help the Village started to grow. Which was needed as the village had tremendously increased as the other Goblin villages has come to join us which bumped our numbers from 60 to 500.

So, I give the leaders of the goblins the titles of goblin lords and give them command over their respective goblins. However, all of them would answer to Rigurd who I gave the title of Goblin King.

Velzard= You have already started the development of the power structure. One of the most important things in creating a society.

Shion= Well of course. He did. He is the greatest ruler of all time.

Rimuru= Yeah, I guess I did.

Our three necessities were now also complete. Shelter was covered by Myrd and his trained architects. Clothing was covered by the other dwarves and Food was already covered by the Goblin riders our first fighting force.

Carrion= So, the goblin riders are the oldest one your army.

Rimuru= Yeah, they were primarily supposed to be a hunting force but sometimes a fast hit and run type force. So, they can hold the enemy of until reinforcement arrive.

Hakorou= Given how limited your resources were that was right decision.

Benimaru= This is probably the time. When Rimuru-sama meets us.

Shuna= I don't think so. Because Rimuru-sama doesn't have a human form yet.

Rimuru= Yeah you will see how I get that.

The village had now started to grow and prosper. Meanwhile in faraway kingdom of bulmund.

The Guildmaster Fuze was talking with the adventurers he had send to investigate the cave of Veldora. However, they came back with nothing no Veldora and just Nothing. So, he told them to investigate in the Great Jura Forest. And gave them three days of rest. Needless to say, they were not happy with that.

Gido= Three days my ass.

Ellen= We just got back and he is only giving us three days.

Kaval= If only you could had said this to the Guildmaster himself.

Gido= That old geezer.!! , Ellen= Give us a longer break.

Ultima= HAHaha looks like they are not happy with you.

Fuze= Those idiots they are gonna pay when I get back.

Leon= It makes sense why they didn't find anything there because Rimuru has eaten everything.

Shizu= I think this the moment where we meet.

Alice= What do you mean sensei?

Shizu= You will soon understand.

Suddenly they hear a voice from behind. When they look back they see a woman who has a mask. And asks to accompany them in their journey to the Jura Forest. Kaval was hesitant but Ellen agreed happily.

Ellen= It would be fun to have a new person with us. My name is Ellen this is Kaval and Gido.

Shizu= Shizu.

Hinata= Sensei you are really looking like an ominous person.

Shizu= I just don't like to interact with the people of this world.

Later in the Village. Rimuru was seeing that the goblin riders are going on their hunt. However, he decided to go with them.

Cut to the gang of adventurers who were running because they were attacked by the group of the giant ants. Shizu used her fire attacks to kill almost all of the ants however one was still remaining before she could fight it, she suddenly felt a pain in her chest. Because of which she wasn't able stop the impending attack of the ant. But suddenly the ant was killed by a giant lightning attack.

It was Rimuru who was just passing by and helped them in trouble.

Rimuru= Are you guys alright?

The idiot trio= A talking Slime?

Shizu= Thanks for helping.

Shuna= So, that is how Rimuru-sama met shizu-san for the first time.

Shion= It was even before our arrival.

Geld= So that is why they met like old friends.

Gabiru= It makes sense now.

All of them went back to the village. The idiot trio were all surprised to see just how much developed goblins were. Rigurd took them to a tent. And gave them food to eat. Rimuru decided to check on them and to ask who are they and why did they come. When he looked inside all of them were eating. However, the girl with the mask was still wearing the mask and eating while wearing it.

Milim= Why is she eating like that? With the mask on.

Shizu= As I had said before I don't like to interact with other people. I only show my face to people I am comfortable with.

Leon= Like your students.

Shizu= Yeah.

The way she is sitting and the way she looks. I might be wrong, but she might be Japanese which means she is from the same world as me.

Ramiris= You were able to figure it out from those things are they really that much unique to your world.

Rimuru= I guess you could say that.

We asked them why are they here. So, they told us that they here to investigate the disappearance of Veldora and the effects on the forest.

Rimuru= (Did Veldora's disappearance really cause such a big deal.)

Luminous= You have no idea how big of a deal it was.

Fuze= I had lost my mind when I found out that Veldora has gone missing.

Diablo= You also lost your mind when you found Veldora.

Gazel= Of course we were going to lose our mind when we found out that Veldora has escaped.

Veldora= You know that I was not going to do anything so why were you all so worried.

Luminous= You really think we would not get worried because how much of a danger are you.

Veldora= Oh yeah, I forgot that you are scared of me. Well, you should be.

Luminous= Shut up. You overgrown (*Velzard gives the look*) dragon. You are only able to talk like this because of Rimuru and Velzard.

Veldora= Ok then if you think that then you can live with that lie.

Luminous= Shut up.

Rimuru= (Veldora definitely has gotten quite a lot of confidence is it because he saw how strong he becomes in the future.)

Ciel= <That could be a possibility. Another one could be because you and Velzard are not stopping him.>

Rimuru= <That could be the case.>

I need to show them that I am harmless.

Rimuru= Hey my name is Rimuru the Slime. I am not a bad slime.

At this Shizu let out a chuckle.

Rimuru= (Did she get that reference.)

Milim= What do you mean by that? What reference?

Rimuru= It is from a thing from my previous world.

Hinata= Do you mean game?

Shuna= What is that?

Rimuru= There was a reason why I didn't used the word game. They wouldn't understand it.

Shion= What is that Rimuru-sama?

Rimuru= I will tell you later.

Shizu= I actually didn't knew it. Yuuki told me.

Rimuru= Oh yeah that makes sense. (Yuuki.)

Rimuru= Anyway, does the guild have any problems with our village?

Ellen= I don't think so.

Kaval= Yeah, we were just tasked to check the concentration of the monsters and it doesn't look too out of the ordinary.

Rimuru= If everything is alright then you guys can stay here for the night.

Trio= Thanks!

Rimuru= Rigurd take care of them.

Rigurd= Yes Rimuru-sama.

Fuze= That looks like a large concentration of monsters to me.

Gabiru= That is why Rimuru-sama calls them the idiot trio.

Kenya= Really?

Veldora= Well you have seen how smart are they so it isn't surprising why he would call them that.

After that Rimuru noticed that Shizu was alone on the hill seeing the sunset. So, he decided to talk to her as this way no one would know that he is an otherworlder. Now that no one was around he decided to ask her.

Rimuru= Shizu-san are you from Japan?

Shizu= Slime-san that line you said it is from a game, right?

Rimuru= Ahh yeah it is.

Shizu= I've never played it, but I have heard about it from someone.

After that shizu picked Rimuru up because of which Rimuru became embarrassed.

Shion= How dare she picked Rimuru-sama?

Shuna= And it looks like Rimuru-sama is enjoying this. Mind explaining Rimuru-sama.

Rimuru= Uhhh. (Why do you gotta show them all of this do you really want me to die.)

Shizu= (These two are really possessive of Rimuru-san. Just because I held him, they are now after him.)

Shuna= And shizu-san can I ask you why did you picked him up.

Shizu= (I need to answer carefully otherwise I would become the target of their interrogation.)

Shizu= I just picked him. So, that I can talk to him more easily.

Shuna= Is that so?

Diablo= Shuna-san why does it bother you. You and shion carry Rimuru-sama everyday but she picked his majesty for just a few minutes, and you have a problem with that.

Shion= I don't think you are allowed to talk here.

Diablo= If Rimuru-sama is being disrespected than I am very much allowed to talk there. Shizu-san is Rimuru-sama's closest friends so I think you should respect her and talk to her with respect.

Rimuru= Diablo, I think that is enough.

Diablo= Ok Rimuru-sama. I hope I didn't say anything that you didn't like.

Rimuru= No don't worry about it. (Thanks Diablo, you saved me.)

Shizu= Are you also Japanese?

Rimuru= Yes.

Shizu= I see. (*Shizu lifts her mask uncovering her face and smiles at Rimuru*)

After this Shizu asked Rimuru how did he came to this world at which Rimuru told her how he was stabbed to death and reincarnated here. At which Rimuru asked on how did she came to this world. And as he had suspected she was a summon. So, Rimuru asked her when was she summoned.

Shizu= A long time ago. A town was burning and engulfed in flames.

Rimuru= (A war?)

Shizu= Bombs were falling from the sky.

Rimuru= (Air raids? That means only one thing World War Two.)

Guy= World War Two? Now what is that.

Rimuru= You could say that it was the deadliest conflict in our world. A conflict that killed around 70 million people.

Jeff (Surprised)= Seventy Million?

Rimuru= Ever since then no war has been as deadly as that one.

Fuze= Well that is good.

Kenya= So, sensei were you there where bombs were falling.

Shizu= Me and my mother were running to somewhere safe.

Ryota= What happened to your mother?

Shizu= She was crushed under the rubble. And then I was summoned there.

Hinata= So if you hadn't been summoned then you would have died there.

Shizu= I guess you are right.

Testarossa= Which means in a way Leon saved your life by summoning you.

Carrera= And then later again saved your life by giving you ifrit. Otherwise, you would had died.

Rimuru= He might had saved her life but also made her life hell.

Ultima= So, you are saying that he should had left her to die.

Rimuru= Well he could had put a Spirit in her that wouldn't had made her life hell. Like the light spirit in Kenya.

Leon= She had affinity to fire so the only type of spirit that could had saved her was a fire spirit.

Rimuru= Well you could had sealed one that wasn't so dangerous.

Ramiris= Most of the Spirits especially fire one's. Do not cooperate well with humans. So, I don't think this idiot could have found any non-hostile fire spirit.

Rimuru= Ok whatever. (Even if I know. It is still difficult for me to just forgive him.)

Ciel= <You don't need to forgive him. Neither is he asking for your forgiveness. He is just telling you the truth.>

Rimuru= <Ok. But I am not going to forgive him anyways.>

Rimuru= I want to show you something.

After this Rimuru shares his memory with her and shows her how in the future how advanced and developed Japan has become. Seeing this Shizu becomes surprised and incredibly happy.

Rimuru= After the war there was an economic boom and peace came to the land.

Shizu= I see ... this is so amazing.

Rimuru= I want to make sure that in this world everyone can live in peace.

Shizu= That's wonderful. I hope it happens.

After that suddenly Shizu again experiences the same pain in her chest. Rimuru becomes worried but Shizu assures her that she will be fine.

Gale= Sensei what happened to you right there.

Shizu= Don't worry about it. It just happens time to time.

Ramiris= It might be because of Ifrit trying to take control.

Shizu= Yes that is the reason.

Shion= Rimuru-sama what was that ability in which you showed her your previous world.

Rimuru= Oh that was [Thought Communication] I just showed her my memories.

Milim= Your world really is quite cool.

After that Kaijin came and asked Rimuru if he has a minute, he wants to consult with him where to build a new house. Rimuru agrees and comes with him. Along the way kaijin teases Rimuru like he was having a private conversation with her and at this Rimuru gets annoyed.

Geld= Ahh kaijin-dono he always has been this person. Poking jokes at the Rimuru-sama he was doing this even back then.

Rimuru= But sometimes those jokes can be quite annoying.

Then they all go to sleep. During the sleep she sees the same of how she was summoned, and she had killed someone because of Ifrit. And when finally wakes up Ifrit is trying to take control, but she manages to remain in control.

Rimuru= You saw those nightmares every single night.

Shizu= Not every single night but quite frequently.

Guy= Here you really look like a monster. Huh Leon.

Leon= That is because it is from her perspective, and she sees me as a monster who ruined her life.

Rimuru= So, you do accept that you ruined her life.

Leon= That's what she thinks. I gave her life and didn't wanted her life to be ruined.

Rimuru= But you did nothing to make her life better.

Leon= I knew that she hated me. So, that is why when I thought that she can defend herself I let her go. And she was not the only one I needed to care of.

At this Rimuru didn't knew what to say so he kept quiet.

In the morning when she was about to leave. Rimuru met her and asked her where would she be going now at which she said that she is going to the man who saved her to find a way to save her students.

Rimuru= Who is that?

Shizu= Demonlord Leon.

Guy= Oh so you were going to Leon because to you only Leon knew. How to save your students.

Shizu= Yes that is true. I didn't knew of any other method.

Leon= I was also searching for them. So, that I can save them.

Alice= So that you can seal a monster inside us.

Leon= Not really. Shizue was a rare case when the spirit wasn't completely subservient. For most of the people I have saved they are quite like how you guys are.

Rimuru= So, you're telling me that your people like you.

Leon= I guess you can say that.

Carrera= Not just that but this Idiot also cares for them. Whenever I would attack at his people, he would be trying his best that no one gets hurt. Like how someone can be so strong who killed Lord kazalim without mercy and also be a Softie.

Veldora= So just like Rimuru on how he killed the Clayman and army of Falmuth without mercy but for his people he is a Softie.

Rimuru= Don't compare me to him.

Veldora= Sorry Sorry Rimuru you don't need to be angry.

(Author's note: How did you liked it. Sorry for the fact that this was two days late. On 18 was my brother's birthday. So I didn't wrote anything. It took me two days to write it. I would try to do an upload a chapter once every two days.)

Total Word Count: (3240 Words)

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