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Chloe and Halle, two high-school girls with perfect GPA's and no criminal background whatsoever find themselv... More



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Chloe POV

"This is fucking stupid!" I stressed sitting down at the table at yet another meeting with our sperm donor.

This was our 10th meeting and i still didn't like that bitch, our grandma was cool though i guess. She always came to these visits with gifts and homemade treats which tasted like heaven but that didn't mean i wanted to go live with them or anything

"This is the last meeting before we go to court so please... don't say anything crazy today" B told us and all i heard was blah blah blah...

It didn't really matter what the courts decide because there was no way we were moving in with that man. We will be in Mexico somewhere with different identities before we go anywhere with that man

We had already talked and planned everything out, i didn't care about anything anyone had to say. He can't miss out on 16 years and decide now of all times to try and build a relationship with us... fuck him!

I seen our grandma and Lamelo finally arrive with the social worker along with two girls that looked around our age

"There's more... god kill me now " i laid my head on Shawn's shoulder. I was so sick and tired of being introduced to new people who i could give less of a fuck about.

This whole thing was really a waste of time because there was nothing this man could tell us that would take away everything he's done. He was sick and he was a liar... I'd never be comfortable around him

"Hey pretty girls" our grandma spoke first waving at us and of course we waved back. "Hey grandma Meeka" Halle said being her usual fake nice self and i just sat there silently waiting for them to tell us who thing one and two were...

"Chloe?!" I heard the one of the girls say and i sat up realizing that i had knew both girls from a previous encounter. I couldn't do anything but laugh at the irony of this entire situation

"You two know each other Tiara?" Lamelo asked and i just leaned my head back on Shawn laughing at how pissed she looked

"That's the girl who slept with my boyfriend" Tiara said and i scoffed knew that wasn't true

Tiara and Tiana were identical twins who went to our old school. Tiara was a asshole who talked shit about any and everybody while Tiana was the total opposite. She was a nice band kid who didn't really bother anyone

Her boyfriend asked me to tutor him so he could be prepared for his final exam and out of the kindness of my heart I said I'd do it for $70.

The interaction was as normal as any other tutoring session I've had with both girls and boys that went to our school but Tiara made it all such a big deal, making false claims about me and lying like i did something with her boyfriend

"Well for starters, I'm a virgin so that's impossible and secondly I wouldn't touch your 4'11 sloth looking boyfriend with a ten foot pole..." I said simply shrugging my shoulders

I noticed B quickly grab Halle who've been sick for the past few days and basically dragged her the bathroom. Both her and Blue have had this crazy cold that's been going around at Blues school.

They've both had fevers and been throwing up like crazy. If it wasn't mandatory for both of us to come, we would've left her at home

"Is she ok? She doesn't look to good" lamelo said acting fake concerned like he actually gave a fuck

"She has a cold, she's hasn't been feeling well the past few days" Shawn replied to him because I for sure wasn't going to

Nobody really acknowledged what Tiara was claiming not only because she was a liar but also because she had a history of being a shit starter and everyone knew it. Even her own sister wasn't listening to her

After a while Tiara just stormed out of the room and Tiana ran after her sister which i liked because i didn't really want to meet their family anyways

I heard Halle and B come back and Halle looked much better than she did before, I'm guessing she threw up everything that was making her stomach hurt

"Sorry for that" B apologized to everyone which i didn't get but i guess those were manners or whatever my mom liked to call it

"Tilt" i heard B say holding Halle's jaw before spraying that sore throat medicine in her mouth.

"Why is it that every time we have these visits you're always babying them?" Lamelo asked and i scrunched my face up wondering what he was talking about

"What?" I asked him not understanding what he was talking about

"Well every time we come here you're always laying on his shoulder or hugging him like you're afraid to let go and Bey you're always assisting Halle with things she's more than capable of doing on her own like the thing you just did with the medicine" he explained and I noticed B was really frustrated but was trying to control herself in front of the social worker

"Have you ever dealt with sick kids?" B asked him simply and he laughed

Ugh i hate his snarky sarcastic attitude... he looks and acts so much like me it was sickening! I just met this man and yet i had his entire face and half his personality, it makes me wonder how much i must have triggered my mom.

I knew my mother loved me because she told me a dozen times every day but just knowing what i know now... i don't know it made me wonder

"I've been a teacher and an uncle for over ten years, I've dealt with a ton of sick kids." He said just how I would scarring me a little

"Then you should know that it isn't as easy as it sounds! No matter how old the kid is, they are still kids!" Bey completely snapped at him

"You're sitting here in these girls faces telling them that you, the man who told their mother he wanted nothing to do with them! The man who knew he got a girl pregnant and never spoke to her again! The man who is now after 16 years and the death of the only parent who has ever taken care of them trying to take them 13 hours away from everything they've ever known and you're questioning why they're being clingy and looking to be babied?" B asked him completely going off...

i had never seen her get out of character like this not even when we kidnapped her daughter. She was completely pissed off and she was done keeping her shiny image

"They are fucking terrified right now, and you're not even trying to lay it on them easy! If you really wanted to get to know your children and grow a bond with them, you wouldn't have dragged out with this stupid custody battle or this lawsuit you know good and well you aren't gonna win!" B told him and i see Lamelo's entire face turn red

"They are my daughter's! They belong with me, there shouldn't even have be a custody battle because i am their father.." he replied and i couldn't help but roll my eyes

"They may have your blood but trust me you're far from their father" Shawn said and for the first time in life i actually agreed with him

Shawn was like the funny annoying dad everyone complains about in the movies but are always end up being the best character of the show. I don't know we argue like little kids but he's kinda cool.... I guess

"And you are?" Lamelo laughed and Shawn shook his head no looking down at me for some reason. "Nahh but the fact that we've been having these meetings for more than a month and you still don't know their birthday, who's older and how many minutes apart they are tells me you for sure aren't" Shawn defended us and smiled a little knowing that he cared enough to speak up for Halle and I

"I know their birthday.." Lamelo said very matter of fact looking over at grandma Meeka like she would help him now that he's been put on blast

"When is it?" I asked him and he started scratching his head taking a good minute to figure it out and finally he came up with some random ass date that he just pulled out of his ass

"April 1st right? I remember you two telling me about it being a holiday or something." He said and we all just kinda looked at him in shame because he was completely wasting our time

"Chloe's the oldest and they're only like a couple minutes apart..." he said as if he was for sure right about everything he just said.

I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid he sounded because this proved he doesn't listen to anything we said. He wasn't doing this because he cared about us, he just felt embarrassed about all the bad publicity that was put out about him. Half the world knew he was a deadbeat and he couldn't stand it!

"Where the hell did you get April 1st from?" Grandma Meeka asked her son and he looked around at us because i knew exactly where he got April from

"Thats 9 months after the point of conception" he said and i watched B shake her head in disappointment

"A father would know that their daughters were premature, born 2 months early on Valentine's. Chloe born a almost a hour before Halle ... we've talked about this very topic every visit because every time you ask Halle what took her so long and you laugh.." Shawn said calling lamelo out on his shit

I didn't think Shawn really paid attention to the things we talked about on these visits, i thought he was just here just in case. Never even knew he remembered that we said that

It made me feel way better knowing that he cared enough to listen to us when we spoke... nobody ever usually did that for us outside of our mom. She was the only person who paid us any attention for most of our life.

"If you took these girls tonight, you wouldn't know what to do with them! This girl has 100 degree fever and she's being forced to sit here in front of a man who doesn't even know her damn birthday... you're deadass wrong and you know it" B said shaking her head wrapping her arms around Halle

Though i may still have negative feelings about B, i can't say that she treated us poorly. Despite everything she still treats us as her own, she never talked down on us or made us feel like we didn't belong even when everyone else did

She hadn't talked to her mom in months because of the way Ms Tina treated us and her refusal to respect the fact that B decided to take us in which i know really hurts her because Beyoncé loved her mother.

"Look i know my son isn't perfect but these are his children. He has rights being as though he is their only living parent" Grandma Meeka said and for some reason i started having the weirdest memories coming back to me

My mom had this crazy obsession with everything that had anything to do with the law. She knew her rights very well and she knew ways around the justice system. She specifically would tell us about all the new things she learned about custody battles and  the foster care system

Right away, I jumped up out of my seat remembering one of the last conversations me and my mom had about the system.

"My mom had a will.."


Chapter 28!!! I fell asleep yesterday and forgot to update

Beyoncé and Shawn snapping on Lamelo? Was it necessary?

do you believe since Lamelo is their father, he deserves full custody?

What are your thoughts on this situation? Who do you think should have custody of the kids?

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