Wikigirl 2 //PJM

By LizSorora

74.5K 10.1K 10.8K

This is the second book, continuing the plot of Wikigirl exactly from where it was left in Book 1. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Healing 1O1

Chapter 53

777 110 100
By LizSorora

Jungkook's head felt still heavy while he sat on his hospital bed for he along with many other people from his filming set had been brought there at first and left there till they were to wake up and go on their own to their representative homes.

He however had not done such a thing even though doctors had informed him that everything was fine with his health and his director had been by his side, trying his best to reassure him over everything, ignorant to the fact that Jungkook was not stressed over anything he was talking about.

Unlike him, Jungkook knew that Jimin was not going to sue them or anything for he hadn't withstood anything to begin with. Nor he was worried about his manager as he had claimed. What had kept Jungkook in that hospital still, despite being awake was the simple fact that  Boram had gotten brought to the same hospital for a reason that he knew, yet with her had not arrived the man that she should have been with. 

Mr Duho's doppelganger must have been unconscious just like Boram yet his body had not been found at all in the car, from what he had been informed through exchanging some texts with Boram. 

This meant that either he woke up before the ambulance was to reach the parking lot they were at and left knowing that the real Mr Duho was unconscious too or someone else had picked him up, knowing of Mr Duho's condition and knowing that them both showing up at the same hospital while one of them most likely did not exist in any governed identification paperwork, could bring up issues.

Regardless one thing was for sure and that was that whoever that doppelganger was that was of help to Mr Duho's double life, he wasn't someone living in the shadows of Jungkook's managers only. There were more people on Mr Duho's side that were aware of his little game with his look-alike and were supporting him.

"Jungkook" His director opened the door to his VIP room at the hospital and made him snap from his thoughts and look towards him " Take a shower and get ready, I will drive you home. There's no reason for you to stay here any longer." He informed him, but this time he looked like he was not going to take any complaints or excuses from him to stay further.

Jungkook didn't even try this time, however, as he had managed to visit his manager's room just earlier and reassure himself that despite how heavily he was knocked out, he was alive and okay.  He had even finished texting you his report around everything that was going on and reassured you that none seemed to be suspicious of Jimin or him just as you had all planned.

So with an assured mind and with hopes that a good shower could potentially help him shake off a bit more the sedative that was still making his head feel so heavy, he slid off his bed and while stretching his arms a bit, he made his way to his bathroom.

Once inside he casually started leaving a small melody as he underdressed himself and turned on the water which he started enjoying once he stepped under it. The feeling sure was refreshing and it made him smile as he looked up, pulling his now-wet hair back.

Gosh, this feels like I just got back to life...I wonder where Jimin even found such sedatives...They are so strong that I feel like I am literally rising from my grave while shaking it off.

Jungkook thought to himself as he took hold of the shampoo he found available and started washing up his skin until he froze in place for he heard the bathroom door, suddenly slamming close, making him look up almost instantly.

His eyes grew wide in surprise just as Boram turned around and upon seeing him naked she just flew back around in place and slammed her face on the door, rather painfully.

"What the heck!!" Jungkook yelled as he rushed to cover for himself what he had as most private on his body and she made the mistake to turn around again, just to order him to not raise his voice before she closed her own eyes again with her palms.

"I am trying to hide! So shut up!"

"How am I supposed to shut up when you literally walk in on a private moment? Have you lost your mind!" Jungkook rushed to grab his towel and cover the lower part of his body despite the fact that he was still covered in foam.

"My mom found out about the shoplifting thing at the jewellery store and she said that as soon as we get home she will deal with that. The doctor just said I was good to go and I don't think I am ready to face that yet so please, please win me some time." Boram begged him with her eyes still close as at that moment she could care less for what she saw of him because it was not of urgent importance to her at all.

"You are utterly crazy! You could have waited outside to tell me that, not barge in the bathroom while I am taking a shower. " Jungkook argued, utterly mad and she opened her eyes just to stare at him.

"Do you think that this issue can wait? The bodyguards were after me, I barely made it into this room! When I didn't see you on your bed, I panicked! Can't you focus on what's important for once!" She went off at him and Jungkook grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her around.

"My privacy is what's important to me so get out of my face." He whispered into her ear right before he opened the door and pushed her outside. But as he did so, he so happened to take sight of two men that he recognised as her bodyguards, standing at the doorstep of his room, the door open and them already a step in his space.

Boram froze visibly before them and one of the two men, simply walked up to her and took hold of her arm, making her instantly turn to look at Jungkook with a pleading and scared expression, but ultimately she said nothing more and just accepted her fate. Even if she was to escape it for a moment, now that her mother knew, and didn't seem to believe her claims of being a misunderstanding,  Boram was aware that sooner or later she would have to face her punishment for putting shame on her mother's name with her actions.

She put a smile on her lips as she felt the pull on her arm by her bodyguard and she took a step forward, following him, until Jungkook suddenly grabbed her other hand and halted her steps in place. Both her bodyguards glued their eyes on him, not only because he was basically still half naked and full of foams but also because he had the audacity to intervene.

"Boram will be staying with me for some days. I need her to look after me since as you can see, I am in a position where I need help. Go inform her mother about that since we will be busy" He stated and pulled Boram back into his arms, leaving her in utter shock over the fact that he was really helping her.

"Come on baby, let's finish what we started," Jungkook whispered by the side of her neck as a smirk appeared on his lips, then he proceeded to pull her back into the bathroom, where once behind the safety of that door, he replaced the needed distance.

"You are seriously so much trouble." He whispered to her, looking annoyed now as he let go of the sweet and misleading act he played along to almost instantly just a second ago.

"I...will make it up to some point." Boram felt sorry towards him at that moment but she still smiled at him awkwardly as she spoke and Jungkook just shook his head at her before he returned back to his shower.

"You better turn around and don't peek!"

"You really think I have nothing better to do than look at your uninteresting body?" Boram raised an eyebrow at him as she turned to face the door again, rolling her eyes in the process for she found him rather arrogant on his thinking process.

"Uninteresting?! Are you still half asleep from the sedative and your mind is malfunctioning? Cause no sane person would say that while speaking about my body." Jungkook uttered confidently as he removed his towel and returned to washing away the foam that was all over him while Boram just whispered her thoughts over that statement of his to herself. 

"He is such a stuck up" 

---Change of set---

P3 was holding onto Jin's hand as he was seated by his bed, finally feeling a bit more relieved now that he got to witness Jin with his own eyes again and take in the fact that he was out of life danger and his injuries were treated properly. 

Jin's pale face was making the heart inside his ribs ache at every gaze he was to throw at him so P3 had decided to just stare at his hand and nothing else, in an attempt to not give much fuel to the sadness and the pain that was running wild within his chest.

It made him wonder, how often Jimin has to live with such emotion and endure such aches, it made him recognize Jimin as someone that was not as weak as he and the rest considered him to be. For in their eyes, he was one that broke and left to them all to carry what he couldn't. He was the one to fail on enduring what life threw at him, yet as P3 was existing in that very moment, with Jimin's heart beating wildly in his chest, filled with so many emotions that even he could not make sense of them all, he found himself understanding that, Jimin had not saved himself by giving his pain to them. All he had done was empty some space so he could endure a bit more.

Maybe P2 is long as he will breathe, with this heart that feels so strongly, he will always be living in torture.

P3 admitted to himself bitterly right before the sound of the door opening, drew his attention and he lifted his head to face the door expecting to see you or Dongmin, for he had gone together to pick up some clean clothes for him, while you had gone to grab some much-needed coffee nearby.

However, neither of the two he was expecting showed themselves on that doorstep. Leaving P3 immobilized as he witnessed Jimin's mother. There was something hauntingly vacant about her gaze as she entered the room, shutting the door behind her with an unsettling finality.

P3 felt a suffocating weight engulfing his entire body, as memories more haunting than any nightmare began to assail his mind.

Each echoing footstep in her approach sent shivers down his spine, and as she drew nearer, standing right by his side, P3 remained paralyzed, unable to break free from the grip of those haunting memories that awaken so violently inside him, by just finding himself in her presence so unexpectedly. 

However, as he felt her hand resting on his shoulder, his skin crawled at the contact and he instantly flinched, the memory of Jimin's own flesh reacting on its own against a familiar touch that used to be loving and safe yet it had scared his essence with a soft touch like this one.

As P3 abruptly stood up and the chair he was occupying came in contact with the floor, he turned to face her expressionless face. His entire being became primed with acute awareness, upon facing those eyes and without a moment's hesitation, he found himself locking his fingers around her throat in a chokehold.

The intensity of his grip and the unmistakable loathing burning in his eyes only seemed to amuse Mrs. Park, as a sinister smirk twisted her lips.

"Long time no see, my son." she finally uttered, her voice like an icy blade slicing through the tense atmosphere, that marked this moment in P3's mind as the start of a battlefield.

A war that he was not completely prepared for yet and had come to find him prior to what he had imagined but it was a war he planned to give his all to simply because he knew that if he would hesitate even a breathes time, he could lose it all. 

Jimin could lose it all.

---To be continued...

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