His Abused Mute Luna

By _cassyleporati_

1M 29.5K 3.9K

Nineteen-year-old Angelica Winter is a human girl. She has little knowledge of life outside of her mother's t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Eighteen

29.8K 782 171
By _cassyleporati_

"Don't worry, we'll protect you if anything happens, but nothing will happen. Whitney's just paranoid," she reassured, clicking play on the movie and digging into the bowl full of multiple different candies.

I could hardly breathe because I ate too much too quickly. It was all so good and I couldn't believe I never had the luxury of eating them.

Who knew life could be so good?

"I don't watch horror movies cause they have to get their ideas from somewhere, so they're either: one, based on true events, or two, there are people out there psycho enough to have these disturbing ideas going through their heads. Either way, I don't feel safe," she defended, taking another bite out of the chocolate bar in her hands, "who watches these for enjoyment anyway? Why would anyone want to be scared? Our lives are scary enough."

Gabbie shot her a look as I watched the two girls on the television do what we were doing. They were having a sleepover and also watching something disturbing. The paralleled situation intrigued me and I blocked out Gabbie and Whitney's conversation, gluing my full attention on the movie.

One of the girls were freaked out while the other was brushing it off, until the phone abruptly rang, making both girls become spooked.

Suddenly, a loud ringing came from reality and I jumped, whipping my head to look over. I saw someone's phone ringing on the nightstand.

"Nope! Nu-uh! Fuck this, fuck that, fuck off, and fuck y'all. I'm not playing these games with you guys! You know I hate this!" Whitney yelled, jumping off the bed and Gabbie grabbed her arm, yanking her back down.

"I'm not playing!" She panicked, averting her gaze to me, "are you doing this?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "how would I?"

"Oh, right," she mumbled, screaming alongside Whitney when someone knocked on the door. I watched them hug each other tightly, fear filling their expressions, and I frowned.

Standing up, I walked over to the door and opened it, my frown deepening when I didn't see anyone standing outside.

"Angel, shut the door!" Whitney shrieked, both of them trembling violently against each other, so I closed the door and walked back over.

Her phone rang again and they screamed, squeezing each other until their bodies turned pale. I sat on the edge of the bed, not understanding why nothing is scaring them. It's just a phone and nobody's outside the door, why are they freaking out? There's nothing around to be afraid of.

More knocks thudded against the door right after the phone stopped ringing and they shoved their heads into each other's shoulders. I slid off the bed and went back over to the door, opening it anticipating the hallway to be empty just like before.


In my moment of unthought, panicked horror upon seeing someone standing there, I threw my arm and let out a tiny squeak in surprise.

"Oh my god!" I heard Whitney wail, snapping me back from my frozen state of terror to see Blaine holding his face, aggressively mumbling incoherent words to himself.

"You just punched him in the face!" Gabbie came up from behind me, no longer scared but instead laughing hysterically, "oh my god, you're amazing! I guess it really is your instinct to protect us, human or not!"

Protect? He wasn't even doing anything.

I felt myself stiffen when I saw blood leaking through his fingers, their previous fear transferring to me.

"What the hell," he groaned, keeping his hand over his nose with another grunt, "what did I do?"

"I am so sorry," I exhaled, struggling to keep my tears at bay while taking a step back with full expectation he was going to hit me in return.

"It's not a problem at all, Luna, don't worry about it. I'm great," he forced a smile and moved his hand, showing that the blood stopped and Whitney wrapped her arms around him, clinging to his side and rubbing his arm comfortingly.

"Why are you back so early anyway? And where's Axel?" Gabbie was now calmed down and looking behind him, her eyebrows scrunching after seeing he's the only one in the hall.

"That's actually why I'm here," he paused, his words tearing my heart into shreds.

What happened to Axel?

What did Jade do?

"Where is he, Blaine?" She asked firmly and her features darkened.

"We were sort of... um, ambushed, and I got out," he admitted, making her growl and punch the doorframe. I flinched at the loud sound, taking a cautious step back from her.

"That's such bullshit! Axel alone can easily take out those good for nothing hunters, but with you and Danny? He's holding back! Why the fuck is he doing that? Why the hell isn't he—" she abruptly stopped when she saw him look at me, her anger fading as if she just realized I was still standing here.

"For her."

Axel's in trouble because of me?

My throat began to swell and I felt a familiar burning in my chest, heat slowly filling my body and my bashfulness began sizzling into nothing the more it grew.

"Take me to him," I demanded, more fire flowing through me that I wasn't able to control.

He widened his eyes and shook his head, "he'd kill me if I ever took you anywhere near them."

"This is my fault. I have to help, she'll take me over him," I frowned, my panic and frustration levels raising, but Gabbie put a hand on my shoulder.

"He doesn't need help, Angel, I was just kind of irate that he let them have the upper hand because that means I can't have fun. We won't put your life in danger. If he can't, or won't, take care of the problem, he'll find a way out of it and think of a solution. I promise you, he's going to be fine," she flashed a smile of reassurance, shaking my shoulder a bit to lighten the mood, "there's a reason he's our Alpha. There's high requirements one has to meet in order to fulfill the position, and the wolf who does the best in those courses takes the role. Nine times out of ten, the Alpha and Luna's child does, which is why most packs canceled the trials and just passed on the title to their firstborn."

I nodded slowly, her confidence assuring me a bit so I feigned a smile at her. My negative feelings were still off the wall but I pushed them down and forced myself to trust her words.

"What were you guys doing anyway? I heard you two nincompoops scream," he said, glancing at his mate when she moved away from him and entered the room.

"We were watching a horror movie," Gabbie answered, stepping aside and allowing him to walk in just as Whitney walked out of the bathroom with her shirt off.

I widened my eyes, looking around the room and at everyone else to see they were calm and not at all embarrassed like I was. Gabbie remained neutral and Blaine was openly gawking her.

Is this normal?

"I know how Gabbie is with her towels, so just use this," she handed him her now dripping wet shirt, averting her eyes to me and frowning, "are you okay?"

"Uh... now that I r-remember, how do you use that?" I awkwardly pointed at the triangular fabric over her very full breasts. The sight jolted slight envy through me.

She furrowed her eyebrows before realizing, "oh! You mean a bra? Girl, I'm so sorry, let's get you up to date with your body!" She looked at Gabbie who was at her dresser, throwing a new shirt that she caught and slid on.

"You guys do that, I have to go with this dumbass," she groaned with an eye roll, shooting him a look that he returned, "sometimes I hate being an Alpha's sister. I have to cover for his ass whenever he's gone because Blaine panics by himself," she muttered, earning an elbow to the side.

She glared and did it back, making him hunch over with a loud grunt and Whitney giggled next me, however, I felt myself wanting to drop to the floor before they turned on me next.

"Agh... shit, woman, you hit like a man," he groaned, clenching Whitney's now bloodied shirt and standing back up. He flinched, a squeak leaving his mouth as she pretended to throw another hit that made me flinch.

"And sometimes, I love being an Alpha's sister," she laughed, turning and pulling me into an unexpected hug without even realizing, "it was amazing to hang with you! I never expected you to be so brave! Definitely Luna material!"

She pulled back and moved onto Whitney, embracing her in a hug before pulling away and stepping aside to give Blaine access to her.

He scooped her up and spun her around, grinning at her giggles then setting her down. She pushed herself on her tiptoes as soon as her feet hit the floor, grabbing his jaw and connecting their lips.

"I'll be back for you, baby," he whispered against her lips and I looked at Gabbie, seeing her roll her eyes and shake her head at me.

"Mates," she muttered, "I'm so glad you and Axel aren't this mushy," she added, returning her attention to the couple who were now quite deeply smacking their lips against each other's, "yet," she grumbled.

"Okay, you two, not in my room!" She cleared her throat, breaking them apart forcefully and shoving Blaine toward the doorway, "I'll see you guys later!"

With that, they entered the hall and left our line of sight.

"She's just mad she has yet to find her mate and she's already twenty. She's really afraid she will end up like Axel, if not worse," Whitney said, a frown finding her lips, "I sometimes wonder if that family is cursed," she whispered to herself, making me want to question but she smiled and signaled out the door with her head.

"Anyways, let's go show you a thing or two about bras."


"These are what you hook it to," she showed the metal hooks and loops on the strap, "how about I show you outside of the shirt, and you can try it by yourself in the bathroom?"

I nodded, turning my back to her as she slipped the straps over my arms and clipped it in seconds.

"Just like that, then you can adjust it anyway you need if you don't want to keep taking it off. I will tell you, it's easier to have help. Just ask Axel and I'm sure he'll do it," she smiled, unhooking it and I took it off.

"I'll try," I agreed, taking the fabric into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

I took the shirt off and slid the bra on, reaching back to clip it but couldn't. I felt myself getting frustrated so I took it off and analyzed it, wrapping it around myself backwards so I could see the clips, then I spun it around and slid my arms through the straps.

I looked in the mirror and grinned, opening the door and watching Whitney whip her head up from looking through the bags of clothes.

"You did it! You caught on a lot faster than I did, that's for sure," she laughed, pulling out clothes and waving them at me, "next step, get dressed!"

I walked up to her and examined the outfit, "I was already dressed."

She smiled, shaking her head, "it's okay to wear Axel's clothes, but you also should wear your own, especially for formal events. Luckily, you don't have to worry about that right now."

She handed me the clothes, "go try these on and we'll see how they look, if you don't like them we can try something else," she added, looking down at the bag in thought as I went back into the bathroom.

I changed into the outfit she chose then looked it over in the mirror. The bottoms were gray skin-tight, smooth shorts and the top was black, skin-tight, and sleeveless with merely thin straps over my shoulders.

I smiled at my reflection, turning to the side to see the bra Whitney helped me with made it seem like I actually had breasts, and regardless of the fact the shorts emphasized my flat behind, I liked it.

"Angel! Gabbie just told me Axel's back!"

After hearing her words, I felt butterflies swarm my stomach and I ripped open the door. She saw my smile and smiled back, hooking our arms and pulling me along.

I excitedly kept up, glancing at her with a quiet laugh which she shared, quickening her pace as if to challenge my speed. I remained by her side, quickening my pace that seemed to take her by surprise.

I like having friends.

We entered the mansion we were just in not that long ago and stopped running, noticing everyone around looked at us with wide eyes at our frantic movements.

"Danny!" She yelled, causing a male with jet-black hair to snap his head over and spin around upon hearing what I'm assuming is his name.

"Whitney!" He yelled back in the same tone.

"Is Axel in his office?" She asked, her voice lowering each step he took toward us and I took in his appearance.

He didn't look like he was just in trouble. If anything, he looked just as calm and relaxed as everyone else here.

Why did Blaine say they were?

"Yeah, he's with Gabbie and Blaine," he paused, his eyes drifting to me, "and who's your new friend?"

"Angelica, our Luna," she replied. His eyebrows shot up in surprise and he bowed his head, a small smile taking place on his lips when he looked back up at me.

"It's awesome to finally see the girl he's been so dedicated to. You're all he talked about out there. I'd say you have him wrapped around your finger already. Everything he does is with the intention of pleasing you, you know," his smile turned into a grin, "it's so weird to see his change of heart, but I totally get it based on how hot you are. I hope to see you around, Luna."

The nicknames made me look down and Whitney moved closer to me, "thanks, but she's eager to see him so we should go," with that, she didn't wait for a response before pulling me along once more.

I felt nervous the more we walked, not remembering where the room was yet the feeling in my gut informed me it was close. I don't know why I am so anxious and I don't like it.

She pushed open a door and we entered a familiar room without any warning, causing everyone in it to stop and look at us. This made every one of my muscles tighten, nausea swirling inside me under their gazes. It felt as if they were only staring at me—that they were judging me.

"Tell them to stop," I whispered, clinging onto Whitney with my head hung low as I struggled to control my harsh breaths.

"What?" She asked, sounding shocked and confused. I glanced up, my body slowly beginning to shake, then I moved slightly behind her.

Axel, Gabbie, and Blaine were in here, but so were three strange, horrific looking men with nasty scars.

"Everyone, leave! We can continue this later," Axel demanded, and not a second longer, everyone turned toward the door and brushed past Whitney to get to it.

Blaine was the last one out, sneakily stealing her from me as he slipped through the door, clicking it shut behind him and everyone else.

I ran over as soon as it did and jumped on his lap before he had the chance to stand, wrapping my arms around him by slipping them between his lower back and the chair. I then snuggled against him.

"Woah! I miss you too," he chuckled, returning my hug and I smiled to myself.

"Can you stay? I don't want you to go again," I leaned back to look at him and he nodded, cupping my face with his palm and kissing my forehead.

"I don't plan to," he replied, "but it's getting late, beautiful, and you need all the rest you can get. Let me take you back so you can get to bed, okay?"

"Okay," I agreed, climbing off him and extending my hand for him to take. He stood and accepted it, gently tugging me along after him.


"A-Axel," I stammered, blushing at the way his name sounded coming out of my mouth. The tingles it created in my tongue made me smile, my heart thudding fireworks throughout my lungs so that each breath felt extremely satisfying.

"Yes?" he asked in a breathless manner, a smile taking over his lips as he stared with an expression foreign to me, although I've seen it before. It wasn't bad because every time I saw it, my chest felt lighter.

"Can you stay and hold me while I sleep?" I questioned with a little more confidence, moving the blankets and tapping the empty side of the bed next to me. He appeared skeptical almost instantly upon hearing my request.

"I struggle staying asleep by myself because I forget I'm not with her anymore," I whispered, fear making the hairs on my arm stand straight up and the thought of what she could possibly do to punish me for escaping brought tears to my eyes.

I'm scared.

"You know you're safe here, right?" He pulled me onto his lap and I held his hand over my legs, fiddling with it out of anxiousness then nodding slowly and lifting my gaze to meet his.

"I won't let her get to you, Angel, no matter what. I know it scares you not knowing, but you're safe," he promised, flipping his hand around so he was now holding mine and caressing the back of it, "do you trust me?"

I analyzed his eyes, the look of sincerity behind them gave me my answer.

He already means so much to me...

My free hand lifted to his jaw and I gently pulled his face down, closing off the little space we had between us. I closed my eyes when I felt the warmth of his lips lightly meet mine, making my heart melt into my stomach.

My brain hazed at that moment and I wasn't sure what to do next. The heat that washed through me desired for more, but the intensity of the tingles seemed to have short-circuited my mind. I wasn't able to think clearly enough to figure out what compelled me into this, however, the way it tickled my insides had me elated.

I felt his hold over my hand tighten and he leaned closer, applying a bit more pressure that made the feelings a thousand times worse.

We remained close as I slowly trailed my fingers down his jaw, past his neck, then stopped over his chest to feel if his heart was beating as fast as mine. It wasn't, but it was still rapid, making me claw at the thin shirt over his chest.

My entire body felt strange, nearly numb, to the point I almost didn't notice the light contact of his lips disappear until I felt his forehead against mine. The tips of our noses grazed and he brought his hand to my cheek, causing me to open my eyes and stare into his.

Neither of us spoke while we got lost in each other's eyes as if we were brainwashed, no emotion played on his features nor mine due to the paralysis we seemed to share.

The feelings I received from the kiss were the best I've ever felt, and they were so good that my lips are still tingling.

Before I had time to process any thoughts, I tilted my head up and closed my eyes at the exact time he leaned back in, reconnecting our lips and triggering the elated feelings to explode within me just as it did the first time.

Why do I like him so much already?

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