Trust Is Fragile | Rayla X OC...

By Althhy

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A young 16-year-old girl with a great talent with a bow is rejected by the people she grew up with. "Outcast... More

Chapter 1: Where Did The Time Go?
Chapter 2: It Begins
Chapter 3: Bloodthirsty Monsters
Chapter 4: Boat Rides
Tape Recordings & Journal Entrys
Chapter 5: Handshakes With The Grim Reaper
Chapter 6: Fading Away
Chapter 7: A Sliver Of Hope
Chapter 8: A Sliver Of Hope PT2
Chapter 9: The Cursed Caldera
Chapter 10: Monsters
Chapter 11: A Miracle
Chapter 12: Remember Memories
Chapter 13: Secrets In The Dark
Chapter 14: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 15: Illusions And Traps
Chapter 17: Bad Storms
Chapter 18: Small Talk
Chapter 19: Dark Magic
Chapter 20: Dreams
Chapter 21: Sol Regem
Chapter 22: Adoraburrs
Chapter 23: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 24: Sorry...
Chapter 25: Getting Zym Back
Chapter 26: Feelings
Chapter 27: The Storm Spire
What's a 'Halloween'?
Chapter 28: Bad News
Chapter 29: Good News

Chapter 16: Captain Villads

136 13 1
By Althhy

With a little bit of help, I managed to pull up the others. Everyone agreed it'd be nice to recover from what had just happened. Ezran went to check up on all the animals, all except Nyx. I held Nyx close to me as she had been shaking. This was one of those rare times when it was me comforting Nyx when it was usually the other way around. I ran my hand over her head, subtly rocking back and forth in a further attempt to stop her shaking.

"How's she doing?" A voice asks softly, I turn and see Rayla. She is giving the best smile she can, thought there is a glint of concern in her eyes. I look back down to Nyx to see her shaking has died down a bit, her heart rate was also noticeably slower. "She's doing good, gave her a good scare." I spoke and look up at the horizon. Rayla nodded and followed my gaze, despite how beautiful it was, I knew if I stared any longer Rayla might just end up puking. I got up and went over to where Callum and Ezran were, they were gathered around Phoe-Phoe.

"Phoe-Phoe is okay. She's just tired. She gets her power from the Moon Nexus. The further away we go, the harder it is to carry everyone." Ezran said, gently rubbing Phoe-Phoe's beak. "Wow, Ez, I can't believe you could understand all of that." Callum spoke. Ezran pressed his head to Phoe-Phoe's "You did such a good job getting us so far. Thank you." Phoe-Phoe lifted her head and turned to fly back to the Moon Nexus.

"So, what do we do now?" Ezran asked as Phoe-Phoe disappeared into the sky. "Well..." Rayla turned around towards the large stretch of water that seemed to go one forever. "Xadia's that way. Across miles and miles of the fluid I both need to survive and hate more than anything in the world." Rayla spoke, her shoulder's tensing up at the thought. "You know what? We'll just walk around it somehow. With our legs." Callum suggested. "No. That's sweet, but walking around is going to take too long." Rayla said, giving Callum a soft smile. "We need to get that former egg, now adorable baby dragon home to Xadia as fast as we can. We've got to go straight across." Rayla said, pushing away all of her fears. We glanced out at the large ocean, seemed there was just about nothing for miles.

I walked over to the side and managed to spot a village in the distance. "How about we try there?" I suggested, waving the others over. Callum looked at the village and saw multiple ships already docked along the water. "Maybe we can find a captain there." Callum said. Once we were all agreed, we made our way towards the village.

"Well, we need a boat. And a captain who knows how to make it go." Ezran explained. Callum nodded. "Right. Specifically, a captain who doesn't hate elves." Rayla scoffed. "That won't be a problem. I can disguise myself as a human again." She clapped her hands lightly before running over to Ez and pulling out the large black coat from inside his bag. She spun around with the coat on. "Hello, again, fellow humans, human fellows." She greeted, changing up her accent. "Oh, oh! You're going to love this, Zym. I'm a huge fan of human Rayla." Ezran said to Zym, Callum looked.. disappointed. I was personally going to enjoy this.

"Let's go judge and criticize things other humans do, and then do the exact same thing ourselves." Ezran laughed. "Do another." Rayla put her fists on her hips. "Sure thing, old buddy, old pal. I am excited to rapidly eat a plate of unwholesome food in an excessive portion size." She put her arms out for exaggeration. Ezran laughed again. "She's right! I'd eat a jelly tart the size of a dog." Zym yipped excitedly while Rayla continued. "Won't it be great to encounter other humans, and talk about which roads and pathways will take us somewhere slightly faster than other roads and pathways?" I shook my head, letting out a small laugh. "It is so true." Ezran commented wiping away a tear. "We do love going slightly faster." Callum finally got fed up and stop up. "Hey, sometimes getting somewhere slightly faster is important. Like, right now. The three of us will go find a sea captain." Callum said, pulling me and Ezran up form the ground. "You stay here and work on growing a fifth finger." Rayla stood up and lightly punched Callum's shoulder. "You've got it, my smooth-skulled friend." She spoke in a very cheerful voice. Callum rolled his eyes and dragged Ezran away, I simply followed them.

Callum had suggested we split up to find the perfect captain. He went with Ezran and I went with Nyx. I walked along the small path before walking up to someone who looked to be the captain of a ship, or just dressed up like one for the fun of it. I tapped on the man's shoulder and he spun around, he had a large toothy grin on his face. I was quick to notice a tattoo on his neck that was very clearly an elf with a sword pushed through its head. Shit.

"Helloo! How may I help you, missy?" He asked. Now was where I had to come up with an excuse, because I obviously couldn't just say 'Do you mind bringing me, my friends, a glow toad, the future king of the dragons, and an elf to Xadia?' Rayla would end up being hunted. "Uh, do you know which way the shops are?" I forced out a laugh, and the man quickly pointed towards the large buildings that had people walking in and out of it. "Right over there." He smiled, I nodded and walked away in the complete opposite direction to which he pointed to.

I found the others walking towards a large ship, I ran to catch up with them. "What's going on?" I asked with a huff, trying to catch my breath. Ezran turned towards me with a big smile. "We found the perfect captain!" He exclaimed happily. Rayla pulled her hood further over her head. "Uh, don't worry, that's not going to be a problem with this guy." Rayla raised her brow. "What, is he some kind of enlightened human who can really see the good in elves?" She asked. Callum put a finger to his chin "Hmm. I don't think he can see the good in anyone, really. But that's part of what makes him so uniquely qualified." Callum turned towards a red-headed man who hand his hands on his hips, he was staring out into the ocean with a parrot sitting on his shoulder. "We're back!" Callum said happily. The man slowly turned his head dipped towards the ground as he held onto the tip of his hat. He had one eyepatch on, when he fully turned towards us, there was a long scar on where his other eye would be. He had two eyepatch which left him completely blind. I felt somewhat disappointed and worried.

"Greetings!" He called out to us. "The name's Captain Villads. The "D" is silent" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"There's a "D"?" Rayla asked.


"Wait, there's a silent "R"?"


"Oh, okay, so it's just the "D" then."


"Ah, so there's a-"

Callum cleared his throat, interrupting what Rayla was going to say. I lowered my head and pinched my nose, now I was more disappointed rather than worried.

Sorry if there is anything wrong with the chapter, I had to right a good 75% of it on my phone. It was a terrible experience that I don't recommend. (Also sorry that its shorter-)

{-} 1322 Words {-}

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