The Boss and The Burlesque: E...

By bflooo3

30.9K 1.1K 658

After many attempts, The Notorious Mafia Boss has finally won the heart of the Burlesque dancer he so despera... More

You're the BOSS
The Office.
The Gala
Set up.
My Love.
Get back.
Pretty Dancer.
Truth comes out.
Take me back.
To that Night.
You are MINE.
La Fama.
Fall out
Fall Out pt 2
After Math.
Love and War.
The Finale.
The Blonde is the Boss
Bonus Chapter.
Bonus Chapter 2: Lily
Authors Note

Broken Heart.

641 27 29
By bflooo3

"What do you mean the Boss hasn't been seen ?" Minho shouted through the phone, It's been 5 hours since Hyunjin was last seen leaving the building with crystal on camera.

Chan, Changbin and Minho plus Han and Kassy were at the club scrambling for answers as not one but both their friends were now missing.

"Ok call me when you get information" Minho shouted in the phone, he hung up and began rubbing his head in stress. "I don't understand why he didn't call us ?" Chan asked.
The group of five sat there in disbelief, completely lost. "It's not a coincidence that all this pops off and then crystal returns, she HAS to be involved some how" Han stated, to which the group nodded.
Kassy was deep in thought, "ok let's look at the clues, what was Lixie like the day he disappeared, was there anything he did differently, what was his mood like ?" Changbin exclaimed.
"He was just really sad because of Hyunjin" Han replied. Kassy was thinking back to the events of that day, "well only strange thing was he was really persistent about some heels he forgot in my car" Kassy mentioned. Han was confused about this "which heels were they ?"
Kassy thought for a second, "oh those clear ones with the rhinestones that are falling off"
Han thought for a second, Minho noticing "what's up hannie ?" He asked his husband.
"Well I don't know .. those aren't heels he really cared about so why be so persistent on having them and then after he got them he stayed in his office for a while and after that he was seen leaving"

Chan got up immediately "all this over some heels ?"
Kassy sat there and it the answer hit her like a truck "unless there's something significant in those heels"


Hyunjin was blindfolded in the back seat of a car that was leading him to where the blonde was being held captive. His weapons were discarded and he was handcuffed, he didn't care about fighting. All he wanted right now was to make sure his baby was safe. "We're here" he heard a man say, Hyunjin was immediately pulled out of the car and into a building where the temperature dropped, it must be a cellar or some sort of basement as he can hear the echoes.

He was guided into a room and sat down on a chair, his blindfold coming off as his eyes were met with a room, it was empty except for a bed and a light hanging from the ceiling that was flickering.
He sat there for a couple seconds before he heard the door open, revealing crystal "Make yourself comfortable Mr. Hwang you'll be here for a while"
she said as she immediately closed the door and went upstairs.

Felix was in the locker room of the building, "oh hi lixie .." Crystal said as she made her way over to him,
"Hi crystal .. what's going on ?" he asked as he put some stuff away.
"You got that divorce with Hyunjin right ?" She asked to which the blonde nodded immediately "Yup the first day I came here, it was long overdue" he stated. She looked at him up and down .. "Well in that case, may I have your blessing ?" She asked.
Felix was in his locker when he heard these words, his blood stopping and his heart pumping faster "my blessing for what .. crystal ?" He asked nonchalantly.

"To marry him of course, you see you're divorced now and you don't love him .. so I figured why not ?" She replied with a snarky tone.
Felix wanted to stab her in the throat but he had to keep his composure, he quickly turned around "sure crystal .. besides he needs someone who's obedient like a Dog" he smiled as he pushed past her to leave.

At the Club,

"Ok here's the heel but I'm not seeing anything that isn't painfully obvious" Minho mentioned.
Everyone was in the office of the blonde searching and trying to find a clue. Kassy was still adamant about looking at the heel, she felt it was too particular to not be important. She examined the heel once more and placed it on the table, when she noticed that one heel was uneven and it really peaked her interest.

She turned that specific heel upside down and examined and that's when she saw it "you guys look at this !" The boys all ran over to her "what is it ?" Chan asked curiously. She had to fiddle with it a bit before it finally came out, "It's a flash drive" she exclaimed, the men were all around the table intrigued. "Someone get me a laptop"

The 5 gathered around the lap top and took in all the information "oh my god" they said in sync.
"I can't believe it .. he.. he is the New mafia leader" Minho exclaimed

"It's him, it's .."

"San I need to talk to you !" Felix said urgently, the news of crystal marrying the man sent him over the edge and he needed to get one thing clear.
"Yes lixie .. what's the issue" the man smiled.

Felix immediately replying "what is crystal talking about ? That she's marrying Hyunjin ?" He asked firmly. San chuckled "well I gave her my blessing .. crystals been like a daughter to me and I want to see her with a good man" he replied.
Felix face twisted in anger at his response, "That wasn't the plan though ... the plan was to kill him and take over -" Felix was instantly cut off by the man, "Baby .. this is business we're talking about here, when in business you have to make offers to get what you want, look Crystal can marry Hyunjin and she automatically gets full control of everything he has, plus if they bring children into the world .. that's even better" he exclaimed.

Felix's heart broke at the word "children" that's all him and Hyunjin have wanted, and now he is going to marry another woman and have biological children with her.. "and think about it like this Lixie ., they get married and maybe you and I can .. start something beautiful" he whispered.
This sent the nastiest set of chills down the boys back, he'd rather jump off a building then be involved with the said man.

Felix pulled back quickly "I'm trusting you that this will work .. alright." as he left the room abruptly.

Hyunjin was in the basement, he was just beat by a couple of mafia members, this pain was nothing to the pain his heart is feeling. Bruises and Cuts can heal over time but this feeling right here will haunt him the rest of his life. He sat there with nothing but his thoughts.. hoping and praying that the blonde is okay.. tears formed in his eyes as he thought of all the suffering he must have gone through. His thoughts were pulled out as he heard the door unlock, it was none other then the girl herself. "Hi my future husband .. how are you holding up ?" She asked as she smiled at him.
He didn't glance at her for a second, his head held low. "Baby .. don't need to frown .. lix will be here soon.. I have to handle something but I'll be back later, so be ready" she said with a wink.
It didn't take a genius to understand what she meant hence why there was a bed in there, she was soon about to leave before she stopped in her tracks.
"Oh that reminds me" she turned back to him and grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.
Hyunjin was trying hard to resist but he couldn't do much as he was tied up, she pulled out of the kiss licking her lips "See you later hon" as she skipped out the door.

Crystal ran up the stairs as she was going to go to the club, she needed to tie up some loose ends.
"So how was it Crystal ?" The boy asked.
"He's alright but consummating the marriage tonight is going to have me not walking for a week I can tell" she laughed as she walked down the hallway with the boy.
Felix was standing behind a wall when he heard her and his blood was boiling and his body was shaking.
He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello ?"

"Hannie its lix"

Omg Lix ! It's you ! Are you okay ! Are you hurt ! Where are you !"

Hannie I don't have a lot of time .. I'm sending you instructions! Please follow them !"

He hung up the phone and waited till the coast was clear before he headed to the basement, Hyunjin had tears rolling down his face, he didn't care about anything at this point.. whether he lived or died, he was lost and he knows the heavens don't listen to people like him but he hopes they're listening to his heart and they hear how broken it is.

Felix peeked through the door and could hear the man sniffling and crying, he looked terrible.
"Pst pst"
Hyunjin looked up to see the one his heart has been dying to see "F-Felix ?" He asked completely shocked, his husband no longer was a blonde, he had jet black hair.
Felix rushed in and locked the door, "Oh darling .. are you alright ?"he asked as he kneeled down to his husband. "L-lix ?" Hyunjin managed to say.
"Oh my husband what did they do to you ?" He exclaimed as he saw the cuts and bruises.
Hyunjin shook his head, tears falling from his cheeks "my baby ... are you alright ? Did they hurt you ?" Hyunjin blurted out. Felix knew this was going to be hard but he had to explain .. "Hyunjin .. I need to tell you something" Felix told him which the man immediately listened.
Felix knew he had to make this quick "I have a plan but you have to trust me" he said, hoping that in his heart, Hyunjin one day will forgive him for what he's about to do.
"So please remember one word ; Esperanza" Felix whispered as he held his husbands hands.

"I trust you my love ..." Hyunjin whispered as he kissed the boy on his lips.

Felix looked at the man up and down
"what is it ?" Hyunjin asked concerned. The boy just chuckled "if this all works out .. how about you use these ropes on me ?" He smiled at the man who gave him a smirk. "You are so shameless my Doll"
Felix just chuckled "shameless only for you husband"

"Well isn't this sweet ..."

The two lovers immediately looked up, to see San standing in the door way. "Congratulations Lixie you have tricked me.. you really are a siren"
Hyunjin was shocked to see San standing there as he wasn't aware of the truth.
"San ..?" Hyunjin asked. The man turned around and laughed "surprised Mr. Hwang ?"

"That's why you were so persistent on me taking over the club .. ?"

"Yes, you see I once was a good man .. I was honest and respectable. Till one day I realized being a good man didn't get you money or respect, so I went and found it."

"Is Hongjoong involved too ?" Hyunjin asked.

San shook his head immediately "No .. poor joong, I met him after Lily died and he was so broken and weak .... And vulnerable. He was a good friend but I had other motives"

"I stayed by his side all these years hoping he'd give up the club and I can own it .. what a perfect way to run a whore house, other then a burlesque club ?
You see Mr.Hwang I urged you to buy it because I knew you would join me in my plan, I expected us to both to come together and become an ever bigger group but .. what I did not expect, was you falling in love"

"With a Burlesque Dancer ..."

"If I give you the club ... will you leave us alone ?" Felix sighed.. knowing that this decision would break his heart, San chuckled "that's very noble of you lixie ... but no, I don't need it anymore, you see .. I'm after something bigger and greater. I deal with weapons, drugs and human trafficking... I need to be on top of the mafia game to do that."

"So I need to take out my competition which happens to be your husband"

a second later, a man came in "Boss.. we've just been raided, they're having a shoot out, upstairs we need to take you and Lix out of here"

San just laughed "I'll be right back gentlemen"

"Stay with them .. and make sure no funny business goes on" he said sternly as he left to go upstairs.

"Let me go Lix ..." Felix who was sitting on the floor next to the man's chair looked up astonished, "w-what ?"
Hyunjin took a deep breath, "I said let me g-go"
Felix turned to him immediately "Hyunjin no .. look no matter what happens, we can make it out together" Felix said sternly.
Hyunjin shook his head "Lix listen to me ... I owe it to you as a husband, to our friends .. as a friend and to my team, as their boss. To not let anything happen to you guys."
"He wants me out of the picture .. once I am, everyone will be safe, you don't have to look over your shoulder anymore and our friends can live a peaceful life.. I am the reason you all got wrapped into this in the first place and if anyone should go out .. it should be me"
Felix had tears brimming his eyes, "Jinnie .. no .. I knew what it was when I fell in love with you, but I didn't see a mafia boss .. I saw Hwang Hyunjin, the man who treats his husband like royalty and who's loyal to his friends, who's kind to strangers and protects the innocent. That's who I married.."

"Lixie .. I can't lose you again .. I need to be the one to go, if it comes down to it."

"Hyunjin why ?" Felix said with tears falling from his eyes.

"Because I know if I died, you'd be strong enough to heal and move on with your life but Darling, I could never live in a world without you."

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