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Felix and Han were at the club, getting prepared for the night. Felix was in his office paying the bills and going through the books, he knew Hyunjin was coming home today but he wasn't too sure of the time. So to keep his mind busy from everything, he just worked, he didn't want to jump to conclusions or assume because he knows he needs to work on trusting his husband. He had to remind himself Hyunjin wasn't his ex, he was his husband and he loved him. Felix was in the middle of typing when he got a text it was from Ms. Kim,

Lena Kim
Hi lixie, do you think you can meet me right now ? It's URGENT.

Felix was a little worried, what could be so urgent that Ms. Kim out of all people is texting him to meet ? He wouldn't really consider her a friend but an acquaintance he gets along with ? Without hesitation he texted back

Where ?

Felix began to get his things as he planned to meet with Lena, he didn't know the reason but he felt the urgency in her message. He really did want to stay for the show but Han was here and this seemed more important, he went downstairs as he saw the club filling up and the employees working, he was going to tell Han where he was going but he couldn't find him in that moment. So he just left.
He got into his car and decided to text his husband,

My love, I am on my way to meet Lena she said it's urgent. I won't be at the club but please meet me at home as I have a very romantic surprise for you.
I love you dearly, handsome. See you soon

Felix texted this message, his heart fluttering as he sent it. He was so eager to meet his husband and hug him and kiss him and just embrace every inch of him. These 3 weeks have been like torture. Felix put his phone down and texted Lena for the location As he drove off.

Hyunjin woke up from the plane ride as he heard his guards shift around him, "sir we're home" one guard said. Hyunjin needed time to adjust from his slumber, he soon realized what home meant and with that he got up excitedly and grabbed his stuff.
He was so happy to be home, traveling was fun and his job was cool but nothing beat home.
He got into the black SUV that was waiting for him, Minho got in after him. "Ready to go home sir ?" He asked as Hyunjin nodded with a smile.
Minho called Han earlier who told him that the two would be at club, "Hannie and Lix are at the club so I guess we will head there first" he suggested.

Hyunjin was so excited to see his husband, three long weeks without hugging and kissing and touching the blonde. He just knew the minute he saw him, he was going to kiss him endlessly and he knew the night would be very long for more romantic reasons.

Time Lapse

Hyunjin and Minho arrived to the club, it was packed like usual with all kinds of people, "I'm going to go look for Hannie boss, are you alright staying here ?" Minho asked. Hyunjin nodded "Go get your husband Minho" he smiled. He had to look for his own anyway, he browsed through the club but he didn't see him. He figured the blonde was in his office waiting for him so he quickly ran upstairs, he was like a child on candy. Running up the steps with a huge grin, his heart beating fast and his stomach having butterflies. He was a tough mafia boss to everyone but for his Honey, he was a young man in love with his heart on his sleeve and willing to bow down to the blonde at the drop of a hat. He never showed emotions to anyone or for anything but the blonde could have this man cry, laugh, love and shout like no other. He had this man wrapped around his finger, and the blonde didn't even realize it.

Hyunjin made it to the office but his husband surprisingly wasn't there, he wasn't sure where he was but he knew he was here. His tea was still full and the fire was still burning, he thought for a second and decided to call him from the landline, it rung a few times but no answer. He stood there for a second puzzled, maybe he went home.. his thought process was interrupted when he heard someone by the door.
"My lo-" he turned around to only be met by a dancer, "Oh I'm sorry Mr. Hwang, I didn't know you were in here" the dancer said.
Hyunjin smiled "oh excuse me I was just looking for my husband, I'm not too sure where he is. If you like I'll let him know you were here ... I'm sorry I didn't get your name" he asked.
The dancer approached "it's Crystal, Mr. Hwang" she went closer to him and bowed. He bowed back and smiled, the moment getting a little awkward "well .. I'm going to go look for him so if you don't mind" he said. He moved past the girl and headed downstairs where it was even more packed then it was when he arrived. He barely could make it through the crowd, he heard his name being called from a booth where his guards were sitting. "How is everything going Boss, no luck finding Lixie" one of his guards asked clearly already drunk out of his mind.
A Bartender walked up handing Hyunjin a drink, "here sir, a shot for good luck" the man said and Hyunjin figured "why not ?" He took the shot with his team and decided to just have fun while he waited for Felix to show up. He took a couple more shots "I'm going to get a water from the bar, I'll be right back" he shouted over the music. The guards were too wasted to even question why he was going by himself.
Hyunjin passed by the crowd who was cheering loud and can't contain themselves, he finally got to the bar and sat down asking for a water. He was dying of thirst at this point, he was sipping his water as he watched the crowd erupt with each performance.
He can't believe this is how he met his husband, a burlesque dancer who captivated his heart.

He suddenly felt the seat next to him become occupied, "No luck finding your husband sir ?" Crystal asked. Hyunjin shook his head "nope, no luck but I'm sure he'll turn up soon" he went back to sipping his water. Crystal's smile grew wider as she realized the blonde was no where in sight, finally she was somewhat alone with the man. The bartender came up and crystal signaled for two mixed drinks, the bartender quickly came back.
"Here you go Mr. Hwang, a drink" she exclaimed.
Hyunjin at first declined "I really can't.. I already feel kind of tipsy" he chuckled.
Her face turned sour immediately "oh but Mr. Hwang, this is the drink that was created for you and your husband! It's brand new on the menu" she said excitedly. Hyunjin thought about it for a second "well in that case" he reached for the drink, but crystal accidentally knocked over the cup of water.
"Oh I am so so sorry" she exclaimed, Hyunjin began to bend down and pick up the cup.

While Hyunjin was distracted, Crystal took her chance and slipped a pill into his drink. She watched with a smirk as it quickly dissolved in the mixed beverage. She had a plan and she was going to follow through with it, Hyunjin got back up "there we go, all cleaned up" he said.
she smiled "well cheers Mr. Hwang to your lovely marriage, may you and my boss have a long lasting love" she clinked his glass as they both drank their drink. She watched him take down the whole drink,
"Wow that's really strong" he said. She laughed "just like your love for him, well Mr. Hwang I have to do my rounds. I'll let you know if I find Felix"

Hyunjin started to feel dizzy but he figured it's because the drink was way too strong, he shouldn't have mixed alcohols like that. "Ugh my head" he thought as he put his head in his palms.

Time Lapse > 10 minutes <

Hyunjin was still at the bar, his head was spinning and he couldn't get a grasp on his vision. He was trying to stand up but couldn't, until he heard a voice. "Oh Mr. Hwang, your husband is here let me take you to him" he heard the voice say, he felt himself being taken to a place but he had no clue where, he could hear the music fading out, see shapes but he couldn't tell what they were.

He knew he was going down some stairs because he almost fell twice but he was caught by the unfamiliar figure. "I - Is my husband h-here" he said, his words slurring. "Yes I'll take you to him" the voice said.
he felt himself falling over but he was soon in front of a door and when that door opened he was immediately fell on to a bed, he couldn't see where he was. Not only was it dark but his vision couldn't make out what the space was, he just knew it was cold. "W-where is m-my husbanddd" he asked. His body felt weak and he tried to lift himself but he couldn't.
It was silent for a moment before the same voice began to speak, he felt a body sit on top of him.
"Mr. Hwang don't worry.. you're in good hands with me" the voice said seductively.
Hyunjin might not be able to see or move his body but he knew something was wrong "n-no get off me" he slurred. He began to shift his body but the lack of strength not helping him out. "Get t-the f-fuck off me, I'm m-married" he began to swing in the air but it wasn't aiming at anyone. All he could feel was someone kissing his neck "i w-will f-fucking kill you, get the f-fuck off me" he shouted.
The person didn't care, they continued. Hyunjin was on the verge of tears, he's dealt with almost getting kidnapped, shot at, chased down but none of that fear could compare to how he felt right now.
He knew in the back of his mind what was going to happen and the fact he couldn't defend himself made him feel weaker then ever. What would Felix think ? This is cheating. He's cheating on his husband

"F-Felix p-please" he said before he completely passed out. Seeing nothing but Darkness.

The Boss and The Burlesque: ENCORE Where stories live. Discover now