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It had been a couple days since the last time Hyunjin and Felix seen each other which drove them both crazy, they desperately wanted to be together but they couldn't. If they wanted to crack crystal to find out more, then this is what they had to do.

The club was in full swing tonight as the new promotion was set in motion, men were able to get private shows with the burlesque dancer of their choice, with a "look but can't touch" policy.
Hidden cameras were also installed to ensure the safety of the dancers and of course security.
Once people heard of this promo, they immediately flocked to it. Felix was still the boss and as the boss he had to be there, Hyunjin planned to come in as well as he technically was also still the boss.

Crystal who hadn't showed up in a couple days was also there, she walked in smug as she usually did.
She soon noticed the blonde and made her way to him, her face being malicious as she knew what she had caused. "Mr. Hwa- I mean Felix ... I wanted to apologize for what I have caused your marriage, I do hope you both can reconcile" she said, Felix knew her apology was as fake as she was.
"Don't worry, Crystal there's nothing to apologize for.. he showed me his loyalty is not to me" Felix smiled as he walked away. He wanted to turn around and slam her head against the table, but he refrained.

Hyunjin's plan was just to become exactly how he used to be, a boss who didn't give a dam about anyone or anything. He entered the club with his guards and sat at a booth where he'd usually sit.
Crystal who was in the dressing room getting ready, got wind of the man showing up and she just knew deep inside it was going to be fun. Yes Hyunjin was a very good looking man and she was attracted to him but a lot of her reasoning for doing this was to also spite the blonde. Her one sided beef with Felix was unprovoked but only she knew why she was doing it.

A dancer came in and rushed to his vanity "You guys won't believe it ! Mr. Hwang is here !" He shrieked.
The dancers knew all about the drama now, it didn't take long for everyone in the club to find out what happened. "I heard they're getting a divorce" one dancer said.
The word divorce sent a shiver down crystals spine and a smile across her face, she didn't expect him to actually do it but he did. "I guess you got your wish crystal.. he's a single man now" Kassy spat.
Crystal could tell this dancer didn't like her "Kass that wasn't my intention, clearly he's tired of him because he didn't hesitate to take me to the basement" she hissed.
Kassy knew her story was a lie and she doesn't doubt that Crystal told everyone a different story instead of the story where she drugged him.

Kassy laughed and shook her head , "you really are something" and then walked out. Crystal gave her an irritated look and went back to her business "it really was fucked up what you did ..Crystal" the boy said as he took off his jewelry. She rolled her eyes "Hyunjin owes Lix loyalty, not me and like I said, I only participated in an act he started. Maybe your precious Lixie doesn't have his heart like you all said he did" she snarled as she got up and went to get dressed.
Little did the dancers know there was mics in the dressing room, so Han, Felix and Minho could hear everything going on in the room. The comments crystal made had Felix visibly upset, tears brimmed his eyes.. not from sadness but from Frustration, his anger getting worse as he realized he couldn't do anything to her at the moment. His fists were balled up and his nails digging in to his palms to the point he drew blood. "Lixie .. if you need to take a break you can" Minho mentioned. As he can see the blonde becoming angry.

Felix shook his head and motioned them to proceed, his phone began to ring as he was watching the video and it was none other then Ms.Kim.

Hi Lena

"Lixie, I heard the news and I just wanted to say I'm so sorry ..."

"It's alright ... i can grow from this, i just need to keep my pride and move on"

"WHAT ?" the woman shouted over the phone.

Felix was taken back by her voice being raised, before he could get a word in, she continued to speak

"Lix I know you are NOT going to let that whore just take your husband like that !" She said

"And before you give me that crap of being "the bigger person" NO ! In this business we don't become the bigger person, we get EVEN. She snarled. To Felix she seemed more upset then he was

"But how do I do that ? She's young and .."

Lena scoffed over the phone as she began to raise her voice like a football coach.

"And ? You're not some old bat ! You are a Fine ass man ! Who attracts women and men and you have the most powerful man wrapped around your finger. Now please get your head out of the sand and act like it ! Take your man back.

Lena had no idea of the truth but Felix felt motivated he felt empowered, even though Crystal had no chance at taking his husband. In her head she already won. Felix doesn't know what happened to him, he used to be sassy and confident, he used to be just like... crystal. He stayed silent for a second before Ms. Kim started talking again.

"Lix, I know you have a good heart and a good head on your shoulders but sometimes in this world you need to be ... a BITCH. She thinks she won because she got your man in bed ? Show her that no one can make him crumble the way you do."

"How should I do it ?" He laughed a sinister laugh, finally regaining the power he needed. He needed to be just as devious. Like his old self.

Lena laughed "Well let's think ... get him back the way you got him"

"The way I got him ?" He thought to himself, like a lightbulb went off in his head, he got an idea.

Felix hung up the phone, Han immediately noticed "lix you alright ?" Felix could only smile "I'm more then alright, I have to go get ready" he exclaimed.
as he got some things from the office closet.
"Wait ! Ready for what ?" Han yelled, as the blonde ran towards the door to leave. "To dance !" Felix yelled happily as he ran to the dressing room.

The Boss and The Burlesque: ENCORE Where stories live. Discover now