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Long chapter ahead >>

Hyunjin was in his office, he just got done talking to his uncle about their next move, turns out the upcoming mafia that they didn't need to worry about was quickly rising. This naturally wouldn't be an issue, as all Hyunjin would have to do is infiltrate and take them down but the only problem is, the mafia has limited information. No one knows a thing about them or who the leader is, where they hide out, even their main objective is unknown.

Hyunjin was at an underground hide out of his as he went over classified information with his team. He began to grow worried not so much for himself but his husband, his friends and their lively hood.
"The only one we can assume is associated with that group is the young lady you told us about, other then that we have nothing" a guard said.
Hyunjin knew Crystal was the only way in to this upcoming group but no one has seen her in a couple months, she completely dropped off the face of the planet, it seems.
"I'll come up with something... for now just keep your eyes and ears open and your mouths shut" Hyunjin said sternly as all the men in the room nodded in agreement.

Felix was at the club, the renovations were almost done and he was just overlooking some final decisions. The stage was much bigger now, they installed new lighting and sound equipment, the bar was completely renovated and much more.
The blonde was in the middle of signing when he heard a dancer run up to him "Lix your car !", he immediately ran to the parking lot where his car was engulfed in flames. "Call the fire department NOW" he told a dancer who ran back inside to call.
Felix watched as the flames broke out, a black cloud forming above the club. He began to watch the fire as there was no saving his car at this point, he wasn't upset about the vehicle exactly because it was replaceable but the thought of someone knowing it was his car and setting it on fire, did send a chill down his spine.

The fire department came quickly and put out the fire within minutes, nothing but ash and soot covering the area. Felix couldn't physically move, he luckily didn't keep anything valuable in the car but something that shook him to the core was the baby clothes he bought just yesterday, still in their bag.
Anger began to rise in him as the thought of these people being so careless, whoever they were didn't know if he had a child or not but they must have saw the bag and still they proceeded to be evil.

Hyunjin was on his way to the club to speak to Felix when he saw the fire trucks and his heart stopped. He swerved and got out of his car, running past the people surrounding to look at the scene. He saw his husband standing there not in shock or scared but the look of anger on his face. He's never seen him make that face.
He ran up to him somewhat approaching with caution as he has never seen the blonde so angry.

"Darling are you alright ?" He asked hesitantly, the blonde not even flinching at his touch.
Felix let out a chuckle "Jokes on them .. I didn't even really like this car" he laughed.
Hyunjin was taken back by his nonchalance of the whole situation, "baby ... it's ok to be scared" Hyunjin assured him. Felix scoffed "I'm not scared Jinnie ..." he replied as he pushed past his husband and walked back into the club.
Hyunjin immediately following him, they both entered the office. Felix stood by the fireplace while Hyunjin stood back and watched him, "You know Darling ... Our babies clothes were in the back seat. When those assholes set it on fire" Felix hissed.

Hyunjin couldn't quite understand why that was such a big deal, they can always replace them but what the man didn't realize was the underlying meaning under it. Yes they did not have a child yet, but to Felix , seeing his future child's clothing engulfed in flames, burning to a crisp, made his blood boil.
To others it wouldn't seem too drastic but to Felix it was a threat, a threat to his future family and like a mother bear he was already so protective of it.
This is his family they're messing with and he wasn't going to stand back and let them hurt it.

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