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Felix was upstairs in one of the private bathrooms, he felt so alive. He hasn't performed in so long that he forgot how empowering it made him feel, how beautiful he felt when he danced to the music. Oh how he loved it.

His thoughts were immediately interrupted when he heard the door slam open, completely startling him as he looked to see his husband standing in the door way.  He did not look happy, Felix didn't say a word as the man quickly approached him.
"Do you want to tell me what the FUCK you think you were doing out there" he shouted.
The blonde immediately being shocked at the sudden tone in his voice, Hyunjin has never shouted  at him since they've been married so this was surprising. "HUH" he shouted as he slammed his fist into the glass behind the blonde, the glass breaking immediately. Felix couldn't find the words to say, "I was dancing" he said confidently.
Hyunjin eyes burning holes into the blondes skin, "Is that right and for who ? Because last time I fucking checked YOU are married." He gritted as his teeth clenched together.
Felix wasn't scared of the man, he knows he wouldn't hurt him but he never saw the mafia side of his husband. It truly was scary.

Most people would shiver in fear but Felix was turned on. He loved his husbands possessiveness, he liked how he could get him riled up and calmed down. Felix was playing a dangerous game but he couldn't lie and say he didn't like to play.
Felix smirked as he looked up at the man "I'm sorry Sir" Felix pouted as he gave his husband the most lustful eyes, wrapping his arms around his shoulders
Hyunjin knew what he was trying to do and this usually would turn him on but he really was upset.
When Felix noticed his demeanor not changing, he quickly let go.. "are you really mad at me ?" He asked. Hyunjin only giving him a cold look and not replying, Felix getting irritated as the man didn't answer him. "Fine I'm fucking leaving" he spat as he pushed passed the man to exit the room.
"You better not walk out that door Felix" Hyunjin hissed, Felix turning back to face him "or what ?" he hissed back.

Hyunjin gave him a smirk as he bit the inside of his cheek, "you'll see". Felix didn't take the threat serious and before he could even step foot outside, his arm was yanked back in the room and the door slammed shut and locked. Felix was pulled to a metal bar that was inside the bathroom, it was high up and most likely used to hang towels. Hyunjin using his long tie as bondage to tie the blonde up, it was all too quick for Felix to even process.
"H-hyunjin what are you doing ?" Felix asked nervously.
He saw Hyunjin wash his bloody hand off and wrap it in a couple of paper towels. Felix could see from his peripheral vision that the man was walking back towards him, the sound of his shoes getting louder with each step.

He could feel the man standing behind him, "Tsk Tsk.. how many times do I have to teach you a lesson" he questioned. The blonde was too stunned to speak, Hyunjin bent over to whisper in his ear "You like being a little slut and showing off what's mine to everyone huh ?" He hissed which sent shivers down Felix spine. Hyunjin running his hands down the blondes back as he made his way to the blondes panties, ripping the chains completely off.
"I just bought those" Felix thought to himself, Hyunjin looked at the blondes ass.. smirking to himself as he began to undo his belt.
"You really need to be taught a lesson, Lixie"
Felix couldn't see a thing "B-baby I'm sorry okay I - AHH" he screamed as he felt a huge smack.

Hyunjin pulling the belt back and whipping his behind once more, the blonde letting out screams and tears from both pleasure and pain. He did this a few more times till Felix's ass was completely red, the dancer had tears streaming down his face as the pain was unbearable. Hyunjin hearing the blonde beg for him to stop and so he did, "P-please D-daddy stop." The blonde sniffled. Hyunjin dropping the belt  on the floor and crouching down to see the blondes beautiful hole flare open. Felix was relieved that he stopped but what came next, he couldn't mentally prepare for. He felt the man's face in between him, licking every inch "don't worry my little dancer, I'm going to make you feel all better" Hyunjin spat as he dived back in to eating the blonde. Felix mouth immediately letting out the most lewd sounds as he could not even explain the feeling.
Hyunjin was licking and swirling his tongue, slightly grazing his teeth in the surrounding area. He massaged and rubbed the youngers milky thighs as he held on for balance. "Ugh s-shit b-baby" Felix couldn't contain the moans he let out and he couldn't even speak a single word. The pleasure rushing through his body like a river.

Crystal was up next to perform, she got dressed extra nice in her best outfit as she realized the man she's wanted for so long is waiting out there to see her.
Her hatred for the blonde only growing as she realized the "cheating" scheme wasn't getting to him.

She needed to work harder to win him over but if Lixie wanted to compete, she doesn't mind.
She was soon called up, her performance was going well as she danced sensually to a song.. earning cheers and shouts from the men in the crowd. Not as much as the blonde was able to get but still enough for people to know she was a crowd favorite. She made her way to the front of the stage as her main objective was to make eye contact with the man.
She strutted and twirled, looking for the man but to no avail, he was nowhere to be found.
She grew confused "where the hell is he" she thought as she almost tripped. She finished her performance, walking off not even bowing or acknowledging the crowd. She pushed her way until she got to the bathroom, looking at the mirror and immediately hitting it and hitting it. Shouting at the top of her lungs. Luckily the music was loud enough to drown out her yelling. She looked in the mirror and smiled "this isn't over bitch"

Felix was reaching his climax as the man continued to devour him, he was now fingering him which only added to the already unbearable pleasure. Hyunjin loved seeing his lover squirm and he loved tasting him, "such a good boy" Hyunjin whispered.
within a few seconds of pleasure Felix came all over the wall in front of him. His body went limp as the only thing holding him was his arms being tied above his head. Hyunjin immediately getting up and untying the blonde who fell straight into his arms.

"How was that Darling ?" He whispered as he kissed his lips, Felix nodded slowly "please can we d-do that again" he whispered. Hyunjin laughed "as long as you behave, I'll pleasure you any way you want"
Felix soon got a hold of himself and went towards the other sink without the broken mirror to wash his hands and clean up a bit. "Ugh I'm all sticky and baby you ripped my costume" he whined.
Hyunjin walking behind him slapping his ass hard, making the blonde jump "Baby stop ! You already left it all red" he hissed.
"Look in the mirror" Hyunjin instructed to which Felix looked up to see both their reflection.
"Your whole body belongs to me, do you understand" he whispered as his fingers slowly caressed the man's figure.
"Yes .. sir" Felix gasped.
Hyunjin looking up and smirking "Good"

Felix decided to just grab a towel from one of the racks and use it to run to his office, it was close enough and he had extra clothes in there.
Felix slowly stepping out of the restroom, trying not to attract attention. Hyunjin pinned him up to the wall "Remember, pull a stunt like that again and we'll see if you'll be able to dance again after I'm done with you" Hyunjin hissed as he looked dead serious.
Felix could only get smart "is that a threat, Sir ?"
Hyunjin raised his brow "it's not a threat darling .. it's a promise" he winked as he walked away and headed downstairs. Felix left with butterflies flying around in his stomach, he quickly snapped out of thoughts and ran to his office to change. He got in and noticed Han and Minho weren't there anymore "they probably left" he thought to himself as he grabbed some comfortable pants and a cropped sweater. At this point, he just wanted to relax.

After all that went down tonight he just wanted to sleep, "mhmm" he stretched his back as he sat on the couch overlooking the club. It has died down a lot since he performed, he could see his husband sitting with his guards just talking and no sign of really anyone else. He decided to go to the dressing room and clean up his vanity, he said hello to the regulars who would always come in. He opened the door to see the dressing room empty.. most dancers at this time would go home so it being empty wasn't alarming. He quickly sat down and began tossing everything in a bag, he for sure does not miss the getting unready part of performing.

He began to take off his makeup when he heard someone come in, "That was some stunt you pulled out there" Crystal hissed as she began making her way to the blonde, her face showing how bitter she was. Felix looked at her up and down and pretended to be confused "What stunt ?" He asked.
She scoffed "you know exactly what you're doing, trying to seduce him so he can take your sorry ass back". Felix gasped "Oh crystal... now this is a side of you that I did not expect" he chuckled.
He soon got up to throw trash away including the new outfit that hyunjin ripped off his body.

"Is there anything else I can help you with Crystal" he asked as he could sense her presence still in the room.

"May I give you a tip, Lixie.. if you really want to succeed at pleasing Hyunjin ... take advice from a real woman and not wear that outfit again" she snarled as a laugh was trying escape her mouth.

Felix smiled and turned swiftly, as he was ready to leave the dressing room, he walked right past her  "Thanks for the advice Crystal, but whenever I wear anything that doesn't please Hyunjin.. I simply take it off" he left without even looking back to give the girl a glance.

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