Truth comes out.

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It has been a few days now since Felix and Hyunjin seen each other, the two needed to keep up with the act of "separating" but it was very hard. They missed each other so much, there was many times the two just wanted to call it quits and stop whatever plan this was but they knew there was something bigger at stake. Whatever this upcoming mafia wanted, they clearly were willing to do anything to get it.

Hyunjin mainly would stay at the company and in his office, he refrained from going to the club because he didn't want to see Crystal. He hated pretending he was interested in her. He was in office right now going over some documents, when he heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" he shouted as his eyes were glued on the screen, he heard the sound of heels coming forward and that's when he saw the woman he's been trying so hard to avoid. "Hi Handsome" she said.
He couldn't believe it, "why is she here" is all he could think right now.

He looked up and smiled "Oh hi crystal" he said blandly. She could see he wasn't excited to see her as she was to see him... "I brought you a coffee, I didn't know how you liked it so I just got regular" she said as she placed it on his desk. He smiled "thank you but you really didn't have to"
The energy in the room was a little awkward, he worked and she just stood there. "I have a meeting in 5 minutes .. so if you excuse me" he grabbed the things he needed and as he did, she dropped the coat she was wearing. Exposing her nude body.

Hyunjin looked up and immediately shut his eyes "W-what are you d-doing" she quickly approached him and stood right in front of him "take me, I'm yours" she whispered. He continued to close his eyes thinking she'd magically just disappear, "I have to .. go" he rushed past her and walked out the door. He really did have to go to a meeting but now all he wanted to was get away from her as fast as possible.

He got into his own car and drove to Han and Minho's home where Felix was staying in the upstairs apartment for the time being. He didn't even park correctly as he got out and ran up the stairs to the blondes front door, knocking like no tomorrow. "Alright alright, I'm coming" Felix yelled as he made his way to the front door, making sure to look in the peep hole. He was actually surprised Hyunjin showed up "B-baby what are you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be at work ?" Felix questioned. Hyunjin hugged the blonde tighter then he's ever hugged him "I - can't - breathe" Felix gasped as the air was being squeezed out of him.
Hyunjin immediately let go "baby I can't do this anymore ! This whole plan thing ! I can't do it" he exclaimed. He began pacing back and forth as he grew frustrated. "Honey .. what happened ?" Felix asked as he guided him to the couch.

Hyunjin sat down with his head in his hands "she showed up to my work" he let out, Felix immediately knowing who "she showed up at your work ?" He gasped. Hyunjin nodded quickly "she brought me coffee and she dropped her coat and she wasn't wearing anything underneath" he shouted.
Felix blood became frozen as his heart stopped, his nails digging into his skin as he heard this.

It seemed like this whole plan was doing more harm then it was doing good for the two. "Baby I know we had a goal in the beginning but I CAN'T do this anymore, it's taking a strain on our marriage and I just don't want to do this ... I want you to come home" Hyunjin pleaded. The new home halted on its construction because the two supposedly we're getting a "divorce". Felix agreed, he was tired of keeping up with this lie and seeing how desperate crystal was, made him even more annoyed.

"Well let's go tell Han and Minho .. there's got to be another way to infiltrate them without us hurting each other." Hyunjin looked at Felix up and down and noticed the boy was only wearing a robe "are you not wearing anything under ?" Hyunjin asked.
Felix could only reply "Um yeah .. I just got out of the shower" wondering why the man asked such an obvious question when his hair is clearly wet.

Hyunjin began to pout "baby can I see your beautiful body" he pleaded. Felix looked at him and rolled his eyes "babe.. I have to call Minho and Hannie.
Hyunjin got on his knees "please, I promise I'll just look, I need to cleanse my eyes" he begged.
Felix rolled his eyes yet again "ugh fine, but just looking". The blonde swiftly took off the robe as he sat in the man's lap, the man just wanting to feel his husband and look at his beautiful figure.

Felix began to call Hannie, who answered on the first ring. "Hannie, thank the lord you answered, look me and Hyunjin were thinking ... we can't do the plan anymore. And before you say "why ?" Just know that's it's really making it hard for our marriage and I'm just tired of faking it" he finished in one full sentence.

Hannie was letting out lewd moans over the phone "a-alright lixie ... just - come - by in 2-20 minutes"
Felix was appalled as he looked at Hyunjin who was bursting out in laughter. Felix said "ok" and quickly hung up. "We're they - ?" Felix questioned.
Hyunjin couldn't stop laughing "yes my love"

Time Lapse

Hyunjin and Felix were now downstairs in the apartment of their best friends, "so tell me again why you both are standing ?" Han questioned.
Felix looked at his husband "well, we just don't want to mess up your furniture" Felix spat.
Minho rolled his eyes "if you're worried about THAT don't be, we have a bedroom for a reason. Not like you two animals who do it everywhere" he said with a sassy tone.
"Yeah like the empty conference room at the Kim Building" Han spat.
"And don't forget in front of Jay and his friends" Minho chuckled.

Felix and Hyunjin looking at each other and yelling in sync "You TOLD him !"

"Alright all jokes aside, let's get down to business.. so what exactly do we do now that the plan is done.
Felix held his husbands hands "well we announce to everyone we are sticking together and we're happily married" Hyunjin loving the idea. They both were tired of playing the part and they desperately just wanted to reunite. A knock on the door, interrupting their conversation, Han quickly got up and went to the door where Kassy stood anxiously "Hi hannie, I know this is so unexpected but I need to tell you something important" Han opened the door wider so she can see all 4 men in the room.

She quickly came in and said hello to everyone and sat down, rummaging through her bag.
"Oh lixie.. I just wanted to say ! You absolutely killed it out there ! If I were a man ... I'd" she was cut off by a fake cough from Hyunjin who looked at her and with his brow raised. She immediately changed the subject, "so while I was doing some research, I came across something... I think you all should see" she said as she pulled out a folder with some photos and miscellaneous papers.

Kassy could tell what that meant and she quickly moved on "I looked at our work employee files, specifically at Crystal's and what I found is quite interesting. Parents not in the picture, she hasn't lived here long and no other information. My guess .. is her name is probably fake. I only found one picture of when she was young" She opened the file to pull out a single picture and who was on it was scary but not surprising, "That's Jay .." Han exclaimed, as he visibly got nervous.
"You know him ?" Kassy questioned.

Minho nodded, as he was holding his husband. "Him and Han were together but ... it was terrible" he answered.

"Well She and this man have a connection ... they used to live in the same area and they even attended the same school. Crazy thing is the man went missing few years ago, body never recovered."

The 4 men tensed as they knew exactly where the man was at and they can guarantee he was not alive.
Felix quickly said "Kass .. we need to tell you something .." the woman became concerned as the blondes voice faltered.
"You see Kass .. this man right here, few years ago kidnapped me and Hannie from our apartment. He was trying to get back at Han for leaving him. We were on the verge of being assaulted if Hyunjin and Minho didn't come on time." He said.
Kassy immediately became shocked .. "I .. I am so so sorry" she exclaimed.
Felix and Han only grabbed her hands to assure it was alright, "it's ok Kass, we handled it" her eyes widened as she immediately caught on to what they meant, "So Crystal and Jay must have dated or were friends ... explains why she's here now, probably for revenge or something" Minho mentioned.

Felix didn't know how she could have found out they were involved but all he could do now was roll with the punches. "We just have to be careful now, we know who she is, her connection and we can't let anyone know what WE know" Han exclaimed.
Kassy was nervous now .. from her just helping to possibly her life being in danger.
Hyunjin could see the girl try to hide that she was terrified "Hey Kass .." he called.
She looked up at him and smiled worriedly, "You helped save our marriage and for that I owe you my life .." he exclaimed.
She immediately felt at ease, sending him back a reassuring smile.

The Boss and The Burlesque: ENCORE Where stories live. Discover now