The Gala

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with only an hour left to get ready and them smelling and looking like sex, they rushed to get ready.
They showered quickly in the office shower and while Felix got his hair and makeup done, Hyunjin got ready pretty quickly. Simple hair do but he looked stunning, he waited downstairs at the bar for his lover. He was in the middle of having drinks waiting when he saw the lights dim and the curtains come up revealing a girl with nothing but a boa covering her. She looked as if she was practicing, but in reality she was performing for the man, as he was the only man in the room, the way she moved her body and touched herself. Constantly making eye contact with the man, who was looking at everything but her.

Hyunjin kept looking at the stairs waiting for his lover to come and when he wasn't moving fast enough he decided to just wait outside. He ran through the doors and stood by the front, he knows what kind of establishment this was but seeing people dance other this his husband made him feel like he was cheating. Felix was getting last minute things when he heard the music going on the stage and that's where he saw the girl, completely topless and doing the most sexual performance. All he saw was red, the audacity of this bitch dancing like that when his husband is around. He went out his office door and down the stairs as crystal wrapped up her performance, she made eye contact with the blonde and gave a slick smile, almost as if she had Ill intent over her actions. Well that's at least what Felix thought.

"Hope you and your husband have fun at the Gala Mr. Hwang" she smiled, making her way to the dressing room. Felix wanted to smack her upside the head, he had no proof and he had no reason to think this but she just gave him a bad feeling. Like her purpose here had another motive. He refrained from saying anything because if he did, he would just sound like he was bitter.

Felix left quickly where he joined his husband outside, "you ready ?" He asked Hyunjin who nodded. They both entered the car silence falling over the two.

Meanwhile inside, Crystal was in the dressing room removing her makeup when she heard a voice.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing ?" said a fellow dancer, ( this is the same dancer who spoke to crystal last time )
Crystal looked at her confused "oh whatever do you mean ?" she smirked. The dancer could tell she had another motive and it wasn't a good one, "if you think your little stunt is going to work, it's not"
Crystal laughed "oh sweetheart, there's no stunt being pulled... if that man wants me who am I to reject ?" She smirked an evil smirk.
The dancer couldn't help but laugh "oh.. you must not know the boss, he's deeply in love with Lix and he would never want you. So I suggest you back off" she said sternly.
Crystal smiled and went back to fixing her makeup and started singing a tune.

Meanwhile at the Gala

"Oh Mr and Mr. Hwang, we are so honored to have you here !" The man said with a drink in hand, embracing the couple. Felix and Hyunjin were the youngest here so all their colleagues treated them like their own kids. While Felix and Hyunjin were walking around and talking to other couples, Felix was pulled aside by a woman who's husband was a ceo as well. She pulled Felix into their little group of ceo wives and all started conversation, "OH lixie ! You look absolutely stunning !" One woman said.
Felix smiled "Thank You" the group continued to talk about random things when another woman came up. "You will not believe what I just found out !" The woman squealed with her glass in hand, the other women and Felix gave her a look to continue. The woman took a big breath "Mr.Kang is cheating on his wife !" She whisper shouted, Loud gasps came from the group "how do you know !" one girl of the group asked.
Felix rolled his eyes and laughed "women sure love gossip" he thought to himself and the girl leaned in closer "One of the waitresses told me that Mr and Mrs.Kang came in separate cars and I also found out that he's sleeping with ... get this ... his secretary!"
The whole group gasped and said NO in sync.

While the women were talking Felix noticed Mrs. Kang sitting in the corner by herself while her husband was mingling around, the heartbreak on her face and the hurt in her eyes. He couldn't help but feel sorry for her, imagine being married that long and that's what breaks your marriage he thought to himself. He couldn't help but want to hug her and cry for her, here he was instead walking towards her. She looked like she needed someone to listen, Felix stopped right in front of the table she was sitting at and looked at her "Mrs. Kang ... I .. I am Hwang Felix .. the husband of -"
"Mr. Hwang Hyunjin ... yes I know dear" she looked up at him "wow they were right .. you really are stunning .." she sighed.
Felix leaned by her chair "Mrs. Kang do you mind if I sit with you ...?" he asked softly. She nodded and that's when Felix pulled a chair to sit with her.

Now that he was close to her, he could tell she was drinking.. she smelled like a bottle of whiskey but in her situation who wouldn't drink themselves away.
There was a few moments of silence before the woman began to speak "How long have you two been married ?" She asked as she looked upon the crowd.
"5 and a half years mam" Felix responded.
The lady chuckled "honeymoon phase... that's sweet"
Felix didn't know what to reply so he just said "yeah"

The woman took out a a flask from her purse and began to pour it into a wine glass that was set on the table "let me tell you something darling ... I've been married 25 years, we got married young but I have stayed by his side through things you can't imagine, I've given him children ! 3 of them and I *hiccup* helped him build that company from the ground up" she slammed the table. Felix saw as tears formed in her eyes, "I ... I what d-did I do wrong ?" she whispered as tears fell down her cheeks. Felix didn't hesitate, he immediately pulled her in for a hug and rubbed her back. The woman quickly hugged Felix back, holding him tight, she needed this.

Felix tried to refrain from asking but couldn't help it, "h-how did y-you find out ?" He asked.
She picked up her head and wiped her face with a tissue, "I noticed he was somewhat distant past few months ... I thought he was just stressed out, that was until I go to a new nail salon last week in town and a nail tech went on and on about the gossip she's heard" the woman took another sip.
"She's in the middle of doing my nails when she says "oh and Mr. Kang ? him and his secretary Lea have been hooking up for months now, everyday after work" the woman let out a bitter laugh. Tears coming down faster. "Can you believe it ?" She chuckled. Felix was astonished by this information everytime he's heard of Mr.Kang he's always bragged about his wife and family. How can he do this to her ? The woman took a huge sip "enjoy it while you can dear, the minute he finds a new piece he'll forget everything he vowed to do" she hiccuped as she got up and left, most likely for another drink. Felix was left dumbfounded. There's no way Hyunjin would ever leave Felix right ? He will still be in love with him 20 years from now Right ?

"Darling there you are ! I've been looking all over" Hyunjin said as he made his way to his husband who was still sitting, "hey are you alright ?"
Felix looked up at him "can we go home ?" he asked hesitantly, Hyunjin could see the boys mood completely down "yes my love, let's go" he smiled.
He didn't know what was wrong with the blonde but he knew it probably wouldn't be a good idea to discuss it here.

The two were in the car, driving home in complete silence. Hyunjin wanted to ask and so without much thought
"Sweetheart can you tell me what's wrong ?"

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