You're the BOSS

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Hyunjin and Felix soon arrived to Hwang enterprises, it was a huge building with all glass windows. Felix and Hyunjin soon entered the building and were now walking towards the elevator.
"Oh Mr. Hwang .. Mr.Kim left a message for you, says to call him back urgently." The lady handed him a note and walked off. Felix was right behind his husband as they got to the floor they were supposed to. Just as they entered the floor, Hyunjin was swarmed by people asking him questions and telling him various things. Felix stood in the shadows as he felt it wasn't his place to say anything.

He was standing by the break room where a group of workers were at and he got the bright idea to talk with them, besides he is their boss too. Felix slowly entered the break room, as he heard their conversation.

"Wow Mr. Hwang is so good looking, imagine being with a man like that" One girl exclaimed which the group nodded and agreed.

One boy was pouring coffee into his cup "you can look all you want but from what I hear he's married"

The group just started laughing and groaning "that's what they all say but all it takes is one girl in the office and next thing you know BOOM affair" some girl stated.

The boy rolled his eyes as he made his way to the table they were sitting at, "You're living in delusion this isn't a Wattpad story" he laughed.

"I bet his wife isn't even all that, they never are"

"I heard it's not even a wife, Get this .... it's a husband !" Another boy exclaimed.

The whole table gasped "he's Gay ?"

The boy nodded until until one girl spoke up "Well maybe you can turn a gay man straight" she laughed.

Felix who was standing behind the large vending machine, immediately started to walk back out.. he wasn't sad, he was annoyed. He gets his husband is attractive and he can't really control how people view him but he can't lie and say it doesn't make him uncomfortable.

Just as he turned to walk he noticed Ms. Kim
"Great that's all I need right now" he thought to himself. She immediately noticed and walked over to him, "Mr.Hwang i didn't expect to see you here" Felix nodded and gave her a light smile.
she immediately noticed how upset he looked "oh Felix, what's wrong ?" She asked and for once he confided in her and he didn't care if she wasn't good to him in the past, he wanted to just talk to someone.

Felix told her everything and immediately after he did, he felt instant regret. She's the last person, he should be telling this to because of how she's acted with him before. Too late.
She sighed and shook her head "Lix I have one question" before he could even reply she cut him off "How are you confident on stage but not in this office ? YOUR office !" she then proceeded to talk.
"Felix you are the husband of the biggest mafia boss and CEO right now ! You need to act like it !"

"How do I - ?"

"You start by having confidence not just on stage ! YOU own this building, he is YOUR husband, don't be afraid to SHOW people that. Don't stand there in the shadows like you're a ghost ! Walk into this office with your head held high and your back straight and when people see you ! They'll know ! That you are the WHAT ?"

Felix smiled as he looked up at her "I'm the BOSS"

She yelled "YOU ARE THE BOSS !" as she jumped up enthusiastically, "now go in and show them that"

Felix smiled "Thank you, Lena" she gave him a sweet smile and walked towards the elevator.

Felix ran to the car where Hyunjin would keep extra clothes for Felix and that's where he found a black turtle neck, a black coat and black slacks. He fixed his hair, sprayed some cologne and fixed his face.
he gave himself a pep talk and walked back into the building but this time ? Like HE OWNS IT.
Well because he does.

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