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A week has passed since the gala and after that night Felix and Hyunjin completely talked about everything, Felix mentioned all his worries and Hyunjin mentioned how he wants the blonde to be more vocal. Both things they can improve on.

Felix and Hyunjin were at the company building today talking over a deal with some potential associates. "Mr. Yang let's talk business" Hyunjin said as they were in the conference room, Felix was sitting right next to his husband holding his hand.
"Well Mr. Hwang we really need another idea on how to smuggle it, the milk powder is closely regulated by the government now and we just can't rely on it anymore. The men in the room were discussing, going back and forth, Felix understood he was the boss as well but he didn't really enjoy these meetings or the business part of it.
While the men were discussing with Hyunjin, Felix decided to fix up his makeup he applied his powder and put on light blush and applied his lip tint. That's when the idea hit him like a truck. Makeup.

Felix finished up before he began to speak "I believe I have an idea Gentleman" the men immediately became silent, they knew when Felix spoke everyone had to listen. Felix got up and began to circle around the table, "Gentlemen we need to be more creative, and think of a way to smuggle it. Not only discreetly but efficiently, so what better way to do that ?" He asked. The men were left dumbfounded, they had no answer for the blondes question, Felix chuckled as the cluelessness was very apparent.
Felix took out his compact powder and tossed it on the table, "there's your answer boys" he replied.

The men looked at the makeup and began to observe it, "so we'll smuggle it in this container ?" one man asked. Felix nodded as he looked at his husband who's proud smile was wide on his face, Hyunjin couldn't help but be proud of the blonde. This is what he's wanted for him, to be confident and to speak up.

Felix began to break down the science and how it can be smuggled, "so in the pressed powder we will add the cocaine and label it as Talc powder, we will get a patent with a makeup company and smuggle it in with their products." The men were elated as they realized the blonde has yet again come up with a billion dollar idea. Felix sat down next to his husband who held his hand proudly and gave him a peck on the cheek "that's my boy" he whispered.
The men began to discuss how much money and profit they would make.
Felix interrupted them "along with my husband, I would also like a share of the profit" the men didn't reject his request and offered even more for the idea itself. Making Felix a billionaire in less then an hour.

The men began to get up and get to work on executing this plan, they bowed and left the conference room. Hyunjin's uncle smiling at the couple "You two are an amazing team you know that ?" The two lovers nodded as they held each others hands, "Honey go wait in my office, I have a surprise for you" Hyunjin smiled at the blonde who immediately obliged.
The two men watched as Felix left the room, "You have a real one on your side Nephew, a wise man once told me "you are only as strong as your partner is" so you better make sure you are doing your part" he teased.
Hyunjin laughed, "I know uncle" the man soon left and Hyunjin went to his office.

Hyunjin arrived at his office where his beautiful husband was standing, waiting for him. The blonde gave him that beautiful smile which sent a vibration through the man's heart and body.
"Oh my Doll, I'm so so proud of you ! See I knew you could do it" the man swung his husband around like a princess. Felix giggled as he was picked up and swung around, "I love you ... my darling" Felix replied. The two embraced each other in a long hug before looking at each other. "So what's the big surprise" Felix smiled as he looked up at the man.
Hyunjin smiled as he released from the hug and walked towards the desk pulling out a blue print.
Felix walked over and observed the blue prints "what is it ?" He asked curiously.
Hyunjin went over to hug his husband from behind, "well I'm thinking if we're extending our family, it only makes sense to expand our space, so instead of moving why don't we just build our own home" he exclaimed. The blonde couldn't help but yell in excitement "our own home ! Really !?" Felix exclaimed as he jumped in excitement. Up until now Felix had just moved in with Hyunjin into his house but to have a place of their own, that they both constructed felt really personal. It was even more important now that they're extending their family.
"So what do you think my dear ?" Hyunjin smiled, Felix kissed him on the lips "I love it ! Can I decorate it ?" He asked eagerly.
Hyunjin scoffed "My dear husband this is OUR home, you can do whatever you want to it"

This was such a beautiful moment for them, their marriage was blooming and their family growing and it seemed like nothing could ruin their happiness.
Little did they know ... Trouble was brewing.

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