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That morning the two woke up, still in each other arms. Felix eyes fluttered open as the sun poured in through the windows, he adjusted himself and turned to his husband who was still asleep. He looked at how the sun hit his features.. he was so beautiful. Felix began to stroke his face, gliding his finger from his cheek bones to his jaw, "Beautiful" Felix whispered. Hyunjin's eyes fluttered open to see the blonde looking directly at him, "Good morning my sweet Angel" he whispered, letting a beautiful smile paint his face. Felix couldn't help but smile back.

The two laid in bed a little longer, not seeing each other for three weeks and then the incident. This is what they needed, just to talk and laugh like they always do. In a world where it's just them.

The two finally got up, walking down the stairs hand in hand "what do you want to eat my love, I'll make you anything !" said Hyunjin who was now doing a hundred times better. He had a fever and he was severely dehydrated but as soon as the blonde came in, it was like his body was instantly healed of all wounds physical and emotional. He was convinced that if he did die, bring the blonde to his death bed and watch how he could bring him back to life.
Hyunjin wasn't at all a great cook but he was willing to try, he decided on eggs and toast with pancakes.

Hyunjin went into the fridge realizing they didn't have eggs and the bread was moldy, Felix walked up behind him "Jinnie, you really didn't go buy groceries while I was gone ?" He chuckled to which only Hyunjin could reply "I couldn't eat ..." they suddenly they heard the loud presence of their friends "Yeah Minho were headed towards the kitchen and I HOPE they aren't having sex, because we are WALKING to the KITCHEN" Han said loudly as him, Minho and Kassy walked into the room.
Felix rolled his eyes "we're not doing anything dummy, we were going to make breakfast" he laughed. Han smiled as he saw the two together, he knew no one could ever replace the spot of Hyunjin and he knew Hyunjin could never find another Felix.
These two were a match made in heaven.

Minho put the food on the table, "we thought we could all sit together and enjoy a meal" he smiled as he started getting out all the food for them.
Kassy hesitatingly sat down as this was technically her first time meeting the Boss himself and being in their home. "Kassy go ahead and sit honey" Felix said as he noticed the girl was somewhat shy.
She smiled and took a seat, Felix then introduced her to Hyunjin. "Kass this is my Husband, Hwang Hyunjin" he smiled, which Kassy smiled and bowed to the man and he returned. They all sat down and ate, had conversation and of course laughed.

After breakfast, the group headed into the living room. Felix dreaded this moment because it meant that they had to talk about what happened at the club. Felix was willing to forget and move on as long as he didn't have to hear about it, but in order for them to go on with the plan they had to talk about it.
Kassy brought out a bag which contained a glass, a specific glass that could be the answer to this whole situation. The boys looked at the glass, while Kassy turned to Hyunjin "Mr. Hwang if you don't mind telling me if you remember anything from that night", the man became visibly tense as he doesn't remember a thing. "I ... can't .. remember, one minute I'm searching for Felix and I went to the bar to get a glass of water, next thing I know I got slapped awake" he said. Felix becoming red feeling slight embarrassment from how he acted.

Kassy looked back at Hyunjin "Do you mind telling me sir, what you felt like ?" He nodded "I couldn't see ... everything was blurry and I could only see shapes but not faces, I kept falling because I couldn't walk straight and I couldn't move" he said.
"I blacked out after that"

Kassy nodded and picked up the class, "I went back to school last night and I took the glass with me, and I found two different substances, ketamine and rohypnol. Felix going to college and acing in chemistry, he knew exactly what the drugs were and what they could do.. his blood beginning to boil at the thought of his husband going through what he went through. Hyunjin looked at her confused "so I was drugged ?" she nodded quickly "yes sir, you see rohypnol acts fast, you experience nausea, dizziness, disorientation"
Han began to spoke "that's why when you first woke up, you had no clue why you were there"
Hyunjin thought it was a lot to process at the moment, but the burning question still lingered "so I did cheat ? .... B-baby I'm so so sorry" he turned to Felix and immediately held him in his arms begging for his forgiveness. Felix could only hug him back "baby listen to me, you were taken advantage of and that is not your fault" Felix assured him.

"Besides Mr. Hwang, physically you wouldn't be able to "cheat" she said. Before Hyunjin could ask why she answered, knowing his question.
"You see Ketamine, is a sedative used to paralyze animals before Surgery.. it leaves you completely immobilized" she finished.
Felix looked at his husband who he could tell didn't understand "It basically means you wouldn't be able to get an erection, so you couldn't have had sex" he sighed. This came as a wave of relief to Hyunjin, yes being drugged and almost raped was terrible but in his head hypothetically betraying his husband was worse. "Why did she do this ?" He asked.

"I think she likes you Mr. Hwang, not just because she wants to be with you but because she's trying to drive a wedge in between you both, reason is unknown still. but my guess is she set the whole thing up. She staged that whole scene and wanted to break you up" Kassy mentioned.

Felix remembered something Ms.Kim said, "Darling, I need to talk to you" he pulled Hyunjin away into their pantry and closed the door. "What's wrong, baby" Hyunjin asked. Felix made sure no one was near the door "I went to go see Lena that night, that's why I wasn't there when that happened to you"
Hyunjin whisper shouted "Baby why did you go see her ? You know she doesn't like us"
Felix sighed "babe, just listen to me okay.. when I went to see her she handed me a file..."
Felix told his husband everything, he explained what Jay's connection was to that gang and what the upcoming mafia plan was. Felix added "I think crystal might somehow be involved.. her coming into the picture around the same time they started coming up, it can't be a coincidence"

Hyunjin nodded as he understood "okay, this is what we're going to do, we keep this between me and you only okay ? Until we're able to find out more"
Felix nodded "we need to come up with a code word when something happens"
They thought for a second "ooh Esperanza" Hyunjin suggested, "it means hope in Spanish" 
The two pinky promised, they both knew they could trust Han and Minho but Kassy was around so they didn't want to risk it.

They finally rejoined the group and discussed the plan, the plan was to still go on as if they didn't make up. To act like divorce was on the table.
They had to convince everyone that it was done between them. Which would be hard for the married couple, because that meant they couldn't be together publicly.

"Don't worry Darling, we will be alright"

The Boss and The Burlesque: ENCORE Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora